Эдинбургский замок сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Edinburgh Castle is a very old building, high
on a hill in the centre of Edinburgh . You can
take a tour of the castle or walk around on
your own . You can see many interesting
exhibitions, including the Scottish Kings
and Queens of the past, and the National War
Museum. Ifthe sun comes out, you have a
fantastic view of the shops and buildings on
Edinburgh 's famous street, the Royal Mile

Эдинбургский замок-очень старое здание, высокийна холме в центре Эдинбурга. Вы можетеВозьмите тур замка или ходить наВаш собственный. Вы можете увидеть много интересногоВыставки, в том числе шотландских королейи королевы прошлого и национальной войныМузей. Если солнце выходит, выфантастический вид магазинов и зданий наЗнаменитая улица Эдинбурга, Королевская миля

эдинбургский замок - это очень старое здание, высокийна холме в центре эдинбурга.ты можешьотправьтесь в путешествие или ходить на замоксвои собственные.вы можете посмотреть много интересныхвыставки, в том числе шотландских королейи королев из прошлого, и национальной войнымузей.если солнце выходит, у тебя естьфантастический вид из магазинов и домов вEdinburgh "s famous street, королевская миля

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Edinburgh Castle is located at the top of the Royal Mile, at the west end of Edinburgh's Old Town. The volcanic Castle Rock offers a naturally defended position, with sheer cliffs to north and south, and a steep ascent from the west. The only easy approach is from the town to the east, and the castle's defences are situated accordingly, with a series of gates protecting the route to the summit of the Castle Rock.

A Esplanade · B Gatehouse · C Ticket office · D Portcullis Gate & Argyle Tower · E Argyle Battery · F Mills Mount Battery & One o'Clock Gun · G Cartsheds · H Western Defences · I Hospital ·J Butts Battery · K Scottish National War Museum · LGovernors House · M New Barracks · N Military Prison · ORoyal Scots Museum · P Foog's Gate · Q Reservoirs · R Mons Meg · S Pet Cemetery · T St. Margaret's Chapel · U Half Moon Battery · V Crown Square · W Royal Palace · X Great Hall · YQueen Anne Building · Z Scottish National War Memorial

Edinburgh Castle is a historic fortress which dominates the skyline of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland from its position on the Castle Rock. Archaeologists have established human occupation of the rock since at least the Iron Age (2nd century AD), although the nature of the early settlement is unclear.

There has been a royal castle on the rock since at least the reign of David I in the 12th century, and the site continued to be a royal residence until the Union of the Crowns in 1603.

From the 15th century the castle's residential role declined, and by the 17th century it was principally used as military barracks with a large garrison.

Its importance as a part of Scotland's national heritage was recognised increasingly from the early 19th century onwards, and various restoration programmes have been carried out over the past century and a half.

As one of the most important strongholds in the Kingdom of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle was involved in many historical conflicts from the Wars of Scottish Independence in the 14th century to the Jacobite Rising of 1745.

Research undertaken in 2014 identified 26 sieges in its 1100-year-old history, giving it a claim to having been "the most besieged place in Great Britain and one of the most attacked in the world".

Few of the present buildings pre-date the Lang Siege of the 16th century, when the medieval defences were largely destroyed by artillery bombardment. The most notable exceptions are St Margaret’s Chapel from the early 12th century, which is regarded as the oldest building in Edinburgh, the Royal Palace and the early-16th-century Great Hall, although the interiors have been much altered from the mid-Victorian period onwards.

The castle also houses the Scottish regalia, known as the Honors of Scotland and is the site of the Scottish National War Memorial and the National War Museum if Scotland. The British Army is still responsible for some parts of the castle, although its presence is now largely ceremonial and administrative. Some of the castle buildings house regimental museums which contribute to its presentation as a tourist attraction.

The castle, in the care of Historic Scotland is Scotland's most-visited paid tourist attraction, with over 1.4 million visitors in 2013. As the backdrop to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo during the annual Edinburgh International Festival the castle has become a recognisable symbol of Edinburgh and of Scotland and indeed, it is Edinburgh's most frequently visited visitor attraction - according to the Edinburgh Visitor Survey, more than 70% of leisure visitors to Edinburgh visited the castle.

One O'Clock Gun
The One O'Clock Gun is a time signal, fired every day at precisely 13:00, excepting Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Day. The 'Time Gun' was established in 1861 as a time signal for ships in the harbour of Leith and the Firth of Forth, 2 miles (3 km) away. It complemented the ‘Time Ball', which was installed on the Nelson Monument in 1852, but was useless as a visual signal in foggy weather. Because sound travels relatively slowly (approximately 343 metres per second (770 mph)), a map was produced in 1861 to show the actual time when the sound of the gun would be heard at various locations across Edinburgh.

