The history of television development сочинение

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Television in Our Life – Телевидение в нашей жизни

History of television

The first attempts to get an image on the screen were made in the late XIX century. But the large-scale production of the first televisions did not start until 1930s. Soon, with the development of science and technologies, television became an essential part of our life.

Television variety

Today, it is hard not to get lost in this diverse TV world. Thus, there is high definition television, which is characterized by images and sound of high quality. There is also smart-TV – television with integrated Internet. There is also 3D-television, which can only be watched with the help of special goggles.

Television for everyone

Television is one of the mass media with the largest audience of all.

Due to its accessibility everyone can watch television despite their age and social status. Some people get an update on the latest news; others watch soap operas and talk-shows.

However, television does not exist for information and entertainment only. It can also be educational. That is why students and little children may find it useful as well.

Television in our life

Television came to our life about 100 years ago, but nowadays there is hardly a household without a TV set. Despite the development of other sources of information, TV still remains one of the most important ones.

История создания

Первые попытки получить изображение на экране были предприняты в конце XIX века. Но массовое производство первых телевизоров началось только в 1930-х годах. Вскоре, благодаря развитию науки и техники, телевидение стало неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни.

Такое разное телевидение

Сегодня легко запутаться во всем многообразии телевизоров. Так, телевидение повышенной четкости отличает высокое качество изображения и звука. Смарт-ТВ – это телевидение, объединенное с Интернетом. Есть телевизоры с трехмерным изображением, которое можно разглядеть через специальные очки.

Телевидение для всех

Телевидение является одним из средств массовой информации с самой обширной аудиторией.

Однако, телевидение – это не только источник информации и развлечений. Оно также несет в себе образовательную функцию. Таким образом, оно может быть полезно студентам и маленьким детям.

Телевидение в нашей жизни

Телевидение появилось в нашей жизни около 100 лет назад, но сегодня трудно найти семью, в которой не было бы телевизора. Несмотря на развитие других источников информации, телевидение по-прежнему остается одним из самых важных.

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

History Of Television Essay, Research Paper

The History Of Television

Few inventions have had as much effect on contemporary American society as television. Before 1947 the number of U.S. homes with television sets could be measured in the thousands. By the late 1990s, 98 percent of U.S. homes had at least one television set, and those sets were on for an average of more than seven hours a day. The typical American spends from two-and-a-half to almost five hours a day watching television. It is significant not only that this time is being spent with television but that it is not being spent engaging in other activities, such as reading or going out or socializing.

The first actually television success was in San Francisco, California on September 7, 1927. Philo Taylor Fansworth a 21-year-old inventor who lived in a house without electricity till he was 14 designed this system. When Farnsworth was still in high school he developed a system that could capture moving images then convert them to radio waves and then transformed into a picture on a screen.

The first successful television transmissions occurred between 1928 and 1935. Because the pictures in this system were composed of only 30 lines, small details could not be reproduced. This system was known as a low definition system. Several hundred lines are needed to give definition comparable to 35 mm film.

The BBC introduced the first high definition system in 1936. This system consisted of 405 lines. In 1964, they introduced a second high definition set. This was a 625-line system that was better suited to many other broadcasting authorities, so it enabled an even higher picture resolution than before.

Rca, the company who owned the two dominating radio networks invested $50 million dollars in the development of electronic television. In 1939 RCA televised the opening of the New York World Fair. Durring that opening ceremony president Franklin D Roosevelt made a speech, making him the first president to appear on television. Later that year RCA purchased a license to use Farnsworth s television patents. RCA began selling the first televisions, these television sets were 5 inches by 12 inches. RCA also began broadcasting regular programs. By 1941 the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) began broadcasting two 15 minute newscasts a day to a tiny audience on its New York televison station.

Between 1953 and 1955, television programming began to take some steps away from radio formats. At this time there were currently 3 televisons networks. The third network, ABC, turned its first profit with youth-oriented shows such as Disneyland, which debuted in 1954.

In 1964 color broadcasting began on prime-time television. The FCC initially approved a CBS color system, and then swung in RCA’s favor after they swamped the marketplace with black-and-white television sets compatible with RCA color (the CBS color system was not compatible with black-and-white sets and would have required the purchase of a new set). During the 1960s and 1970s the US increasingly fascinated with television was limited to watching almost exclusively what appeared on the three major networks: CBS, NBC, and ABC. These networks purchased time to broadcast their programs from about 200 affiliates in each of the major cities or metropolitan areas of the United States. In the larger cities, there were also a few independent stations, mostly playing reruns of old network shows.

