Animals in kazakhstan план урока

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

To teach about animals and to train in speaking, reading; to enrich the students' vocabulary, to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of ways how we should help; to bring up love to the nature, love to our country.

Коршаган орта, жануарлар тақырыбы бойынша жаңа сөздерді меңгереді, сұрақ койып, жауап беруге дағдыланады, топтық, жұлтық жұмыстарда белсенділіктері артады

Түйінді идеялар (кілтті сөздер)

Vocabulary: camel, leopard, bear, fox, wolf, eagle.

-Do you like animals?

-What is your favorite animals?

-Have you got any pets?

-What do you know about wild animals?

Name some of them.

-What kind of domestic animals do you

-What's your dog's name?

-Does it like meat or bones?

-Can you describe your cat or dog?

-What color is your dog?

-Do you go for a walk with your dog?

Look at this text. Read and translate it, please.

Where do animals live? Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere, (каскыр), (аю), (түлкі), (тиін) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle, (бака) lives in the lake, (жылқы) lives in the field. And (тышқан) lives in the dark places.

Бармақ арқылы бағалау

Presentation new words. Read the sentences and draw an animal. It lives in Altai mountains. It looks like a cat. It's tail is not long. It's ears are small, the legs are strong. ( a tiger) What kind of animals live in the tropical forest?( monkeys, tree snakes, some birds) Meat-eating animals.( dogs, wolves, foxes, tigers, lions)

It's quick, it'scolour red-orange, it habitats in the forest. It's small, likes nuts.(a squirrel)

5. And now we shall try to pronounce this patter:

A black cat sat on a mat And ate a fat rat.

6. Assosiation. Group 1-Wild animals

Group 2- Domestic animals.

7.Make a Poster. "Animals in Kazakhstan". 8.Grammar revision. There is\there are.

Қосымша оқу Үйге тапсырма

Two stars, one wish.

Наверх Бесплатные презентации по различным предметам, 2016—2019
Все права на материалы, находящиеся на сайте, принадлежат их авторам. Все презентации были собраны из открытых источников.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The plan of lesson/ План урока

Дата/ Date / :10.03.16г

Предмет/Subject: English language

Тема/Theme: Animals in Kazakhstan.

Educational/Образовательная: обучать лексические и грамматические навыки;

- обобщить и систематизировать, чтобы изучить информацию о теме: “Животные”. Уметь оценивать работы других учащихся, правильность составления;

- развивать память, внимание;

- развивать коммуникативные навыки и развивать навыки чтения.

Bringing – up /Воспитательная:

Воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка оценивать работы других учащихся, правильность составления;

формировать бережное отношение к окружающей среде, к диким животным.

Resources/ Оборудование : picture with animals, Presentation Power Point, cards, poster.

T ype of work / вид работы: group work / групповая работа

Checking of the home task.

Introduction of new material.

Fixing of knowledge.

Ход урока

Organization moment .

Good morning, children!

Sit down please!

Ok. Who is on duty today? I’m on duty today

What date is it today? Today is The .

Who is absent? All present.

Today the theme of our lesson: “Animals in Kazakhstan”. Today we will to introduce the new theme, new words on the theme “Animals” and today lesson-game. Write down the date today and our theme. Now, begin our lesson.

Checking of knowledge. Проверка знания

Continue our lesson. What was your homework?

Phonetic exercise . Фонетическое упражнение

First of all let's revise sounds: So, listen to me and repeat:

Look at the screen in the presentation, please.

[æ] — natural, catch, habit, hamster;

[e1] — cage, save, nature, endangered;

[ə:] — world, burn, work;

[ai] — fight, kind, wild, life ,rhino;

[ŋ] — wing, swinging, jumping, joining;

New theme Новая тема

Let’s continuo the theme: Animals in Kazakhstan. And now to devoted into two groups: First group , second group .

At the beginning looks at the presentation, in the presentation about animals of our planet.

The animals of our planet

And now let’s start do exercise. First exercise: Look at the blackboard in the words. You must find the read and translate words into Russian and Kazakh .

An elephant, a rabbit, a mouse, a tiger.

A giraffe, a zebra, a camel, a bear.

Ok! Well-done, children!

The second exercise:

There are 10 sentences. Some of them are true, some of them are false. Read the sentence and circle Yes/No. If the sentence is wrong, give the right variant.

Hello, my friends. How are you? I am from in Kazakhstan. My name is Adina. I am ten. And you? I like pets. I’ve got a rabbit. His name is Bunny. It is very little. Bunny is grey. He likes to run and to jump. He doesn’t like to sit under the table. He likes to sit in the box. I like to play with Bunny and feed my pet. Bunny likes to play with me too. He is a very funny rabbit. I love my pet very much.

Adina has got a dog. Yes/No.

The rabbit’s name is Bingo. Yes/No.

