Сообщение о народных средствах лечения на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Nowadays more and more people choose to be treated by methods of alternative medicine such as homeopathy, hypnotherapy and acupuncture. The question is whether these methods are safe and effective. Some people are convinced that alternative therapies are ineffective since they are not scientifically proven to work, while others insist on its effectiveness.

In my opinion, complementary medicine has lots of benefits in treating some illnesses.

Firstly, alternative medications are safer than many prescribed drugs since they are natural. Secondly, some methods do work much better than methods of conventional medicine. For instance, hypnotherapy helps many people to overcome insomnia or drug-addiction. Thirdly, alternative remedies have far less side effects. On the contrary, there are people who feel skeptical and mistrust complementary medicine since its methods are not scientifically based. However, experts say there is lots of anecdotal evidence that alternative medicine works wonders. In fact, more and more people instead of making an appointment with conventional doctors turn to alternative therapists and recover. If alternative remedies did not help, there would not be so many positive opinions among patients.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I strongly believe that alternative medicine can be effective in treatment of many ailments. All in all, it is generally known that throughout recorded history, people used herbs and plants in healing and coped with lots of diseases. Then why could not we adopt their effective practices?

Нетрадиционная медицина

Сегодня все больше людей отдают предпочтение таким методам альтернативной медицины, как гомеопатия, лечение гипнозом и иглоукалывание. Вопрос состоит в том, являются ли эти методы безопасными и эффективными. Некоторые люди убеждены в том, что альтернативная терапия неэффективна, поскольку не имеет под собой научного обоснования, в то время как другие настаивают на ее результативности.

Я считаю, что нетрадиционная медицина может быть эффективна в лечении некоторых болезней. Во-первых, альтернативные препараты безопаснее многих прописанных медикаментов, поскольку в своем составе содержат только натуральные компоненты. Во-вторых, некоторые методы действительно работают намного эффективнее, чем традиционные. К примеру, лечение гипнозом, или гипнотерапия, помогает многим людям преодолеть бессонницу и наркозависимость. В-третьих, у альтернативных лекарств намного меньше побочных эффектов. Однако некоторые люди скептично и с недоверием относятся к нетрадиционной медицине из-за отсутствия научного обоснования. Тем не менее, по словам экспертов, есть масса примеров того, что эти методы творят чудеса. На самом деле, вместо того чтобы записаться на прием к традиционным врачам, все больше и больше людей обращаются к врачам нетрадиционной медицины, и, что самое интересное, после терапии они идут на поправку. И если бы нетрадиционные методики не были столь эффективны, не было бы столько положительных отзывов среди пациентов.

Принимая во внимание все вышесказанное, я пришла к четкому убеждению в том, что нетрадиционная медицина может быть эффективна в лечении многих заболеваний. Ведь всеобще известно, что на протяжении всей истории люди использовали травы и растения для лечения множества болезней. Так почему бы нам не позаимствовать их эффективные методики?

1) alternative/complementary medicine — альтернативная, нетра¬диционная медицина
2) homeopathy [haumi'opaGi] — гомеопатия
3) hypnotherapy — гипнотерапия, лечение гипнозом
4) acupuncture ['aekjupAn(k)1f9] — акупунктура, иглотерапия, иглоукалывание
5) therapy ['Gerapi] — лечение, терапия
6) to treat — лечить
7) treatment — лечение
8) to prescribe — предписывать, назначать (лекарство)
9) insomnia — бессонница
10) side effects — побочные эффекты
11) to mistrust — не доверять
12) anecdotal evidence — случайные факты, разрозненные све¬дения; случаи из жизни
13) to work wonders — творить чудеса
14) to make an appointment (with) — записываться на прием
15) to recover — поправляться, выздоравливать
16) remedy ['remadi] — средство от болезни, лекарство, лечен*
17) ailment ['eilmant] — нездоровье, недуг, недомогание
18) herb [пз:Ь] — трава, лекарственное растение
19) to adopt practices — перенимать опыт
20) to cope with — справляться
21) to heal — вылечивать, исцелять, заживлять

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Russian Folk Remedies That You Can Try At Home

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Russian Folk Remedies That You Can Try At Home

Russian Folk Remedies That You Can Try At Home

Garlic Therapy In Russia, raw garlic isn’t just used for eating or cooking. R.

Garlic Therapy In Russia, raw garlic isn’t just used for eating or cooking. Russians will chop up raw garlic and leave it on a table so that the whole room fills with the strong odor. Garlic therapy, as the Russians call it, is a common practice even today. Parents of school children have even been known to place small pieces of raw garlic in their kid’s pockets as they head out of the house.

Hot Milk With Honey Remember when you had trouble falling asleep and suddenly.

Hot Milk With Honey Remember when you had trouble falling asleep and suddenly started to panic. I have this feelings all the time while growing up and it really stressed me out.

To help ease my nerves, my dad would heat up milk on the stove and put a litt.

To help ease my nerves, my dad would heat up milk on the stove and put a little bit of honey in it. It smelled good, tasted good, and made me think that if I thought relaxing thoughts I might just be able to get to sleep before the sun came up.

