Doctors without borders план урока 9 класс

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Тема занятия: Визит доктора. У доктора. Контроль знания лексики. Чтение и драматизация диалогов.

  • Образовательная: Расширение словарного запаса по теме. Совершенствование механизма восприятия и порождение высказываний, устной речи и чтения.
  • Развивающая: Развитие познавательной активности. Развитие языковой догадки при чтении текстов, развитие речемыслительной деятельности.
  • Воспитательная: Воспитание активности у учащихся, интереса к языку и самостоятельности в выполнении парных упражнений. Преодоление языкового барьера .Воспитание здорового образа жизни.

Вид занятия: комбинированный урок

Наглядные пособия : грамматические таблицы ( неправильные глаголы, времена действительного залога)

Раздаточный материал: клише диалогов, карточки с упражнениями, текст

ТСО: аудиомагнитофон с записями

Межпредметные связи: русский язык

1. Организационный момент.

1.1 Good morning! I’ m happy to see you again. Who is on duty today? What day of week is it? What date is it? Who is absent today? What’ s the matter with her? How do you like the weather of today?

1.3 Work at phonetic: Listen to me and repeat after me: Heart, headache, hurt, heal, hair, health

To trouble, toe, tongue, to touch

Recover, to prescribe, to break

Lung, tongue, finger,

2. Повторение пройденного материала( 10 -15 мин.)

2.1 Повторение неправильных глаголов с опорой на таблицу.

2.2 Выполнение упражнения Л. 1 стр. 163

2.3Контроль лексики ( словарный диктант) (Помощь,головнаяболь,лекарство,болезнь,вылечить,больной,кашель,выписывать,выздоравливать,давление,чувствовать, чихать ,живот, беспокоить ,поранить, легкое, кровь, грудная клетка, ломать)

3. Изложение нового материала (40 -45 мин.)

3.1Чтение текста “ The doctor’s visit” (про себя)

3.2 Answer to the questions:

1. What did Lena tell her mother one morning?

2. Why did her mother say that she had caught a cold.

3. What was Lena’s temperature?

4. Where did Lena’s mother telephoned to?

5. How did the doctor examine Lena?

6. What did she say after examination?

7. What medicine did the doctor prescribe?

8. Where did they get the pills?

9. How often did Lena have to take the medicine?

10. What happened in the next few days?

3.3 Чтение коротких диалогов по теме.

4. Закрепление пройденного материала (15-20 мин.)

4.1 Драмматизация диалогов (парная работа)

4.2 Контроль диалогов

5. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок( 5 мин.)

6. Домашнее задание (повторить диалоги)

Calling first aid

- First aid here . What happened?

- A man here is having a serious heart troubling

- Sidorov, 58 years old.

-42 ,May Street apartment 16

- A car will arrive in 10 minutes

I don’ t feel well

- What’s the matter with you ,sonny, where does it hurt?

- I don’t feel well.

- Where is the pain?

- I’ve got a very bad headache and my nose is running.

- You have got a cold .Take this pill. Have a cup of hot tea with honey and go to bed.

Felling bad

- Hello. How are you?

- I’m not doing well .I’ve got a cold.

- Oh ,I’m sorry to hear that .You must go to the doctor at once.

- Well ,I’m sure, I’ll recover in no time.

- Take care of yourself. I hope you fell better soon

- Hey, what’s the matter with you?

- I’ve got a toothache.

- Why don’t you go to the dentist then?

- I’m afraid to take a teeth out ,it hurts.

At the Chemist’s

- Will you make up this prescription please?

- Just a minute…Here you are. One table spoon before meals three times a day.

- As for this tablets , you can get them without a prescription in the other department.

At the doctor’s

Doctor: Would you like to come in?

Patient: Thank you

D.: That cough sounds really very bad. How long have you had it?

P.: For about two weeks.

D.: I think I should listen to your chest and to your lungs .Take of your shirt. Breathe in deeply, that’s right…and again please, Sit down I’m going to take your blood pressure.

P.: Can I put my shirt on? It’s rather cold here.

D.: Oh, certainly you can. Sorry about the cold. The central heating is broken.Do you ever take any exercise?

D.: Now I want to take your pulse. Stand up ,please, and touch your toes. Do you smoke?

D.; You shouldn’t smoke at all. I want to take your temperature .Take this medicine 3 times a day after meals.

