World of jobs краткое содержание

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Цель урока: совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме “Работа”.

Задачи урока:

1. Активизировать изученную лексику по теме “Работа”.

2. Обучать монологическим высказываниям.

1. Развивать критическое мышление учащихся.

2. Развивать речевые умения.

3. Развивать умение читать с извлечением нужной информации.

4. Развивать способности к формированию умения делать обобщения, выводы.

1. Формировать сознательное, ответственное отношение к выбору профессии.

Оборудование: доска, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, слайдопрезентация.

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап

T.: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? OK, let’s start our lesson.

II. Основной этап

1. Введение в тему урока.

T.: Look at the screen, please. What do you think about these photos? Can you guess what we are going to speak about? (Students answer). Yes, you are right. Today we’ll speak about jobs. Work is an important part of our life. I am sure all of you think of your future job. I hope this lesson can help you. Today’s lesson you’ll work in groups, so you should exchange your minds, cooperate and make your group decisions. I’d like everybody to take an active part in work. (Приложение 1)

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T.: Look at the screen. Here there are some proverbs about work. Find Russian equivalent to every English proverb. Which group will be the first? (Students answer). OK, this group is the quickest.

3. Развитие навыков чтения.

T.: All the people understand the importance of choosing the career. But what do you know about it? What types of jobs can you name? What skills are necessary for different jobs? What do you pay attention on while choosing the career?

Each group has sheets of paper with KWL Chart – “We know, we want to know, we learnt”. I suggest the first group to revise your information about types of jobs and then fill in the first two columns of the chart. The second group – about job skills, the third group – how to choose job. You have some minutes for it. (Students write).

T.: Are you ready? Now I’ll give you the texts. After reading them you’ll be able to fill in the third column in the chart: ‘we learnt’. Begin reading. (Students read, fill in the chart).

4. Развитие навыков говорения.

T.: Let’s have a look at your charts. Please, the first group, present your chart and the other groups prepare to ask “thick” questions. (Student goes to the blackboard, fixes the sheet of paper on it and reads).

T.: The other groups, ask your questions (e.g. What’s the difference between. ).

T.: Now it’s turn for the second group to answer (Students present the chart, answer the questions (e.g. Explain why. ).

T.: And the last group will tell us how to choose the job (Students answer).

T.: OK, thank you, your presentations are well-prepared and interesting.

5. Развитие навыков чтения: анкетирование “Подходящая работа для тебя”.

T.: I think you’ve worked very well. And now I’d like you to answer the question: Is it easy to choose a job for life? Should we think hard while choosing a career? (Students answer).

T.: Yes, I agree with you. And I suggest you some help in choosing your profession. May be, this information will be useful for you. Read the sentences and tick only the ones that you strongly agree with. (Students do the task). Now let’s see in which group(s) you have most ticks. Raise your hand, if you have most ticks in column ‘A’. Let’s find out which jobs would suit you. (Students read and translate). Who has most ticks in ‘B’? (Students read and translate the recommendations). Does anybody have ticks in ‘C’. in ‘D’?

6. Развитие навыков говорения: список востребованных профессий.

T.: Do you agree with recommendations? Would you like to do any of these jobs? (Students answer). I hope you’ll pay attention to these tips. And one more tip: do you know what professions are the most necessary nowadays? Discuss in your groups for a minute and tell us your suggestions. (Students answer).

T.: Thank you, it was interesting to listen to your ideas. And now look at the screen. Here there’s the list of necessary specialists. Keep this list in your mind while choosing your career. (Students read and translate).

7. Развитие навыков письма и говорения: написание синквейна.

T.: And the last task for your groups is to write a cinqwayn about today’s theme “Job”. If you forget what it is, I’ll remind you. It is a kind of poem, which consists of 5 lines (this word has French origin; cinq means five in French). The first line is a general word, the second line consists of two adjectives which describe this word, the third line includes 3 verbs on the topic, the fourth line is the main idea of your “poem” (It must consist of 3-4 words) and the last line is a synonym of the general world (job). Read aloud your cinqwayns, when you are ready. (Students write and read cinqwayns).

T.: Your hometask will be to write a cinqwayn about any job you like, may be about your future job.

