We are what we eat сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Do you know the famous phrase "We are what we eat"? The saying is as old as the hills and means that to be fit and healthy you need to eat proper food.
Do you think carefully about the food you eat or you just don't care? Your answer will fully determine your health condition. Nowadays we have a generally accepted pearl of beauty which is foisted on us by the fashion industry. A beautiful girl is suggested to be very slim and even skinny, tall, long legged and long armed. Many girls do their best to look like top-models whom they see every day on advertisement hoardings and on TV But this glossy beauty, which in most cases is made in special computer programmes, conceals a huge problem, sometimes a mortal problem.
Compared with adults, children need more nutrients, as bones, muscles and blood system in their bodies are developing. These nutrients: carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, protein and fat provide us with energy necessary for growth, tissue repair, immunity and metabolism. Nowadays there is a tendency among teenagers to follow different diets in order to be in line with their idols. Unfortunately, a passion for diets may turn out a real tragedy. It is very important to keep in mind that you mustn't go on a diet without consulting a dietician beforehand; otherwise it may be really dangerous for your health.
There are girls who try to keep a healthy diet, it may be vegetarian, dairy product or rice diet. However, there are also girls who are sure that the less they eat the healthier they are. And that's a great mistake. When preoccupation with being thin takes over your eating habits, thoughts, and life, it's a sign of a psychic disorder. An eating disorder is an illness which causes deep concern about your everyday diet. Eating disorders frequently appear during the teen years. One of the well-known types of eating disorder is anorexia.
When a person has anorexia, the desire to lose weight becomes more important than anything else. He may even lose the ability to see himself from the side. Because of a person's dread of growing fat or disgust at the sight of his body, the eating process may be very stressful. Thoughts about dieting, food, and body may take up most of the day. There is no more time for friends, family, and other activities he or she used to enjoy. But no matter how thin a person grew, it's never enough. People suffering from anorexia never acknowledge the illness, but it can damage their health and even threaten their life.
So, what is the difference between healthy dieting and anorexia? First of all, healthy dieting is an attempt to control only weight, but anorexia is an attempt to control the whole life and emotions. Secondly, when dieting a person's self-esteem is based on good mood and improving his or her appearance; as for anorexia, it is based entirely on the fact how many kilogrammes you've managed to lose. Thirdly, the aim of losing weight while dieting is to improve a person's health and appearance, whereas for people having anorexia losing weight is the way to achieve happiness.
Anorexia is a very complicated disease and very difficult to cure as it involves not only body but also one's mind. To recover from anorexia a person has to realize that he has a problem. Only in this case it is possible to get over it. Besides anorexia, there are similar diseases caused by lack of eating, for example, bulimia.
There is also another illness connected with eating disorder — obesity. A person with such a problem loses control over his or her eating. The notion "obesity" is different from "being overweight", though both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than the standard corresponding to his or her height. Obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than he or she uses. Being obese increases the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis and some kinds of cancer. If one is obese, losing even 5 to 10 per cent of one's weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.
As you probably know, this problem is quite widespread in the USA. Over the last several decades obesity rates have increased for all population groups in the United States. Approximately nine million children over six years of age are considered obese. From 1980 up to 2008, the prevalence of obesity among children aged 6 to 11 years old tripled from 6.5 per cent to 19.6 per cent. It happens not only because Americans are fond of junk food and eat nothing but hamburgers. The main problem comes from genetics. American people try to cope with obesity by banning sodas, junk food and candy at school districts.
I hope that having read this topic, you have learned something useful for yourself. Nothing can be more important in the world than your health. It means that your body is your temple, which should be taken proper care of. I can give you an example of such care. A sensible, well-balanced diet will be a good beginning for keeping fit.
Moreover, you may devote about 30 minutes to physical activities 3—4 times a week just to improve your style of life. These may be some aerobic exercises, walking, cycling, jogging, swimming or dancing. Healthy way of life is a key to success.