At the Chemist’s

- Good afternoon. Can I help you?

- Yes I’ve got a terrible headache.

- How long have you had it.

- Only about two or three hours

- Try this medicine.

- How much does it cost.

- Three pounds ,please

- Here you are. Thank you.

-Good morning .What can I do for you?

-I’d like a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.

-Is that all, Miss

-Yes that’s all.Thanks

The doctor’s visit

When it was time for Lena to get up one morning ,she told her mother that she was not feeling well.Her mother felt her forehead ,which was very hot, and said ,”Yes you were coughing during the night, perhaps you have caught a cold .”Then she took a daughter’s temperature.

“Your temperature is too high ,”she said ,”you can’t go to school today, you must stay in bed and I’ll call a doctor .”Then Lena’s mother phoned the home visiting service of the district polyclinic. “Will you , please, send a doctor ,”she said .”My daughter, 15 years old, has a temperature 37 point 9. She was coughing during the night and has a terrible headache .”Then she gave the address and the voice in the telephone promised that the doctor would come during the day.

Some times later the bell rang and Lena’s mother opened the door to a woman about her age who was wearing a white doctor’ s coat under her winter coat and carrying a small bag in her hand.” So you have a cough and a temperature?” she asked, entering Lena’s room .”Well let see what the matter is.”

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Этот урок был проведен в 10 классе, презентация о докторах- волонтерах из Всемирной Организации.

 The 12 th of March. The theme of the lesson : Doctors without Borders.

The 12 th of March.

The theme of the lesson : Doctors without Borders.

 Warm -up. Hippo Crazy.

Hippo Crazy.



True false statements

True false statements

Good-bye !

The 13 th of March. The theme of the lesson : Adverbs

The 13 th of March.

The theme of the lesson : Adverbs

Using Adverbs, Limiting Show Speed Reflect how often Show how well something is done Show degree and effort Show in what way something is done

Using Adverbs,

Reflect how often

Show how well something is done

Show degree and effort

Show in what way something is done

Barely only meeting the minimum emphasizes the narrow margin of achieving or having something I have barely any money. It is barely 11:00. We can’t eat lunch yet. Hardly with great effort or with little likelihood almost not at all emphasizes the difficulty involved It is hardly possible to save money when you are a student. I could hardly stand I was so tired

Barely only meeting the minimum emphasizes the narrow margin of achieving or having something I have barely any money. It is barely 11:00. We can’t eat lunch yet.

with great effort or with little likelihood

almost not at all

emphasizes the difficulty involved

It is hardly possible to save money when you are a student.

I could hardly stand I was so tired

Adverbs that show in what way something is done Willingly With pleasure Without hesitation Bill Gates willing gives much money to charity. The crowd moved off willing when they realized the danger of staying.

Adverbs that show in what way something is done

With pleasure

Without hesitation

Bill Gates willing gives much money to charity.

The crowd moved off willing when they realized the danger of staying.

 Warm-up. Dance

Read, colour and draw Working with posters

Read, colour and draw Working with posters

Good-bye !

The 11 th of March.

The 11 th of March.

The theme of the lesson : ``Medicine in the past `` Grammar : Used to

The theme of the lesson : ``Medicine in the past ``

Grammar : Used to

To be used to Used to be To be used is followed by a gerund: I am used to living in a big city. I am used to having tea with milk. To express the habitual past the infinitive form as; used: I used to live in Karaganda, but now I live in Jezkazgan.

To be used to Used to be

Ex 9.Match the parts of the sentences to complete the definitions.

Ex 10.Match the pictures with the sentences .Write the letters in the boxes,

Exercises He ………… ……………, but he doesn’t any more. ( to smoke ) He is from Egypt. He …………… in cold climate. ( not live ) We do a lot of exercises in class. We ………………….. it. ( not do ) They …………………………. horror films. But they watch now. ( not to use )

He ………… ……………, but he doesn’t any more. ( to smoke )

He is from Egypt. He …………… in cold climate. ( not live )

We do a lot of exercises in class. We ………………….. it. ( not do )

They …………………………. horror films. But they watch now. ( not to use )

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Lesson plan

Date: 2/03/2018 Class: 9 V

The theme: Unit 11 A visit to the doctors and Doctors without borders

Educational: enlarging pupils’ knowledge to get some information about medicine to use it in the sentence patterns;

Practical: to develop oral speech; to improve pronunciation; to train thematic vocabulary, to develop memory and attention;

Bringing-up: to broaden pupils’ minds; to bring up patriots of the Motherland

Type: combined

Technologies: Individual work, group work, pair work, role play

Interaction: Kazakh, Russian, Biology, Geography, History, Medicine

Lesson structure

Working on the theme illnesses

Grammar focus “Used to”

Video roller “ At the doctor’s”

Pair work “ I am a doctor”

Org.moment Talking with duty

Good morning dear children. Glad to see you again. Now, let’s turn around and welcome our teachers. Let’s begin our lesson. Can you tell me who is on duty today?

