Транспортное сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Основные виды транспорта

Наземный транспорт
автобус bus [bʌs]
такси taxi ['tæksi]
поезд train [treɪn]
автомобиль car / auto / autombile [kɑ:(r)] / ['ɔ:təʊ] / ['ɔ:təməbi:l]
мотоцикл motorcycle / motorbike ['məʊtəsaɪkl] / ['məʊtəbaɪk]
метро subway / underground ['sʌbweɪ] / [,ʌndə'ɡraʊnd]
снегоход snowmobile ['snəʊmə,bi:l]
троллейбус trolleybus ['trɒlibʌs]
трамвай tram [træm]
междугородний автобус
coach [kəʊtʃ]
грузовик lorry / truck ['lɒri] / [trʌk]
велосипед bike / bicycle [baɪk] / ['bʌɪsɪk(ə)l]
тележка, фургон wagon ['wægən]
Водный транспорт
корабль ship [ʃɪp]
пароход steamer
паром ferry ['feri]
лодка boat [bəʊt]
теплоход motor ship ['məʊtə(r) ʃɪp]
яхта yacht [jɒt]
судно vessel ['vesəl]
Воздушный транспорт
самолёт plane / airplane [pleɪn] / ['eəpleɪn]
вертолёт helicopter ['helɪ,kɒptər]
воздушный шар balloon / aerostat [bə'lu:n] / ['ɛ:rəstat]

Напомним о разнице между американским английским (AmE) и британским (BrE). Старайтесь ориентироваться на тот вариант, который ближе вашему собеседнику.

Транспорт на английском языке, изображение 1

  • Топ 100 слов уровня Pre-Intermediate
  • Топ 100 слов уровня upper-intermediate
  • Топ 100 слов уровня Intermediate
  • Топ 100 фразовых глаголов
  • Топ 100 слов уровня Elementary

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Адрес на английском

Глаголы передвижения

  • The train arrives at 7p.m. – Поезд прибывает в 7 вечера.
  • The plane departed on time. – Самолёт улетел вовремя.
  • We want to leave ASAP. – Мы хотим уехать как можно раньше.
  • I don’t want to go on foot, let’s take a bus instead. – Я не хочу идти пешком, давай вместо этого поедем автобусом.
  • Hurry up! Get in the car! – Скорее! Садись в машину!
  • No, I don’t want to get out of the taxi. – Нет, я не хочу выходить из такси.
  • Mr. Anderson, let’s take a ride. – Мистер Андерсон, давайте-ка прокатимся.

Ознакомившись с основным вокабуляром, посмотрите и другие слова, которые могут быть полезны.

В аэропорту

departure – отлёт
exit – выход
check-in desk – регистрационная стойка
arrival – прибытие
nursery – комната матери и ребёнка
baggage carousel – трек получения багажа
boarding – посадка
boarding pass – посадочный талон
carry-on bag / hand luggage – ручная кладь
ticket – билет
passport – паспорт
reservation – бронь
flight – рейс
overweight – перевес
waiting room – пассажирский зал, зал ожидания
gate – выход
customs supervision – таможенный контроль
destination – пункт назначения

Транспорт на английском языке, изображение 2

На вокзале

booking/ticket office – касса по продаже и бронированию билетов
trolley – тележка для багажа
porter – носильщик
compartment – купе
restaurant / buffet / dining car – обеденный вагон, вагон ресторан
timetable / indicator board – расписание движения составов
seat – место
penalty fare – пеня за неоплаченный проезд
carriage – вагон
railway line – рельсы
railway station – пассажирская станция
express train – поезд-экспресс
ticket barrier – турникет

Транспорт на английском языке, изображение 3

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На корабле

life belt / boat / jacket – спасательный круг / лодка / жилет
harbour – гавань
deck – палуба
cruise – круиз
car deck – автомобильный отсек
crossing – морской рейс, переправа
crew – команда корабля
rough/calm sea - шторм / штиль
cabin / cuddy – каюта / каюта на небольшом корабле
seasick – тошнота, связанная с морской болезнью
to embark / disembark – сесть на / сходить с корабля

Транспорт на английском языке, изображение 4

Many of the persons with disabilities lived in isolated areas of developing countries where access to transportation was difficult.

In UNAMA, transportation is difficult because personnel are required to use armoured vehicles when travelling between United Nations compounds.

Orbis Cracovia's convenient location provides excellent transport links and easy access to the city's important locations.

This 4-star hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi internet, excellent transport links to Düsseldorf city centre, and delicious cuisine in the restaurant or on the terrace.

