What points should we consider when choosing a career сочинение

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государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования


Выбор профессии

Тольятти 2013-2014 уч. год

_________ Шмелева Н.П.


Зам. директора по НМР



Зам. директора по учебной работе

_________________ А.Н. Мазаев

_______________________ 2014г.

Составитель: ___________Шашкина А.А., преподаватель английского языка ГБОУ СПО ТМК

Методическая разработка предназначена для проведения уроков по английскому языку среди студентов III -ого курса.


Пояснительная записка

Методическая разработка предназначена для проведения открытого урока по английскому языку среди студентов III -ого курса. Разработка содержит информацию направлению на улучшение качества знаний в бизнес сфере.

Цель разработки состоит в формирование основ бизнес культуры на уроке английского языка. Основными задачами является:

развить интерес к английскому языку и бизнесу;

углубить и расширить знания по данной теме;

научить работать с текстом;

ознакомить со специальной лексикой;

развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма.

Методическая разработка включает в себя тематический текст с выделенными новыми словами для тренировки бизнес терминологии. Точное и полное понимание текста осуществляется путем изучающего чтения. Выполнение упражнений после прочтения поможет закрепить новую лексику и знания содержания текста.

Материал разработки позволит студентам овладеть бизнес терминологий на английском языке и поможет, в будущем, использовать полученные знания на практике (в работе), также методическая разработка окажет действенную помощь преподавателям английского языка в осуществлении межпредметных связей.

Choosing a career

If young people don’t think about their future life earlier,

it will be too difficult to think about it later.

1. Pre-reading task: answer the questions:

When did you think first about your future profession?

What kind of profession did you choose?

Is it easy to choose a profession?

Look at the statement given above and say are you agree or disagree with it?

2. Read and translate the text about choosing a profession.

Choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things any person does in his life. Before young people finish school all of them think that they will choose a profession they want. But later all of them understand that choosing a profession or a career is a very serious problem. So when young people leave school, they face that problem. If pupils want to achieve their purpose, they should use the opportunity for promotion in the early age. The young people have to know that if they don’t think about their future life earlier, it will be too difficult to think about it later. It is an advantage to choose a future career while being at school because it gives a goal in your studies and enables to choose a right, suitable course of study.

There are several factors that influence the decision of young people to make their choice; they concern material and spiritual aspects of the future profession. They generally believe that professions should be both prestigious and interesting. Everybody wants to benefit from the social privileges provided by the profession. At the same time other factors are important. Much depends on the inclinations and interests of the person. Another important factor is social environment. The profession of the parents often in this or that way influences the future profession of their children. Today we have dynasties of physicians, historians, lawyers, economists, pilots and military officers. It is impossible to forget about the material aspect of the future profession. It indicates the level of the society’s values. Today all professions can be classified as prestigious or not prestigious. The problem of prestige is subjective. All the professions are very useful.

Today the most popular professions are lawyers and economists. These professions are prestigious. After graduating from Law and Economist Faculties it is possible to find good jobs. To be a designer is attractive too. This profession can fit creative people who know how to m а ke things around them look nice. For those young adults who choose the profession of a chemist, a mathematician or a physicist the determinant factor is not prestige but interesting and inclination. To be a biologist is very prestigious today, because the biologists are at the forefront of cloning. I think that to be a sociologist or psychologist very interesting and useful too. Psychologists try to help people to cope with their spiritual problems. Sociologists study the health of the society.

One of the most fashionable and prestigious professions today is that of computer operator. Although computers came into our life only in the 1960s they quickly gained around of the contemporary society having become its indispensable part.

to get job – получить работу

to finish school – заканчивать школу

to face problem – столкнуться с проблемой

to achieve purpose – достигать цели

opportunity for promotion – возможность продвижения

to influence – влиять

to make a choice – делать выбор

to concern - волновать, беспокоить

to benefit - извлекать пользу, выгоду

inclinations – предпочтени я

pilots and military officers пилоты и офицер ы

to fit – подходить

determinant factor - определяющий фактор

forefront – важное место

to cope with problems – справляться с проблемами

computer operator - оператор ЭВМ

to gain – приобретать

contemporary society – современное общество

indispensable part – неотъемлемая часть

3. Answer the questions:

1. What are two of the most important things for any person?

2. What have to know the young people?

3. When should we choose a future career?

4. What are several factors that influence the decision of young people to make their choice?

5. How many professions did mention in the text? Name them.

6. What are the most popular professions today?

7. What do study sociologists?

8. What is one of the most fashionable and prestigious professions today?

4. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false statements:

1. Choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things in your life.

2. Choosing a profession or a career is not a problem.

3. Young people concern material and spiritual aspects of the future profession.

4. Professions should be insignificant and uninteresting.

5. The profession of the parents often in this or that way influences the future profession of their children.

6. Today all professions can be classified as prestigious or not prestigious.

7. Today the most popular professions are physicians and historians.

8. One of the most fashionable and prestigious professions today is that of computer operator.

5. Translate into:

a ) Russian : достигать цели, карьера, получить работу, влиять, столкнуться с проблемой, предпочтения, юристы, современное общество, справляться с проблемами, возможность продвижения, физик, приобретать, заканчивать школу, оператор ЭВМ.

b) English: to benefit, advantage, to get job, to make a choice, to face problem, subjective, to fit, indispensable part, computer operator, several, to face problem, to concern, contemporary society, economist, to achieve purpose, physician, lawyer, determinant factor,

to finish school

6. Complete the phrases:

job school problem purpose promotion choice society operator problems


  1. Let’s talk about your career. What would you like to do in future?

I think the sooner a person chooses his future profession the better. He can attend specialized classes to be well prepared for his entrance exams. Some people try to postpone making a decision. Fortunately, there are a lot of people I can turn to for advice and help. And of course I can talk over my ideas with family members and friends.

I made up my choice long ago and decided to become…

  1. Is there any kind of job you would never choose? Why?

Yes, it’s teaching. Because a teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. He must know his work, his subject and his pupils. He must be deeply interested in what he teaches. He should also be patient, understanding and kind. Certainly it is very difficult to be a teacher, because sometimes pupils do not behave properly. And discipline at school should work hand in hand with freedom.

  1. What questions will you ask your future employer when applying for a job?
  1. What is my schedule? (How much should I work?)
  2. What should I do? (What is my duty?)
  3. What is the size of my salary?
  1. Give me some advice on what I need to think while choosing my future career?

When choosing a future career, we should consider different factors. In my opinion, satisfaction is one of the most important factors when you make your choice. A job should be interesting and socially important. You should also decide whether you want to work indoors or outdoors. Another important factor is social environment. The profession of parents often influences the future profession of their children.

  1. Some people think that it is necessary to speak a foreign language well to get a good job. Do you agree with them?

Learning a foreign language is a life necessity today. Nowadays plenty of people have a very strong desire to learn English as the language has become the international language of politics, science, trade and culture. A foreign language equips a person with a practical skill which adds to appreciation of other cultures, improves employment prospects and makes travel more rewarding. It goes without saying that it broadens one’s mind, widens one’s horizon, and shapes one’s intellectual fitness.

An ecologist and help people to prevent ecological crises protect nature and save life on the planet. I’m fond of reading, and books make me understand that the development of civilization was followed by man’s careless interference in nature. It resulted in the fastest-spreading disease of the 21 st century-poisoning of the world’s land, air and water.

Every year industry all over the world pollutes atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Cities suffer from smog.

Vast forests are cut down and burn in fire. As a result one kind of animals, plant or insect dies out for ever every 10 minutes.

That’s why I consider that my own duty is to find about what has been done in this direction and what can be done to save our beautiful planet.

A programmer. I’m good at computers. Many people continue careers of their parents or grandparents but it is not the case with me. My mother is a … . My dad is a … . But I don’t want to be neither a … nor a ….

My hobby is computer games and computer programming. I have a computer at home and can spend hours working at it.

I consider that the profession of programmer can give many opportunities. Computers are the most rapidly changing sphere of modern technology. We live in the age of information and I think that the future is just filled with computers.

So, after I finish school I want to enter the university and study computer science.

A sociologist. This is rather new profession in our country. And I think it is very interesting specialty. Sociologists are supposed to work with people, to render them real help in difficult situations.

Our country is going through a difficult period now. Economic restricting doesn’t lead everyone to success. There are social workers who have to relieve the burden off people’s shoulders and to help them to solve their problems.

I understand the difficulties of this profession. But I believe this specialty is really needed and hope that I can help a lot of people.

A journalist. I think it is an interesting and useful profession.

I like to watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers and magazines. I like everything which connected with mass media.

I admire this profession because journalists meet many people. They try to understand what is going on in the world, or the country, or the city and try to explain it to other people.

First of all, we have to know what we like and what we can do. I think we have to know in what subjects we are strong enough. Secondly, we have to learn what professions are claimed and well-paid, because it is important for our future. Finally, I think we have to discuss our choice with parents, because they can advice something and tell what will be better for us.

Я хочу обсудить факторы, которые мы должны учитывать при выборе профессии. Во-первых, мы должны знать, что нам нравится, и что мы можем делать. Во-вторых, мы должны узнать, какие профессии востребованы и хорошо оплачиваемы, потому что это важно для нашего будущего. Наконец, мы должны обсудить наш выбор с родителями, потому что они могут посоветовать что то и сказать, что будет лучше для нас.