How are you? I think you are fine today. On the blackboard you can see a map of mood and you must glue stickers on own mood.

At first let’s check up your homework . Can you tell what your homework is? Let’s play a game “Dictation for the spy”. The rule of this game is that one person will be a spy and you see a task on the blackboard and this spy must run and remember the questions and quickly tell about it to your team.

Let’s watch a performance of our pupils and after that you must tell me a theme of our lesson”. Good the theme of our lesson is “A visit to a doctor” and The aim of our lesson is enlarging pupils’ knowledge to get some information about medicine to use it in the sentence patterns;

The Quotation of our lesson is “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” is written by Franklin.

You are divided into two groups Surgeon, Pediatrician and Dentist

One student must be your head physician . He/she must give marks to their group members.

Let’s watch a video. After you must tell me the theme of our lesson.

Main part. Today we have unusual lesson. We have open lesson. So we’ll speak about visit to a doctor. Ok on the screen you can see some names of illnesses and try to repeat these words.


Today we will talk about how to treat them and what we should do to feel better. I want to be a doctor some minutes. Now I’m not a teacher. I am a doctor. My name is Mrs Herb. And I want to give you some advice how to be healthy. There are a lot of different remedies.

This is bandage . It’s for a broken arm or leg. If you have a broken arm or leg you should put bandage on it. All together –bandage.

This is plaster . It’s for a cut. If you have a cut, you should put a plaster on it.

This is baking soda . It’s for a sore throat.

This is raspberry jam . It’s delicious. I like it. It’s for a cold or flu or if you have got a temperature.

This is herb . You can make herbal tea and drink it if you have a sore throat, a cold, flu.

Do you remember these things? Onion, garlic, honey, lemon, let’s pronounce them together. They are good if you have a cold, flu, a sore throat.

Ancient medicine

Children do you know who is Hippocrate? He was born in 460-370 BC. He’s a father of Medicine. He wrote the book “Ancient Medicine”

But now let’s speak about medicine in the past. Since the beginning of time people have had illnesses and doctors have tried to cure them. In the days when people knew very little about medicine, some very strange and horrible cures were tried. Here are some of the worst. Toothache, backache, baldness, scrofula

Grammar guide “ Used to” (from the Bilimland website)

We use “used to” to express a habit activities or situation that existed in the past but which no longer existed. Look at the slide, using of the Used to.

Ancient Egyptians used to use a dead mouse for toothache.

Did they use to use a dead mouse for a toothache?

They didn’t use to use a dead mouse for a toothache.

Here are some sentences for “used to” to each group.

Make up the sentences and translate

Used/ I/ play/a/to/football/of/ lot

Doing exercises

Exercise 3p.n 83 a) Medicine. Match the parts of the sentences to complete the definitions.

1. A hospital is a place where a) takes people to hospital

2. An ambulance is a vehicle that b) liquid is put into a person’s arm with a needle

3. A patient is someone who c) doctors and nurse work

4. An epidemic is when d) operates on people

5. A vaccination is something e) a very large number of people have the same disease

6. A surgeon is someone who f) you put on a cut to keep it clean

7. An injection is when g) has a health problem

8. Antiseptic is something that h) prevents you from getting a disease

Keys: 1c, 2a, 3g, 4e, 5h, 6d, 7b, 8f.



Who wants to be a doctor?

I wish your dream come true.

Home task exercises 2,3 p.n 66 Workbook

Evaluation. Head physician of each group gave marks to their group members.

Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Здоровый образ жизни" для УМК Кузовлева и Биболетовой. Данный урок можно использовать как урок-КВН.

урок "Здоровый образ жизни" 207.67 КБ
презентация к уроку "Здоровый образ жизни" 2.5 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Healthy way of life.