1. Are modern people very much concentrated on being healthy?
2. What is done for people in order to improve their style of life?
3. Do you know any proverbs or sayings about keeping fit?
4. What is the reason of young girls' preoccupation with dieting?
5. How can you explain the reason of irregular eating?
6. What adequate nutrition should you receive to be healthy?
7. Metabolism is a process of your body breaking down food and regulating energy, isn't it?
8. What is the most important thing for every person?
9. What is sold at your school canteen? Can you name these products — junk food?
10. How can you help people who have anorexia?

saying — высказывание
as old as the hills — старо как мир
proper — правильный
to determine — определять
health condition — состояние здоровья
metabolism — обмен веществ
generally accepted — общепринятый
pearl of beauty — эталон красоты
to foist — навязывать
fashion industry — индустрия моды
slim — тонкий, стройный
skinny — тощий, костлявый
advertisement hoarding — рекламный щит
glossy — глянцевый
to conceal — скрывать
mortal — смертельный
nutrient — питательное вещество
to develop — развивать
carbohydrate — углевод
protein — белок
fat — жир
to provide — обеспечивать
tissue repair — восстановление тканей
immunity — иммунитет
to be in line with — следовать
idol — кумир
passion for — страстное увлечение, пристрастие
to turn out — оказываться
dietitian — врач-диетолог
preoccupation — поглощённость, увлечённость
eating disorder — нарушение питания
concern — обеспокоенность, тревога
dread — страх
disgust — отвращение
to damage — уничтожать
attempt — попытка
self-esteem — чувство собственного достоинства
to improve — улучшать
appearance — внешность
entirely — всецело, полностью
to cure — лечить
to involve — включать, вовлекать
to recover — вылечиваться
to get over — преодолеть
obesity — ожирение
overweight — излишний вес
to occur — появляться
diabetes — диабет
arthritis — артрит
cancer — рак
to delay — замедлять, задерживать
to prevent — предотвращать
to be widespread — быть распространённым
approximately — приблизительно
prevalence — распространение
to triple — утраиваться
junk food — вредная еда
to cope with — справляться с
to ban — запрещать
soda — здесь: газировка
temple — храм
proper — должный, правильный
sensible — разумный
jogging — бег трусцой

Our body consists 60% of water. But I would say, that we consist of the food we eat every day.

If we eat healthy food regularly, our body is full of energy and beauty.

It’s not mandatory to eat only cereals and vegetables. It’s ok sometimes to cook something that you like or to eat in fast food restaurant once in a while. Just remember that later on you will have result from these meals.

Let’s say you are busy to cook something and you eat a lot of fast food. Well don’t be surprise when you have your skin and hair with problems, you are overweight and don’t feel well. This condition is a result of your daily activity and meals.

But if you organize your day and meals, you eat all kind of vitamins and minerals your health will be thankful. You will see your hair long and shinny, your nails will become strong and your skin will be clean and healthy.

Have you noticed how much our mood depends on the food. If our diet is well balanced we feel well and happy. We can work 8 and even 10 hours per day. We have time and energy to go to the gym or meet our friends. We can do any mental and physical job without problems.

But if our diet is poor we have no energy even to do our daily routine. We are in bad mood most of the time. We can lose our hair, our skin can become worse every day.

Some people say if we eat more vegetables and fruit our body is full of life and energy. And the more we eat them, the better we feel. At the same time if we eat meat of animals, we can become aggressive or depressive. I don’t really believe that. I am a meat-lover, but also very positive and kind person. I just try to eat healthy food, more fruits and vegetables to feel strong and energetic.

Мы то, что мы едим

Наше тело на 60% состоит из воды. Но я бы сказала, что оно скорее состоит из той еды, которую едим каждый день.

Если мы питаемся здоровой едой регулярно, наше тело пополняется энергией и красотой. И совсем не обязательно есть только каши и овощи. Ничего страшного, если вы готовите то, что вам особенно нравится или забегать иногда в рестораны быстрого питания. Только помните, что позже результаты проявятся после таких перекусов.

Скажем, вы слишком заняты, чтобы готовить что-то и вы употребляете много фаст-фуда. Что же, не удивляйтесь, когда ваша кожа и волосы станут проблемными, появится лишний вес или вы почувствуете себя плохо. Это состояние - результат вашей ежедневной активности и питания.