III. Заключительный этап

T.: The topic of our today’s conversation is very serious. Was the lesson useful for you? Did you get some new information? If so, I’m glad to hear it. Thank you very much for the lesson. I’d like to finish it with English proverb “ Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets”. Do your best, create, don’t hesitate, don’t be afraid and you’ll have everything you want. I wish you to find your favourite job. Your marks. The lesson is over. Good- bye!

Choosing a career is one of the most important and tough decisions people will ever make in life. According to Confucius, "Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life." It is absolutely true. If you are passionate about your work, you have more chances to succeed.

Well, choosing a proper career is a conscious decision of a grown-up person, and it is essential to explore job options that match your interests, skills and knowledge. It is absolutely wrong to chase your parents' dreams. If you are not interested to work in a field they want you do, always stand your ground. It is high time for you to decide for yourself what to do for living and to find your real calling. Moreover, when you make a choice, it is also important to get appropriate education that will give you all the necessary skills, knowledge and practical awareness.

Today there are a lot of job options to choose from out there. Anyway, the choice of professions depends on people's individual abilities and talents. Some people have dreams of becoming a doctor and saving people's lives, others like cooking and become master chefs. There are people, for instance, who like taking care of animals, and therefore become veterinary surgeons. Some people have a talent for painting and are not good at the other things. It is not difficult to guess that they become painters, designers or architects. All in all, today the most popular jobs are office clerks, policemen, teachers, waitresses, hairstylists, drivers and some others.

As far as I am concerned, I want to start my own business and open my own travel agency. I am too independent and enterprising to work for an employer. The idea of doing a nine-to-five job does not appeal me at all. One of the reasons I want to set up my own business or become self-employed is independence. To begin with, I can earn money working from home and spend more time with family and friends. Secondly, I can choose any work schedule that suits me best. Thirdly, if you are your own boss, you avoid the stressful daily commute and traffic jams. Furthermore, self-employed people tend to have an extended vacation. Finally, my success depends on me and my own decisions.

Some people think that getting a good salary is more important than having the job you really want. I am convinced that an enjoyable job equals a worthy salary. For instance, people can turn their hobby into a profitable business and earn decent money from home. Besides, people spend too much time at work and it is wrong to waste time on unpleasant things.

Мир профессий

Итак, выбор профессии — это осознанное решение взрослого человека, и поэтому необходимо проанализировать все возможные варианты, чтобы твои знания, способности и интересы были максимально реализованы в работе. Ошибочно выбирать профессию, о которой мечтаешь не ты сам, а твои родители. Если тебе не интересно работать в той или иной сфере, нужно отстаивать свою точку зрения. Пора уже решить для себя, чем ты будешь зарабатывать на жизнь, и найти свое призвание. Более того, когда ты сделаешь свой выбор, также важно получить соответствующее образование, которое даст тебе необходимые умения, знания и практические навыки.

На сегодняшний день выбор профессий огромен. Но, так или иначе, все зависит от индивидуальных способностей и талантов человека. Некоторые мечтают стать врачами и спасать жизни людей, другим нравится кулинария, и они становятся шеф-поварами.
Есть те, кто, к примеру, любит заботиться о животных и, следовательно, становится ветеринаром. У некоторых есть талант к рисованию, но нет других способностей. Несложно догадаться, что они становятся художниками, дизайнерами или архитекторами. Так или иначе, сегодня среди наиболее популярных профессий можно выделить офисных служащих, полицейских, учителей, официантов, парикмахеров, водителей и других.

Лично я хочу открыть свое дело и учредить собственное бюро путешествий. Я слишком независима и предприимчива, чтобы работать на шефа. Меня совершенно не привлекает восьмичасовой график работы. Начнем с того, что я смогу зарабатывать деньги не выходя из дома и проводить больше времени со своей семьей и друзьями. Во-вторых, я смогу выбрать любой график, который мне больше всего подходит. В-третьих, если ты — сам себе начальник, тебе не придется стоять в пробках, добираясь на работу. Кроме того, у людей, работающих на себя, обычно более длинный отпуск. В конечном счете, мой успех полностью будет зависеть от меня и от моих собственных решений.

Некоторые люди считают, что высокая зарплата важнее любимой работы. Я убеждена, что если работа приносит удовольствие, то достойная зарплата гарантирована. К примеру, можно даже превратить свое хобби в выгодный бизнес и хорошо зарабатывать, не выходя из дома.

