Что такое экотуризм кратко на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

The future of holidays
Tourism brings income and employment, but tourists 1) disturb the environment and need services and accommodation, food, transport and waste disposal, which can 2) destory the qualities of an area that attracted tourists in the first 3) place. Activities such as driving and water sports can 4) cause problems, especially when too many people decide to do the same thing in the same place. Eco-tourism is about enjoying your holiday destination without 5) spiling it.
The demand for eco-tourism is 6) increasing and there are now many holiday companies that work with local people to 7) protect their environment. As an eco-tourist, you can help by booking your holiday with a responsible company and 8)showing respect for local customs when you arrive. 9) Stay on paths when you're exploring the area and avoid 10) getting too close to the local wildlife. Places that 11) make money for locals have a better 12) chance of being protected, so remember to visit local restaurants and markets during your holiday. In this way, you can 13) discover new places and learn about different cultures while helping to protect the world's disappearing ecosystems.

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Что такое эко-туризм?
Туризм приносит доход и занятость, но туристы нарушают экологию и нуждаются в услугах и жилье, питании, транспорте и утилизации отходов, что может разрушить качества местности, которая привлекала туристов в первую очередь. Такие виды деятельности, как вождение и водные виды спорта, могут вызвать проблемы, особенно когда слишком много людей решают сделать то же самое в одном и том же месте. Экологический туризм - это наслаждение отдыхом, не портя его.
Спрос на экотуризм растет, и в настоящее время существует много туристических компаний, которые работают с местными жителями, которые защищают свою окружающую среду. Как эко-турист, вы можете помочь, заказав свой отдых в ответственной компании и проявив уважение к местным обычаям, когда вы приедете. Оставайтесь на тропинках, когда вы исследуете окрестности, и не приближайтесь слишком близко к местной дикой природе. Места, которые зарабатывают деньги для местных жителей, имеют больше шансов быть защищенными, поэтому не забудьте посетить местные рестораны и рынки во время вашего отпуска. Таким образом, вы можете открыть для себя новые места и узнать о различных культурах, помогая защитить исчезающие экосистемы мира.

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Ecotourism is a form of tourism which places a heavy emphasis on appreciation and protection of the natural environment, with ecotourists traveling to regions of ecological interest around the world. This form of tourism is also sometimes called ecological tourism, nature travel, or responsible tourism. Like other forms of tourism, ecotourism touches on some very complex environmental, social, and ethical issues, and a number of professional organizations have banded together to create a firm definition for ecotourism so that standards can be established for ecotourism programs.

3 Ecotourism started out in the 1970s as an alternative to mass tourism. Today it is one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry because more and more people are becoming aware of it. As a result, some countries are using ecotourism to gain money and profits. In some areas, it is operated by foreign investors who are only interested in their own profits. Bringing too many people to a remote place could, however, damage local culture.

4 In order to qualify as ecotourism, several criteria must be met. The most important criterion is, in the eyes of many people, minimal environmental impact, as people do not want to damage the natural environment while they are trying to appreciate it. Ecotourism also typically includes an educational aspect, with visitors learning about the environments they visit, and there is a heavy emphasis on conservation. In some cases, people may even participate in a service program on an ecotourist trip, doing something to actively benefit the environment while enjoying it.

5 Ecotourism is especially popular in Africa, South America, and Asia, where stretches of largely untouched land still exist extant in some regions. Tourists can travel to various locations by animal, boat, or foot, and while on location, they are typically encouraged to camp or use basic facilities provided by the tourist company. Companies which cater to ecotourists typically minimize luxuries, with the understanding that luxury often has a negative environmental impact.

6 Eco tourists can help preserve the local environment by walking instead of using motor vehicles using less water turning off electricity if they dont need it eating locally produced food not throwing things away keeping to footpaths wearing clothes that do not offend the locals not scaring animals respecting the local customs and traditions Eco tourists can help preserve the local environment by walking instead of using motor vehicles using less water turning off electricity if they dont need it eating locally produced food not throwing things away keeping to footpaths wearing clothes that do not offend the locals not scaring animals respecting the local customs and traditions

7 In order to truly understand ecotourism and all of it's attendant pros and cons it is necessary to do some background research. This page offers an introduction to the topic along with several links to more detailed information. The basic definitions below have been adapted and clarified from commonly used travel industry lingo. Some of the links are to articles that help further define ecotourism, some promoting, some critical, but all are thought provocative and informative.

