The importance of being happy сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

My Opinion on Healthy Eating

Proper nutrition helps to avoid many diseases and be in good shape. Everyone certainly should pay attention to this issue in order to remain healthy and full of energy. However, I believe that some exceptions are acceptable.

I consider health not as a goal in itself, but as a resource that allows one to achieve his goals. Of course, this resource should be used wisely. But when we evaluate a person, we primarily think about what he or she has achieved in life, not about what this person has been eating. For example, students who have part-time jobs do not always have time to cook and visit fast food restaurants. And I don't blame them. After all, education and financial independence are of great importance.

Some people go to extremes in matters of nutrition. Some of them eat junk food all the time. Others, on the contrary, constantly count calories and blame themselves for every extra gram of salt or sugar.

But in my opinion, a reasonable pattern of behavior is somewhere in the middle. Consuming too much unhealthy food can lead to gastritis or obesity. But thinking about the amount of sugar in a piece of cake at a birthday party can ruin the happy moments.

Personally, I mainly follow healthy diet in my daily life. But I allow myself to depart from this principle sometimes.

Правильное питание помогает избежать многих болезней и быть в хорошей форме. Конечно, каждому человеку следует уделять внимание этому вопросу, чтобы оставаться здоровым и полным сил. Однако я считаю, что некоторые исключения вполне приемлемы.

Я рассматриваю здоровье не как самоцель, а как ресурс, позволяющий добиться своих целей. Конечно, к этому ресурсу нужно относиться бережно. Но оценивая человека, мы в первую очередь думаем о том, что он сделал в своей жизни, а не о том, что он ел. Так например, студенты, имеющие подработку, не всегда успевают готовить еду и посещают рестораны быстрого питания. И я их не осуждаю. Ведь и образование и финансовая независимость имеют большое значение.

Некоторые люди впадают в крайности в вопросах питания. Одни постоянно едят вредную еду. Другие напротив все время подсчитывают калории и винят себя за каждый лишний грамм соли или сахара.

Но, на мой взгляд, разумная модель поведения находится где-то посередине. Избыток вредных продуктов может привести к гастриту или ожирению. Но размышления о количестве сахара в куске торта на дне рождения могут испортить счастливые моменты.

Лично я стараюсь придерживаться здорового питания в повседневной жизни. Но я разрешаю себе иногда отступать от этого принципа.

My home is my castle. I love everything I have here and the most important thing in my life is my family. Only these people can make my home cozy and welcomed. Every evening I come back home and I feel happiness and appreciation because I will see my people. If I feel sad they can make me smile. If I am happy I want to share this feeling with them. I am ready to do everything for them and I am sure they can do same for me.

My family is not big. We are 4 people and every day of our life is full of love and respect.

My family is my help and support. When I have any crazy idea I know I can always rely on them. They are with me even if I am wrong. These are the people who is always by my side. Also I always support my family’s ideas even if they seem strange to me.

My family is my inspiration. My parents believe in me even if I feel lazy and tired. They can always give me couple ideas for a school project or birthday party. We like to spend time together inside and outside.

I can always ask for an advise. My mom is a wise woman. She is very patient and kind. And she taught me all these things. Thanks to her I have found many good friends and fellows.

I think every person has to respect the family. Of course we don’t have the same point of view. But we can solve any problem quiet and with respect.

Unfortunately not everyone has a good family. Some of my friends have only 1 parent who is always busy. These guys have to solve their problems by themselves. They never have support and help. I feel really sorry for them.

Family is a treasure and we have to take care about it. Happy and rich the people who have family. You can earn a lot of money, we can meet good friends, but a family is a gift we have to be thankful for.

Значение семьи

Мой дом - моя крепость. Я люблю все, что у меня тут есть, но самое важное- это моя семья. Только эти люди могут сделать мой дом уютным и приветливым. Каждый вечер я возвращаюсь домой и чувствую радость и благодарность, ведь у меня есть все эти люди. Если мне грустно, они заставят меня улыбнуться. А если я счастлива, то готова поделиться этим ощущением с родными. Я все готова сделать для них и уверена, что они сделают тоже самое для меня.

У меня небольшая семья. Нас всего 4 человека и каждый день мы проявляем любовь и уважение друг к другу.

Моя семья - это моя помощь и поддержка. Когда у меня появляется даже самая сумасшедшая идея, я знаю, что всегда смогу положиться на них. Они поддержат меня даже, если я не права. Это те люди, которые всегда примут мою сторону. А также я всегда поддержу идею моих родных, даже, если она покажется странной.

Моя семья - это мое вдохновение. Мои родители верят в меня, даже, когда я уставшая или ленивая. Они всегда подскажут пару хороших идей для школьного проекта или для праздничной вечеринки.

Нам нравится проводить время вместе как дома, так и вне дома.

Я всегда могу спросит совет у родных. Моя мама очень мудрая. А ещё она терпеливая и добрая. Она научила меня всем этим качествам. Благодаря ей у меня появилось много хороших друзей и приятелей.

Мне кажется, что человек обязан уважать свою семью. Конечно, наши точки зрения не всегда сходятся. Но мы решаем любую проблему мирным путём и с уважением друг к другу.

К сожалению, не каждый может похвастаться хорошей семьей. Некоторые мои друзья имеют всего одного родителя, который вечно занят своими делами. Эти ребята решают свои проблемы самостоятельно. У них нет той поддержки и заботы, которая есть у меня. И мне действительно жаль.

Семья - это сокровище, о котором нужно заботиться. Счастливы и богаты те люди, у которых есть семья. Вы можете заработать кучу денег, найти хороших друзей, но семья - это дар, за который мы должны быть вечно благодарны.