Но если вы организуете свой день и питание, будете употреблять все виды витаминов и минералов, ваш организм будет благодарен. Вы увидите, что волосы стали длиннее и более блестящие, ногти стали сильнее, а кожа стала чище и здоровее.

А замечали ли вы, как сильно наше настроение зависит от того, что мы едим. Если наш рацион правильно сбалансирован, мы чувствуем себя хорошо и даже немного счастливыми. Мы можем работать 8 и даже 10 часов каждый день. У нас появляется время и энергия, чтобы пойти в спортивный зал или встретиться с друзьями. Мы можем выполнять любую умственную или физическую работу безо всяких проблем.

А если наш рацион скудный, у нас нет сил даже выполнять ежедневные обязанности. Мы пребываем в плохом настроении большую часть времени. У нас могут выпадать волосы, а кожа будет становиться хуже с каждым днём.

Некоторые люди говорят, что, если мы едим больше овощей и фруктов, наше тело наполнится жизнью и энергией. И чем больше мы едим их, тем лучше себя чувствуем. И в то же время, если мы едим мясо животных, мы становимся агрессивными или депрессивными. Но я в это особо не верю. Я люблю мясо, но я добрый и позитивный человек. Я стараюсь питаться здоровой едой, употреблять больше фруктов и овощей, чтобы быть сильной и полной энергии.

It seems like everyone is always talking about food, and what you should and shouldn't eat. 'Junk' food and 'healthy' food – what does it all mean? Is it really important?

Yes!! Healthy eating can make you look different and feel different. This topic will tell you about the various food groups, why they are important, and how to put all the information together for healthy eating. And don’t worry, even small changes in the way you eat can make a difference!!

Benefits of healthy eating
There are some effects of healthy eating that you will notice pretty quickly. For example, a healthy diet can:

- Help you keep a healthy body weight.
- Give you more energy to enjoy all kinds of physical activity, like surfing, football, netball or dancing.
- Support your body while you are growing and developing so that you reach your full physical potential.
- Some studies suggest that what you eat affects your mood. A good balanced diet will make sure you have all the essential nutrients needed for your brain to function well.

There are also some benefits that you may not notice straight away, but are worth thinking about. Scientific evidence shows that a healthy diet can help you avoid diet-related diseases. These are diseases that usually develop when people are over the age of 40. Healthy eating now can reduce the risks of developing these diseases later on!

Есть некоторые эффекты здорового питания, что Вы заметите довольно быстро. Например, здоровое питание:

- Помочь вам поддерживать здоровый вес тела.
- Дать вам больше энергии, чтобы насладиться все виды физической активности, такие как серфинг, футбол, нетбол или танцы.
- Поддержка вашего тела во время растем и развиваемся, так что вы достичь своего полного физического потенциала.
- Некоторые исследования показывают, что то, что вы едите влияет на ваше настроение. Хорошо сбалансированная диета обеспечит вам все необходимые питательные вещества, необходимые для вашего мозга, чтобы функционировать хорошо.

Также существуют некоторые выгоды, которые вы можете не заметить сразу, но стоит задуматься. Научно доказано, что здоровая диета может помочь вам избежать заболеваний, связанных с питанием. Это те заболевания, которые обычно развиваются, когда люди в возрасте старше 40 лет. Здоровое питание сейчас может снизить риск развития этих заболеваний в будущем!

все записи автора D o we live to eat?
How much food do you think you will eat by the time you are seventy-nine?
The average Frenchwoman, for example, will eat:

4fc9f44e0a07 (258x177, 24Kb)

25 cows
40 sheep
35 pigs
1,200 chickens
2.07 tonnes of fish
5.05 tonnes of potatoes
30,000 litres of milk
13,000 eggs
50,000 loaves of bread
12,000 bottles of wine
9,000 litres of orange juice

6,000 litres of mineral water
1.37 tonnes of apples
768 kg of oranges
2.07 tonnes of fish
430 bags of carrots
5.05 tonnes of potatoes
720 kg of tomatoes
30,000 litres of milk
1,300 lettuces
13,000 eggs
Hundreds of packets of coffee, sugar, spaghetti, etc 8 kg
of dirt

Delicious, isn’t it? How many cows and pigs have you swallowed already?
Scientists say that we eat about half-a-ton of food a year – not counting drink!
Some people eat even more.

