Сообщение о защите животных на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Животных нужно защищать. Потому что многие животные безащитные. А некоторые животные не могут жить без помощи людей. Благодаря животным у нас есть многое, молоко, сыр, яйца. Особенно зимой нужно помогать маленьким жителям нашей планеты. Нельзя обижать и мучить бездомных животных. Нужно заботиться о наших защитников природы.

Animals need to be protected. Because many animals are defenseless. And some animals can not live without the help of people. Thanks to the animals we have a lot, milk, cheese, eggs. Especially in winter it is necessary to help small inhabitants of our planet. You can not offend and torture homeless animals. We need to take care of our defenders of nature.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

animals rescued from streets can become your best friends Руководитель – Мур.

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animals rescued from streets can become your best friends Руководитель – Мур.

animals rescued from streets can become your best friends Руководитель – Мураками О.И. Работу выполнили ученики ГБОУ Школы № 1317 Мищенко Иван 4В Фунтиков Андрей 4Г Трошкин Артем 4Б Федорова Варвара 4А

The problem of homeless animals is a typical problem all over the world We me.

The problem of homeless animals is a typical problem all over the world We meet a dozen of homeless animals every day. Some people do not pay attention to them and some people buy food to feed them outside but this doesn’t change the situation a lot. A big number of homeless animals rises every day. A lot of people leave animals outside because they do not need them. We love animals and decided to contribute to solving this problem.

Aims and goals Our aim is to attract attention of people to problem of homele.

Aims and goals Our aim is to attract attention of people to problem of homeless animals. Goals: 1.To find out information on this topic. 2.To make a survey to find out the attitude of people to this problem. 3.To attract peoples attention to homeless animals and rescued animals. 4.To make a website to find animals a new home.

Problem In Moscow there are a lot of homeless animals outside. This number di.

Problem In Moscow there are a lot of homeless animals outside. This number differs from 23 to 100 thousand dogs and cats without home. Every year around 30 thousand people are bitten by homeless animals.

A survey We were interested in peoples attitude to homeless animals and anima.

A survey We were interested in peoples attitude to homeless animals and animals which were purebred animals. According to the result of a survey many people including pupil’s from our school (84%) are ready to help. 65% have their own animals, 26 % have more than 1. 57% of animals were bought and only 5 % were taken from the streets.

Why animals become homeless? Main reasons: Lost animals. Only 20% of people f.

Why animals become homeless? Main reasons: Lost animals. Only 20% of people find their animals after they have lost them. 2) Animals that people do not need any more. 3) Animals born outside.

How do people abroad cope with this problem? In India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Bul.

How do people abroad cope with this problem? In India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Bulgaria and GB homeless animals are being sterilized. In the USA, Italy and Russia this practice is only started to use. In Germany and France people pay taxes. Shelters (the USA, GB, France). 4) Tax (Germany, GB, the USA, Italy).

How do people cope with this problem in our country? Usually animals are put.

How do people cope with this problem in our country? Usually animals are put in shelters. 1) Private shelters. 2) Government shelters.

Our contribution 1) We held a lecture for pupils of our school about homeless.

Our contribution 1) We held a lecture for pupils of our school about homeless animals. 2) Pupils helped to find lost animals. (three dogs got their homes thanks to our advertisements ) 3) We wrote a number articles for school newspaper. 4) We already collected more than 450 kg of dry food for animals in shelters

Our plans We are going to held a fair in May again. The main idea is to attra.

Our plans We are going to held a fair in May again. The main idea is to attract attention to the problem of homeless animals and to collect food for animals in shelters. We will exchange gifts made by ourselves to food for animals. Moreover we will display our paintings and posters connected with animals. In addition, a video about homeless animals will be shown to the people made by students of our school.

Conclusion We found out that all respondents are interested in solving this.

Conclusion We found out that all respondents are interested in solving this problem. However, this trouble is man-made. Shelters are a solution, but we need to try to reduce the number of animals in shelters. We need to feel responsible for our animals. More and more people are ready to take animals from shelters and give them a new home. Making this project we wanted to attract the attention of people around us and show them that every person can contribute to solving this problem.

We collected more than 450 kg of dry food for animals in shelters

We collected more than 450 kg of dry food for animals in shelters

 You wouldn’t throw your child on the street, please care for your dog properly

You wouldn’t throw your child on the street, please care for your dog properly

Эссе IELTS : Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing wild animals from dying out is a waste of resources. Do you agree? To what extend?

Эссе IELTS является одним из самых трудных аспектов подготовки к экзамену IELTS. Как репетитор ielts я думаю что имеет смысл создать список тем, которые я даю студентам которые ставят целью сдать экзамен IELTS. Сегодня мы обсудим тему эссе IELTS “Animal protection”.

[big_title2]Эссе IELTS образец 1[/big_title2]

The wild animal conservation is considered quite necessary today. Human civilization has a considerable negative influence on the whole nature, not only on animal species, but they suffer from the process of human evolution to larger extent, than minerals or plants. Some orators state, that we are losing a great deal of money, spending it on protection of animals in the wilderness. Their arguments are quite understandable: there are so many human beings starving from famine in war-torn countries or disaster-stricken areas, that every penny should be spent on humanitarian aid.

