Сообщение про бермудский треугольник на английском языке

Обновлено: 06.07.2024


1.Did five bombers take off from F. Kauderlade in the USA? 2.The pilots radioed that their flight instruments were malfunctioning, didn’t they? 3. Are many airmen and sailors afraid of area of the Atlantic Ocean or Pasific Ocean? 4. How many ships, planes and people did Bermuda Triangle swallow? 5. What was far from being the first mysterious incident in the area?


This text tells about the Devils Triangle the Triangle of Death the other words the Bermuda triangle. It is situated in the Atlantic ocean it has swallowed up 140 ships and planes and more then 1000 people. The disappearand are always mysterious and unexpected. Many airmen and sailors are still afraid of this area in the Atlantic.


Моя школа новая и современная, и мне она нравится. Это три этажа. Классы светлые и просторные. Существуют классы для разных предметов, таких как английский, история, физика, биология и другие. В школе также есть компьютерный класс. Там я изучаю информатику. Школа имеет много возможностей для занятий спортом. В отеле есть тренажерный зал, игровая площадка, футбольное поле. Я считаю, что учебный год очень важен для каждого человека. Поэтому я никогда не забуду свою школу, учителей и одноклассников. My school is new and modern and I love it. It is three floors. Classrooms are bright and airy. There are classes for different subjects, such as English, history, physics, biology and others. The school also has a computer class. There I study computer science. The school has many opportunities for sport activities. There is a gym, Playground, soccer field. I believe that the school year is very important for every person. Therefore, I will never forget my school, teachers and classmates.


1. Общий вопрос (General) Has Romeo and Juliet been one of the most popular stories in films? 2. Отрицательное вопросительное предложение (Negative Interrogative Sentence) Haven’t many directors taken this famous play? 3. Специальный вопрос (Special) Why did Luhrmann make some changes to the setting? 4. Разделительный вопрос (Disjunctive) Baz Luhrmann’s version of Romeo and Juliet was produced in 1996, wasn’t it? 5. Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative) Was the motion picture invented in 1894 or 1899?

Каждый день наполнен новостями. Я знаю такие виды СМИ, как газеты, журналы, радио и телевидение. - Телевидение меня поддерживает. Я могу смотреть разные фильмы, мои любимые телепрограммы (смешные или документальные шоу). С помощью телевидения я всегда слежу за новостями о своей стране. - Мне нравится читать журналы о музыке, кулинарии, знаменитостях. Я стараюсь находить информацию о моих любимых фильмах, их жизни, новых поступлениях, советах. Это Vogue, TeenVogue, Bravo. - Конечно нет! Мы не можем доверять всей информации, которую получаем от СМИ. Пресса, радио и телевидение играют большую роль в жизни общества. Они информируют, обучают и развлекают людей. Они также влияют на то, как люди смотрят на мир и заставляют их менять свои взгляды. Средства массовой информации могут использоваться в различных целях: информационно-пропагандистская деятельность, как для деловых, так и для социальных задач. Это может включать рекламу, маркетинг, пропаганду, общественные отношения и политическую коммуникацию. Развлечения, традиционно с помощью выступлений, музыки и спорта, а также легкого чтения. Each day is filled with news. I know such kinds of Mass Media as newspapers, magazines, the radio and television. - Television intertains me. I can watch different films, my favorite tv-programms (funny or documental show). With the help of television I always keep up news of my country. - I like reading magazines about music, cooking, celebrities. I try to find information about my favorite filmstars, their life, new receipts, advice. They are Vogue, TeenVogue, Bravo. - Certainly not! We can not trust all the information we get from Mass Media. The press, the radio and television play a big role in the life of the society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media can be used for various purposes: advocacy, both for business and social concerns. This can include advertising, marketing, propaganda, public relations, and political communication. Entertainment, traditionally through performances of acting, music, and sports, along with light reading.

