Сообщение про волейбол на английском

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

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Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Выполнила: Главатских Елена,

What is volleyball

Volleyball is a sports game in which two teams take part. All the action takes place on a platform separated by a grid. The participants of one group try to throw the ball to the opposite half in such a way that it touches the ground or the floor on the opponent's side. Or they try to make the players of the opposite side make a mistake. One team consists of fourteen players. Six of them participate in the game, the remaining eight remain in reserve for replacement. In the late fifties of the twentieth century, the International Volleyball Federation was founded. It included two hundred and twenty federations. Volleyball appeared at the Olympic Games in the seventies of the twentieth century.

How the game developed

Over time, only the rules and the playground changed. There were five participants in the team. The players tried to throw the ball over the cord with their forearm or fist. Faustball was divided into two halves, which lasted fifteen minutes each. As we can see, volleyball appeared a long time ago. But the official calculus of the game began only in the twentieth century, when its rules were made public. Of course, they are regularly changed and improved.

It is believed that volleyball appeared in 1895. Physical education teacher W.D. Morgan said that he had come up with a new game. He also worked on the development of its rules, used since 1897, but it got a completely different name. She was called mintonet. At the end of June 1923, the first volleyball tournament was held in the capital of Russia, in which teams consisting of only men took part. The following year, this sport was included in the program of the All-Union Spartakiad. The first Olympic volleyball tournament was held in 1964. Ten men's and six women's teams took part in it.

Rules of the game

· The area of the field is strictly nineteen by nine meters.

· Each team can include fourteen participants.

· During the game, only six players in each team can be on the court.

· There is a libero position. Such a player has the right to replace any player on the back line, but does not have the right to attack the opposing team. Its shape has a difference in color.

· A single game is played up to twenty-five points. The winner is the winning team in three games.

· The attack is carried out in three touches: reception, transmission and attack. They are performed by three different players.

There are six zones. They are fixed during the start of the game for each player. After the ball has passed to the other team, the players move from the larger zone to the smaller one.

The defense must pass the ball to the connecting player without losing the ball and points.

After the ball is served, it is played. Participants cannot make more than three touches.

Мой любимый вид спорта — это волейбол. Мы часто играем в него с друзьями. В школе или на природе мы тоже любим поиграть в волейбол.
Мне нравится эта игра, потому что у нее простые правила. Надо приземлить мяч на половине команды-соперника. Волейбол развивает ловкость и силу рук, быстроту реакции и внимательность. У тех, кто много играет в волейбол, хорошо развита координация движений.
Поскольку бить мяч ногами нельзя,как в футболе. Движения волейболиста легкие и красивые.
Волейбол — очень азартная игра, она крепко объединяет игроков одной команды. Эта игра закаляет здоровье, помогает стать выносливым, сильным.

Мой любимый вид спорта — это волейбол. Мы часто играем в него с друзьями. В школе или на природе мы тоже любим поиграть в волейбол.Мне нравится эта игра, потому что у нее простые правила. Надо приземлить мяч на половине команды-соперника. Волейбол развивает ловкость и силу рук, быстроту реакции и внимательность. У тех, кто много играет в волейбол, хорошо развита координация движений.Поскольку бить мяч ногами нельзя,как в футболе. Движения волейболиста легкие и красивые. Волейбол — очень азартная игра, она крепко объединяет игроков одной команды. Эта игра закаляет здоровье, помогает стать выносливым, сильным.

My favorite sports - it's volleyball. We often play it with your friends. At school or in the countryside, we also love to play volleyball.
I love this game, because it has simple rules. It is necessary to ground the ball in the opponent's half of the teams. Volleyball develops agility and arm strength, responsiveness and attentiveness. Those who play a lot of volleyball, well-developed coordination of movements.
Since it is impossible to hit the ball down, like in football. Movement volleyball light and beautiful.
Volleyball - very gamble, it combines strong players on the same team. This game tempers health, helps to become resilient and strong.

Volley-ball is a popular team game with a ball, which is played by both adults and children. This is a team sports game, in which two teams compete on a special ground, separated by a net. The rules of volley-ball are simple. Volley-ball is played by two teams of six people. The goal of the game is to score points by hitting the ball in the opponents court. Players of each team are allowed to make no more than three touches of the ball on their half of the court before hitting the ball to the opponents over the net. At the moment, volley-ball is one of the most popular and favorite sports. It is played both indoors and outdoors.

All my friends are very active people. We like indoor and outdoor activities. So that’s why we spend a lot of time together and we have so much in common.

Still each of us is a very unique person. Some our hobbies are pretty different and today I would like to tell you about one my passion.

My favorite hobby is volleyball. I have been playing volleyball since I have been 6. First time I came to play volleyball with my father. My parents wanted me to be interested in something, so they were trying different things. I tried to play football few times,basketball and even dancing classes. When my father took me to play volley I was curious about this game, because I watched it before only on TV.

I remember my first game. I was a loser. I didn’t know how to play, but only ran around the square. I was the youngest one and didn’t listen to anybody. The only thing I wanted to be part of the team. Later on my coach explained me the rules and importance to follow them. After few months I have become a good player.

Today I pay a lot of attention to school and my lessons. It’s not easy to manage with the school and all hobbies. Still very often I go to play volley with my friends or classmates. If I see someone wants to join us I am always happy to have a new-player in our team even if he doesn’t know the rules. I can explain the rules with pleasure.

In future I would like to continue to play volley but I am not sure I will succeed. I hope in future I will live not far away from a gym or a place where I can play it. But today I can really enjoy this time. I am so much happy my parents made a right decision. Thank to them I have found so many hobbies, but volleyball is not just hobby. Volley is my passion. Volley is the place where I have met the best teachers and best friends.

Моё хобби — волейбол

Все мои друзья очень активные ребята. Нам нравятся разные виды деятельности, как дома, так и на улице. Вот поэтому мы проводим много времени вместе, ведь у нас так много общего.

Все же каждый из нас достаточно уникальная личность. Некоторые наши хобби очень отличаются и сегодня я бы хотел рассказать вам об одной моей страсти.

Мое любимое хобби - это волейбол. Я играл в него с 6 лет. Первый раз я пришёл играть в волейбол со своим отцом. Мои родители очень надеялись, чтобы я начал интересоваться чем-то, поэтому, хотели найти для меня занятие по душе. Я пробовал играть в футбол несколько раз, баскетбол и даже посещал танцевальные уроки. Когда мой папа взял поиграть в волейбол, мне было действительно очень любопытно. Ведь до этого я видел игру только по телевизору.

Я помню свою первую игру. Я был настоящим лузером. Я не знал, как играть, а только бегал по полю. Я был самым юным игроком и совсем не слушал правила. Но я мечтал быть частью той команды. Позже тренер объяснил мне правила и сказал, как важно им следовать. Через несколько месяцев я стал хорошим игроком.

Сегодня я посвящаю много времени школе и урокам. Мне трудно совмещать школу и все свои хобби. Но все-таки я часто выхожу играть в волейбол с друзьями и одноклассниками. Если я вижу, что кто-то пытается присоединиться к нам, я всегда рад новому игроку в нашей команде, даже, если он не знает правил. Я объясню их с удовольствием.

В будущем я бы хотел продолжить играть в волейбол, но не знаю, смогу ли. Хотел бы жить в районе, где рядом спортивный зал или площадка для волейбола. Но сегодня я радуюсь каждой игре. Я так доволен, что родители когда-то приняли верное решение. Я благодарен им, что они увлекли меня всеми хобби, но волейбол это не просто хобби. Волейбол - моя страсть. Волейбол - это место, где я встретил лучших учителей и друзей.

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