1) tough decision — сложное решение
2) salary ['sael(a)n] — жалованье, заработная плата
3) wage [weicfe] — заработная плата
4) do what you love and the money will follow — занимайся лю¬бимым делом, а деньги последуют
5) passionate ['рае/(э)пэ1] — влюбленный
6) to succeed [sak'si:d] — достигать цели, преуспевать; иметь успех
7) to equal ['i:kw9l] — равняться
8) well-paid job — хорошо оплачиваемая работа
9) to stand one's ground — проявлять твердость, стоять на своем
10) employer [im'pbia] — работодатель
11) employee [.impbi'i:] — служащий, работающий по найму
12) self-employment — самостоятельная предпринимательская деятельность
13) to own a business — владеть делом / предприятием
14) enterprising ['entspraizirj] — предприимчивый, деятельный, инициативный
15) nine-to-five job — работа полный рабочий день
16) to appeal — привлекать
17) to start / set up a business — открывать дело
18) complicated fkomphkeitid] — сложный, запутанный
19) work schedule — рабочий график
20) to suit — подходить
21) traffic jam — пробка, затор в уличном движении
22) commute [ka'mjuit] — расстояние, преодолеваемое во время ежедневных поездок из пригорода в город (обычно на работу)
23) extended [ik'stendid] — длительный
24) paycheck ['peitfek] — зарплата
25) spheres of activity — сферы деятельности
26) to run a business — управлять предприятием, заниматься бизнесом
27) flexibility [.fleksi'bilati] — гибкость
28) painter — художник
29) designer — дизайнер
30) architect ['a:kitekt] — архитектор
31) master chef [fef] — шеф-повар
32) veterinary surgeon / vet ['vet(3)nn(a)n 's3:d3(3)n] — ветери¬нарный врач
33) surgeon ['s3:d5(9)n] — хирург
34) nurse [n3:s] — медсестра, сиделка
35) policeman — полицейский
36) hairstylist — парикмахер
37) fireman [Таютэп] — пожарный
38) accountant [a'kauntant] — бухгалтер
39) waitress ['weitras] — официантка
40) driver — водитель
41) interpreter [in't3:pnt9] — устный переводчик
42) office clerk [kla:k] — офисный служащий

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

“ The World of Jobs ”

Урок английского языка в 10 классе.

Учитель высшей квалификационной категории английского языка- Бахтыбаева Айша Тажмуратовна

Форма урока: Комплексное использование различных форм: индивидуальная и фронтальная работа учащихся, работа в парах.

Тип урока: Урок освоения новых умений и навыков.

Дидактическая цель урока: развитие мотивации учебно-познавательной деятельности, восприятие и осмысление изучаемого материала.

Задачи урока:

  • Обучающие : закрепление лексики и речевых образцов по теме, развитие умений аудирования, развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи
  • Развивающие : создать условия для развития фонематического слуха, памяти, мышления, логики, грамматических навыков.
  • Воспитательные : содействовать расширению кругозора учащихся, ответственности, умению работать в сотрудничестве, проводить работу по профориентации, обеспечить активную жизненную позицию.

Применяемые технологии: информационно-коммуникативного обучения, здоровьесберегающие технологии, игровые технологии, системно-деятельностный подход, технология личностно-ориентированного обучения, технология критического мышления и проблемного обучения.

Межпредметные связи : русский язык

Планируемые результаты

- формирование потребности в практическом использовании английского языка;

- уяснение мотивов выбора профессии, формирование стремления получить профессию, необходимую обществу;

- развитие целеустремленности, инициативности;

- формирование стремления к совершенствованию собственной речевой культуре.


- умение осуществлять анализ объектов с выделением признаков;

- умение работать с информацией, выделять главное;

- формирование умения осуществлять самонаблюдение и самооценку в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

- умение оперировать в процессе общения активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей;

- умение воспринимать информацию на слух;

- умение понимать содержание текста, построенного на изученном материале.

Ресурсы урока: УМК “Spotlight”, компьютер, проектор, экран, раздаточный дидактический материал.

Название этапа урока

Деятельность педагога

Деятельность учащихся


I . Начальный этап

1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning boys and girls.