Цель урока: вывести учащихся на творческий уровень владения письменной речью на основе подготовительных и продуктивных упражнений по аудированию, чтению, говорению.

развивать умение систематизировать знания, память, креативное мышление, логику изложения в устной и письменной речи, делать умозаключения.

Формировать сознание необходимости беречь здоровье, что следует /не следует делать, чтобы быть здоровым; прививать познавательный интерес, интерес к творческой деятельности.

закрепление полученных ЗУН.

урок – практикум по аудированию, чтению, говорению, письму.

по степени самостоятельности мышления учащихся: репродуктивные, продуктивные; по степени управления учебной работой: под управлением учителя, самостоятельная работа.

Материально – дидактическое оснащение:

учебник, проектор, компьютер, экран, доска, MP3, карточки.

T: Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers! We are very happy to see you at our lesson. Today we`ll devote our lesson to reading, writing, speaking about WHAT. Have a lok at these pictures and guess WHAT ARE WE GOING TO SPEAK ABOUT? (1 слайд)

P: I think we are going to speak about smoking……. alcohol drinking……., taking drugs………., about regular meals……, healthy food and going in for sports.

T: Yes of cause, you are right we are going to speak about health, health problems and healthy way of life. (2 слайд)

I am sure it is very important to be healthy. Health was valued greatly in all times and in all countries. People can buy different things but they can't buy their health.

Today we have a competition. So we have two teams. And at the end of the lesson we’ll make the rules how to keep fit. But now I wish you good luck.

I . The 1 st task is

You see different parts of habits on the screen. Match the words from the 1-st and the 2-nd columns.(3слайд)

A. Physical a. low-fat food 1. влияние окружающей среды

B. Taking b . breakfast 2. есть низкокалорийную еду

C. Personal c. activity 3 . регулярные приемы пищи

D. Skipping d. alcohol 4. пить спиртные напитки

E. Regular e. drugs 5. принимать наркотики

F. Environmental f. diet 6. привычки здоровья

G. Health g. hygiene 7. физическая активность

H. Healthy h. meals 8. пропускать завтрак

I. Eating i. influence 9. здоровая диета

J. Drinking j. habits 10. личная гигиена

II . The 2nd task

You see different health habits on the screen. Read them, translate and say if they are good or bad habits. (4 слайд)

Good habits Bad habits

Exercising Drinking too much alcohol

Good plain food Smoking

Taking a cold shower Snacking

Personal hygiene Taking drugs

A healthy diet Physical inactivity

Eating too much sweets

III. The 3d task (5слайд)

Ш I would like to pay your attention that health is not something that comes to you by accident. Our health depends on many things: the food we eat, our good or bad habits, our physical activity.

I want you to remember proverbs about eating and some habits, but the words have mixed. Can you put them in the correct order to make the proverbs.

wealth is good above health

a day apple an away keeps doctor a

to and healthy bed wise makes a rise man early and early to wealthy

a mind sound in body a sound

eat live to but, to eat not live

he who has everything and has hope he who has hope has health

IV. The 4th task

Give the Russian equivalents of these English proverbs.

An apple a day keeps a doctor away.- Лук от семи недуг.

Good health is above wealth – Здоровье дороже денег.

A sound mind in a sound body – В здоровом теле – здоровый дух.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.- Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье , богатство и ум наживёт.

He who has kealth has hope and he who has hope has everything – Было бы здоровье, а остальное приложится.

Live not to eat, but eat to live – Много есть – не велика честь.

V. The 5th task (7слайд)

Have a look ,please. There are several questions about modern bad habits.

  • What habit is the most dangerous for the person? (I think taking drugs is the most dangerous habit for the person/Smoking causes heart disease and brain disease)
  • What are the modern bad habits ? / The modern bad habits are drinking too much alcohol, taking drugs, obesity/
  • How many times a day do you eat? /I eat 4 or 5 times a day/
  • Do you skip breakfast? /I don’t skip breakfast. /
  • Does our health depend on our way of life. (Yes it does.Our health depends on our way of life.)
  • Do you like sweets? Do you eat a lot of sweets?
  • Do you sometimes eat at night? /No I don’t/ I don’t eat at night/
  • When do people usually follow a diet? (People usually follow a diet when they want to lose weight, or they have health problems.)
  • Can a diet cause health problems? (Sometimes a diet can cause health problems)
  • Should we have our meals at regular hours? (Yes we should. We should have our meals at regular hours)

VI. Физминутка Your eyes are tired.

Look left, look right.
Look up, look down.
Look around.
Look at your nose.
Look at me.
Close your eyes.
Open. Wink and smile.