Билет № 12 IT’S ONLY ME


1. Общий вопрос (General) Had her husband gone to work?

2. Отрицательное вопросительное предложение (Negative Interrogative Sentence) Didn’t Mrs Richards send her children to school?

3. Специальный вопрос (Special) Why was she so excited?

4. Разделительный вопрос (Disjunctive) She intended to dress up as a ghost, didn’t she?

5. Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative) Did she intended to dress up as a ghost or a vampire?



  1. General Question (общий вопрос) Did Martin Eden return to San Francisco?
  2. Negative Interrogative Sentences (отрицательная форма общих вопросов) Didn’t Martin Eden sent his works to newspapers and magazines?
  3. Special Question (специальный вопрос) Whаt did Martine do at the same time?
  4. Disjunctive Question (разделительный вопрос) Martine slept five hours, didn’t he?
  5. Alternative Question (альтернативный вопрос) Had Martin waited for about a month or a fortnight?

Билет № 14 FLIGHT (ПОЛЕТ)

  1. General Question (общий вопрос) Did people dream that they could fly?

Did people ever have a dream they could fly like birds?

2. Negative Interrogative Sentences (отрицательная форма общих вопросов) Don’t we have enough strength in our arms to move wings up and down?

3. Special Question (специальный вопрос) When was the first flying machine which could carry a human being built?

4. Disjunctive Question (разделительный вопрос) In 1010, a man called Oliver jumped off a church roof in Malmesbury /ˈmɑːlmzbri/, didn’t he?

5. Alternative Question (альтернативный вопрос) Did Oliver jump off a church roof in Malmesbury /ˈmɑːlmzbri/ or Westminster?

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Since the beginning of time, man has been shrouded in secrets. Incomprehensible and inexplicable phenomena that have no clues. Over time, with the progress of progress and the development of science, many mysteries have acquired a different meaning. Some of them have become quite understandable from the point of view of physical, chemical or biological processes. For example, thunder, lightning, erupting volcanoes and geysers eventually ceased to be associated with an angry deity. But to this day there are phenomena, objects and circumstances that do not have an unambiguous explanation, understood and accepted by the absolute majority of people.

One of the phenomena with a more or less truthful explanation, but still not fully studied, is the Bermuda Triangle. This, of course, is not a right triangle, but only a part of the Sargasso Sea, conditionally limited to the points of Miami, San Juan and Bermuda. If the dots are connected on the map, you will get a figure that closely resembles a triangle. This is a navigationally difficult section of the sea. This is due to the complex relief of the bottom, which often consists of shoals.

The first official mention of it as a mysterious place was found in an article from 1950 about unexplained disappearances. The author was Edward Jones, a correspondent for the Associated Press, the largest news agency. Since then and to this day , the ill – fated triangle is attributed to:

· Anomalous breaks in the magnetic field of the planet

· The influence of the sunken Atlantis

There are cases of disappearance of large sea vessels, small barges. In addition, cases of missing aircraft passing in this area have been recorded. The most amazing and inexplicable are the stories about functioning, serviceable ships, from which both passengers and the entire crew disappeared. At the same time, personal belongings and rescue devices were found. No traces of the crash due to the storm were found – all things and objects were located in the proper order.

The absolute majority of people who fell under the influence of the triangle claimed to have witnessed changes in lighting, incorrect operation of devices, strange sensations in the body, distortions of the time frame of staying in place.

Skeptical people explain everything by the weather conditions characteristic of this place, in which storms and typhoons often form unexpectedly. And also one of the most common versions is human negligence or the human factor. Even strictly programmed machines make mistakes. What to say about people, even the most experienced.