Land of the fattest

According to WHO (World Health Organization), Americans are the fattest people in the world. 55% of women and 63% of men over 25 are overweight or obese. (Doctors say that you are obese if you weight at least 30% above ideal body weight.)
“Compared to Europeans, Americans eat all the time,” writes Joanna Coles, a British correspondent for The Guardian. “At the hairdressers, in their cars, during college lectures, while waiting in hospital and at the cinema, where they arrive clutching monster buckets of pop-corn, Doberman sized hot-dogs and containers (!) of diet Pepsi”.

The epidemic is spreading
Though America is the world leader in obesity, Europe is quickly catching up. According to WHO, almost one-third of people living in the European Union are now overweight and one in 10 is obese.
Britain has replaced Germany as Europe’s most overweight nation! 20% of women and 17% of men are obese. And the English are fatter than the Scots or Welsh.
Russia, the Czech Republic and Finland also have some of the heaviest people in Europe.
Even in such countries as French, Italy and Sweden, Europe’s slimmest nations, people (especially women) are becoming fatter.
Among the French, Italians and Swedish, who are considered to be Europe’s slimmest nations, the number of overweight people is dramatically rising.

We live in the era of fast food culture. We are always in a hurry. We have no time to relax and enjoy a meal. We want to eat fast.
Every day a new McDonald’s restaurant opens somewhere on our planet. Soon American food will take over the whole world.
Another reason is lack of exercise. We spend too much time in front of our computers and TV-sets. We walk less, because we prefer to use cars or public transport. Yes, many people nowadays are exercise crazy, they spend hours in gyms – and then they rush to have a good snack!

Put down this packet of chips and listen up!
What is tasty is not always healthy.
Doctors say that chips and pizzas are fattening, Coca-Cola spoils our teeth, coffee shortens our lives.
If you go on eating too much, you’ll become obese, and obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
Some scientists believe that food influences not only our bodies but our spirits as well.
Foods with lots of additives, fat or sugar can make you violent and anti-social. Natural foods like fresh fruit and vegetables which contain lots of vitamins and minerals can make you more intelligent, optimistic and energetic.
So think twice before you start eating!

(cheeseburgers, fishburgers, beefburgers, eggburgers…in fact anythingburgers!)

(they are called French fries in America)

hot dogs

Besides, teenagers in Britain, for example, spend 27 hours a week watching TV, and nobody knows how much they sit in front of their computers…)
What will today’s teenagers look like when they grow up? Imagine yourself as a lazy, fat old man or woman with eyes glued to the TV screen, hands digging down in a packet of chips, munch-munch, staring at the glaring pictures. A real nightmare! As one of our teenage readers said: “No! better die in war, be kidnapped by terrorists or disappear as a hero climber of the Himalayas.”
But this is the danger hanging over your life!

В ученическом исследовательском проекте по иностранному языку на тему "WE ARE WHAT WE EAT" автором была поставлена цель, наглядно показать как питание влияет на наше самочувствие, заставить людей думать о своем здоровье и о том, что они едят. Учащаяся школы хочет доказать, что мы то, что мы едим.

Подробнее о проекте:

Индивидуальная исследовательская работа по иностранному языку на тему "WE ARE WHAT WE EAT" содержит описание полезных свойств продукции, а также анализ теоретической и статистической информации о самых толстых и самых стройных нациях в мире. В работе подробно объясняется и подтверждается авторитетными научными исследованиями, почему мы толстеем и как с этим бороться?

За время работы над проектом по иностранному языку "WE ARE WHAT WE EAT" было проведено исследование, почему мы едим много фаст-фуда, рассмотрен вопрос о том, быть или не быть вегетарианцем. Также в рамках проекта был проведен опрос учащихся школы для того, чтобы определить, насколько правильное питание распространено среди школьников.


