Александр бородин сообщение на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Alexander Borodin was a genius in two fields: music and chemistry. Composing music was really a hobby for him, but he is considered one of the greatest Russian composers. His opera “Prince Igor” is considered to be one of the most important historical Russian operas.

He studied piano and cello as a youth, but got interested in chemistry after trying to make fireworks. He studied medicine, and became a surgeon for the Russian army.

Later, he became professor of chemistry at the Medico-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg, and spent the rest of his life teaching students there. He loved teaching. He also spent a lot of his time doing scientific experiments.

He said in a letter that writing music was just a hobby. Music filled his time when he was away from the chemistry lab or classroom. In fact he would often pause during discussions on music to check on experiments! He also said that he could only compose when he was too sick to give lectures.

Александр Бородин был гением в двух областях: музыки и химии. Сочинение музыки было действительно хобби для него, но он считается одним из величайших русских композиторов. Его опера "Князь Игорь" считается одним из самых важных исторических русских опер. Он изучал фортепиано и виолончель в юности, но заинтересовались химии после попытки сделать фейерверк. Он изучал медицину и стал хирургом для русской армии. Позже он стал профессором химии в Медико-хирургической академии в Санкт-Петербурге, и провел остаток своих студентов жизни преподавал там же. Он любил преподавать. Он также провел много своего времени на выполнение научных экспериментов. Он сказал в письме, что писать музыку было просто хобби. Музыка заполнено свое время, когда он был вдали от химической лаборатории или классе. На самом деле он часто паузы во время обсуждения музыки, чтобы проверить на экспериментах! Он также сообщил, что он мог составить только тогда, когда он был слишком болен, чтобы читать лекции.

hobby for him,but he is considered one of the greates Russian composers. His opera "Prince logor" is considered to be one of the most inlportan historical Russian operas. He studied piano and cello as a youth,but got interested in chemistry after trying to make fireworks. He studied medicine, and became a surgeon for the Russian army.Later,he became professor of chemistry at the Medico-Surgical Academy in St.Petersburg,and spent the rest of his life teaching students there.He loved teaching. He also spent a lot of his time doing scientific experiments. He said in a letter that writing music was just a hobby.Music filled his time when he was away from the chemistry lab or classroom.In fact he would often pause during discussions on music to check on experiments! He also said that he could only compose when he was too sick to give lectures.

Ответ или решение 1

Александр Бородин был гением в двух направлениях: музыка и химия. Сочинение музыки в действительности было его хобби, но он считался одним из самых популярных русских композиторов. Его опера "Принц-логорь" была признана одной из самых влиятельных исторических русских опер. В юности он изучал фортепьяно и виолончель, но заинтересовался химией пытаясь сделать фейерверк. Он изучал медицину и стал хирургом в русской армии. Позже, он стал профессором химии в Медико-хирургической академии в Санкт-Петербурге и провел там оставшуюся жизнь обучая студентов.Он любил преподавание. Также много времени он тратил на выполнение научных экспериментов. Он говорил в письме, что написание музыки было просто хобби. Музыка вдохновляла его в то время, когда он был вне химической лаборатории или классной комнаты. На самом деле он часто останавливался во время обсуждений музыки, чтобы провести эксперименты. Он также говорил, что он может сочинять только тогда, когда он слишком болен, чтобы давать лекции.

Alexander Borodin was a polymath, a genius in two fields: music and chemistry. Although composing music was never really more than a spare-time hobby for him, he ranks amongst the greatest Russian composers for his lyrical and inventive music.

I'm quite fond of Borodin's music, even though there isn't really much of it! He was too busy helping people or blowing things up with chemical reactions to write much.

Borodin is one of the most inspiring composers I've written about on this site.

He was a truly noble soul, a contributor to humanity, who put others before himself and followed his passions with intensity and joy. He knew how to live a fulfilled life!

Alexander Borodin

Alexander Borodin was born in St Petersburg 1833, the illegitimate son of a Georgian prince and a serf. His half-blue blood freed him from a dull life as a peasant, and allowed him to get a better education.

He studied piano and cello as a youth, but was drawn to chemistry after trying to make fireworks.

He went to study medicine, and became a surgeon for the Russian army.

He later became professor of chemistry at the Medico-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg, and spent the rest of his life teaching students there, a career which he loved. He also spent a lot of his time doing scientific experiments.

He said in a letter that writing music was just a relaxing activity to fill time while he was away from the chemistry lab or classroom. In fact he would often pause during discussions on music to check on experiments! He also said that he could only compose when he was too sick to give lectures.

He actually gained a lot of respect in the chemistry field, making some important discoveries and publishing dozens of articles.

Borodin also met Mily Balakirev, the great champion of Russian nationalist music. Borodin then became part of The Five, (a group of Russian composers whose goal was to produce a uniquely russian style of music in a Russian way), where he was encouraged by the likes of Rimsky-Korsakov.

Balakirev mentored Borodin in composing, shaping the young man's talent. He even got him to write a symphony, which premiered seven years after it was started (with Balakirev conducting). The premiere was hugely successful, and inspired the composer to start a second one.

Borodin started working on an opera as well (Prince Igor), but gave it up. He gradually lost his enthusiasm for chemistry, since there wasn't much funding for research in Russia. So he gradually stopped experimenting, which freed up his time for composing.

Borodin died in 1887 of heart failure. At the time, he was dressed up in a costumed ball, dancing a vigorous Russian dance, when an artery burst.

He was hugely generous with his time and resources, and also spent most of his life fighting for women's rights to proper careers. A story goes that his house was always packed with relatives and friends who were sleeping in every room, on couches or the floor.

Borodin, full of kindness, didn't want to disturb them by playing piano. no wonder he didn't write very much music!


Alexander Borodin's music (what little there is of it!) shows a gift for lyricism and romantic beauty. Inspired by the ideals of the The Five, he wanted to create Russian versions of traditional genres like the string quartet. He also used snippets of Russian folk music in his work.

Alexander Borodin used inventive harmonies and rhythms in his music, which directly inspired the floating, exotic nature of French composer Claude Debussy's music. The hungarian piano-god Franz Liszt was also a fan of Borodin's music, and championed the Russian's work in Europe.

His most famous pieces are.

  1. Polovtsian Dances. A selection orchestral dances taken from the unfinished opera Prince Igor, these grand and exotic pieces have a wonderfully intoxicating flavor.
  2. 2 String Quartets (notably the second one). Borodin's Russian take on the string quartet genre proved to be some of his most popular music. The graceful beauty of the first quartet is more than matched by the romantic and whimsical character of the second. The third movement of the second quartet, a shy nocturne, is a concert favorite.
  3. Second Symphony: Borodin's greatest, important large-scale work. Liszt himself said, after he and Borodin had played it through in a piano arrangement, that it was completely new and no-one had done anything like it. What praise!
  4. In the Steppes of Central Asia, a beautiful orchestral poem, depicting the wild beauty of Russia's vastness.

I only wish, like so many others, that he wrote more!

Of course, with Borodin's rich music you'd not want to spoil it by listening through a poor audio setup. See the home audio system section for info on getting great sound.

Цель урока: дети научатся чтению с извлечением необходимой информации.

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Личностные: воспитывать гордость за соотечественников, развивать желание детей заниматься любимым делом.

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The music is my fun but chemistry is my business. Alexander Borodin

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