The Bermuda Triangle is a dangerous area in the western Atlantic Ocean, where a great number of boats, ships and even planes are believed to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. I hold the idea that this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that visitors from outer space arrive in UFOs and take ships and planes with them. The alien theory became very popular when in 1977 Stephen Spielberg's film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was released. You may say that this explanation isn't rational enough, but many serious scientists still claim that there is a certain portal somewhere in the triangle that aliens from another dimension use as a bridge or gateway to our planet. It's obvious that the area where the Bermuda Triangle located is a very good place for the alien base because of the volcanic activity there that is certainly used to generate geothermal electricity as a source of power. There's a possibility that the unearthly civilization lives beneath the waves, maybe on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and shares the Earth with humans, sometimes abducting those people who find themselves on the territory occupied by extraterrestrial beings.

I read in science magazine one hypothesis. Scientist David May and Joseph Monaghan hypothesized that the reason for the disappearance of planes and aircraft carriers in the Bermuda Triangle is methane assumption, which means that "bubbles of methane rising from the sea floor may determine ships sinking”. It is a natural phenomenon and it can explain the mysterious disappearance of some ships. Analyzing the reasons of crashes in the Bermuda Triangle, the authors of the hypothesis believe that methane rising from the ocean floor causes ignition of aircraft. If the assumption about the "disappearances "of the ships seems plausible, the idea of aircraft fire is of strong doubt. Along with methane coming from the ocean floor, there is also phosphene (gaseous compound of phosphorus and hydrogen), which ignites spontaneously in contact with air. This idea is the basis of the concept of "the burning sea."

Я вычитал в одном научном журнале одну гипотезу. Ученные Дэвид Мей и Джозеф Монаган выдвинули гипотезу о том, что причиной исчезновения самолетов и авианосцев в Бермудском треугольнике является метан, их предположение заключается в том, что пузыри метана, поднимаясь с морского дна, топят корабли. Именно этим природным явлением и может объясняться загадочное исчезновение некоторых кораблей. Относительно авиакатастроф в Бермудском треугольнике авторы гипотезы полагают, что поднимающийся с океанского дна метан обуславливает возгорание самолетов. Если предположение об "исчезновении" кораблей выглядит правдоподобно, то мысль о возгорании самолетов вызывает большие сомнения. Вместе с метаном поднимается с океанского дна и фосфен (газообразное соединение фосфора с водородом), который самовозгорается при контакте с воздухом. Отсюда легенды о "горящем море".

It is believed that the Bermuda Triangle is the location of the lost city of Atlantis. According to legend, the energy source is a crystal city, sending waves of the ocean depths, causing disruptions navigation instruments on ships and planes.

And there are legends that the strange disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle associated with problem of navigation. Therefore, the geomagnetic field may be the real cause of accidents. There is a theory that in this area there are magnetic anomalies, and that the triangle is one of two places on Earth where the aligned true north and magnetic north, which could lead to changes in navigation devices.

Существует мнение, что Бермудский треугольник – место расположения затерянного города Атлантиды. Согласно легенде источником энергии города являлись кристаллы, посылающие волны из глубины океана, вызывая перебои в работе навигационных приборов на кораблях и самолетах.

А также ходят легенды, что странные исчезновения в Бермудском треугольнике связывали с проблемами с навигацией. Поэтому геомагнитные поля могут стать реальной причиной несчастных случаев. Существует теория, что в этой область есть магнитные аномалии и что треугольник является одним из двух мест на Земле, где выравниваются настоящий север и магнитный север, что может привести к изменениям навигационных приборов.

10 Work in groups. Choose one of the ideas from Ex. 9 or invent your own. Try to prove it. Share your ideas with the students in other groups.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

Материал предназначена для темы "Необычные места планеты" с целью расширения кругозора, а также совершенствования речевых навыков.

Описание разработки

Проект составлен на основе познавательного материала, взятого из различных источников с целью расширения кругозора учащихся 11 класса. Кроме того, важна работа с географическими названиями в процессе перевода на английский язык, так как весь материал был изначально русскоязычным. Предлагаю использовать материал на уроке английского языка по теме "Необычные места планеты" по учебнику Spotlight 11 класс, авторов Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Дж, Михеевой И.В.