- Today we have unusual lesson.

I hope you are all feeling good today.

- Sit down, please.

- I am very glad to see you.

- How are you today ? (2-3 pupils)

- Let’s begin our lesson.

- Good morning dear teacher.

- We are happy to see you.

2. Целеполагание.

-Now, look at the screen attentively and guess what it the topic of our lesson.

- That’s right. The topic of our lesson is “The World of Jobs”.

- Today we will speak about different professions…

-Look at the quote by Confucius “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" ( на доске ) discuss it. Do you agree with this? Why is it true for you?

-The topic of our lesson is The World of Jobs”.

- Today we will speak about different professions.

P1: When you choose a job you like, you enjoy it.

P2: When you do something you fancy, it’s not difficult for you.

Confucius “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” ( на доске )

3.Фонетическая разминка.

- Now it’s time to practice the pronunciation of the words on this topic. Look at the screen again, listen to the speaker and repeat the words.

- Baker, director, reporter, author, producer, architect, editor, accountant, presenter, nurse, newsreader, graphic designer, sound engineer, traffic warden, pizza delivery boy.

II . Основной этап

1. Групповая работа.

Group work.(making word web)

I want you to divide into 3 groups. Each group should make up a word web with the word “Job”. The 1st group has to use only verbs, the 2 nd one only nouns and the 3 rd one only adjectives.

Group leaders, please go to the board, present your word webs and stick them to the board.

Обучающиеся делятся на 3 группы, составляют словесную паутину, затем лидеры группы представляют свою словесную паутину у доски.

2. Работа по картинкам

Look at the pictures and answer the question-What does each person in the pictures do for a living? Choose from the list. — Чем занимается (кем работает) каждый человек на картинке?

P1- The person in the 2 nd picture might be designing a building. I think he is an architect.

P2- The person in the 1st picture might be operating a target acquisition radar panel. Probably, he is an air traffic controller.

P3 The person in the 4th picture might be exchanging some money for a customer. I think she is a bank teller.

3.Работа с новыми лексическими единицами (направления науки)

understanding new vocabulary

Consolidating new vocabulary

Т : Read the table. Which field of science interests you the most? — Прочитайте текст в рамке . Какое из направлений науки интересует вас больше всего?

( читают на слайде)

T : Which subject do the following people study ? — Какой предмет эти люди изучают? ( слайд 9)

P 1- I ’ m interested in History because I like learning about things which happened in the past . — Меня интересует история, потому что мне нравится изучать события, которые произошли в прошлом.

P 2- I ’ m interested in Physics because I like learning how things can interact with each other . — Меня интересует физика, потому что мне нравится изучать как предметы могут взаимодействовать друг с другом.

P3-I’m interested in Health Science because I want helping people to be healthy. I think it’s the most valuable job nowadays. — Я заинтересован в медицине, потому что я хочу помогать людям быть здоровыми. Думаю, в наши дни это самая значимая работа.

-работают с карточкой 1

1.Maria studies the function of the human body. — Biology — Мария изучает , как устроено тело человека .

2.Adam studies the way computers works. — Computer Science — Адам изучает, как работают компьютеры. — Информационные технологии.

3.Helen studies the planets and stars. — Astronomy — Елена изучает планеты и звезды . — Астрономия .

4.James studies the way governments work. — Politics — Джеймс изучает , как работает правительство . — Политика .

5.Rose studies the reasons for people’s behaviour. — Psychology — Роза изучает мотивы поведения людей . — Психология .

6.Alana studies the events of the past. — History — Алана изучает события в прошлом . — История .

3. Работа по учебнику

a) Expanding vocabulary

Look at the jobs categories (1-9) Add two more jobs to each - ex 1 p. 48

1 a cartoonist , a website designer (карикатурист, веб-дизайнер)

2 an electrician, a builder ( электрик , строитель )

3 a CEO Chief Executive Officer , a chairman ( генеральный директор , председатель )

4 a typist, a receptionist ( машинист , ресепшионист )

5 an accountant, a surveyor ( бухгалтер , геодезист )

6 a director, a TV presenter ( режиссер , телеведущий )

7 an ambulance driver, a soldier ( водитель скорой помощи , солдат )

8 a shopkeeper, a photographer ( лавочник , фотограф )

9 a midwife, an optician ( акушерка , оптик )

b) Using definitions to eliminate possibilities

c)Matching descriptors to jobs

Ex.2 Look at the jobs in ex.1 again. Find at least two jobs that the following people couldn`t do.