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The Importance Of Being Earnest Classical Greek: δρᾶμα, drama=

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The Importance Of Being Earnest Classical Greek: δρᾶμα, drama="action" Classical Greek: δράω, draō="to do"Drama: -- Tragedy -- Comedy

Oscar Fingal O

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Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) An Anglo-Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and critic. He is regarded as one of the greatest playwrights of the Victorian Era. Famous works:The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890). The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)De Profundis (1897)The Ballad of Reading Gaol(1898)

The Importance Of Being Earnest --The play is based around two young men: Jack a

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The Importance Of Being Earnest --The play is based around two young men: Jack and his good friend Algernon. –--Jack has created an alter-ego, Ernest, who has all kinds of reprobate fun in London. --Algernon has invented a fictional character, a chronic invalid named Bunbury--Algernon turns up on the estate pretending to be Jack’s brother--the reprobate Ernest--in order to woo Cecily. --Jack's fiancée, (and Algernon's cousin) Gwendolen has also arrived, and Jack admits to her that he is, in fact, not called Ernest, but is called Jack. --Algernon also confesses to Cecily that his name is not Ernest either. ---- --Gwendolen's mother, Lady Bracknell, will not permit her daughter marrying someone of Jack's social status. --Lady Bracknell reveals that Algernon's brother had become lost in just such a handbag, and that Jack must, in actuality, be that lost child. The child had been christened Ernest.

Title: The Importance of Being Earnest --

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Title: The Importance of Being Earnest --"earnest" "earnest," meaning honest or sincere and the first name, "Ernest."

Symbolism, Imagery & Allegory Ernest and Bunbary symbolize the empty promises or

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Symbolism, Imagery & Allegory Ernest and Bunbary symbolize the empty promises or deceit of the Victorian era. Not only is the character Ernest anything but earnest for the majority of the play, but he also doesn’t even really exist. This makes Jack’s creation of him doubly deceitful. Bunbury sounds as ridiculous and fictional as he actually is. Both of them allow Jack and Algernon to live a lie – seeming to uphold the highest moral standardsThe Victorian era did not value honesty, responsibility, or compassion for the under-privileged, but only style, money, and aristocracy.

Tone : Satirical What do aristocrats do all day? Play the piano, visit their sca

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Tone : Satirical What do aristocrats do all day? Play the piano, visit their scandalous neighbors, gossip about their scandalous neighbors, eat cucumber sandwiches, and make up lies to avoid dining with their relatives. What does Lady Bracknell want to see in Jack, her future son-in-law? Money, property, stylishness, and an aristocratic name.

Writing Style : Humorous, Full of Epigrams Lady Bracknell. Ah, nowadays that is

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Writing Style : Humorous, Full of Epigrams Lady Bracknell. Ah, nowadays that is no guarantee of respectability of character. What number in Belgrave Square?Jack. 149.Lady Bracknell. [Shaking her head.] The unfashionable side. I thought there was something. However, that could easily be altered.Jack. Do you mean the fashion, or the side?Lady Bracknell. [Sternly.] Both, if necessary, I presume. What are your polities?Jack. Well, I am afraid I really have none. I am a Liberal Unionist. Jack. Well, yes, I must admit I smoke.Lady Bracknell. I am glad to hear it. A man should always have anoccupation of some kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is. How old are you?

Plot Analysis Shadow of ConfusionI’m Ernest! No, I’m Ernest!Both Jack and Algern

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Plot Analysis Shadow of ConfusionI’m Ernest! No, I’m Ernest!Both Jack and Algernon impersonate a nonexistent but notoriously wicked man named Ernest for the sole purpose of meeting the women they love. Nightmarish TangleNobody is E(a)rnest.Caught between the furious women and a hard place, the men confess the truth. There is no Ernest. Gwendolen and Cecily leave them for having non-musical names like Jack and Algernon.

Everything Comes to LightNobody is E(a)rnest.Caught between the furious women an

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Everything Comes to LightNobody is E(a)rnest.Caught between the furious women and a hard place, the boys confess the truth. There is no Ernest. The girls leave them for having non-musical names like Jack and Algernon.Everything Comes to LightI really am Ernest!Gwendolen, Cecily, and Lady Bracknell forgive the men when: 1) they confess they lied to be with their beloveds, and 2) they all discover Miss Prism made a huge mistake involving a baby stroller, a book, and a handbag. Jack is not only a real aristocrat and Algernon’s brother, but also named Ernest after his father. Do we hear wedding bells?

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To a certain extent, it is right, but we shouldn’t forget that… / we should consider the fact that… / we shouldn’t underestimate… / one shouldn’t disregard/one should take into account …

To introduce examples: for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular……_______________________________________________________________________

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It is common knowledge that/Our modern world is unthinkable without happiness. Some people are in favour of connecting personality to the topic t of well-being while others claim that one’s attitude is the key to deliberate. Let’s speculate all the points of the subject.

On the one hand , some persons consider financial success as a main source of being happy. If one is financially secure he/she will have more chance to make life comfortable. Furthermore, money will give you more confidence and support in any aspect of the life. To some extend the point is right, but it also depends on your attitude. By prioritizing financial success, you can miss a possibility to get something more valuable.

On the other hand , health is thought to be very important. A person cannot be completely happy experiencing welfare problems. Therefore , it is very significant to lead a healthy life style, keeping balanced diet and doing moderate exercise.

These points have merits and could be acceptable, but in order to get a complete sense of satisfaction we should also admit the idea of building a happy family. When a person is alone he/she is having a hard time to be happy and satisfied.

Taking everything into account, balancing all the mentioned topics we will have a prospect to create fully pleased life.

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