Centrally located at the heart of the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur City, Melia Kuala Lumpur offers elegantly furnished rooms with warm and attentive service and convenient transport links.

Between the cities of Jordan, good transport links, but to tourist attractions buses run infrequently.

It has all of the above: excellent natural conditions, environmentally safeof, excellent infrastructure and transport links.

This significantly reduces the number of shipping companies that include Cuba in their routes, limiting the availability of transportation and delaying the loading of goods.

It further recommended that Guyana increase access to medical facilities by constructing more health care centres in the interior of the country and expanding transportation between the interior and the coast.

Overlooking the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Hotel Giubileo is just 250 metres from Termini Train offers great public transport links, plus air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi.

Excellent transport links - bus lines, trams and metro - Line B. Long garntiya 3 years, said the high quality of construction.

You have excellent public transport links via bus and metro, the nearest station is just 50 metres away.

Enjoying a peaceful setting beside a lake in Cologne's inner-city forest, this 4-star hotel offers welcoming accommodation and convenient transport links to the city centre and airport.

The Hotel Orly is situated in a peaceful, central and easily accessible location, offering good transport links to all of Munich's important destinations.

Its ripple effects are felt throughout the West African subregion, stifling trade and transportation, investment and growth, and regional integration.

Implementation of the Framework will contribute significantly to the achievement of regional and subregional transport connectivity.

In several developing countries, regional development was hindered by lack of adequate transport connections.

(l) International economic cooperation and higher competitiveness are facilitated by good transport connections and infrastructure.

For the future, improved transport connections to fast growing regional markets will further stimulate economic and social development.

On Old Earth, kingship died out as the speed of transport increased and the timespace of the globe grew smaller.

But he stifled his vexation because what he wanted more than anything else in the world was to be in a Prime Tower, part of the vast FT&T network that handled communications and transportation between the star systems that comprised the Federation.

As the major transportation utility between Earth and Moon, and on many translunar links, our business would be very adversely affected by any shift in terrestrial attitudes . ' And so it began.

But, in the 1780s, for reasons both self-interested and public-spirited, he forms the plan of opening up for navigation the River Leem, as a means of transport for his produce between Norfolk and the expanding market of the Fens.

Thanks to his background and wide experience, he made an important contribution to the work on the development of international transport in transition countries.

Thanks to his background and wide experience, he made an important contribution to the work on the development of international transport in transition countries

Consequently, the actual fleet deployment significantly decreased during 2009, reducing shipping connectivity internationally and trade flows.

The main goal of the RIS principles is to establish a universal instrument for transmitting navigation information, sufficient to ensure the safety of transport operations.

He highlighted the purposeful work on minimizing negative impacts of unfavourable geographical location of the landlocked developing countries, eliminating barriers in international transport communications

He highlighted the purposeful work on minimizing negative impacts of unfavourable geographical location of the landlocked developing countries, eliminating barriers in international transport communications.

Tourist arrivals by air and sea have decreased significantly, due in large measure to increased security arrangements introduced in international transportation and, of course, the natural fear of travelling

Tourist arrivals by air and sea have decreased significantly, due in large measure to increased security arrangements introduced in international transportation and, of course, the natural fear of travelling.

UNECE contributes to the implementation of the APoA through the promotion of infrastructure development, international transport and trade facilitation, border crossing facilitation, transport and trade of perishable foodstuffs, as well as road safety.

Other discussions took place in the Inland Transport Committee, where it was pointed out that the AETR should be open for accession by third countries that have developed international transport with Contracting Parties to AETR or plan to do so.

The Institute has promoted the development of international transport linkages and dry ports along the Trans-Asian Railway and the Asian Highway through studies, conferences, seminars, capacity-building and advocacy.

“• The Asian Highway, Trans-Asian Railway and other initiatives promoted by the Commission for planning international intermodal transport linkages

The Asian Highway, Trans-Asian Railway and other initiatives promoted by the Commission for planning international intermodal transport linkages

The Asian Highway, Trans-Asian Railway and other initiatives promoted by the Commission for planning international intermodal transport linkages;

The Asian Highway Network, the trans-Asian railway network and other initiatives promoted by the Commission for planning international intermodal transport linkages;

The Asian Highway Network, the trans-Asian railway network and other initiatives promoted by the Commission for planning international intermodal transport linkages;

During the 1990s, international arrivals grew at an average annual rate of 4.2 per cent, while international tourism receipts, at current prices and excluding international transport costs, had an average annual growth rate of 7.3 per cent.

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