Сообщение о аршавине на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Напишите текст на Английском про Андрея Сергеевича Аршавина в котором будет не меньше 50 слов.Или составте про него такую информацию : Имя : Фамилия : Прозвище : Занятие : Национальность : Родившийся : Персональные данные : Хобби : Текущая команда : Например : Кими Райкконен Имя: Кими Фамилия: Райкконен Прозвище: арктический путешественник Занятие: водитель Гоночного автомобиля Национальность: финский язык Родившийся: 17-го октября 1979 Персональные данные: короткие светлые волосы Хобби: сноубординг, бег трусцой, хоккей на льду Текущая команда: Макларен Мерседес. Очень срочно. Помогите пожалуйста ( плиз ) .

Biography Andrei Arshavin Andrey Arshavin (1981) - football player, master of sports. Born May 29, 1981 in Leningrad. Passion for football in the biography Arshavin was manifested even in the age of seven. That's when he started playing football at the sports school under the coaching Gordeeva, Vinogradov. Andrew entered the Institute of Technology and Design at the chemical-technological department. In 1999 Andrei Arshavin was admitted to the "Zenith" reserve. Because of gaps in the institution (it was necessary to train a lot with the team), moved to the Department of Technology, Fashion Design.

Напишите текст на Английском про Андрея Сергеевича Аршавина в котором будет не меньше 50 слов.

Или составте про него такую информацию : Имя : Фамилия : Прозвище : Занятие : Национальность : Родившийся : Персональные данные : Хобби : Текущая команда : Например : Кими Райкконен Имя : Кими Фамилия : Райкконен Прозвище : арктический путешественник Занятие : водитель Гоночного автомобиля Национальность : финский язык Родившийся : 17 - го октября 1979 Персональные данные : короткие светлые волосы Хобби : сноубординг, бег трусцой, хоккей на льду Текущая команда : Макларен Мерседес.

Помогите пожалуйста ( плиз ) !

Biography Andrei Arshavin

Andrey Arshavin (1981) - football player, master of sports.

Born May 29, 1981 in Leningrad.

Passion for football in the biography Arshavin was manifested even in the age of seven.

That's when he started playing football at the sports school under the coaching Gordeeva, Vinogradov.

Andrew entered the Institute of Technology and Design at the chemical - technological department.

In 1999 Andrei Arshavin was admitted to the "Zenith" reserve.

Because of gaps in the institution (it was necessary to train a lot

with the team), moved to the Department of Technology, Fashion Design.

Помогите составить текст по английскому про спортсмена или спортсменку и ПОЖАЛУЙСТА с переводом там должно быть год рождения, от куда родом , хобби и каким спортом занимается?

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Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение на тему мое хобби и хобби моих родителей на английском языке.

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Напишите пожалуйста сочининие на английском на тему "Хобби" если что то мое хобби футбол.

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Написать про хобби : рисование, на английском языке.

Удостоверение личности?

Имя Сидоров Даниил 10 лет.

День рождения 20 июня.

Национальность русский из России.

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Срочно сочинение на английском про хобби (не меньше 10 предложений).

Напишите рассказ на английскомИмя : КимиФамилия : РайкконенПрозвище : арктический путешественникЗанятие : водитель Гоночного автомобиляНациональность : финский языкРодившийся : 17 - го октября 1979Пер?

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Прозвище : арктический путешественник

Занятие : водитель Гоночного автомобиля

Национальность : финский язык

Родившийся : 17 - го октября 1979

Персональные данные : короткие светлые волосы

Хобби : сноубординг, бег трусцой, хоккей на льду.

На странице вопроса Напишите текст на Английском про Андрея Сергеевича Аршавина в котором будет не меньше 50 слов? из категории Английский язык вы найдете ответ для уровня учащихся 5 - 9 классов. Если полученный ответ не устраивает и нужно расшить круг поиска, используйте удобную поисковую систему сайта. Можно также ознакомиться с похожими вопросами и ответами других пользователей в этой же категории или создать новый вопрос. Возможно, вам будет полезной информация, оставленная пользователями в комментариях, где можно обсудить тему с помощью обратной связи.

2. Olga and Irina are 15 years old. 3. Irina and Olga are good at music. 4. Marco's dream is to become a scientist. 5. Marco's brother is good at sport. 6. Olga and Irina are in the kitchen.

1. hunting 2. Skiing 3. Riding 4. Orienteering 5. Skateboarding 6. Hill - walking 7. Windsurfing 8. Gardening 9. Camping 10. Surfing 11. Rollerblading. 1. fishing 2. Skateboarding 3. Camping 4. Hunting 5. Skiing 6. Orienteering 7. Ga..

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1 Don't forget to bring your books. 2 Open your books at page ten. 3 Don't be late for class. 4 Remember to do your homework. 5 Don't be shy. 6 Speak English in the classroom.

1. Were designed 2. Was opened 3. Were taken 4. Are . Called 5. Weren't introduced 6. Are used.

Привет меня зовут Том. Мне 11 лет. Я из лондона. Дальше неза.

Привет, меня зовут Том. Мне 11 лет и я из Лондона. У меня есть большая коллекция марок! Мой альбом имеет 68 марок. Мои марки из Японии , Франции, Австралии, Канады и Новой Зеландии. Мне нравится марки потому что у них красивые картинки. Я горжу..

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9 1 make 2 make 3 do 4 make 5 do 6 make 7 make 8 do 9 do 10 do 10 1 for 2 in 3 as 4 in 5 at 6 in 7 at.

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Andrew is the best football-player in the whole history of football, not count two thousand other ones.

Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!

Andrey Sergeyevich Arshavin was born on May 29, 1981 to Leningrad (nowadays – St. Petersburg). The love to football in Arshavin since the childhood was brought up by the father. It was the quite good player therefore aspired and to see in the son similar attachment to game. Andrey Arshavin was fond also of drafts, even had on them the youthful category. Andrey was engaged in the House of pioneers and school students of the Vasileostrovsky area. His instructor convinced that professional game in drafts is that area where Arshavin can reach considerable successes. But Andrey Arshavin chose other way – football.

No brains, no intelligence. Some legs! Such men love only fools!.No brains, no intelligence. Some legs! Such men love only fools!

Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Petersburg who is now plays for Arsenal London. Andrey Arshavin is a pretty good player. He is not scores a lot, but he is still one of the best players. Arshavin is a Russian proud!Andrey Arshavin is a former player of Zenit Saint - Pete

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