Ex.3 p.48 Find at least one type of jobs which…

Примерные ответы :

1 a naval officer, a fisherman ( морской офицер , рыбак )

2 a secretary, a managing director ( секретарь , управляющий директор )

3 a doctor, a lawyer ( врач , адвокат )

4 a gardener, a carpenter ( садовник , плотник )

5 a pilot, a nurse ( пилот , медсестра )

6 a fire fighter, a nurse ( пожарный , медсестра )

7 a vet, a surgeon ( ветеринар , хирург )

8 a bank clerk, a secretary ( банковский клерк , секретарь )

Примерные ответы:

1 naval officer (морской офицер)

2 translator ( переводчик )

3 secretary ( секретарь )

4 doctor ( доктор )

5 carpenter ( плотник )

6 fire fighter ( пожарный )

7 fisherman ( рыбак )

9 nurse ( медсестра )

10 surgeon ( хирург )

11 architect ( архитектор )

12 dancer ( танцор )

13 managing director ( управляющий директор )

4. Рассказы о профессиях членов семьи.

- Now, children, I want you to tell me about your parents’ jobs

- P1. My mum has a full-time job as a teacher. She doesn’t have to wear a uniform at work. She recently got a pay rise. My dad is a journalist. He works as a freelancer from home. He often has to meet tough deadlines but he manages.

- P2. My mum is a dentist. She has to work flexible hours but she doesn’t mind. She has to wear a uniform at work. My dad is a credit manager. He works full-time in a big bank and he often has to work overtime.

5. Проверка домашнего задания.

- We know people of different professions: a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, a salesperson, a librarian, a businessman and others. These professions are very important because we can’t do without these people. Now, look at the screen.

-At home you made up some riddles about your future jobs. Read your riddles and we’ll try to guess you future profession.

- P1. I want to help people. I would like to work at a hospital. My grandfather was a surgeon. He had many patients. He operated them. I respect my grandfather. And I like his profession. I have a dream to be а … ( doctor) .

- P2. I like to watch TV, to listen to the radio, to read newspaper and magazines. It is interesting to meet and speak with people. I want to know what is going on in the world. Last year I took part in publishing school newspaper. So I want to be a …(journalist).

P3. Hi! I want to tell you about profession of my dream. It is interesting and romantic. I will work in the sky in a big white plane. There will be many passengers. I will help people to travel. Do you guess? (a stewardess).

P4. My parents have a large library. I like reading books. My favourite subject is literature. My favourite writers are Alexander Pushkin, Lev Tolstoy, Mark Twain and Jack London. I have a dream. I want to work with many books and give them to people. My future profession is а … ( librarian) .

P5. I like children. I like to write on the blackboard. My dream is to work at school. I want to have my own classroom with desks, chairs, flowers and posters. I like to read and tell stories. I want to wear elegant clothes and high hills. Do you guess? (a teacher).

P6. I want to tell you about my future profession. People of this profession are strong and brave. They work hard. They help people in different situation. I want to be very strong. I can do many things. My dream is to help people by day and at night. What is my future profession? ( а lifesaver).

P7. I like animals. I have a cat and a dog at home. But I would like to have many animals. I will feed them, clean and brush them. They are interesting, kind and clever like people. But I don’t want to be animal’s doctor. I want to be а … (zookeeper) .

6. Физкультминутка.

- Well done, boys and girls. I think you’re tired a bit! Will you relax? Let’s sing the song “What Do You Want To Be?”.

7. Аудирование

You will hear an interview between Jane , a travel rep and a reporter. Have a look at the screen. After listening you are to tell me if the statements are true or false.

Let’s read the statements.

Обучающиеся слушают диалог и выполняют задание на карточках


Work in pairs. The girls will play the role of Jane, the boys will be reporters. I’ll give you the cards with the questions to help you.

Обучающиеся составляют диалог и разыгрывают его.

III . Заключительный этап

1. Оценка и рефлексия урока.