Проект по английскому языку Бермудский треугольник

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. According to the US Navy, the triangle does not exist, and the name is not recognized by the US Board on Geographic Names. Popular culture has attributed various disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incidents were spurious, inaccurately reported, or embellished by later authors. In a 2013 study, the World Wide Fund for Nature identified the world’s 10 most dangerous waters for shipping, but the Bermuda Triangle was not among them.


The earliest allegation of unusual disappearances in the Bermuda area appeared in a September 17, 1950 article published in The Miami Herald (Associated Press) by Edward Van Winkle Jones. Two years later, Fate magazine published "Sea Mystery at Our Back Door", a short article by George X. Sand covering the loss of several planes and ships, including the loss of Flight 19, a group of five U. S. Navy TBM Avenger bombers on a training mission. Sand's article was the first to lay out the now - familiar triangular area where the losses took place. Flight 19 alone would be covered again in the April 1962 issue of American Legion magazine. In it, author Allan W. Eckert wrote that the flight leader had been heard saying, "We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water is green, no white. " He also wrote that officials at the Navy board of inquiry stated that the planes "flew off to Mars. " Sand's article was the first to suggest a supernatural element to the Flight 19 incident. In the February 1964 issue of Argosy, Vincent Gaddis' article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" argued that Flight 19 and other disappearances were part of a pattern of strange events in the region. The next year, Gaddis expanded this article into a book, Invisible Horizons.

Facts of the Bermuda Triangle.

Bottom of the Bermuda Triangle mysteriously. Something there is. Researches of scientists and stories of eyewitnesses shroud in mystery the Bermuda Triangle more and more.

For the last 150 years near the Bermuda Triangle disappearance more than 70 vessels and 20 planes, that is about one thousand people is recorded. From time to time some data of the researches which are carrying out in this area get to the press, known for the anomalies. So, in 2003 the world community was stirred up by news about detection of underwater pyramids, allegedly from glass, near the Bermuda Triangle,

All know glory of these places, namely incidents not giving in to an explanation and history which here happened throughout centuries. That will be gone the plane, the ship. Then they suddenly appear inexplicably through some tens years, as though making a jump in time.

There is one interesting fact. In the nineties the last century Americans by means of sonars repeatedly investigated a bottom and found there pyramids deeply under water in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.

It appeared that these pyramids not probably on what are located in Egypt. They are created from the unknown material in all respects similar to smooth ceramics or ground glass. Also by the sizes they are conceded by the well - known pyramid of Cheops 2, 5 - 3 times. Though preliminary data say that their age no more than a half of the millennium. At the bottom of this site the great number of scuba divers, both professionals, and fans visited.

With what everything began?

Everything began in 1880 when the British frigate "Atlanta" sailed from Bermuda to England, onboard there were 290 people of crew. The frigate disappeared completely, even the most careful searches, as a part of six British vessels Navies, gave nothing. Search proceeded 4 months, but any traces of accident wasn't found. Cases of disappearance began to proceed again and again.

Since 1950 began to keep reports on strange disappearances. The first registered fact of disappearance is dated 1945. Then five planes mysteriously disappeared when flew by this zone. However, their companions managed to reach base. The gone planes were found recently at an ocean floor safe, but without remains of members of crews. This fact was hushed up by the U. S. Government until recently. Many vessels still weren't found.

The tragic list of victims of the Bermuda Triangle opens the French vessel "Rosalie" which was gone in August, 1840. It found near the Bahamas drifting with the lifted sails. Onboard there was the only living being - a canary in a cage. The deck and cabins looked so as if several hours ago there were crew members. What tragic circumstances forced them to leave a vessel and as there was its further destiny, anybody doesn't know.

