Comparative and superlative adjectives план урока

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Урок 54 21. 01 9 класс Абилева С.С. английский язык ФК ГОС

Тема урока: "Степени сравнения прилагательных".

Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с особенностями образования степеней сравнения прилагательных.

Задачи урока:

обучающая – способствование усвоению грамматического материала по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательныхо", формирование у учащихся интереса и уважения к культуре через интерес к музыке разных стилей;

воспитательная - воспитание интернационализма (уважение чести и достоинства людей всех национальностей), культуры поведения, внимательности, активности, наблюдательности;

Тип урока: комбинированный

I .Организационный момент

Hello! I’m glad to see you! Sit down. How were your weekends? What did you do ?

Языковая разминка (пословицы записаны на доске)

The chain is no stronger than its weakest link.

Цепь не сильнее своего самого слабого звена.

Дети находят аналог данной пословице в русском языке

Где тонко, там и рвётся ( хором читают данную пословицу и записывают её в тетрадь)

The best fish swim near the bottom

Лучшая рыба плавает на глубине (у дна).

Хорошо дёшево не бывает.

II . Мотивация учебной деятельности. Целеполагание.

Look at the board. You see some adjectives . How can you complain them? What can you say about these words? How do you think the topic of our lesson?

Ok. You’re right! The theme of lesson is Comparatives & superlative forms of adjectives. Today we are going to learn the rule ”Degrees of comparison”, do some exercises to fasten grammar material ( учитель записывает тему урока на доске ).

II Актуализация опорных знаний. Проверка домашнего задания.

But first of all we’ll listen some prepared projects about Music genres. We were talking about music and how to ask about\ stating preferences on the previous lesson. Do you remember ? So , let ’ s begin .

III Основная часть урока

Объяснение нового материала (на слайдах презентации грамматический материал)

Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском. Degrees of comparison.

Форма прилагательного, не выражающая сравнения, называется положительной степенью — The Positive Degree. В английском языке выделяют две степени сравнения прилагательных: сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) и превосходную (the Superlative Degree).

Если слово односложное , например, short, то для образования сравнительной степени следует добавить суффикс -er к основной форме прилагательного: short — short er (короткий — короче). При этом нам понадобится специальное слово для сравнения двух предметов: чем – than : I am smarter than you . – Я умнее, чем ты.

Для образования превосходной степени добавляем суффикс -est к основной форме прилагательного и обязательно определенный артикль the : the short est (самый короткий) .

Если прилагательное двусложное или состоит из трех и более слогов , то для образования сравнительной степени нужно поставить слово more перед положительной степенью , для превосходной — слово the most : comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable (удобный — удобнее — самый удобный).

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Цель урока: Познакомить учащихся с грамматическим материалом прилагательные, степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Практиковать учащихся в устной и письменной речи.

2. Стимулировать их желание общаться. Высказывать свои мысли на английском языке.

3. Привитие учащимся интереса к английскому языку.

Оборудование урока: интерактивная доска, презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал – карточки с заданиями.

b) developing: to develop pupils’ skills of reading, tidy writing, listening and speaking, their mental abilities.

c) cultural: to bring up pupils to respect each other, to be tidy, polite, responsible.

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson

The kind of the lesson: mastering new material

Teaching methods: explaining, listening, reading, comparing, speaking.

Visual aid: an interactive board, ActiVote

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

T: Good morning, pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

b) asking the date

T: What date is it today?

P: Today is the 9 th of December

c) checking up the attendance

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today.

T: Who is absent?