To draw a conclusion of the lesson I want you to make up cinquains [ sıŋ ʹ keınz ] on the topic “Job”

Обучающиеся составляют синквейн

И представляют его у доски

1. (Первая строка – тема стихотворения, выраженная одним словом, обычно именем существительным);

2. (Вторая строка – описание темы в двух словах, как правило, именами прилагательными); 3. (Третья строка – описание действия в рамках этой темы тремя словами, обычно глаголами); 4. (Четвертая строка – фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение автора к данной теме);

5. (Пятая строка – одно слово – синоним к первому, на эмоционально-образном уровне повторяющее суть темы).

2. Домашнее задание.

- At home you should learn by heart new words and describe one of the professions in the media. (5-7 sentences)

Записывают домашнее задание на доске

3. Подведение итогов урока.

- The lesson is over. Thanks for your good work! Your marks are…

I hope this lesson was useful and interesting for you, and I believe you are sure to make a right choice of your future profession. I wish you good luck. Let your dreams come true!

Reporter: Jane, you're a travel rep on the beautiful island of Majorca. It sounds a dream job - living and working by the Mediterranean all year round, with two and a half months off in the winter. What exactly do you do, Jane?

Jane: Oh, I meet clients when they arrive see them off when they leave and . look after them during their stay, take them on excursions .

Reporter: Do you like it?

Jane: Oh yes, I do, but it is hard work.

Reporter: You mean the hours? How many hours do you work?

Jane: Seven hours a day, six days a week .

Reporter: That's forty-two hours a week .

Jane: Yes, but on top of that we have four extra jobs a week as well – you know, like accompanying an excursion, meeting a delayed aircraft at four in the morning, that sort of thing.

Reporter: That's certainly tough.

Jane: It is tough. Not much time for sunbathing. I always sleep on my day off.

Reporter: Do you speak Spanish?

Jane: Yes, I do. You've got to know the language in this kind of job - after all, you have to arrange things with the local people - hotels, transport, entertainment. Not everybody speaks English.

Reporter: Do you spend your holidays at home?

Jane: Part of them. About six weeks each winter.

Reporter: And then you go back to Majorca for a holiday?

Jane: That's right. I love Majorca in the winter. The island’s not so busy then. Sometimes I fly out to the Canaries for a week or two - if it gets too cold in Majorca.

Reporter: What kind of person do you have to be if you want to become a rep?

Jane: Well . you must be prepared to work hard, you must love people and - oh yes - you should be single!

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Тема урока: Choosing a career: The world of jobs.

Место урока в теме: 17

Место и время проведения: 8 класс

Тип урока: комбинированный.


развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи в рамках изучаемой темы (полные ответы на вопросы, задание с письмами и составление диалогов);

развитие умений восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух (ведение урока на английском языке);

развитие умений поискового чтения (текст MY FUTURE OCCUPATION).


расширение фоновых знаний учащихся (название профессий);

расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся (лексика к тексту).


развитие памяти, внимания, мышления (работа с текстом, тест, упражнение с писмами);

развитие умений анализа информации, построения логических высказываний (вопросы к тексту, построение предложений с советами);

развитие у учащихся языковой догадки (заполнение пропусков в тексте);

развитие творческих способностей( упражнение на описание вида деятельности с помощью жестов);

развитие умений переноса усвоенного материала в новую ситуацию (на примере составления диалогов).


воспитание интереса к изучению иностранного языка( с помощью интересных заданий);

воспитание культуры поведения на занятиях и в повседневной жизни (умение поддерживать дискуссию в рамках темы урока и умение выслушать точку зрения одноклассников );

развитие навыков коллективной деятельности (работа в парах с диалогами и письмами).

Задачи урока:

введение новых лексических единиц и формирование навыков их использования в рамках темы урока (новая лексика к тексту и её использование в упражнениях и диалогах);

совершенствование интонационно-произносительных навыков( стихотворение, ответы на вопросы);

совершенствование навыков использования изученных ранее грамматических явлений в рамках темы урока (The Subjunctive Mood).

Формы работы с классом:

Оснащение урока:

Структура урока:

1.Организационный момент(1 мин)

4.Упражнения по активизации ране изученной лексики лексики(7мин).