Shannon Breysi from New Zealand, solved alone to cross the Pacific Ocean on the yacht, to round South America and to reach to Bugs became the participant of one of such incidents. In the plans of the woman was also crossing of the Devil triangle. Here that she told journalists:

- I dreamed of long single swimming all life. And here, when there was an opportunity I to go to a way. Everything happened when I already came nearer to the Bermudas. At noon, when I was in the cabin, the sea surface was covered with a haze. It seemed, I got to a fog strip. Soon the real storm began, and the haze was condensed so that visibility became the zero. And suddenly round me appeared. . . ghosts! It were people in the sailor's form, any women with mournful faces and crying children. I understood that all of them are dead long ago, and from it tested chilling horror. Any force took away me to the terrible, unknown world. And suddenly I saw the dead of the husband who gave to me hands as if wishing to embrace. At this moment I fainted.

When Shannon regained consciousness, the sky at her over the head was covered with stars. Hours in the cabin showed 12. The woman was in unconsciousness of the whole twelve hours!

Who knows, probably shortly we will become witnesses something new and novel earlier. For now it is necessary to wait when new light will be thrown on a mysterious origin of underwater smooth pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

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Содержимое разработки

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. According to the US Navy, the triangle does not exist, and the name is not recognized by the US Board on Geographic Names. Popular culture has attributed various disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incidents were spurious, inaccurately reported, or embellished by later authors. In a 2013 study, the World Wide Fund for Nature identified the world’s 10 most dangerous waters for shipping, but the Bermuda Triangle was not among them.

The earliest allegation of unusual disappearances in the Bermuda area appeared in a September 17, 1950 article published in The Miami Herald (Associated Press) by Edward Van Winkle Jones. Two years later, Fate magazine published "Sea Mystery at Our Back Door", a short article by George X. Sand covering the loss of several planes and ships, including the loss of Flight 19, a group of five U.S. Navy TBM Avenger bombers on a training mission. Sand's article was the first to lay out the now-familiar triangular area where the losses took place. Flight 19 alone would be covered again in the April 1962 issue of American Legion magazine. In it, author Allan W. Eckert wrote that the flight leader had been heard saying, "We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water is green, no white." He also wrote that officials at the Navy board of inquiry stated that the planes "flew off to Mars." Sand's article was the first to suggest a supernatural element to the Flight 19 incident. In the February 1964 issue of Argosy, Vincent Gaddis' article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" argued that Flight 19 and other disappearances were part of a pattern of strange events in the region. The next year, Gaddis expanded this article into a book, Invisible Horizons.

Facts of the Bermuda Triangle.

Bottom of the Bermuda Triangle mysteriously. Something there is. Researches of scientists and stories of eyewitnesses shroud in mystery the Bermuda Triangle more and more.

For the last 150 years near the Bermuda Triangle disappearance more than 70 vessels and 20 planes, that is about one thousand people is recorded. From time to time some data of the researches which are carrying out in this area get to the press, known for the anomalies. So, in 2003 the world community was stirred up by news about detection of underwater pyramids, allegedly from glass, near the Bermuda Triangle,

All know glory of these places, namely incidents not giving in to an explanation and history which here happened throughout centuries. That will be gone the plane, the ship. Then they suddenly appear inexplicably through some tens years, as though making a jump in time.

There is one interesting fact. In the nineties the last century Americans by means of sonars repeatedly investigated a bottom and found there pyramids deeply under water in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.

It appeared that these pyramids not probably on what are located in Egypt. They are created from the unknown material in all respects similar to smooth ceramics or ground glass. Also by the sizes they are conceded by the well-known pyramid of Cheops 2,5-3 times. Though preliminary data say that their age no more than a half of the millennium. At the bottom of this site the great number of scuba divers, both professionals, and fans visited.

With what everything began?

Everything began in 1880 when the British frigate "Atlanta" sailed from Bermuda to England, onboard there were 290 people of crew. The frigate disappeared completely, even the most careful searches, as a part of six British vessels Navies, gave nothing. Search proceeded 4 months, but any traces of accident wasn't found. Cases of disappearance began to proceed again and again.