VII. To be healthy grown-ups and children should lead a healthy way of life. What is a healthy way of life? What should people do and what they shoudn’t/ This is our next task. (8 - 9слайд)

You shouldn’t: Smoke

  • Watch TV too long
  • Clean your teeth once a day
  • Eat too many sweets
  • Spend much time indoors
  • Eat between meals

You should: Get up early and go to bed early

  • Wash your hands before eating
  • Go in for sports
  • Sleep enough
  • Take a cold shower
  • Air the room

VIII. The next task №7 Complete the sentences. (слайд 11)

A misbalanced diet

people around us

the whole family

IX. Books, newspapers, radio and TV give all kind of information about food and health. Read the sentences and decide which information is a myth and which is a fact. Don’t forget to use – I think, I believe, I suppose, to my mind (Слайд 12)

helps to make your heart strong makes your bones strong

protects your teeth is good for your muscles

is good for your nerves is good for your eyes

helps to lose weight can help to lose weight without diet

Listen and check your suggestions. Exchange your exercise books, look at the screen and tick right variants

A._________ makes your bones strong

B. _________is good for your nerves

C. __________helps to make your heart strong

D. __________is good for your muscles

E.___________ protects your teeth

F. ___________is good for your eyes.

X. So today we have spoken about different problems concerning health. Now I want you to make a conclusion and make up health rules for you. Your friends. Parents foe everybody who wants to be healthy and happy.


1) the food we eat

2) our good or bad habits

3) our physical activity

You have worked very well today. You have 20 an d 25 points. I ’ ll give you only good and excellent marks .

So now I give you 3 puzzles? Which are red, green and yellow.

Do you like the lesson? Choose a red one.

You don’t understand something – choose a green one.

You don’t like the lesson – choose a green one.

Thanks for your work. I hope our lesson will be useful for you. You should always remember that health is above wealth. Try to follow these rules and you will be strong? Healthy and study well.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

What do you think we are going to speak about ?


Physical low-fat food Taking breakfast Personal activity Skipping alcohol Regular drugs Environmental diet Health hygiene Healthy meals Eating influence Drinking habits

Smoking Exercising Drinking too much alcohol Snacking Good plain food Taking drugs A healthy diet Eating too many sweets Taking a cold shower Physical inactivity Personal hygiene Health Habits Smoking Exercising Drinking too much Good plain food Taking drugs Snacking A healthy diet Eating too many sweets Taking a cold shower Physical inactivity Personal hygiene Good Bad

wealth is good above health a day apple an away keeps doctor a to and healthy bed wise makes a rise man early and early to wealthy a mind sound in body a sound eat live to but, to eat not live he who has everything and has hope he who has hope has health Put the words of the proverbs about health in a logical order

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Health is above wealth Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise A sound mind in a sound body he who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything Eat to live, but not live to eat

What habit is the most dangerous for the person? What are the modern bad habits ? How many times a day do you eat? Do you often skip breakfast? Does our health depend on our way of life? Do you like sweets? Do you eat a lot of sweets? Do you sometimes eat at night? When do people usually follow a diet? Can a diet cause health problems? Should we have our meals at regular hours ? Questions about health

Get up early and go to bed early Wash your hands before eating Smoke Watch TV too long Go in for sports Clean your teeth once a day Sleep enough Take a cold shower Eat too many sweets Spend much time indoors Eat between meals Air the room You should You shouldn’t Health Code

Smoke Watch TV too long Clean your teeth once a day Eat too many sweets Spend much time indoors Eat between meals You shouldn’t

Get up early and go to bed early Wash your hands before eating Go in for sports Sleep enough Take a cold shower Air the room You should

The task is to complete the sentences ….. causes makes affects teeth yellow obesity slow reactions skin unhealthy headache cancer clothes smell people around us speech unclear

Smoking Good plain food A healthy diet Personal hygiene Taking drugs Bad habits Sleep for 7 or 8 hours Drinking too much alcohol Physical exercises 1. The modern bad habits are … 2. … is really a good way to live. 3. Our town life today gives us little opportunities for … 4. Doctors always advice us to eat … 5. … makes people healthy and keeps them fit. 6. If you want to keep fit you must … 7. … dangerous for our health. 8. A healthy way of life includes … and absence of … Smoking Good plain food A healthy diet Personal hygiene Taking drugs Bad habits Sleep for 7 or 8 hours Drinking too much alcohol Physical exercises

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Планирование открытого урока английскому языку 5 А класса по теме "Daily life. My Day"

Планирование открытого урока английскому языку 5 А класса по теме "Daily life. My Day".