P: All are present.

d) distributing the students’ workbooks

II. Checking up the homework 48 points

Ex 9. Divide the adjectives into 3 categories: a) adjectives describing person’s appearance; b) adjectives describing person’s character; c)adjectives describing other qualities

attractive slim tall poor

boring attentive serious stern

educated stupid ugly pleasant

fragile short gloomy shy

independent progressive clever careless

famous cheerful polite lazy

noble mysterious brave free

greedy strong honest dull

bouncy fat great lovely

lonely curious wise slow

modest young thin tidy

smart wicked sad firm

adjectives describing person’s appearance

adjectives describing person’s character

adjectives describing other qualities

ІІІ. Presentation of the new lesson

Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison

1. Односложные прилагательные

2. Двусложные прилагательные на:

3.Двусложные прилагательные с ударением на втором слоге

4. Трехсложные прилагательные с приставкой un-

1.Bce остальные двусложные прилагательные

прилагательные (три и более слогов)

IV. Speech-drill exercises

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative degrees of following adjectives 11 points

hard _____________ ______________

cold _____________ ______________

soft _____________ ______________

tall _____________ ______________

rich _____________ ______________

mad _____________ ______________

funny _____________ ______________

big _____________ ______________

sad _____________ ______________

busy _____________ ______________

noisy _____________ ______________

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative and superlative degrees of following adjectives – 6 points

foolish _____________ ______________

harmful _____________ ______________

valuable _____________ ______________

difficult _____________ ______________

generous _____________ ______________

Ex 3. Complete 20 points

A. Write the comparative form of the adjectives

1) Ann is ___________ (happy) than her sister.

2) My hair is ______________ (long) than my sister’s hair.

3) These exams are getting ___________ (bad) and ___________ (bad) every year.

4) John is ____________ (thin) than Bob.

5) Steve is _____________ (happy) today than he was yesterday.

6) Mary’s car is ____________ (large) than Mark’s car.

1) I am _____________ (tall) in the class.

2) This is _______________ (expensive) hotel I’ve ever stayed in.

3) This road is ______________ (narrow) of all the roads in California.

4) New York is one of the ______________ (busy) cities in the USA.

5) Jack is _____________ (good) football player in the team.

6) North Pole is _______________ (cold) place on Earth.

7) My father is ______________ (generous) of all the people I know.

C. Insert comparative or superlative form of the adjective :

1) I think John is _____________ (happy) now than the year ago.

2) His _______________ (big) desire is to return home.

3) She is probably ________________ (angry) person I know.

4) Today’s weather is ____________ (bad) than the yesterday’s.

5) My brother is ___________ (young) than me.

6) He drove _________ (fast) and __________ (fast) till we told him to stop.

7) ______________ (many) people want to be rich

Ex 4. a) Compare these mobile phones 6 points

Name: Nokia 5800

Camera: 3.15 Megapixels

Functions: MP3 player, radio, JAVA -games, Bluetooth, wi-fi, GPS.

Name: Samsung Star S5230 noble black

Functions: MP3 player, radio, Bluetooth.

Name: Sony Ericsson W205 Black

Camera: 1.3 Megapixels

Functions: radio, games, MP3 player, Bluetooth.

1. (cheap) Samsung is cheaper than Nokia.

2. (expensive) Nokia is ___________________________ Sony Ericsson.

3. (good) The camera in Samsung is _______________________ the camera in Sony Ericsson.

4. (bad)The camera in Sony Ericsson is __________________________ the camera in Nokia.

5. (many) There are ________________ memory in Nokia ____ in Samsung.

6. (little) (memory) _________________________________________________________.

7. (big) The display in ________________________________________________________.

b) Compare people 10 points

1.Alice is the (YOUNG).

2.Homer is the (OLD).

3.Bob is (YOUNG) than Homer.

4.Homer is (OLD) than Alice.

5.Alice is (SLIM) than Bob.

6.Bob is (SHORT) than Homer.

7.Homer is (FAT) than Bob.

8.Alice is (SHORT) than Homer.

9.Homer can play the guitar (GOOD) than Alice.

10.Alice draws (BAD) than Bob.

