You helped stop a robbery last week write a blog post about what happened сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

everybody understands sometimes, that people (as well as their preferences and convictions) are very different.

for example, some of my classmates do really think, that it s better to study 6 days a week at school. actually, i've also heard that from some adults: my parents, teachers, and so on.

to be honest, my attitude to the process of learning seems to be quite unsteady too. there are some days you are lazy or even tired and that's important enough to have a rest. but now i can contend, that concentration and making an oneself force is valuable too. for example a period before the examination takes a lot of time and you have to learn even the whole week long, but if you do it, you should be sucsessful any way.

secondly, if you know arifmetics, you can count, that 1 extra day a week gives you an extra month of learnig a year. and that means, as far as i know, not only effort, but also special facilities to you know your staff better.

so, to conclude, i'd mention, that it all depends on you - what you do (how long do you learn in a school week) is, however, what you choose. as for me, i'll rather think a little bit more about that; i believe my opinion will get stronger in a couple of days.)

samantha was looking out the window when she saw tom.

derek was playing football when he hurt his leg.

arthur was watching the match when electricity went off.

mary was having a bath when the doorbell rang

1)this dinosaur's smaller than a chicken.

2)this dinosaur's fasterthan a plane.

3)this dinosaur's heavier than ten elephants.

4)this dinosaur's longer than a bike.

5)this dinosaur's bigger than two buses.

6)this dinosaur's taller than a house.

1.-have you been in the shop? 2.-yes,i have.3.- have you bought anything?

4.-yes. i have5.-and what did you do after school? 6.-i watched a mystery video film from 4 to 6.

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Exercise 5. looking for three men after a bank robbery in west london today. the robbery happened at the national bank in city road at 5 o'clock this morning. more than £ 1 million.

Раскрыть скобки в правильной форме there (be) a news report about a bank robbery. but it wasn't just any bank robbery. the robbery (take) place in the bank i had been to that day.

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Read the text and write a word from the box in each gap. you will only use seven of the words. alarm · home · school · blog · painting · times countries · photo · watch · diary · r.

Read the text and write a word from the box in each gap. you will only use seven of the words. alarm · home · school · blog · painting · times countries · photo · watch · diary · r.

Read the text and write a word from the box in each gap. you will only use seven of the words. alarm · home · school · blog · painting · times countries · photo · watch · diary · r.

Complete the text with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. tavi gevinson started her blog style rookie in 2008 at the age of 11. she (not stop) writing about fashio.

3) я нахожу вашу готовность признать наше требование довольно интересной.

4) оптимизация скорости процесса приводит к снижению затрат.

5) их контейнеры, кажется, превосходны, но мы ничего не знаем об их прочности.

здесь будет верным ответ: has got

space is not only a unique laboratory where new materials and explores the universe. outer space is also the arena of the future of mankind, to be exact — postčelovečestva. it is the material from which the distant future we will be able to create its universe.

can you ride a bicycle? yes, i'm not too bad at riding a bicycle.

do you know anything about photography? oh, yes, i'm pretty good at photography.

can you cook? no, i have no idea how to cook.

can you sew? yes, i know something about sewing.

do you know anything about electronic games? yes, i know something about electronic games.

do you know anything about windsurfing? oh, yes, i'm pretty good at windsurfing.


the world of literature is very various. there are lots of different writers who create different kinds of books. my favourite style is a detective story. i like to read exciting stories about mystic crimes, clever detectives and artful criminals. so it`s not surprising that my favourite writer is agatha christie. her books are always very interesting. me favourite character is hercule poirot. he is very intelligent and keen that`s why he can solve any riddle. i think that agatha christie is the queen of crime as her language is simple and her crimes are not bloody but very intricate. i never can guess the murdere till i finish the book. some days ago i started to raed "death on the nile" and i enjoy this book very much. i advise you to read agatha christie too.

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Иконка предмета

Нужно составить деалог из следующих предложений : 1)why not! see you tomorrow morning then. 2)have you ever been to the planetarium? 3)i don't know yet. 4)what are you going to do on sunday morning? 5)no, i've never been there. 6) len's go then. it's worth seeing.

Иконка предмета

Иконка предмета

Заранее )) 1. translate into english 1.когда она проснулась, солнце ярко светило. 2. учительница объясняля правило, когда в класс вошёл директор. 3. она гуляля в саду и не знала, что происходит в доме. 4. мы смеялись над чьей-то шуткой, когда она вошла. она минуту смотрела на нас, затем повернулась и вышла из комнаты. 5. ему был нужен чемодан, так как он уезжал из командировки. 6. когда мы ушли, они всё ещё обсуждали эту проблему. 7. как тебе не стыдно? почему ты не остановил их, когда они дрались? 8. что ты делала в 4 часа? я позвонил тебе, но никто не ответил. меня не было дома. я готовилась к докладу в бибилиотеке. 9. он проснулся из-за какого-то звука. звонил телефон. 2. write questions to the words in the bold type. 1. the president arrivesnat the office at 10 o'clock. 2. great britain sells many goods to russia. 3. we receive foreign businessmen every day. today after 2 o'clock we are going to meet mr clark, the manager of gml. 4. anna is interested in sports. she plays tennis very well. 5. after lunch i usually look through catalogues or meet customers. 6. our secretary is making an appointment with mr bell now

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Другие вопросы по Английскому языку




Надо! progress test 8 ( units 1-15 ) -fill in the gaps with the missing words. 1.there a brilliant fil on tv last monday. you see it ? 2.''what's with this radio, bob ? '' "i don't know. " 3.have you been to india? "no i " 4." stella's phone number? " "6684206". 5.he has the louvre but he hasn't seen notre dame 6. on tv tonight ? 7.she left an hour 8.he's very funny. quick! some pictures. 9.i'm afraid i go to sue's party. 10." have you been here? " since friday." 11." did you come here? '' last friday" 12." mrs murray? '' ''very well, thanks." 13." last sunday? " " i went to the theatre " 14.: have you flown on concorde? " " yes, once" 15.we're going to the opera tonight. like to come ? 16." do you usually get up? " "7 o'clock" 17." how many friends you ? " ten." 18." are you? " about one metre sixty." 19." are these cassettes? " (ł) 13.45." 20." do you get to work? " "by bus".


1) i'm working hard a-because he doesn't earn much 2)len's buying his wife a present b-because they're dry and the sun's hot 3)jane's washing her hair c-because it's her birthday soon 4)peter 's looking for a better job d-because i've got exams next week 5)we're buying some new clothes e-because he's hungry 6)she's watering the flowers f-because she's going to a party tonight 7)the baby's crying g-because we're going to a wedding soon


Задайте общие вопросы. вставьте do или does. 1/ they like dogs. like dogs? 2/ he likes birds. like birds? 3/ she likes games. like games? 4/ they like computers. like computers? 5/ it likes the toy. like the toy? 6/ we sing the song. we sing the song? 7/ bob reads books. bob read books? 8/ ann speaks english. ann speak english? 9/ henry plays chess. henry play chess? 10/ thr dog sleps in the basket. dog sleep in the basket?

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