1. The aim, tasks and the hypothesis
2. Useful properties of products
3. The fattest and the slimmest nations
4. Why do we get fat and how to deal with it?
5. Why do we eat lots of fast-food?
6. To be or not to be a vegetarian?
7. Conducted survey and conclusion.
8. Right diet for school children.
List of used literature


Health is the most important thing in our life, so we should take care of it and, of course, take care of ourselves. Wecan’tbuy health it isn’t for sale.

Unfortunately, nowadays few people pay attention to their health, so people have lots of bad health habits. They arephysically inactive, sleep too little or too much, don’t wash their hands before meals, don’t visit a doctor.

Also I want to say, that in the modern world teenagers eat a lot of sweets, snack, drink alcohol and energy drinks. Adults eat more fast-food than healthy home-made food.

Because of thesebad habits and unhealthy diet different diseases appear, people die.

I like eating sweets and fast-food, but I try to eat less of it. Of course, I have tasted alcohol, but I don’t drink it. I haven’t tasted energy drinks and I don’t want to.

Every day I have breakfast and dinner with healthy home-made food. Only during classes or after school I have a snack. I want to be healthy and every day I try to take care of myself and my health.

When I was 7years old, I dreamed of being a doctor. I wanted to become a dietitian, help people with stomach diseases, make the useful diet for them. Now I am 15 and I want to be an engineer. Of course, desire to help people with digestive problems has not disappeared, so I will keep track of what my family and I eat.

I want my project to make people think about their health and what they eat. I want to prove that we are what we eat.

Prove that right diet is the way to high-quality and long life.

  1. Discover the useful properties of products
  2. Conduct the survey among students
  3. Decide to be or not to be a vegetarian
  4. Make a diet for school children

Do we eat to live?

  • Useful properties of products
  • Do you know that…?
  • Green tea protects your teeth
  • Chocolate and bananas are great for your nervous
  • Milk makes your bones strong
  • Carrot and blue berry are good for your eyes
  • Herbs and grapefruit help to lose weight, but stay strong and flexible without diet or exercises
  • Garlic helps to prevent colds
  • Ginger is good for digestion
  • Almonds are the best nuts for overweight
  • Salmon is necessary for memory
  • The fattest and the slimmest nations

The slimmest nation

Three out of hundred people are overweight in Japan. It is an excellent indicator. Japan is the slimmest nation in the world, thanks to the Japanese national food.

They eat vegetables and seafood. Another important point is the small portion size.

Scientistsclaim that the body of Japanese has the enzyme which allows them to digest algae. This enzyme also allows them to take necessary trace elements and protein from them.

The fattest nation

It is amazing that it isn’t the USA. The fattest people on the planet live in Nauru – it is a small island in the South of Pacific Ocean.

Almost 95 per cent of population is overweight. The fact is that 90 per cent of territory of this country isn’t suitable for plowing so in Nauru there is practically no food industry.

All this forces the state to import processed and sugar-rich food.

Why do we get fat and how to deal with it?

We live in the era of fast-food culture. We are always in a hurry. We have no time to relax and enjoy a meal. We want to eat now and we want to eat fast.

Every day a new McDonald’s restaurant opens somewhere on our planet. Soon American food will take over the whole world.

Another reason is lack of exercise. We spend too much time in front of our computers and TV – sets. We walk less, because we prefer to use cars or public transport. Yes, many people nowadays are exercise crazy, they spend hours in gym – and then they rush to have a good snack!

What is tasty isn’t always healthy.

Doctors say that chips and pizzas are fattening, Coca-Cola spoils our teeth, coffee shortens our lives.

If you go on eating too much, you will become obese, and obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

Some scientists believe that food influences not only our bodies but our spirits as well.

Foods with lots of additives, fat or sugar can make you violent and anti-social. Natural foods like fresh fruit and vegetables which contain lots of vitamins and minerals can make you more intelligent, optimistic and energetic.

So think twice before you start eating.

Also I want to add if you don’t want to be an obese person you should follow some similar rules: keep to a healthy diet, do morning exercises every day and, of course, be active and lively.

Why do we eat lots of fast-food?

  1. Attractive advertisements;
  2. We want to eat fast and fast-food helps us to do it;
  3. Fast-food is very tasty;
  4. Fast- food isn’t expensive;
  5. A lack of time;
  6. It is a laziness to go grocery shopping and cook.