However, it is a universally accepted fact, that the imbalance of ecosystem is the first step to natural disasters and future starvation. The Earth is a unique planet with its biosphere, that produces oxygen and renews water. All these effects, as we can see from studying the Biology science, are the consequences of biological diversity not only of plants, but also of animals. We know some species to be bearers of the forest, and a good case in point are wolves. If we destroy them, a number of bacterias will increase, they will make forest suffer from different illnesses, caused by them, and water be spoiled. Finally, we will have a reduction of oxygen-production.

In addition to the mentioned above facts, wild animals bring us a feeling of vividness and harmony. I think that almost everyone likes posting photos or making videos of the wildlife. The nature is almost the last chance to have a rest of the accelerating pace of civilization.

Generally speaking, it is necessary to make a wide propaganda of the coexistence of human beings and animals, because we will be in profit in the long run, otherwise we will have to pay off for endangered species disappearing.

292 words

[big_title2]Эссе IELTS образец 2[/big_title2]

It is not exaggerating to say that many kinds of animals are in danger as a result of human activities. There is a lot of controversy about how and to what extent we must protect them. Let us consider what people have achieved and what else should be done in this issue.

First and foremost, researchers know what species are under threat of extinction and pay special attention to them. It is well-known about special protected area, where it is forbidden to hunt animals or harm their habitat. Also there are numerous non-governmental organizations and societies striving hard for the protection of animals. As a consequence, at the moment it is beginning to lead to changes in this situation and we can see some positive effects.

On the other hand, a growing number of people feel that it is not enough because many kind of beasts and fishes are still endangered. Many of the activities which harmful to living beings bring big revenue, therefore it is difficult to abandon them. But important step, which in part has already been taken, is to make more stringent punishment for violations of the law on the protection of animals.

Summarizing all written it should be said that, this is one of our main responsibilities to protect animals and ensure the best conditions for their existence. But I can tell from my own experience that we do not always put enough effort in this regard and we have something to strive for.

250 words

[two_third last=false][subtitle2]Заявка на бесплатный вводный урок английского языка [/subtitle2]

Чтобы вы смогли убедиться в эффективности моей подготовки к IELTS по скайпу, я провожу бесплатный 20 минутный вводный урок. На занятии мы проводим диагностику вашего текущего уровня и обсуждаем интересующие вас вопросы касательно занятий по скайпу.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Animal rights/Права животных сочинение на английском.

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Nowadays there are a lot of animal right movements. They are against of numerous activities that people do.

First activity that they are against is testing cosmetics and cleaning products on live animals. And I find this activity totally unacceptable because most of the ingredients used today are already shown to be safe or not safe and there is no need to try them on live animals. Second is testing drugs, vaccines and surgical techniques on live animals. I believe that if medicine can safe human lives then animal testing is unfortunate but sometimes necessary. In my point of view human lives more important than animal lives. Third is farming animals to make fur coats which I think is totally unacceptable.

We don’t need fur coats to be warm because now we have synthetic materials that are just as warm. And wearing fur coats is for only selfish purposes. Fourth is using intensive farming techniques to obtain cheaper meat products. And I think it’s not only bad for animals but for people too. Because there is a possibility of poor quality of a food. Fifth is transporting live animals thousands of miles before slaughtering them. I think it’s very cruel because animals are transported long distances without access to food or water, suffering in extreme cold and heat. Sixth is selling exotic animals as pets which I find unacceptable. Exotic animal can escape or be released by the owner and can hurt somebody. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

And there are more activities that animal right activists find unacceptable. For example, keeping animals in zoo or hunting animals.

To sum up, I would like to emphasize that animals give many benefits for humans. That’s why we should treat them better.


Ознакомительная презентация к уроку английского языка в 4 классе. УМК "Spotlight-4". В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, Н. И. Быкова, М. Д. Поспелова. Я использую такие презентации в качестве примера для детских проектов. В начале урока показываю свою презентацию, а потом предлагаю выступить детям.

Презентация "Animals need our help". (4 класс, английский язык)


Animals need our help! Подготовила учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ с. Курумоч Грецова Людмила Эдуардовна

Презентация "Animals need our help". (4 класс, английский язык)


Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day. Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. People destruct wildlife. С каждым новым днем экология становится все хуже и хуже. В настоящее время исчезают многие виды животных и птиц. Люди разрушают дикую природу.

Презентация "Animals need our help". (4 класс, английский язык)


Every day a big number of animals disappear. People kill animals for different aims: e.g. people hunt whales for their meat and oil; elephants for their tusks, crocodiles for their leather and so on. And also animals are used for medical experiments. Каждый день большое количество животных исчезает. Люди убивают животных для разных целей: например, люди охотятся на китов за их мясо и масло; на слонов за их бивни, на крокодилов за их кожу и так далее. А также животные используются для медицинских экспериментов.

Презентация "Animals need our help". (4 класс, английский язык)


Презентация "Animals need our help". (4 класс, английский язык)


World Wildlife Fund helps to save the wildlife on our planet. WWF includes national parks and nature reserves. Different kinds of animals live there. A lot of animals need our help. Всемирный Фонд дикой природы помогает сохранить природу на нашей планете. WWF включает в себя национальные парки и заповедники. Там живут различные виды животных. Многим животным нужна наша помощь.

Презентация "Animals need our help". (4 класс, английский язык)


Now more and more people understand the value of life itself, the value of the life of any living creature. Helping wild animals - the duty of man. Help wild animals! Protect them! Сейчас все больше людей понимают ценность самой жизни, ценность жизни любого живого существа. Помощь диким животным- долг человека. Помогите диким животным! Защитите их!

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