Military Tattoo
A series of performances known as the Edinburgh Military Tattoo (since 2010 the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo) takes place on the Esplanade each year during August. The basis of each performance is a parade of the massed pipes and drums of the Scottish regiments, and since its inception in 1950 the Tattoo has developed a complex format which includes a variety of performers invited from around the world, although still with a largely military focus.

The climax of the evening is the lone piper on the castle battlements, playing a pibroch in memory of dead comrades-in-arms, followed by massed bands joining in a medley of traditional Scottish tunes. The Tattoo attracts an annual audience of around 217,000 people, and is broadcast in some 30 countries to a television audience estimated at 100 million.

Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация отлично подойдет для раскрытия страноведческого материала на уроках английского языка в десятых - одиннадцатых классах, как общеобразовательных школ, так и языковых.Презентация хорошо проиллюстрирована и рассказываем нам о самых знаменитых замках Эдинбурга. Обучающиеся смогут получить эстетическое наслаждение от пейзажей Эдинбурга.

Look at the text. What is it about? What can you see/do in this place. Listen, read and check.
The Edinburgh Experience with cosmo tours …
What are you going to do?
The place to go if you like castles! Go on an interesting tour of the castle and admire spectacular views of the city as well as the Crown Jewels. Edinburgh Castle is also the home of the One O’clock Gun. This is fired every day except Sunday at precisely 1 : 00 pm to provide everyone with an accurate check for their clocks and watches!
Don’t miss the Military Tattoo Experience − the largest outdoor event in Scotland right in front of beautiful Edinburgh Castle! Enjoy a wonderful show of music and dance, pipers playing their bagpipes, bands parading, and men in kilts dancing to folk tunes!
Described as ‘the noisiest museum in the world’, the Museum of Childhood is a favourite with adults and children. It is a treasure house full of objects, telling of childhood, past and present. There are toys and games of all kinds from many parts of the world, ranging from dolls and teddy bears to train sets and tricycles. Listen to the children chanting multiplication tables in the 1930 s classroom and watch the street games Edinburgh children played in the 1950 s.
Experience the ‘underwater safari’ of a lifetime! Go under the sea in a 71 metre transparent tunnel and get ready to see exiting sea life close enough to touch it!
Your chance to get a terrific view of Edinburgh. Fly in a hot air balloon and you will enjoy what you see!


The text is about Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. In Edinburgh you can visit Edinburgh Castle and the museum of childhood, join the Military Tattoo Experience − the largest outdoor event in Scotland, and enjoy the Scotland ballooning tour.

Перевод ответа
Текст повествует об Эдинбурге, столице Шотландии. В Эдинбурге вы можете посетить Эдинбургский замок и музей детства, принять участие в мероприятии Military Tattoo Experience − крупнейшем мероприятии на открытом воздухе в Шотландии, а также насладиться туром на воздушном шаре в Шотландии.

Куда пойти, если вы любите замки! Отправляйтесь на интересную экскурсию по замку и полюбуйтесь захватывающим видом на город, а также на королевские драгоценности. Эдинбургский замок также является домом часовой пушки (памятник). Она срабатывает каждый день, кроме воскресенья, ровно в 13:00, чтобы предоставить всем точную проверку своих настенных и наручных часов!

Не пропустите парад военных оркестров - крупнейшее мероприятие на открытом воздухе в Шотландии прямо перед прекрасным Эдинбургским замком! Наслаждайтесь прекрасным шоу музыки и танца, волынщики играют на волынке, устраивают парады и мужчины в килтах танцуют под народные мелодии!

Ваш шанс получить потрясающий вид на Эдинбург. Летайте на воздушном шаре, и вам понравится то, что вы увидите!

You can go on a tour of Edinburgh Castle to see the crown jewels. You can see a music and dance show and listen to pipers playing their bagpipes at the Military Tattoo Experience.

The place to go if you like castles! Go on an interesting tour of the castle and admire spectacular views of the city as well as the Crown Jewels. Edinburgh Castle is also the home of the One O'clock Gun. This is fired every day except Sunday at precisely 1:00 pm to.

Don't miss the Military Tattoo Experience - the largest outdoor event in Scotland right in front of beautiful Edinburgh Castle! Enjoy a wonderful show of music and dance, pipers playing their bagpipes.

Described as 'the noisiest museum in the world', the Museum of Childhood is a favourite with adults and children. It is a treasure house full of objects, telling of childhood, past and present. There are toys and games of all kinds from many parts of the world, ranging from dolls and teddy bears to train sets and tricycles. Listen to the children chanting multiplication.

Experience the 'underwater safari' of a lifetime! Go under the sea in a 71 metre transparent tunnel and get ready to see exciting.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

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