Сообщение о рокерах на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Every person has hobby, favorite movie, sport and favorite style of music. I am crazy about Rock music.

This love came to me few years ago. Before I liked to listen to different styles: pop, classics, instrumental and so on. Once my friend invited me to a concert of one rock-group. I had no plans that evening and I went out with my friend.

So as you understand that evening has changed my life. I listened to melody and lyrics. The songs I was listening that evening impressed me a lot. Before I thought that Rock music is something about war, fight, conflict and stress. When I listened to lyrics properly, I realized that we often have conflict inside of our mind. We grow up and feel our parents don’t understand us. It’s sad and that’s why people start to write these songs.

Another thing is broken heart. Almost 50% if songs that I know are about love and betray. The sense of these songs is not easy to get, but only if you listen to it properly. I think in this style every person can find the right song that can tell you about problems that bother you.

My favorite Rock groups are Linking Park, Green Day, Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Three Day Grace. Also I am keen on russian Rock groups, for example, Splean, Bi-2. This music helps me to relax and forget about my problems.

Sometime I like to stay alone in my room and enjoy listening to music. Of course my parents don’t understand this style, but I don’t understand retro that they listen to.

Rock music is popular all around the world. Every country has famous groups and singers. And many of them have died already, but the world still remembers and sings the songs. That means that rock music has made a great impression to many of us. If you still have any doubts, just listen to “Moi Rock-n-Roll” or “Polkovnik”. These songs are old, but the sense is so deep.


Каждый человек имеет своё хобби, любимый фильм, спорт и стиль музыки. Я очень люблю рок-музыку.

Эта любовь пришла ко мне несколько лет назад. Прежде мне нравилось слушать разные стили: поп, классику, инструментальную музыку и так далее. Однажды моя подруга пригласила меня на концерт какой-то рок-группы. У меня не было планов на тот вечер и я отправилась на концерт.

Ну как вы понимаете, тот вечер изменил мою жизнь. Я слушала мелодию и слова песен. Песни, кстати, произвели на меня огромное впечатление. Раньше я думала, что рок-музыка - это что-то непонятное о войне, битве, конфликте и стрессах. Когда я послушала слова внимательно, я осознала, что мы часто имеем конфликт внутри себя. Мы подрастаем и чувствуем, что наши родители нас не понимают. Это очень печально и поэтому, люди пишут такие песни.

Ещё одна тема песен - разбитое сердце. Почти 50% всех песен, что я знаю - о любви и предательстве. Смысл этих песен нелегко уловить, только, если вы вслушаетесь. Я думаю, что этот стиль поможет вам найти ту самую песню, которая расскажет именно о ваших проблемах.

Мои любимые группы - Linking Park, Green Day, Pink Floyd, Биттлз, Three days Grace. А ещё я обожаю русские рок-группы, например, Сплин и Би-2. Эта музыка помогает мне расслабиться и забыть о своих проблемах.

Иногда я люблю побыть в одиночестве в своей комнате и слушать любимые песни. Конечно же, мои родители не понимают этот стиль, а я не понимаю ретро, которое слушают они.

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему Subculture rockers. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 12 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


History of the name subculture Word rockers, originally served to determine the British youth in Britain in the sixties of the last century, which allowed herself very disrespectful to dissect the roads on motorcycles.

Provenance the subculture Rockers - representatives of the subculture that originated in the late 50's to early 60's in the UK. At that time - young people, famously leaping through the streets on motorcycles. That love of high-speed driving, and later to rock music contributed to the spread of a new subculture. Rockers very recognizable in society in appearance: the most important attribute in rockers: motorcycle, bike or rather, black clothes with different "glands"

Favorite music Rockers appeared as a subculture in an era of rock 'n' roll, representatives of the music and style which became Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley early, Gene Vincent, and others. In our country has evolved Russian rock, which is referred to the representatives of the "Alice", "DDT", "Cinema", "Nautilus Pompilius", "Time Machine" and others.

Презентация на тему: " Kruglova Oksana 10 A. Rockers - representatives of the subculture that emerged in the late 50's to early 60's in the UK, in the era of rock 'n' roll," — Транскрипт:

1 Kruglova Oksana 10 A

2 Rockers - representatives of the subculture that emerged in the late 50's to early 60's in the UK, in the era of rock 'n' roll, and representatives of the music style which became Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Gene Vincent, and others.

3 Initially, only combined rockers racing motorcycles and rock music, and later they had a distinctive style.

5 Philosophical view of the imperfection of the world was reflected in the music rockers and lyrics of their songs, sometimes containing a protest, appeal and even rebellion. Despite this rockers differ erudition, a positive attitude towards others and lack of aggression to other youth movements. Unfortunately, many members of this lifestyle are abusing smoking, alcohol and drugs.

6 To become a rocker look of today will not be enough. After all, to be a rocker - it means to have a particular worldview. And this does not necessarily stand out external attributes that many rock fans prefer casual clothes and are usually chosen profession.

Презентация: Rockers

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Презентация: Rockers


Samchenko Anastasia DSC №33 11 form

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Rockers appeared in the mid 60s and reached their peak in the late 60s - early 70s , both in England and on the continent . Rockers - come mostly from families of unskilled workers , and often without education, from the "problem" families.

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Rocker clothes - leather jacket, worn jeans , rough big shoes , long hair slicked back , sometimes tattoos. Jacket, usually decorated with icons and labels.

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The main element of the subculture rockers - motorcycle, also decorated with inscriptions, symbols and images. Motorcycle - a symbol of freedom, power and intimidation , the main source of strong sensations . At the same time rockers are highly valued technical knowledge and driving skills.

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