Краткое содержание робин гуда на английском языке с переводом

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

В топике Робин Гуд я хочу рассказать о популярном герое средневековых английских народных баллад, благородном предводителе лесных разбойников. По преданию, он действовал со своей шайкой в Шервудском лесу около Ноттингема— грабил богатых, отдавая добытое беднякам. Особенно понравился рассказ о золотой стреле, завоеванной Робин Гудом в состязании лучников, которое устроил хитрый шериф Ноттингема, чтобы заманить Робина в ловушку. Но храбрый разбойник и на этот раз сумел обмануть незадачливого шерифа.

This school-year, at our English outside reading lessons, we had read many interesting stories about Robin Hood. The most interesting story is a story about Golden Arrow. In the 11th century England was conquered by the Normans who had come from the North of France. They began to take away lands and homes from the Saxons, the native population of the British Islands. The Saxons suffered very much from the Normans and hated their new masters. Many of them had to run away into the forests and to become outlaws. There are many legends and songs about one of these outlaws – Robin Hood. Robin Hood with his 300 men, so the legends say, lived in the Sherwood Forest, not far from the town of Nottingham. He often attacked the rich Normans, but he was a friend of the poor and helped them as much, as he could. The Sheriff of Nottingham wanted to catch Robin Hood. He journeyed to London to ask Prince John for help. Prince John said him that it was his task and he had to deal with it quickly. The Sheriff did not argue and went back to Nottingham, angrier than ever. He was worried by what Prince John had said. As he was not a brave man, his thoughts soon turned to trickery. He decided to have a shooting match and hoped that Robin Hood and his men would appear there to try their luck. He decided to make a beautiful gold arrow as the prize for the best archer. He was right: when the news of the golden arrow travelled to Sherwood, Robin decided to enter the competition. But his friend David said him that it was only a trick of the Sheriff. Then Little John, Robin's great friend said that he had a plan. He suggested to dress in different colours, because Sheriff expected to see them in green. Thus, dressed in many colours Robin Hood and his men went to Nottingham. The Sheriff was actually looking for people in green. He thought Robin Hood was a coward and did not come. The archery started and Robin Hood was better than all the rest and won the golden arrow. Some days later the Sheriff was seated at his dinner table and boasting that Robin was afraid to show his face in Nottingham. Suddenly through the window flew in an arrow. It hit the big fat goose. It had a message. The Sheriff read the message and understood that once again Robin Hood had outwitted him.

One of the legendary heroes of those times was Robin Hood. He was a strong, tall, handsome man. The legend says that once the Normans came to the house where Robin lived and Robin’s father was killed in a fight. They took everything from the house and then burnt it down. But Robin’s life was saved, because he ran away to the forest of Sherwood.

Many Saxons who could not stand the pressure of the Normans joined Robin Hood and made him their leader.

Robin and his men were called the Merry Men by the poor people. And Robin became Robin of Sherwood Forest or Robin Hood. He was called "Hood" because he and his men wore green hoods.

Robin Hood was a great rebel who fought for his people and freedom of his land.

Кристина Овечкина

Robin Hood and his merry men lived in Sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham. They were good friends to all the poor people. They stopped rich men who were passing through Sherwood Forest and took their money. Then they gave that money to the poor The poor people of England loved Robin Hood and his men. The sheriff of Nattingham wanted to kill Robin Hood or take him prisoner. He sent his soldiers to Sherwood Forest many times, but they could not catch Robin Hood. One day when Robin Hood was walking through Sherwood Forests, he saw a man with a horse. The horse was carrying some big bags of meat.
"Where are you going, friend?" asked Robin Hood.
"To Nottingham," answered the men. "I am a butcher. I am carrying this meat to sell at the market"
"Sell your meat to me," said Robin Hood. The butcher agreed. Robin Hood bought all the meat from the butcher. He also bought his horse and his butchers apron and cap. The butcher went home, and Robin Hood put on the buthers and went to Nottingham to sell the meat. There were many people at the market. Robin Hood found a good place to stop and began to shout:
"Wery good meat! Come and buy! Very cheap meat!" People were glad to buy cheap meat. Soon everybody came to buy meat from Robin; nobody wanted to buy meat from the other butchers. The other butchers were very angry. "Who is this men?" they asked each other.
Робин Гуд и его веселые друзья жили в Шервудском лесу около города Ноттингема. Они были хорошими друзьями всем бедным людям. Они остановили богатых мужчин, которые проходили через Шервудский лес и взяли их деньги. Тогда они дали те деньги бедным, бедные люди Англии любили Робина Гуда и его друзей. Шериф Нэттингема хотел убить Робина Гуда или взять его в плен. Он послал своих солдат в Шервудский лес много раз, но они не могли поймать Робина Гуда. Однажды, когда Робин Гуд шел через Шервудские Леса, он видел человека с лошадью. Лошадь несла некоторые большие мешки мяса.
"Куда Вы идете, друг? " спросил Робин Гуд.
"В Ноттингем," ответил мужчинам. "Я - мясник. Я несу это мясо, чтобы продать на рынке"
"Продайте свое мясо мне," сказал Робин Гуд. Мясник согласился. Робин Гуд купил все мясо от мясника. Он также купил свою лошадь и свой передник мясников и кепку. Мясник пошел домой, и Робин Гуд поставил buthers и пошел в Ноттингем, чтобы продать мясо. Было много людей на рынке. Робин Гуд нашел, что хорошее место остановилось, и начал кричать:
"Очень хорошее мясо! Приезжайте и купите! Очень дешевое мясо! " Люди были рады купить дешевое мясо. Скоро все приехали, чтобы купить мясо от Робина; никто не хотел купить мясо от других мясников. Другие мясники были очень сердиты. "Кто этот человек? " они спросили друг друга.

