Diagnostic test по английскому 5 класс план урока

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

комплексный диагностический тест по всем разделам учебника за всю первую четверть. 2 варианта. первый можно дать на подготовку и всестороннее повторение всего изученного материала за всю 1 четверть, а второй уже непосредственно в классе для контроля

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Диагностическая работа по английскому языку. Первая четверть.

1. Everyday English . Соедините реплики

1) What's this in English?______a) Hello, Nicky.

2) How do you spell t? _____b) it's a glue stick.

3) This is my new friend, Nicky.____c) The twins are 4 years old.

4) How are you? _____d) It's on Monday

5) How old are they? _____e) S-C-I-E-N-C-E

6) Lets go to the lesson together.____ f) I'm fine, thank you.

7) When is the English lesson?______g ) Ok , great !

Science coins hot dog college Sunday a digital camera chocolate Tuesday the USA Maths primary

. Чтение. прочитай загадку, найди ответ в рамочке и запиши.

1. British children go to . school at the age of 5.

2. they study Biology and Chemistry and physics together. ___________

3. This day goes after Monday. ______________

4. It is popular food in the USA ____________

5. you study numbers at this lesson _____________

6. People collect them in many countries. _____________

7. it is the country of Spiderman and Superman.______________

8. It is a cool present for a birthday. __________________

3. Грамматика. Вставь в пропуски нужные слова.

1) My friend _______(am/is/are) a sportsman.

2) (these/that/this) __________ pens are not mine.

3) There are 7 ___________(child/ childs/ children)

4) Look at __________(this/that/those) photos!

5) The Stamp shop __________(am/is/are) in London.

6) they __________(has/have/to have) got a new scarf.

7) The pupils are in the gym.________(you/they/we) have a PE lesson.

8) a man has got two _____________(foots/ feet/feets)

9) _____________(what/ how/ How old) is your favourite subject?

4. разделите слова на две подгруппы по форме множественного числа

berry, toy, boy, story, way, day, cry, try, study, lady, fly, dictionary, holiday.

5. Лексика. Запиши слова на английском языке

шестьдесят три ____________

Запишите цифрами:

seventeen_________ fifteen___________ ninety-three ___________

twelve ____________ hundred _________ eleven _______________

eighty ____________ thirty ______________ thirteen_____________

5. Образуйте прилагательные:

Scotland _______________ Spain - ___________ China - ___________

Russia - ________________ the USA ____________ France - __________

6. Письмо . Заполни анкету, напиши о себе.

Name ____________ Surname _________________ Age _____________

Country _________________ Hobby ____________ Family _________

Favourite subject________ you collect ______________

Диагностическая работа по английскому языку. Первая четверть. (вар2)

1. Everyday English . Соедините реплики

1) What's this in English? ______a) Hello, Nicky.

2) How do you spell t? _____b) it's a glue stick.

3) This is my new friend, Nicky.____c) My brother is 4 years old.

4) How are you?_____d) It's on Monday

5) How old is he? _____e) S-C-I-E-N-C-E

6) Lets go to the canteen together.____ f) I'm fine, thank you.

7) When is the English lesson? ______ g ) Ok , let ’ s go !

Geography coins pelmeni college Monday a digital camera chocolate Tuesday China Maths primary

. Чтение. прочитай загадку, найди ответ в рамочке и запиши.

1. Children go to Secondary school after ______________ school.

2. This day goes after Sunday. ______________

3. It is popular food in Russia ____________

4. you study oceans at this lesson _____________

5. People collect them in many countries. _____________

6. It is the country of panda.______________

7. It is a cool present for a birthday. __________________

3. Грамматика. Вставь в пропуски нужные слова.

1) My friend _______(am/is/are) a student.

2) (these/that/this) __________ copybooks are not mine.

3) There are 12 ___________(child/ childs/ children) in my English group.

4) __________(this/that/those) photos should be in the album.

5) The Buckingham palace __________(am/is/are) in London.

6) they __________(has/have/to have) got a handbag.

7) The pupils are in the laboratory.________(you/they/we) have Chemistry lesson.

8) man has got thirty-two _____________(tooth/ teeth/ teeths)

9) _____________(what/ how/ How old) is your favourite sport?