There are a lot of temptations for people in the modern world. Cafes which sell fast-food, have become places for meeting and rest. But you shouldn’t eat lots of this harmful food, because effects can only bring you harm.

To be or not to be a vegetarian?

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Vegetarians look younger and have a longer life than people, who eat meat.
2. Vegetarians are stable and balanced.
3. With a vegetarian diet human body receives vitamin C, fiber and folic acid.
4. It is easier for vegetarians to maintain a weight level than for people, who eat animal products.
1. A vegetarian diet lacks
vitamin B12, which is
important for brain and
nervous system.
2. Also a vegetarian diet lacks
vitamin D, which improves
growth and development of a
child and which supports the
condition of hair, nails and
teeth of adults.
3. Plant-based food don’t have
omega 3, which is also
important for health.

To be or not to be a vegetarian is up to us. Each person has his own opinion on this question.

I don’t know how it is in other countries, but scientists claim that in the far East people, who eat animal food are healthier than vegetarians. Because of the climate and temperature differences, people, who live in the far East must eat meat and fish.

I believe that if your appearance is important for you then you can safely become a vegetarian. But if your health is important for you than I advise you to eat animal food.

I can’t live without meat. Every day I eat animal food. My dinner and lunch must contain meat. Only for breakfast I can eat something sweet, such as porridge or pie. All my family members eat meat, and we don’t want to give it up.

Conducted survey andconclusion

Questions Yes No 50/50 or sometimes
1. Have you got breakfast in the morning? 45 16 0
2. Do you snack between meals? 38 24 0
3. Do you play sports? 56 4 2
4. Do you eat a lot of fast-food? 26 32 4
5. When you eat, do you sit in front of your computer? 37 23 2
6. Do you prefer meat or vegetables? 41 5 16

I conducted the survey among 62 students. On average 4 of them had difficulty to answer some questions, so I allowed them to answer 50/50 or sometimes.

Based on the results of this survey, I realized that school children try to keep healthy lifestyle, but it isn’t easy.

For example, students forced to have a snack between meals, because of huge number of lessons and additional classes. But the good news is that almost allof the students play sports.

I want to say, that it isn’t easy to be healthy, but everybody tries to be strong, beautiful, smart, lively and, of course, healthy.

So try, try, try and you will have success!

Right diet for school children

School children have to eat.

  1. fresh vegetable salad,
  2. omelet with carrots,
  3. tea or hot milk,
  4. bread with cheese and butter
  1. fish soup with vegetables,
  2. meat chops and stew potatoes,
  3. fruit juice.
  • cheesecake with cottage cheese,
  • berry compote,
  • nuts.
  • buckwheat or rice porridge,
  • salad,
  • bread,
  • milk with honey.

You should know that it is necessary for students…

  1. To observe the time of meals;
  2. To eat 4 or 5 times a day;
  3. The diet should be balanced;
  4. To eat slowly and calmly.
  1. Keep to a healthy diet;
  2. Eat fruit and vegetables;
  3. Wash your hands before meals;
  4. Visit a doctor
  5. Go for a walk;
  6. Play sports;
  7. Do morning exercises every day;
  8. Clean your teeth;
  9. Be active and lively.


To sum up myproject work I want to say, that being a healthy person, of course,isn’t easy. It demands us lots of efforts and time. So I prepare for you the lists with some advice how to be healthy and what we should eat.

To eat healthy and homemade food, take care about ourselves, do physical exercises, be positive and energetic – there are habits of a healthy person.

Not everyone can care of himself, because it is a hard job. Especially, now, when we have so little time just to sit down and enjoy your meal or do exercises in the morning.

We are always in a hurry somewhere, trying to do everything, while at the same time forgetting about ourselves. It is important not to make these mistakes.

For example, if you have tired and sleepy appearance, are overweight, violent and anti-social, people can think, that you are lazy, don’t want to take care of yourself and even don’t try to fight with your health problems.

So when we see such a person, we can say, what lifestyle he has and what he eats. This example proves, that only we can decide how to live and what kind of lifestyle to lead.

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