5.Работа с текстом

- дотекстовый этап (1 мин)

- текстовый этап(7 мин)

- послетекстовый этап(6 мин)

6. Составление диалогов (10 мин)

7. Подведение итогов урока, объяснение домашнего задания(1 мин)

-Good afternoon, guys! How are you?

- Sit down, please.

- Do you like the weather today? Have you any news?

- Look at the blackboard. Today we are going to finish our wide theme: Choosing the future profession.

- Who can tell me why this theme is so wide?

- Yes, because the problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. Every generation in this or that way comes across it. And the choosing of the future career is one of the most important decisions one makes in life.

-Did you choose your future career?

- Today we’ll speak about jobs and I’ll give you some important pieces of advice about your future career.

- But, first of all, look at your sheets of paper. You can see the poem about different jobs. Let’s read the poem all together and then continue the list of jobs with your own comment.

He’s an accountant, he works with numbers.

He’s an accountant, he manages your money.

He’s an accountant, he plans your taxes.

He’s an accountant. That’s his occupation.

She’s in business. She’s a vice-president.

A vice-president. In a toy company.

She’s in business. She’s a boss.

A vice-president. That’s her occupation.

She is a teacher, that’s her job.

She is a nurse, that’s her job.

He is a pilot, that’s his job.

These are occupations, they’re all jobs.

He is a vendor, he sells food in the street.

He is a vendor, he sells hot dogs.

He is a vendor, he sells ice-cream.

A vendor, an accountant, a salesclerk,

A nurse, a teacher, a pilot.

These are occupations, they’re all jobs.

-Very good! Now you should continue the list of jobs with your own comment.

-For example: she is a teacher, she teaches children.

A computer operator

-Ok, well done! I believe that it will be not difficult to do this test.

1. A person whose job is to show a place to tourists

a. estate agent b. guide c. architect d. photographer e. journalist

2. A person whose profession is to attend and treat sick people

a. lawyer b. chemist c. doctor d. airhost

3. Someone who serves in the military forces of a country

a. librarian b. dentist c. soldier d. teacher e. editor

4. A person who finds out and writes about new events for radio and television

a. receptionist b. pharmacist c. hairdresser d. journalist e. designer

5. A person whose job is making and selling medicines

a. doctor b. surgeon c. nurse d. pharmacist e. physician

6. A person who cuts, washes and styles people's hair

a. hairdresser b. salesman c. accountant e. carpenter

7. A person whose job is to help people with the law or talk for them in court

a. librarian b. lawyer c. secretary d. fireman e. editor

8. A person trained to look after sick animals

a. veterinarian b. doctor c. physician d. chemist e. teacher

9. A person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help people in need

a. accountant b. nurse c. surgeon d. social worker

10. A person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel, at a place of business, visiting a doctor

a. airhost b. police officer c. receptionist d. musician e. explorer

Keys: 1b, 2c, 3c, 4d, 5d, 6a, 7b, 8a, 9d, 10c,

-Now, your task becomes more difficult. I’ll give you the cards where you can see a name of job. You shouldn’t tell your neighbour about your profession. And your task will be to describe your job with the help of gestures. The others should guess what job you have shown.

-Oh, I forgot that I have some letters for you from the USA . School leavers write you about their skills, interests, bents. They ask you to advise what careers they should choose. Read the information about pupils and advise something. Work in pairs.

a) FROM Mike Peterson

Qualification and experience-1 am quite a good driver, I have a driving license, I have been driving for two years.

Preferences-1 am not sure that I want to go to university. I like working with machines but I don't mind working with people.

б) FROM Mary Colins

Qualification and experience-1 sometimes babysit for my neighbours. Preferences-I'd like to work with children. Other information- I'm good at languages and history.

3) From Tom Brown

Qualification and experience: I like to play computer games. I am very good at informatics. Preferences- I want to make different programs and repair the computers.

4) from Lucy Treat

Qualification and experience: I don’t know what to do. I don’t study well, but everybody tells me that my pictures are wonderful. Preferences-tell me, please, what jobs can you advise me in this sphere of activity.

5) from Peter Right

Qualification and experience: I am very communicative. I read a lot and write the articles about school life. Preferences- I like to travel and communicate with people.