Кристина Овечкина

There lived Robin Hood and his friends in Sherwood Forest, near the city of Nottingham. There were they friends to all poor people and enemies of rich men. Cheriffe Nottingema wanted to kill Robin Goode, but couldn't find it. Once, walking in the wood, Robin Hood met the butcher with a horse who had two bags of meat. Robin Hood asked it to sell it meat. He agreed and sold it meat, the horse, an apron and a cap of the butcher. Robin Hood sold meat very cheap, therefore all meat his horse, an apron and a cap мясника.покупали only on it. Other butchers didn't understand, why he sells it so cheap and they decided to invite him for a dinner in the house of the sheriff, and there they will ask it who is he. At supper the sheriff started to ask at Robin Hood about it, and then asked:
"I would like to look, how many the livestock is available for you. I want it to buy from you." The next morning the sheriff and Robin Hood went to Sherwood Forest to sell to the sheriff his cattle, but suddenly Robin Hood rang out in the horn and about them right there was Small John and others.
"John made to us a dinner so you should pay. Small John, take bags of the sheriff." John took away bags from the sheriff, and after brought it back to the house. At last Robin Hood shouted:
"Say hello to other butchers."

Кристина Овечкина

There lived Robin Hood and his friends in Sherwood Forest, near the city of Nottingham. Once, walking in the wood, Robin Hood met the butcher with a horse who had two bags of meat. Robin Hood asked it to sell it meat. He agreed and sold it meat. Robin Hood began to sell the meat in Nottingham, and other butchers decided to invite him to a dinner in the house of the sheriff. At supper the sheriff started to ask at Robin Hood about it, and then asked: "I would like to look, how many the livestock is available for you. I want it to buy from you." The next morning the sheriff and Robin Hood went to Sherwood Forest to sell to the sheriff his cattle, but suddenly Robin Hood rang out in the horn and about them right there was Small John and others. "John made to us a dinner so you should pay. Small John, take bags of the sheriff." John took away bags from the sheriff, and after brought it back to the house. At last Robin Hood shouted:
"Say hello to other butchers."

Книги на английском, для начинающих погружаться в мир английского языка, открывают огромные возможности. Ведь из них можно почерпнуть всякого рода цитаты, афоризмы, идиомы или же попросту увеличить словарный запас - все это заметно помогает в изучении английского языка.

Суть нашего проекта заключается в том, чтобы сделать чтение книг на английском языке доступным для каждого, и благодаря встроенному переводчику - максимально удобным.

К слову о встроенном переводчике - при чтении книги на английском языке, он даст вам перевод любого слова на русском языке в нескольких вариантах, а также в случае необходимости поможет перевести предложение, что делает чтение проще чем к примеру адаптированные книги Ильи Франка, и позволяет понимать прочитанное не отрываясь от самого сюжета книги.

Помимо всего этого, вы всегда можете учить иностранные слова добавив их в свой личный словарь, а функция "Добавить закладку" поможет в любой момент вернуться к определенному моменту книги, на котором вы остановились.

С каждым днем, наша и без того уже достаточно большая библиотека растет и крепнет, насчитывая массу интересных и популярных книг, большая часть из которых - классическая литература. Все книги разделены на несколько уровней: Elementary (Для начинающих), Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-intermediate и Advanced, что помогает читателю выбрать книги на английском по своему уровню и не потеряться среди множества книг.

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