4. разделите слова на две подгруппы:

berry, toy, boy, story, way, day, cry, try, study, lady, fly, dictionary, holiday.

5. Лексика. Запиши слова на английском языке

сорок семь ____________

пять ножей ________________

6. Запишитецифрами :

Seventeen _________ fifty ___________ ninety-eight ___________

hundred ____________ thirty _________ eleven _______________

eighty ____________ thirteen ______________ thirty-eight _____________

5. Образуйтеприлагательные :

Poland _______________ Russia - ___________ China - ___________

Turkey - ________________ the USA ____________ Greece - __________

6. Письмо. Заполни анкету, напиши о себе.

Name ____________ Surname _________________ Age _____________

Country _________________ Hobby ____________ Family _________

Favourite subject________ you collect ______________

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Полезно и актуально. Спасибо. Буду использовать в своей работе. Комплексный диагностический тест по всем разделам учебника за всю первую четверть можно использовать для проверки качества знаний, усвоенных за первую четверить. В тесте представлены разнообразные задания, направленные на контроль разных аспектов языка.

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Особенно ценно, что именно учитель, совместно с психологом, является автором программы адаптации реб. Подробнее.

Соглашусь с мыслью учителя о необыкновенной важности духовно-нравственного воспитания у детей в млад. Подробнее.

Замечательно, что воспитатель ставит задачу развивать коммуникативные навыки у учащихся младших клас. Подробнее.

Прекрасное раскрытие темы, очень полезные приемы и стратегии, которые используются на уроках. Думает. Подробнее.

Пройдите курс дополнительного образования по теме: Оказание первой помощи в образовательных учреждениях

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  • Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС 77 — 58841 от 28 июля 2014 года выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационный технологий и массовых коммуникации (Роскомнадзор).
  • Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № 4276 от 19.11.2020 года. Серия 78 ЛО № 0000171 Выдана Комитетом по образованию Правительства Санкт-Петербурга
  • В соответствии с Федеральной целевой программой развития системы образования на 2011–2015 гг. и проектом концепции федеральной целевой программы развития образования на 2016–2020 гг.

Этот диагностический тест был разработан для определения уровня владения английским языком учеников 5 класса. В результате тестирования учащиеся были поделены на три группы соответсвенно своему уровню. Это позволило создать для каждой группы учащихся свою индивилуальную рабочию программу.

Диагностический тест составлялся с учетом требования ФГОС и на основе серии УМК "Английский язык. BRILLIANT" авторы Ю.А. Комарова, И.В.Ларионова, Ж.Перретт.

Тест имеет два варианта и проверяет учащихся по трем видам речевой деятельности: чтение, лексика и грамматика, письмо.

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diagnosticheskiy_test_5klass_sokrashchen_ii_variant.docx 24.38 КБ
klyuchi_k_diagnosticheskomu_testu_5_klass.docx 13.43 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Тест по английскому языку 5 класс. I вариант

Часть I . Чтение

Что делать : Выбрать какое из следующих утверждений соответствует тексту.

Как делать : прочитай текст. Прочитай предложения после текста. Верное утверждение отметь словом – True , не соответствующие тексту словом – False .Не забудь внести свои ответы в бланк.

Hello. I’m Karen from the UK. I’m 10. I live in England in small seaside town Woodingdean, near Brighton. It’s great for a holiday! There is a harbor and fishing port. There are Italian cafes near the harbor where you can eat and drink cappuccino watching the sailing boats and the large yachts. It takes only 15 –minute direct bus journey to get to the center of Brighton. There are lots of shops and shopping malls. There’s also a large beach. You can swim and sunbathing. You can watch sea birds on the beach and take beautiful photographs. My favorite birds are eagles because they’re strong, clever and nice. Near the town there are some large hills and beautiful white cliffs. You can walk in the hills but you can’t ride bikes. There is the Palace Pier in Brighton. From here there are several trains that run to Gatwick Airport and to Victoria train station.

