Сообщение о юпитере на английском языке

Обновлено: 06.05.2024

Jupiter was believed by Mesopotamians to be a wandering star placed in the heavens by a god to watch over the night sky.

The fifth planet from the sun is a huge ball of gas so massive it could hold all the other planets put together. What we can see of the planet are bands of the highest clouds in a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Traces of other gases produce the bright bands of color.

Jupiter's most familiar feature is swirling mass of clouds that are higher and cooler than surrounding ones. Called the Great Red Spot, it has been likened to a great hurricane and is caused by tremendous winds that develop above the rapidly spinning planet. Winds blow counterclockwise around this disturbance at about 250 miles per hour. Hurricanes on Earth rarely generate winds over 180 miles an hour. The Red Spot is twice the size of Earth and has been raging for at least 300 years. It is one of several storms on Jupiter.

At Jupiter's center is a core of rock many times the mass of Earth. But the bulk of the planet is a thick gaseous murk that appears smeared through a telescope because the planet moves so rapidly beneath. Jupiter's rapid rotation causes it to bulge, making the diameter 7 percent greater at the equator than at the poles.

Jupiter has thin, barely perceptible rings and at least 16 satellites. The four largest - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto - are called the Galilean moons. They orbit in the same plane and are all visible in a telescope.

Топик Юпитер познакомит вас с пятой планетой Солнечной системы, в тысячу раз превосходящей по размеру Землю. Цвета этой планеты - красный, коричневый и оранжевый. Количество спутников Юпитера доходит до 63. Четыре из этих лун по размерам сопоставимы с планетами. Их называют спутниками Галилея, ученого, который первым смог разглядеть эти планеты в свой телескоп. Эти четыре луны можно рассмотреть даже в современный бинокль, они покажутся вам темными точками на ярком пятне планеты. Наличие такого огромного числа спутников делает систему Юпитера похожей на Солнечную систему в миниатюре.

Jupiter was believed by Mesopotamians to be a wandering star placed in the heavens by a god to watch over the night sky.

The fifth planet from the sun is a huge ball of gas so massive it could hold all the other planets put together. What we can see of the planet are bands of the highest clouds in a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Traces of other gases produce the bright bands of color.

Jupiter's most familiar feature is swirling mass of clouds that are higher and cooler than surrounding ones. Called the Great Red Spot, it has been likened to a great hurricane and is caused by tremendous winds that develop above the rapidly spinning planet. Winds blow counterclockwise around this disturbance at about 250 miles per hour. Hurricanes on Earth rarely generate winds over 180 miles an hour. The Red Spot is twice the size of Earth and has been raging for at least 300 years. It is one of several storms on Jupiter.

At Jupiter's center is a core of rock many times the mass of Earth. But the bulk of the planet is a thick gaseous murk that appears smeared through a telescope because the planet moves so rapidly beneath. Jupiter's rapid rotation causes it to bulge, making the diameter 7 percent greater at the equator than at the poles. Jupiter has thin, barely perceptible rings and at least 16 satellites. The four largest - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto - are called the Galilean moons. They orbit in the same plane and are all visible in a telescope.

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Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Jupiter is considered the fifth planet in our Solar system. It amazes and surprises with its size. The spacecraft that scientists send to study the planet return with a huge stock of interesting photographs. Thanks to such research, we now know exactly what the planet Jupiter is and what it can tell us. It turns out that Jupiter fascinated and interested observers many years ago. When people were able to see the giant planet for the first time through a telescope, they were amazed. Thanks to the observations and studies of many astronomers and scientists of the world, we now know that the planet Jupiter is a gas giant. Its moons rotate around the planet, Jupiter has an interesting and rather mysterious red spot, and many more unexplored features.