8 Specifically, ecotourism possesses the following characteristics: Conscientious, low-impact visitor behavior Sensitivity towards, and appreciation of, local cultures and biodiversity Support for local conservation efforts Sustainable benefits to local communities Local participation in decision-making Educational components for both the traveler and local communities Specifically, ecotourism possesses the following characteristics: Conscientious, low-impact visitor behavior Sensitivity towards, and appreciation of, local cultures and biodiversity Support for local conservation efforts Sustainable benefits to local communities Local participation in decision-making Educational components for both the traveler and local communities

9 There are many different benefits that can be derived from ecotourism if it is used as a tool by local communities rather than large outside interests. However, the results are a direct reflection of the motivation behind the project. Since these motivations are often mixed it follows that the results are often mixed too.

10 Ecotourism is about uniting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel. This means that those who implement, participate in and market ecotourism activities should adopt the following ecotourism principles: Minimize physical, social, behavioral, and psychological impacts. Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect. Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts. Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.

11 Generate financial benefits for both local people and private industry. Deliver memorable interpretative experiences to visitors that help raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climates. Design, construct and operate low-impact facilities. Recognize the rights and spiritual beliefs of the Indigenous People in your community and work in partnership with them to create empowerment.

12 Ecotourism operations occasionally fail to live up to conservation ideals, even where efforts are being made to meet many of the conditions for ecotourism. At the local level, ecotourism has become a source of conflict over control of land, resources, and tourism profits, which has led to harming the environment and the local people. Ecotourism also may have more limited potential for protecting the environment than is assumed. Although ecotourism is intended for small groups, even a modest increase in population, however temporary, puts extra pressure on the local environment and necessitates the development of additional infrastructure and amenities.

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holidays and travel that involve causing less damage to the environment than usual and that make people aware of the need to protect the environment:

Примеры для ecotourism

Examples of such eco-friendly ventures include ecotourism, biodiversity prospecting, non-timber forest product extraction, and selective logging.

These benefits include locally consumed non-timber products, biodiversity prospecting, ecotourism, carbon sequestration, soil and water conservation, and option and existence values.

The creation of this reserve along with the development of some ecotourism necessitated this study of spatial behaviour of the giraffe population.

The author indicates that while the idea of ecotourism and community-based tourism remains popular, in reality it is elusive.

The next part is devoted to valuation of protected areas, while the last section analyses the enormous and growing potential of ecotourism in protected areas.

This paper identifies four types of such commercial ventures: ecotourism, biodiversity prospecting, non-timber forest products, and the sustainable harvest of timber through natural forest management.

Understanding the impact of ecotourism resort experiences on tourists' environmental attitudes and behavioral intentions.

The funded projects have been in sectors such as health, population, agriculture, ecotourism, low-income housing, primary education, women in development, water supply, and sanitation.

Любые мнения в примерах не отражают мнение редакторов Cambridge Dictionary или издательства Cambridge University Press или ее лицензиаров.

Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas, travel which conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. There are three main principles to this idea. Firstly, ecotourism should minimize the effect on the locality. Secondly, ecotourism should improve the environment. And thirdly, the local population should also benefit as a result of the tourism.

Effect on the locality means that the tourism is small-scale and that something is given back to the community through the projects carried out.

No big hotels are built.

Ecotourism is conserved the environment. It does through education, conservation and recycling. This is education of the local people and also the tourists.

Conservation means respecting it by using renewable sources of avoiding unnecessary use of plastics.

As for the local population benefit, this can be in financial ways by earning money from the tourists, but also through education, better schools, better health services and improve roads.

What is important is that each ecotourism holiday must make a difference to the local community. For example, the percentage of money from eco holidays that goes to the local community is usually much higher then from traditional package holidays. Only local guides are employed to show the tourists the sights and explain the different customs and culture. The tourists stay in locally-owned hotels and can sold by the local community.

Nowadays, an increasing number of people want their holiday to have a positive impact on local people and ecotourism does this.

In conclusion I would like to say, that real ecotourism is a responsible way to travel, benefiting both the tourists and the local people.

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