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The Founding 1971 By French doctors and journalists seeking to improve global health. Most notably a famine in Nigeria.

MSF’s Principles Humanitarian Action Free of any religious or moral agenda Non-partisan Made possible by working on the donation of private donors as opposed to governments.

MSF’s Principles Providing the Best Medical Care Regardless of ability to pay Equal sharing of scientific knowledge and advancement Worked to decrease prices on drugs and treatments (DNDi)

Who? – Workers IN THE FIELD Medical Personnel Physicians Surgeons Anesthesiologists Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Certified Nurse-Midwives Pharmacists Midwives Mental Health Specialists Laboratory Scientists/Technicians Epidemiologists

Who? – Workers Non-medical Personnel Logisticians Water & Sanitation Logisticians Administrators/Financial

Who? – Treated 2006 Statistics Hospitalized 500,000 Conducted 9,000,000 outpatient consultations Delivered 99,000 babies Treated 1.8 million malaria patients Treated 150,000 child victims of famine Provided HIV/AIDS therapies to 100,000 Vaccinated 1.8 million for meningitis Performed 64,000 surguries

Responds to… ARMED CONFLICT, REFUGEES, AND WAR First: 1976 War in Lebanon Recently: The North Kivu region of DRC

Treatment Treat victims of violence from guns, bombs, etc. Provide shelter, food, water, etc. to those displaced by the violence Healthcare to those displaced as well Mental health also an issue

Treatment Cholera, meningitis, measles, malaria, etc. Most recently concentrated on TB and HIV/AIDS Advocates for equal treatment for all

Treatment Pioneered use of Ready to Use Food (RUF) Focuses primarily on children, as they are much more prone to malnutrition as well as disease

Treatment… Provide them with the care they need Advocate to national and local governments and organization for the people The victims may be afraid to seek care due to social stigmas or are unable to receive adequate treatment.

HIV + Children in Zimbabwe How HIV+ Kids see their Virus Tanatswa, 15: A black and white spider with two long legs and four small legs. It has two antennas and its skin is hard, like ice. Nozipho, 15: A green bug with horns. It is green because green is in most parts of the world and that is like HIV because "it doesn’t choose, anybody can get it." Doris, 9: A brown cockroach that bites and is "everywhere and can eat anybody." It has germs but you can kill it by "spraying something". Milantre, 15: A blue and white dog, because "the sky is blue and the clouds are white." Sometimes the dog has "the smile of sickness, sometimes joy." Fortunate, 15: A small green insect with a small face that is "smiling because it thinks it is happy."

MSF in Haiti November 7, 2008 Roof collapse in Port-au-Prince school Treated more than 80 victims of the collapse Difficulty transporting students due to road problems (mentioned in MBM)

Awards 1999 Nobel Peace Prize 14 Additional international awards recognizing humanitarian efforts since 1991.

DNDi Development of drugs for diseases still affecting people in developing countries, but are not as prevalent in the developed world anymore. Malaria, tuberculosis, sleeping sickness, etc.

DNDi – R&D Update drugs that no longer work efficiently due to development of resistance, newfound toxicity, etc. NOT FOR PROFIT! Nine different projects in progress currently. ASAQ – for malaria

DNDi – Partners and Locations DNDi Latin America DNDi Africa DNDi North America DNDi India DNDi Asia DNDi Japan

DNDi – Partners and Locations MSF – provided initial funding Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/Fiocruz (Brazil) Indian Council of Medical Research (India) Institut Pasteur (France) Ministry of Health (Malaysia) Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kenya)

Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines In response to high medical costs Medication, diagnostics, vaccinations Focuses on HIV antiretroviral therapies Also on TB treatments

Funding Private donors provide about 90% of the organisation's funding, while corporate donations provide the rest, giving MSF an annual budget of approximately US$1.63 billion

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