From the first minutes of studying this planet, scientists were impressed by its huge size. By its mass and area, Jupiter can honorably take its first place among all the planets of our Solar System. Many ancient astronomers tried to study Jupiter. That's how in 1610 Galileo was able to discover the four largest moons of this giant planet. Later they were called Galilean satellites. It was the rotation of these satellites around Jupiter that eventually proved Copernicus' theory that the planet Earth is not the center of the universe. Scientists have discovered that the atmosphere on Jupiter completely resembles the Sun. There is helium and hydrogen here. Jupiter has its own 4 large moons, around which smaller moons rotate without problems. It turns out that Jupiter forms a kind of peculiar Solar system. The formation of water vapor, the presence of methane, benzene and ammonia are observed on the planet. Jupiter has its own core, which consists of helium and metallic hydrogen.

There are quite strong winds blowing on the planet, which contribute to the formation of beautiful light and dark stripes. Jupiter boasts of its Red Spot. This is a kind of huge hurricane, the duration of which takes years. This spot itself is even larger than the diameter of the Earth. This hurricane has its own color. Sometimes it appears, and sometimes it disappears. The vortex of the Red Spot always moves counterclockwise. There are often storms, lightning and storms on the planet, this Jupiter is similar to the Earth. The amazing thing is that the power of these natural phenomena is too much greater than the phenomena on our planet. Jupiter has a sufficiently strong magnetic field, which is stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. Time passes quite quickly on Jupiter, because the planet rotates faster than all other planets. The planet makes its revolution in just 10 hours, while the Earth does it in 24 hours. The seasons don't change on Jupiter. One year on Jupiter lasts like 11 years on Earth.

Scientists have found out that Jupiter receives less heat from the Sun, and reflects, on the contrary, more. Because of this, the surface temperature on the planet in the shade is much higher. All the research and calculations led scientists to the fact that they discovered volcanic activity on one of Jupiter's moons. No volcanoes have been found anywhere before, but as many as 8 volcanoes have been found on the Io satellite. After that, water was found on another satellite, located deep under the ice. This gave scientists the opportunity to believe that life could once have existed on Jupiter. Today there is no life on the planet, since Jupiter has an unfavorable atmosphere and the lack of water also plays a role. Nevertheless, scientists hope that someday Jupiter will be able to show them and reveal its secrets, which it has been trying to hide for a long time.

Jupiter is considered the largest planet in the solar system. If you want to take a look at it, it's best to do it at night, because it stands out among other planets. But it is so named because once upon a time there was one god who ruled thunder. This planet was named after him.

The mass of this planet is very large. In general, there are other planets besides Jupiter. If you look at the weight, then this particular planet is twice as large as all the other planets. Although the earth is much smaller than Jupiter, it only weighs more than it.

If we count the order of the planets, then Jupiter will be the fifth. It rotates around the sun in twelve hours. The distance from earth to a given planet is constantly changing, and that's because the orbits can be elongated or circular.

Jupiter rotates very quickly, and therefore various hurricanes, thunderstorms or auroras constantly occur here. One of the hurricanes lasted here for about three hundred and fifty years.

In total, he has about sixty-seven different satellites. Some of them can be seen with ordinary binoculars. The largest satellite is Ganymede.

If a huge number of different satellites revolve around the planet and at the same time each of them has a high speed, then gradually they break up against each other and dust is thrown into the atmosphere. In addition, large planets usually attract other comets, which also leave dust behind.

Around this planet, like any other, there are special rings. There are five of them in total. To date, there is a huge amount of special equipment with which new planets are being studied, as well as old ones are being explored.

Jupiter was believed by Mesopotamians to be a wandering star placed in the heavens by a god to watch over the night sky.

The fifth planet from the sun is a huge ball of gas so massive it could hold all the other planets put together. What we can see of the planet are bands of the highest clouds in a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Traces of other gases produce the bright bands of color.

Jupiter's most familiar feature is swirling mass of clouds that are higher and cooler than surrounding ones. Called the Great Red Spot, it has been likened to a great hurricane and is caused by tremendous winds that develop above the rapidly spinning planet. Winds blow counterclockwise around this disturbance at about 250 miles per hour. Hurricanes on Earth rarely generate winds over 180 miles an hour. The Red Spot is twice the size of Earth and has been raging for at least 300 years. It is one of several storms on Jupiter.

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