Ex 5. Read the poem, learn it and find the adjectives and write their degrees of comparison 5 points

I picked the reddest apple from the tree

It was the finest one that I could see

I saved it all except a bite or two

I carried home the groceries from the store

I wanted to be helpful with a chore

I put them all away except a few

Some day I'll be grown up too

And if I can I'll grow up just like you

I ate up all my lunch just like you said

But I think there was a little too much bread

And so I left the crust when I was through

red – redder – the reddest

fine – finer – the finest

helpful – more helpful – the most helpful

Ex 6. “The day of independence” – essay 10 points

V. Consolidation of the lesson. Test (ActiVote) 10 points

1. It’s ………………… (difficult) rule of all.

a. difficult b. more difficult c. the most difficult d. difficulter

2. This pen writes …………. (good) than my previous one.

a. better b. gooder c. good d. the goodest

3. This athlete is ……………. (strong) than this competitor.

a. strong b. the strongest c. more strong d. stronger

4. This pupil is ……………. (clever) in the class.

a. clever b. more clever c. the cleverest d. the most clever

5. This is ……………….. (old) castle in Britain.

a. the oldest b. the eldest c. an old d. older

6. Health is ……………….. (important) than money.

a. important c. more important

b. importanter d. the most important

7. This path is ……………. ( narrow) than the parallel one.

a. a narrow b. narrower c. the narrowest d. more narrow

8. Luxurious hotels are …………….. (expensive) than those of economic class.

I. Organization moment: – Good – afternoon pupils!

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

II. Checking home task:

- What was the home task?

- Are you ready? Now let’s check up

Bad / worse/ the worst

Little /less / the least

Much-many/ more / the most

Ok very good now repeat the warm - up

III. Warm - up:

Good, better, best

Never, never rest

Till your good is better

And your better best

Next today we repeat grammar comparative and superlative adjectives. How can we translate comparative adjectives?

And superlative adjectives?

You know when comparative adjectives is formed by adding the suffix –er

And superlative adjectives is formed by adding the suffix – est.

P1: my room is smaller than living room

P2: My brother taller than me

P3: my sisters bags the most beautiful than me

P4: my book is the most interesting than my friend

Excellent my dear:now next read the text ex:1 on page 88

But first we distribute command, and you must collect stickers. Ok do you understand me?

Take candy here what you like?- does anyone have candy brittle sit here. And you are sit here. First teem Kazakhstan, second teem USA. Now are you ready? Let’s beginning.

1 teem: the New York Hilton is more expensive than the Park View but it is not as expensive as the Crystal Palace.

2 teem: Claire is taller than Pete but she is not as tall as John. John is the tallest boy in his class.

1 teem: Rosie is better than Helen but she is not as good as Claire. Claire is the best athlete in the competition.

2 teem: Holly’s score is worse than John’s but it is not as bad as Pete’s. Pete’s score is the worst of all.

Oh very good if you understand than make a dialogue.( музыкаорындалады) I’ll give you 3 min. Have you finish?

1 teem: A: Hello Bobby!

A: I see you buy new bike

B: yes of course

A: Your bike better than mine

B: thanks sorry, I am so busy see you soon

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Date: 09.01.2016 Lesson: 41 Class:6в

The theme of the lesson: Step 3 Comparative and superlative adjectives

The aim of the lesson:

1.To review all learnt materials by doing exercise

2.To develop pupils abilities in reading, writing and speaking

3.To speak about grammar material and learn by heart

The type of the lesson: grammar

Visual aids: interactive board, word cards, placates

Grammar materials: Comparative and superlative adjective.

Produce of the lesson:

Organization moment: – Good – afternoon pupils!

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Checking home task: - What was the home task?

Are you ready? Now let’s check up

Bad / worse/ the worst

Little /less / the least

Much-many/ more / the most

Ok very good now repeat the warm - up

Good, better, best

Never, never rest

Till your good is better

And your better best

Next today we repeat grammar comparative and superlative adjectives. How can we translate comparative adjectives? – салыстырмалы сын есім

And superlative adjectives? – күшейтпелі сын есім

You know when comparative adjectives is formed by adding the suffix – er

And superlative adjectives is formed by adding the suffix – est.