Aloe and Beetroot Beet roots are a staple of Russian cooking. You’ll find the.

Aloe and Beetroot Beet roots are a staple of Russian cooking. You’ll find them as a main ingredient in many dishes, including in a popular soup called borshch. But in addition to their use as a main ingredient, beet roots can be used in a Russian folk remedy for a stuffed up nose.

Hot Water and Dry Mustard If you’re Russian and you have a cold with chills.

Hot Water and Dry Mustard If you’re Russian and you have a cold with chills, you’ll use hot water with some dry mustard mixed in to warm your feet.

But this is no ordinary foot bath – the water is supposed to come up to the k.

But this is no ordinary foot bath – the water is supposed to come up to the knees. After soaking your legs, you should go directly to bed, put on socks, and stay warm under a thick blanket. Be careful if you’re also got a fever, you might quickly overheat.

Headache To banish a headache, Russian Foods advises massaging your temples g.

Headache To banish a headache, Russian Foods advises massaging your temples gently with grated lemon. A second Russian folk remedy suggests drinking a cup of green tea laced with fresh mint. Green tea contains caffeine, which can be helpful in relieving headaches.

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Сегодня разберем полезные фразы, как сказать на английском, если вы простудились, у вас температура, вы лечитесь. Расскажем, русские народные средства: как делать ингаляцию картошкой и как лечить простуду луком и чесноком.

Я болею гриппом вот уже два дня.
I am having flu for the past two days.

Мы все заболели гриппом.
We have the flu!

Игорь заболел.
Igor got sick.

Feeling a little sick. Чувствую себя плохо /слабость, простыла/.

I caught a cold. Я подхватила простуду.
I have a cold. У меня простуда.

У меня болит голова.
I have a headache.

У меня не большая температура.
I have just mild fever.

Сегодня у меня нет температуры.
I don’t have a temperature today.

Сара тоже болела, но сейчас она чувствует себя гораздо лучше.
Sarah has also been sick, but she is feeling much better.

Больное горло.
A sore throat.

У меня всё еще болит горло.
My throat still hurts.

Полощу горло соленой водой.
I am gargling with salt water.

У меня сопли.
I got snot.
I have snot.

У меня кашель.
I have a bad cough.
I got cough.

Как избавиться от кашля.
How do I get rid of a cough.

У меня заложен нос.
I have a stuffy nose. Американский вариант.
My nose is blocked. Британский вариант.

Заложило нос, не могу дышать.
Stuffed nose. Can’t breath.

Как мгновенно вылечить заложенный нос.
How to cure a blocked nose instantly.

Я болел/ла, сегодня чувствую себя лучше!
I’ve been sick! 🙁 Feeling better today!

Простуда почти прошла и я чувствую себя намного лучше.
My cold is almost gone and I do feel much better.

Я выздоровела.
I feel better.
I’ve recovered.

Что написать в ответ, если ваш друг болеет

I am sorry to hear you are sick.
Жалко, что ты болеешь.

Hope you feel better.
Надеюсь, тебе легче.

Feel better soon. 🙂
Get well soon.
Поправляйся скорее.

Ваш ответ на эти слова

Полезный словарь на английском — народные средства от простуды

Домашние средства от обычной простуды и кашля.
Home remedies for common cold and cough.

Природные средства лечения простуды дома.
Natural home remedies.

На прошлой неделе я подцепила простуду, сейчас я почти вылечилась.
I caught a cold last week, now I’ve almost recovered.

Существует множество различных лекарств, но не всегда они помогают.
There are plenty of meds, but not always they work.

Эти натуральные домашние средства помогут вам вылечить простуду быстрее, чем вы думали.
Following these natural home remedies will help you cure a cold faster than you thought possible.

Chicken broth — куриный бульон,
Citrus fruits — цитрусовые,
Herbal tea — травяной чай,
Hot tea with honey — горячий чай с медом,
Tea with a raspberry jam — чай с малиновым вареньем,
A camomile tea — ромашковый чай,
Rosehip tea — чай с шиповником,
Lemon tea — чай с лимоном,
Vitamin C — витамин С,
A saline spray — солевой спрей.

1. Возьмите стакан теплого молока, добавьте одну столовую ложку меду. Смешайте всё и выпейте.
1. Take a glass of warm milk, add one tablespoon of honey, mix them and drink it.

2. Стакан теплого молока + столовая ложка растопленного сливочного масла.
2. A glass of warm milk + one tablespoon of melted butter.

Если у вас насморк, кашель или синусовая инфекция.
If you have a runny nose, cough or sinus infection.

Сделайте паровую ингаляцию картошкой. Do potatoes steam inhalation.

Подышите над кастрюлей со сваренной картошкой, накрыв себя полотенцем в течении 10-15 минут.
Breathe over a pan with boiled potatoes by covering oneself with a towel for 10 — 15 min.

Медленно вдыхайте пар от картошки.
Slowly inhale the steam.