In 1967 A Carnegie Commission recommended the creation of a fourth, noncommercial, public television network built around the educational nonprofit stations already in operation throughout the United States. Congress created the Public Broadcasting System that year.

The first available cable was broadcasted in the New York area. By 1071 more then 80,000 subscribers in New York alone, had subscribed to cable.

The television has become one of the greatest inventions ever made. Allowing users to get away from reality and go into a little world that could bring endless possibilities to the imagination.

Today every family has a TV-set at home. Sometime we have even 2-3 TV-sets. People become so much dependent on television.

Well television came to our life in 1934 and it was invented in the USA. The very first Electronic Television was Invented in 1927. The world's first electronic television was created by a 21 year old inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. That inventor lived in a house without electricity until he was 14. Many people from all the world were working on this invention in past. Someone gave only ideas, somebody made few details, later on these details were connected. I want to say people were doing their best to make our life more interesting and enjoyable.

Today on TV you can watch so many programs. There are 1000 different channels for children, teenagers, adults and even old people. You can watch movies, episodes, news, shows, cartoons 24/7.

There are many useful and useless programs on TV. Actually when I want to watch something interesting I plan this in advance. I check the program in internet or in the newspaper. There is too many advertisements. New detergent, pampers, best coffee or chocolate, trips all around the world and many other things. But I don’t trust them. This is how they make money.

There are many bad programs on TV. I mean programs that are wasting our time. All the shows you can know “Dom 2”, “Borodina and Buzova” can be very interesting for someone. But I think there is nothing useful there.

Everybody has to think how to spend time. TV can tell us many interesting facts about news in the world, it can entertain our children and show us really good programs. It’s important to choose and understand how exactly you want to spend your time.


Сегодня каждая семья имеет дома телевизор. А порой даже 2-3 телевизора в доме. Люди становятся очень зависимыми от ТВ.

Что же телевидение пришло в нашу жизнь в 1934 году и впервые появилось в США. Первый электронный телевизор был изобретён в 1927 году. И самый первый электронный телевизор в мире был создан юным Фило Тейлором Фарнсвортом. Парню был всего 21 год. Кстати, сам изобретатель жил в доме без электричества до 14 лет. Многие люди со всего мира работали над этим изобретением в прошлом. У кого-то рождались идеи, кто-то создавал детали, а позже эти детали соединялись между собой. Я хочу сказать, что люди очень старались внести свою лепту, чтобы сделать нашу жизнь интересной и развлекательной.

Есть много полезных и бесполезных программ по ТВ. Вообще, когда я хочу посмотреть что-то интересное, я планирую это заранее. Я проверяю расписание в интернете или в газете. Но по телевизору показывают так много рекламы: новый порошок, памперсы, лучший кофе и шоколад, поездки по всему миру и многое другое. Но я им не доверяю. С помощью реклам просто зарабатывают деньги.

Полиглот. Английский язык

Полиглот. Английский язык

Полиглот. Английский язык запись закреплена

Television variety
Today, it is hard not to get lost in this diverse TV world. Thus, there is high definition television, which is characterized by images and sound of high quality. There is also smart-TV – television with integrated Internet. There is also 3D-television, which can only be watched with the help of special goggles.

Television for everyone
Television is one of the mass media with the largest audience of all.

Due to its accessibility everyone can watch television despite their age and social status. Some people get an update on the latest news; others watch soap operas and talk-shows.

However, television does not exist for information and entertainment only. It can also be educational. That is why students and little children may find it useful as well.

Television in our life
Television came to our life about 100 years ago, but nowadays there is hardly a household without a TV set. Despite the development of other sources of information, TV still remains one of the most important ones.

История создания
Первые попытки получить изображение на экране были предприняты в конце XIX века. Но массовое производство первых телевизоров началось только в 1930-х годах. Вскоре, благодаря развитию науки и техники, телевидение стало неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни.

Такое разное телевидение
Сегодня легко запутаться во всем многообразии телевизоров. Так, телевидение повышенной четкости отличает высокое качество изображения и звука. Смарт-ТВ – это телевидение, объединенное с Интернетом. Есть телевизоры с трехмерным изображением, которое можно разглядеть через специальные очки.

Телевидение для всех
Телевидение является одним из средств массовой информации с самой обширной аудиторией.

Однако, телевидение – это не только источник информации и развлечений. Оно также несет в себе образовательную функцию. Таким образом, оно может быть полезно студентам и маленьким детям.

Телевидение в нашей жизни
Телевидение появилось в нашей жизни около 100 лет назад, но сегодня трудно найти семью, в которой не было бы телевизора. Несмотря на развитие других источников информации, телевидение по-прежнему остается одним из самых важных.

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