Her rabbit is white. Yes/No.

Her rabbit can play football. Yes/No.

Bunny likes to run. Yes/No.

He doesn't like to sit under the table. Yes/No.

Bunny likes to sit in the box. Yes/No.

Adina likes to feed Bunny. Yes/No.

Bunny is not very funny. Yes/No.

He likes to play with Adina. Yes/No.

physical minute Физминутка

The third exercise Fixing of knowledge .

The next exercise third: Work with the video. Look at the video very carefully. After the text will be the task. True /false.

The monkey is jumping in the house.

The tiger is beating its chest.

The crocodile is clapping its legs.

The snake is winding itself around the tree.

The parrot is a colorful bird.

The elephant can splash itself with water.

The giraffe has a very short neck.

The lion is the king of the jungle.

The zebra has black and blue strips.

The tortoise has a shell.

Home work Домашнее задание

Open your diaries and write down your home task.

Fourth exercise: what animals do you know? Класстер

Ok ! That ’ s all !

Your marks for today … .

So, what did we do today?

What interesting words?

Дети заканчивают предложения:
1. На уроке я работал…
2. Своей работой на уроке я…
3. Урок для меня показался…
4. За урок я…
5. Мое настроение…
The lesson is over . You may be free! Good-bye!

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему "Animals in Kazakhstan" - "Животные в Казахстане". В конспекте урока есть разные упражнения, картинки животных, видео и презентация по теме животные, также есть три основных цели и содержания этапа урока. Содержания этапа урока включает в себя: Организационный момент, Проверка домашнего задания, Фонетическая разминка, Изучения нового материала, Закрепления изученного материала, Домашняя работа и Итог урока. Все этапы урока состоят из отдельных упражнении. Если остановится к каждому этапу урока, то в организационном моменте, Учитель задает вопросы: кто сегодня дежурный, какое сегодня число, а также озвучивает новую тему и к нему цели урока, следующий этап: проверка домашнего задания, учитель проверяет чтения и перевод текста, затем у нас идет фонетическая разминка, в фонетической разминке дети повторяют за учителем звуки и слова, которые даны в презентации, следующий этап изучения нового материала, ученики делятся на две группы, учитель знакомит с презентацией, затем ученики в этом этапе выполняют два упражнения, дальше у нас идет закрепления изученного материала, учитель показывает видео материал, затем дети выполняют задание по видео материалу и решают кроссворд, следующии этап: доманяя работа, учитель раздает карточки и объясняет домашнюю работу, и последний этап это - итог урока, в этом этапе идет заключения урока и выставления оценок. Урок соответсвует всем требованиям.

Aims: To promote formation of abilities to speak about Kazakhstan’ animals, about animals in regions of Kazakhstan.

Objectives: To promote

- To formation of knowledge of lexical units on the theme

- To development of L, S, W, R skills

- To education of tolerance relationship to animals.

Содержимое разработки

Сатайская ОШ

Рахметова Х.С.

Тақырыбы: Animals in Kazakhstan.

Aims: To promote formation of abilities to speak about Kazakhstan’ animals, about animals in regions of Kazakhstan.

Objectives: To promote

- To formation of knowledge of lexical units on the theme

- To development of L, S, W, R skills

- To education of tolerance relationship to animals.

T: Stand still. Good morning, children.

S: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning, I’m glad to see you.

T: I’m glad to see you too. Take your places.

T: First, who are on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent? Good for you.

Match animals and their describing.

Dogs protect house.

Dolphins can swim well.

Horses can run fast.

Elephants have big ears and big nose.

For each answer – 0,5 point. (2)

Test on the words.

Translate: дикий, птицы, рептилии, питомцы, домашние.

Present your characteristic of animals.

Each other estimation: for 1 right word– 1 point (5)

T-e: for right describing – 3 point.

Today we will speak about animals in Kazakhstan.

What animals live in Kazakhstan?

*Work with words: desert, steppe, lake, river, mountain, forest, include.

*Work in group with the text.

There are many animals and birds in Kazakhstan. There are 155 species of mammals, 480 species of birds, 49 species of reptile and 11 species of amphibian. Kazakhstan’s desert includes snakes, lizards, gophers, saiga, dzheirans. In the forests and mountains of Altai and Tian-Shan live brown bears, snow leopards, squirells, wolves and foxes. Golden eagles nest in the mountains. The steppes are home to deer, hamster, antelope, badger, wolf and fox. Goose, wild duck and many birds and animals live near the lakes and rivers. Lake Tengiz is famous for its flamingo. There are rare animals in Naurzum Zone: swan, elk, cranes and others.

I read, you listen and mark words what you know (underline these words).

*Read text in group once more.

*Listen statements and show cards green – if you agree with it, red cards – if you disagree with statements. And say in chorus – Yes or No.

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