Since 1950 began to keep reports on strange disappearances. The first registered fact of disappearance is dated 1945. Then five planes mysteriously disappeared when flew by this zone. However, their companions managed to reach base. The gone planes were found recently at an ocean floor safe, but without remains of members of crews. This fact was hushed up by the U.S. Government until recently. Many vessels still weren't found.

The tragic list of victims of the Bermuda Triangle opens the French vessel "Rosalie" which was gone in August, 1840. It found near the Bahamas drifting with the lifted sails. Onboard there was the only living being - a canary in a cage. The deck and cabins looked so as if several hours ago there were crew members. What tragic circumstances forced them to leave a vessel and as there was its further destiny, anybody doesn't know.

Shannon Breysi from New Zealand, solved alone to cross the Pacific Ocean on the yacht, to round South America and to reach to Bugs became the participant of one of such incidents. In the plans of the woman was also crossing of the Devil triangle. Here that she told journalists:

- I dreamed of long single swimming all life. And here, when there was an opportunity I to go to a way. Everything happened when I already came nearer to the Bermudas. At noon, when I was in the cabin, the sea surface was covered with a haze. It seemed, I got to a fog strip. Soon the real storm began, and the haze was condensed so that visibility became the zero. And suddenly round me appeared. ghosts! It were people in the sailor's form, any women with mournful faces and crying children. I understood that all of them are dead long ago, and from it tested chilling horror. Any force took away me to the terrible, unknown world. And suddenly I saw the dead of the husband who gave to me hands as if wishing to embrace. At this moment I fainted.

When Shannon regained consciousness, the sky at her over the head was covered with stars. Hours in the cabin showed 12. The woman was in unconsciousness of the whole twelve hours!

Who knows, probably shortly we will become witnesses something new and novel earlier. For now it is necessary to wait when new light will be thrown on a mysterious origin of underwater smooth pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

9 facts about other anomalies.

1) In China the river with the falls, not freezing even flows in the winter at-30 degrees Celsius. And here in the middle of the summer, it, for the inexplicable reasons, starts freezing.

2) There is very small reservoir (102*61 meters) in the Taldikurgansky Region of Kazakhstan which doesn't dry up in the heat of summer. Water thus in it remains ice. Seaweed and fish there don't grow and aren't found.

3) In the mountains of India, the State of Assam is a valley of "falling" birds. Every year in August in the middle of the night birds are on a silver platter. They stay in half unconsciousness and don't try to escape when somebody takes them in hand.

4) A lot of time the Australian state secret was the fact of existence of a prehistoric plant – Vulemi. It is the pine age hundred fifty million years.

5) Scientists conducted large-scale researches of the Arctic Ocean and the continent Antarctica and found out that forms and the sizes of their contours are almost identical. It is supposed that when falling meteorite Antarctica as though was squeezed out in a planet. At this hypothesis today there are a lot of supporters.

6) Raul Cano – the microbiologist who has found disputes of recovered microorganisms in a small slice of amber. "Kano" – the biological name dispute, they got to amber somewhere 25 million years ago.

7) Near Rome there is a natural anomaly. In this place the content of iridium exceeds norm by 300 times. The layer of iridium lies in the earth at a depth which to treat the period of extinction of dinosaurs. Similar anomalies were found on the coast of the Caspian Sea, in Spain and Denmark. Who knows? Perhaps, this trace left a meteorite.

8) There is a puzzle which "the thunderous bald patch" is called. Here zone of a high voltage. It arises after hit on the lightning discharge earth. The molniyevy funnel is formed. The person can be lost if takes place in this place.

9) The puzzle inherent in a set in exact measuring devices — it "zero drift". At thin metrological measurements of a mistake constantly repeat. The surrounding space constantly changes the parameters and affects arrows of devices. That specifically changes – it isn't found out still.

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