Пример: 0. Karen is 10. True / False

  1. Karen is from a big seaside town Woodingdean. True / False
  2. Woodingdean and Brighton is good for holiday. True / False
  3. There are fishing boats in Woodingdean harbor. True / False
  4. The hills and white cliffs are small near town. True / False
  5. You can’t ride bikes in Brighton. True / False
  6. You can watch whales on the beach. True / False
  7. Near harbor there are Italian cafes. True / False
  8. Some trains run to Heathrow Airport. True / False

Что делать : Найди заголовок к каждому из представленных текстов.

  1. Lions B. Monkey C. Cow D. Giraffes E. Cats F. Crocodiles G. Gorilla

Пример: 0. [ A ] The first animal usually lives in Africa in families. They are quite big. They’ve got brown or yellow fur and long tails. Their teeth are big and sharp. They catch other animals and eat them.

  1. [ ] The second animal lives in Africa in forest and on the mountains. These animals are big and very strong and have black fur. They live in families and they are very intelligent. They never eat meat.
  2. [ ] You find the third animal everywhere. It’s got four legs and long tail. It can be different colours. It’s sometime black, white and brown. It likes grass and gives milk.
  3. [ ] The fourth animal lives in Africa. These animals have got brown, orange and white skin. They eat grass and leaves. They are famous because their long necks and because they are very tall.
  4. [ ] The fifth animal isn’t wild. People usually have these animals as pets at their homes. They can be different colours and different size. They are very good hunters. They usually catch mice. Their favorite food is meat, fish and milk.

Часть II. Грамматика и лексика

Что делать : Найди ошибку в каждом предложении.

Пример: 0. The plane is flying under the house. 0. The plane is flying over the house.

  1. Did you clean the bedroom? Yes, I do. 1._______________________________
  2. In Italy it were sunny. 2.________________________________
  3. You mustn’t cross the street at a green light. 3.________________________________
  4. There is two swings. 4.________________________________
  5. Do Otto drive a car? 5.________________________________

Что делать : Составь предложение или вопрос из предложенных слов.

Пример : 0. Birds fly can? 0. Can birds fly?

  1. Denzil climbing is the window out of? 1. ____________________________________
  2. On play the swings the children. 2._____________________________________
  3. Behind the picture the secret door is. 3._____________________________________
  4. For breakfast would what you like today? 4._____________________________________
  5. Shout in the classroom may pupils? 5.____________________________________ _

Что делать : Выбери слово подходящее по смыслу и грамматике.

I am a (0) C_ . Every morning I (1)_______at half past five. I get dressed then I (2)_______ breakfast. Then I give my goats and cows some (3)__________ . They (4)_________ a lot of water. At 2 o’clock I (5) _____my tractor. I like to (6)_________ to a restaurant with my friends every Saturday. My favorite food is (7)________ . I (8)___________ go to sleep early.

Tomorrow my son (9)______ have a birthday. He will be 5 years . We (10) _________a birthday party. I have a special (11)________ for him. It is a puppy with two big blue (12)________and short tail.

  1. A. Pilot B. doctor C. farmer
  2. A. Swim B. get up C. got up
  3. A. Have B. will have C. had
  4. A. Foods B. food C. dance
  5. A. Will drink B. drink C. drank
  6. A. Driving B. drive C. drove
  7. A. Go B. fly C. went
  8. A. Clown B. pizza C. playground
  9. A. Always B. never C. medicine
  10. A. Won’t B. will C. can
  11. A. Have B. must C. will have
  12. A. Present B. ghost C. frog
  13. A. Legs B. eyes C. nose

Что делать : Составь мини-диалоги для Анны и Боба.

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Working out: understanding the implication of a question and do corrections.

Learning/ Response logs (collect vocabulary and compose their thoughts)

Individual whiteboards (write down got points (for example (25/15)

Work with mistakes


Organization moment

Write as more words as possible (words learnt during 7 th grade)

Fauna and flora of Kazakhstan and Great Britain

English – speaking countries

Change their papers and ask them to explain or make sentences according to the given words. If they have any problem with translation, let them look up words in the dictionary.

Teach them new way of assessing their knowledge: Learning/ Response logs. This is one of formative assessing methods. They can write notes or just get a new notebook and collect vocabulary and compose their thoughts on it.