Choosing the right career path is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family. Whether you are choosing your first career or embarking on a second or third one, finding something that you enjoy can do wonders to improve your whole life. I think there are four main factors that you should consider to get into the right career. First of all, your interests play a big role. Before selecting a career, it's advisable to find the things that interest you in terms of work. Start by taking a look at the things you do well and compare them to work you've done in the past. You may be surprised to find that some of the things you enjoy doing daily can actually be components of a future career. Secondly, your skills and abilities are very important. Everyone has unique talents that can be used in a career of some type. For many, these talents have been present since childhood; for others they are learned over time. Another factor is work attitudes. How people feel about work can have an affect on the types of careers that they eventually find themselves in. Having a positive attitude about working can result in being able to manage high levels of stress and responsibility in addition to being self-motivated. Finally, when choosing a career, we should take into account such factors as training and education. That means for each job type, you will need to attain a certain degree or level of experience before you can begin work in that area.

Выбор правильной карьеры является одной из самых важных вещей, которые ты можешь сделать для себя и твоей семьи. Выбираешь ли ты свою первую карьеру или предпринимаешь вторую или третью, поиск чего-то, чем ты наслаждаешься, может сделать чудеса, чтобы улучшить всю твою жизнь. Я думаю, что есть четыре основных фактора, которые ты должен учитывать, чтобы войти в правильную карьеру. Прежде всего, большую роль играют твои интересы. Прежде, чем выбрать карьеру, желательно найти вещи, которые тебя интересуют в плане работы. Начни с взгляда на вещи, которые ты делаешь хорошо и сравнения их с работой, которой ты занимался в прошлом. Ты можешь удивиться, обнаружив, что некоторые из вещей, которые ты любишь делать каждый день, могут на самом деле быть компонентами будущей карьеры. Во-вторых, очень важны твои навыки и способности. Каждый человек имеет уникальные таланты, которые могут быть использованы в карьере некоторого типа. Для многих, эти таланты присутствовали с детства; для других им научились за время. Еще один фактор – это отношение к работе. То, как люди относятся к работе, может повлиять на тип карьеры, которую они со временем приобретут. Позитивное отношение может привести к способности контролировать высокие уровни стресса и быть ответственным и целеустремленным. В конце концов, при выборе карьеры мы должны учитывать такой фактор, как обучение и образование. Это означает, что для каждого типа работы, тебе нужно будет достичь определенной степени или уровня опыта, прежде чем ты можешь начать работу в этой области.

What points should we consider when choosing a career? The project was done byTa

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What points should we consider when choosing a career? The project was done byTatyana LutsenkoForm 11 “A”

The right choice of profession is always important for everyone. When we decide

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The right choice of profession is always important for everyone. When we decide in which sphere of life we want to work, we consider a lot of factors.

The main directions of future career give us our parents Parents wish young peop

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The main directions of future career give us our parents Parents wish young people enjoyable and stable work

Sometimes teenagers want to do the same job as their parents. There are a lot of

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Sometimes teenagers want to do the same job as their parents. There are a lot of families in which members engage in the same business.

Some young people want to choose the identical profession as their friends, stud

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Some young people want to choose the identical profession as their friends, study in one institute and continue communication with them. Of course it is very nice to keep in touch with old mates but maybe you will have to do awful work that isn’t interesting for you. So it’s worth thinking before to join your friends' company in boring university. If one chooses to be a doctor it doesn’t mean that others will like this occupation too.

A lot of young people charmed of exterior of some jobs. They think that such lob

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A lot of young people charmed of exterior of some jobs. They think that such lobs as actor, singer or top model are very attractive and bring a lot of money. But teenagers don’t understand that it is also a hard craft. Besides, be in the focus of public attention is not very good purpose. Sometimes famous people are unhappy and even nervous.

Personal qualities and abilities painters or designers should be creative, imagi

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Personal qualities and abilities painters or designers should be creative, imaginative and inspirational

Engineers, architectures or mechanics should have technical skills

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Engineers, architectures or mechanics should have technical skills

Psychologists or nurses work with people and that’s why they should be kind and

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Psychologists or nurses work with people and that’s why they should be kind and tolerant and be able to communicate with anyone

Besides, we can see that many of people is attracted by high salary of certain j

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Besides, we can see that many of people is attracted by high salary of certain job. Of course, well-paid job is always good but it also requires a lot of skills and high-qualification. If you want to get more money you must work hard and improve yourself.

When we choose the future profession we should consider all factors around us. S

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When we choose the future profession we should consider all factors around us. So we will manage to do right choice.

Thank you for your attention!

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