For example:

P1: my room is smaller than living room

P2: My brother taller than me

P3: my sisters bags the most beautiful than me

P4: my book is the most interesting than my friend

Excellent my dear: now next read the text ex:1 on page 88

But first we distribute command, and you must collect stickers. Ok do you understand me?

Take candy here what you like?- does anyone have candy brittle sit here. And you are sit here. First teem Kazakhstan, second teem USA. Now are you ready? Let’s beginning.

1 teem: the New York Hilton is more expensive than the Park View but it is not as expensive as the Crystal Palace.

2 teem: Claire is taller than Pete but she is not as tall as John. John is the tallest boy in his class.

1 teem: Rosie is better than Helen but she is not as good as Claire. Claire is the best athlete in the competition.

2 teem: Holly’s score is worse than John’s but it is not as bad as Pete’s. Pete’s score is the worst of all.

Oh very good if you understand than make a dialogue. ( музыка орындалады) I’ll give you 3 min. Have you finish?

1 teem: A: Hello Bobby!

A: I see you buy new bike

B: yes of course

A: Your bike better than mine

B: thanks sorry, I am so busy see you soon

2 teem: A: Hello Kate

A:Where are you going?

B: I am going to the library

A: May I go with you?

B: yes Angela do read interesting books?

A: No, I prefer listening to music, it is most interesting than book

B: Oh Angela you are wrong.

Oh super very good. Next ex: 2 Kazakhstan teem Aidos, USA teem Arman go to the blackboard and write. Make question, than answer the we check up your exercise. The rest open your copybook write yourself.

Who is the most person in your life? - It is my mother

What is the worst day of the week? – it is Monday

What the best day of the week? - it is Sunday

Where is the tallest building in your town? – it is Hotel Kazakhstan

Concluding stage:

I’ll give you cards. You must translate in English , than make sentences. Do you understand me? / музыка орындалады /

Ең әдемі, 2.Маңыздырақ 3.Өте жақсы 4.Ең жаман 5.Қызығырақ 6.Көбірек

7.Биігірек 8.Жақсырақ 9.Өте әдемі 10.Өте қымбат 11.Ұзынырақ

12.Өте суық 13.Көбірек уақыт

Қазақстанда ең әдемі жер Медеу- Medeu is the best place in Kaz.

Сен үшін ең маңызырақ пофесия қандай?- What is the more important profession?

Менің анам дүниедегі ең жақсы ана- My mum is the nicest person in the world

Нокиа телефоны Самсунг телефонынан қарағанда нашарлау – Nokia is the worst telephone than Samsung

Басқа сабақтарға қарағанда ағылшын сабағы қызығырақ – English lesson more interesting than other lesson

Бізде АҚШ командасынан қарағанда көбірек стикерлер бар – we have got a more stickers than USA comand

Қазақстан қонақ үйі Отырар қонақ үйіне қарағанда биігірек – Hotel Kazakhstan is the biggest building than Otrar Hotel

Сенің сағатын менің досымдікіне қарағанда жақсырақ – Your watch is nicer than my friend

Мына красовка сондай әдемі – it is the most beautiful boots

Мына зат дүкендегі ең қымбаты – it is the most expensive things in the shop

Аслан менің сыныбымдағы ең бойы биік оқушы - Aslan is one of the tallest pupil in our class

Антарктида дүние жүзіндегі ең суық континент – Antarctida is the colest continent in the world

Аселге қарағанда менің уақытым кобірек – I have more time than Asel.

Oh very well my dear. Next look at the blackboard there is the table you must complete the table using comparative and superlative adjectives. Оқушылар алманы кезекпен алып оқып сызбаны толтырады

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Критерии успеха: умеют образовывать сравнительную и превосходную формы имён прилагательных, приводить примеры, составлять с ними предложения, употребляя лексику данной темы.

Teaching material: флэш карты Unit №9, презентация, “Blob tree” для рефлексии, пазлы для деления на группы, карточки для деления на пары, Steps, box with adjectives, учебник, рабочая тетрадь.

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