Divide the class into several groups

Step 1: Team work “Grammar reference”

Remind the grammar:

Step 2: Individual work “Diagnostic test”

Choose the right item:

1. You are not good at maths, ______________ you?

a) aren't b) are c) were

I will wear jeans to the party if my mother ___________________ them.

a) buy b) will buy c) buys

When Jenny rang up, her brother ______________ a shower in the bathroom.

a) was taking b) took c) will take

I don't know when he ______________ to us.

a) comes b) will come c) come

Andy, _______________ you hear the train now?

a) do b) are c) did

Wilson never listens to ___________________.

a) everybody b) anybody c) nobody

The Browns don't know my e-mail address and I don't know ____________.

a) they b) their c) theirs

Jack, you ______________ swim in the river. The water is very cold.

a) must b) may c) mustn't

2. Complete the disjunctive questions:

1. California is famous for its beaches, _________________ ?

2. The Browns live in a beautiful house, ________________ ?

3. He never comes home late, _______________ ?

4. I am going to Scotland in summer, ____________ ?

5. Pauline didn't know that boy, _____________ ?

6. Mother saw us in the street, ______________ ?

7. it is not raining now, _______________ ?

8. We must get up early tomorrow, _________________ ?

9. Nina could read books at six years old, _____________ ?

10. These are not warm, _____________________ ?

3. Article a/an or no article:

Jason is such ______ brave boy!

It is such ______ cold water!

Where can I find such ______ easy texts?

It is such ______ wonderful weather!

It is such ______ important news!

4. Complete the text:

Jean-Claud van Damme is a famous actor. When he (be) ____________ a child, he (take) ____________ ballet lessons, (win) ___________ different ballet competitions. Then a Paris ballet company (give) ___________ him a job as a dancer, but he (decide) ____________ he (want) ____________ (work) ____________ in films, so he (take not) _________________ the job. Instead, he (go) ___________ to the USA. In 1981 he (travel) _____________ to Hollywood. He (have) ___________ English lessons and (work) _____________ for a pizza house. That was how he (make) ____________ money. One night he (meet) _____________ a film producer outside the restaurant. "Hello, I (be) __________ Jean-Claud van Damme, " he (say) ____________. "I (be) ____________ an actor soon." The producer (believe not) ________________ him then. And he (be) _____________ wrong. Now there are few people in the world who (know not) _________________ this actor.

Step 3: Pair work “Corrections”

They can check their work themselves or change with his/ her partner and put points.

Individual whiteboards (write down got points (for example (25/15)

What was easy for you? What was difficult for you? Why was it difficult?

How can you solve this problem?

Short term planning for 8Ә grade // I quarter // 45 minutes //Subject:English

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Диагностический входной тест 5 класс.

1. Какое слово лишнее ?
a) flat, living room, clock, kitchen, hall
b) enjoy, want, share, nice, live

c) raincoat, umbrella, homework, shoes

d) a wolf, a monkey, a horse, a clown

e) Sunday, Tuesday, January, Friday, Monday

2. Вставь пропущенные слова is/ are/ do/ does/ doesn’t/don’t .
1. There_______ a big red carpet on my floor.
2. There ______ three windows in our living room.
3. There ______ a lot of books on the shelves.
4._______ he like pop music?
5. ______ they live in Moscow?

6. ______ he a teacher?

7. We _____ usually go out on weekdays.

8. He _____ speak any foreign language

9. Mary and Vicky _____ in class 5d.

10. Tom and Mark ……in the park. They ……friends.

3. Составьте предложения из данных слов

a) from / Where / you / are ?

b ) your / What’s / name ?

c) My / Louise / ‘s / name

d) England / ‘s / he / from

e) old / How / you / are ?

f) like/ they/ music/do ?

g) he/ does/ live/ his/parents/with ?

5. Прочитай рассказ и напиши Верно T (true) или неверно F (false) про утверждения после текста.

Michael Peterson is a vet. He works in a small town in England. Michael’s day begins very early at six o’clock. He gets up, has a quick breakfast, then gets into his car. In the mornings, he drives around the local farms to check on the animals – cows, sheep and horses. At eleven o’clock, he goes to his surgery in the town. People bring their pets for Michael to look at. Most of the time, they only need an injection or some medicine, but sometimes they need an operation. Michael usually has lunch – a sandwich – standing up! In the afternoons, Michael often goes to schools in the area to talk to the students about looking after their pets. Michael’s evenings are very quiet. When he gets home, he cooks dinner and usually reads or watches TV. He goes to bed early, ready to face the next busy day. In his free time, Michael likes going to the cinema or taking long walks in the country with his two dogs, Sheba and Nell.