После это вам нужно сразу же пойти в постель, чтобы хорошенечко пропотеть.
After that you should immediately go to bed to sweat well.

Нарежьте лук и оставьте его лежать в комнате в течении дня.
Chop onions and leave them in your room during a day.

Я лежу в постели и пью чай с медом и лимоном.
I am lying in bed and drinking tea with honey and lemon.

Обычно я не пью никаких популярных средств от простуды, так как они не помогают.
Единственное, что реально мне помогает — это чай с аптечной ромашкой.
I usually don’t take the traditional meds as they don’t help me.
The only thing that makes me feel better it’s a camomile tea.

Это реально помогает, я пью это при первых симптомах простуды.
It works really great, I drink it at the first sign of cold symptoms.

Если простуду лечить, она проходит за неделю, а если не лечить — то за 7 дней.
If you treat a cold it goes away over a week, if you don’t, it goes away for seven days.

Need a cold medication? Even doctors say - so cold, lingering cough and runny nose did not cloud your mood during the upcoming cold weather, not necessarily resort to pills. There are great people cold remedies to help deal with the disease in a few days.
At the first sign of a cold, use a remedy for colds, as onion broth, cold it does not like. Small chopped onions, pour boiling water in a circle, close the saucer and leave for five minutes. Need to drink quickly, within two to three minutes until the live volatile. Such treatment is not very tasty cold, but very effective.
Quickly get rid of painful dry cough colds helps folk medicine recipe: Take one part glycerin, lemon juice and honey. All mix and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
If you are worried about a cold, the simplest solution would be to wash the nose with lukewarm water and soda.
If you have a cold is accompanied by tickling and pain in the throat, then deal with it will help rinse decoction. To rinse take one of the herbs to choose from: sage, chamomile or Viola tricolor. Medicinal herbal teas should be prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon herb in 1 cup of water. Grass pour boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Gargle such broths need at least 4-5 times a day. Incidentally, this infusion for the treatment of colds and no harm will be taken inside.
In conclusion I would like to add that for the rapid treatment of colds all the tools you need to take a complex - drink teas, gargle, make inhalation and compresses, then cold will pass quickly and without complications.

Need for colds
Even doctors say - to
cold, prolonged
cough and
a runny nose does
not overshadow
the mood in the
period of
frost, not at all
not necessarily
resort to
using tablets. There
excellent folk
from the cold, which
will help
coping with the
disease in
just a few days.
At the first sign of
colds use the
cure for the common
cold, as
onion broth, cold it
not very fond of. A
the bulb finely chop,
pour in a Cup of
boiling water,
close saucer and give
it stand for about
five minutes. Drink
you need to quickly,
for two-three
minutes, still alive
phytoncides. This
colds are not very
but very effective.
Quickly get rid of the
painful dry cough
when you have a
cold helps
Halyk prescription
take one part of the
glycerin, lemon juice
honey. All mix and
take 1 teaspoon
3 times a day.
If you are worried
about the cold,
the simplest solution
would be
washing of the nose
a little warm
water with soda.
If a cold is
accompanied by
you have
першением and pain
throat, to cope with
problem help
rinse the decoctions
of herbs. For
rinse take one of the
herbs to choose
from: sage,
chamomile or violet
herbal teas should be
prepare the rate of 1
tbsp. spoon
the grass on 1 glass
of water. Grass
pour the boiling
water and
insist 15-20 minutes.
Gargle with such
broth need at least
times a day. By the
way, a similar
infusion for
treatment of colds
there will be more
than and inside
to take.
In conclusion, I want
to add,
as for the rapid
treatment of
colds all the tools
you need to
take a complex -
broths, gargle,
make inhalations,
then the cold will
pass quickly
and without

Do you need medical treatment for colds? Even doctors say - so that colds, lingering coughs and a runny nose do not overshadow your mood during the onset of cold weather, it is not necessary to resort to using pills. There are excellent folk remedies for colds that can help cope with the disease in a matter of days.
At the first sign of a cold, use a cold remedy such as an onion decoction, a cold does not like him very much. Finely chop a small onion, pour boiling water in a mug, cover with a saucer and let it brew for five minutes. You need to drink quickly, for two to three minutes, while volatile plants are alive. Such a cold treatment is not very tasty, but it is very effective.
A quick recipe for medicine helps to quickly get rid of an excruciating dry cough with a cold: take one part of glycerin, lemon juice and honey. Mix everything and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
If you have a runny nose, the easiest solution is to rinse your nose with a little warm water and soda.
If a cold is accompanied by tickling and sore throat, then rinsing with decoctions of herbs will help to cope with this problem. To rinse, take one of the herbs to choose from: sage, chamomile or violet tricolor. Therapeutic herbal decoctions must be prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of grass in 1 cup of water. Pour grass with boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Gargle with such decoctions should be at least 4-5 times a day. By the way, such an infusion for the treatment of colds will not be out of place and take inside.
In conclusion, I want to add that for the quickest treatment of the common cold, all funds must be taken in a complex way - drink decoctions, gargle, make inhalations and compresses, then the cold will go away quickly and without complications.

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