-Now, we are going to read an interesting text, where school leaver chooses his future career. Let’s read the words and phrases which can be difficult for you. Repeat them, read them.

to take up a profession -взяться зa

to change one’s mind -передумать

to be eager- сильно хотеть

the preparatory courses- подготовительные курсы

to encourage- поддерживать

to be aware of smth- отдавать себе отчет в чем- либо

failure- провал, неудача

to do one’s utmost- сделать всё возможное

-Look at the text. You can note that some words are missed in it. You should fill the gaps with the words after the text and read it.


When school students are about to leave school, they have to choose their future profession. It’s a very important time for both the school-leavers and their parents. When I was a child I wanted to become a pilot . Then I … and dreamed to be a translator. Now I have strong intentions to enter the University. I’d like to be a translator . I can’t say it has been my life-long dream, but I … in this occupation. I find it… . I am eager to… , because it has good prospects. There is another reason why I want to take it up. This profession runs in my family. I try to get ready for the entrance examinations. I attend preparatory courses at the University, take some school … in English and read a lot. My parents are for my idea of becoming a translator . They … of my choice and encourage me to get ready for the school finals and the University entrance exams. Lots of things … my choice. They are the family tradition, my personal interest in this field and the need of the profession in our society. Of course, I am aware of a strong competition among those who desire to become students. I know that the University requirements to the school-leavers’ level of knowledge are getting higher each coming year. Certainly, there is some fear of … , but I’ll try to do my utmost to become a student. If I happen to fail the examinations, I’ll keep trying to pass it until my dream comes true.

Words : changed my mind, influenced , optional classes, approve, am really interested ,failure, take up this profession, prestigious.

-Well done. Answer the questions. Was a desire to be a translator a life-long one? Why did he choose this profession? What influenced his choice? What is he going to do in order to become a student?

-Now, look at the screen. Translate into English this phrases:

взяться за\выбрать профессию- to take up a profession

находить профессию престижной -to find the occupation prestigious

у неё (профессии) есть будущее- it has good prospects

большой конкурс среди абитуриентов- a strong competition among applicants

требования к вступительным экзаменам- requirements to entrance exams

сделать всё возможное, что бы стать кем- либо

одобрит чей-либо выбор и поддержать

-The next task is to say the same using the phrases from the text.

I am on the point of leaving school- I am about to leave school

I’ve been dreaming about it for a long time -It’s my life-long dream

I do want it -I am eager

I take preparatory courses -I attend preparatory courses

My parents are for my idea -My parents approve of my choice

I know about- I am aware of

I’ll try to do my best -I’ll try to do my utmost

until I realize my dream -until my dream comes true

-Very good. The next task for you is to make the small dialogues about your future career using our new words, phrases and Subjunctive Mood.

– If I were a doctor I would….

– What would you like to be?

– If you were an actress, would you act on the stage or in films?

– If you earn a lot of money, what would you do?

-I’ll give you one minute. You are the first.

- I know that not everybody has chosen the future career. It is not surprise and you have a lot of time to think about it.

-You work today very well. And in conclusion, I have some questions for you.

1. What is better to have well-paid, but not interesting job or to have badly paid, but interesting job?

2. Would you prefer to work with your hands or with your brain?

3. What are you good at? Are you good at the things you like to do? Do you think these activities can help you in your future career?

4. How can people’s health influence the choice of their career?

5. The women in Muslim countries don’t work. What do you think about it?

6. What is worse to stay at home or to have a work you hate?

7. Is it dangerous to follow someone’s example or follow in someone’s footsteps?

8.What can you advice a man who tries to choose a career?

- Ok, I’ll give you some recommendations about choosing the future career. Let’s read them:

1. Everybody should chose the career him/herself

2. Read and learn a lot about your future career.

3.Pay attention to needs, prestigiousness and wages of the future profession.

4.Decide what you can and what you should know.

5. Don’t fear the risk, the mistakes and bring yourself to correct your mistakes.

6. Keep a reserve variant if you fail.

7. If you want to have a success you should read a lot, work a lot and think a lot.

- Today we have spoken about the world of jobs. Of course it is very important to make the right choice. But I think it is more important what kind of person you will become. I wish you to find yourselves in this world, be kind, be honest, be noble everywhere and in everything.

- Your home-work will be to invent an unusual job, for example: a photographer of animals’ ears, a thief of somebody’s knowledge, and describe it.

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