1 Michael gets up at 7 o’clock.

2 After breakfast he goes to the farms to see the animals: cats and dogs.

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Диагностическая работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 классов. Вариант 2. Базовый уровень.

Пояснительная записка к диагностической работе по английскому языку

(базовый уровень) для учащихся 5 классов

Диагностическая работа по английскому языку проводится в пятых классах с целью:

проведения мониторинга качества знаний и уровня обученности в параллели;

проверки умений читать связные тексты, сопоставлять и находить в них ответы на поставленные вопросы;

проверки умений распознавать в тексте и употреблять в речи глаголы в наиболее употребительных временных формах действительного залога: to be в Present Simple.

проверки умений распознавать в письменном тексте изученные лексические единицы; определять обобщающее понятие для группы слов.

Контрольная работа состоит из 5 заданий:

Количество заданий

Количество баллов

На выполнение работы отводится 40 минут. На аудирование отводится 5 минут. Текст записан с паузами и предъявляется 2 раза.

Критерии оценки

Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов за работу - 30.

Диагностическая работа по английскому языку для учащихся 5 классов

Вариант 2. Базовый уровень

Фамилия и имя учащегося: ____________________________________

Part 1. 2. Reading

Задание №1: Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), а какие не соответствуют (2 - False). Обведите номер верного ответа.

My name is Polly. I am ten. I am a schoolgirl. I go to school. I like learning English and playing puzzles. I would like to tell you about my family. It is neither big nor small. There are four of us.

I have got a mother. Her name is Jane. She is a teacher. She is very responsible and creative. She likes her work. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

I have got a father. His name is Jack. He is a doctor. He is clever and hardworking. My father likes playing golf. He goes in for sport to be healthy and strong. He is fond of fishing too.

My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing toys. Usually we get on well with him, but sometimes he is very naughty.

On Saturdays and Sundays we like to be together. Last Sunday we went to the country. We had a good rest.

1. Polly is twelve years old

2. Polly studies English.

3. Polly’s mother doesn’t like her work.

4. Polly’s likes sport.

5. Polly has got a sister.

Задание №2: Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. Запишите ответы в пропуски рядом с вопросами.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Используйте не более четырёх слов в каждом ответе. НЕ ПИШИ ПОЛНЫЙ ОТВЕТ.


The Greens are a British family. Mr. Green is a builder and Mrs. Green is a housewife. There are three children in the family: a son and two daughters. Mike is thirteen years old, Sandy is twelve and Kate is ten.

All the three children are pupils. Mike is at the boys’ school; his sisters are at a school for girls. Mike is a tall boy. He is clever. He is a very good pupil.

Sandy has dark hair and hazel eyes. She is a pretty girl, she is clever and a good pupil. Her sister Kate is a nice girl with long fair hair and large blue eyes. She is good at music.

The Greens are in Australia now. Mr. Green’s uncle is a farmer. His house and farm in Australia are in a village. The Greens are in their uncle’s house now.

The house is big. It is on a hill. It is summer now. In Australia January, February, March and April are summer months.

The school in the village is small. In fact, it is a one-room school. There is only one teacher for all the pupils. The garden around the school is very beautiful. The Greens are fond of the farm and the school in the village.

Example: What are the Greens? - a British family

How many children are there in the family? - _______________________________

What are Mike’s sisters at? - __________________________________

Where are the Greens now? - ______________________________

What are summer months in Australia? - ___________________________________

How many teachers are there in the village school? - _________________________

Part 3. Use of English. Grammar

Задание: Вставьте вместо пропусков глаголы am, is, are

1. He ___ a pupil.

2. My uncle ___ a good doctor.

3. My parents ___ not at home.

4. My brother ___ an engineer.

5. Boys ___ in the street.

6. I ___ not a student.

Part 4. 5. Use of English. Vocabulary

Задание №1: Напиши одно обобщающее слово (категорию) для каждой группы слов.

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