Teaching a foreign language in a school is pointless сочинение

Обновлено: 04.05.2024

Teaching foreign language is very long and consuming process especially for young learners, which could take a lot of time and attention. Because of that one of the most important original problems.

Teaching foreign language is very long and consuming process especially for young learners, which could take a lot of time and attention. Because of that one of the most important original problems for specialist who connected with teaching foreign language became a development of new means, methods and technologies which will give us an opportunity to make the process of learning better and faster in all aspects. On the other hand the educational process must be interesting especially for young learners because it can be used as a motivation for them to continue learning foreign language. Due to the new features the using of computer technologies plays big role in the process of learning and teaching foreign language. As far as our world is becoming computerized our main goal is to find the most appropriate way to use all modern informational technologies in every day educational process.

Our group while publishing this blog tried to make it useful and interesting for English language teachers and people who are interested in learning language.

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Elementary Education - How to Teach Young Children -by Steve Jackson

Summary: Elementary education is so important as it provides the basics upon which all other education builds. Without these basics, children will struggle throughout their school education, causing unhappiness, stress, and perhaps behavior problems.

Elementary education is so important as it provides the basics upon which all other education builds. Without these basics, children will struggle throughout their school education, causing unhappiness, stress, and perhaps behavior problems. This means that elementary school teachers need to help all their students as much as possible with these basic topics.

Elementary education is something we have all gone through, and it is something that may have shaped our lives forever. We all expand our horizons through education, starting with the elementary education program.

So how does elementary education shape a child's life? When a child attends elementary school, the world of the child changes. Having depended on their parents from birth, suddenly they have someone else in their lives, their class teacher. This teacher holds the future of that child in their hands to some extent, because how the child reacts to that teacher, and vice versa, can influence the child, his or her ability to learn, and his or her love of learning.

When children attend kindergarten, their learning begins in earnest, with learning the basics like the alphabet and the number system, and the learning continues at a fast pace for most of the children. However, if there is a dislike between the child and his teacher, then this may result in the child not learning as well as he should.

Knowing as we do that education is a like a tower of building blocks; we know how important those first few blocks are. The rest of the education of each child is built on the first few years, and how the child handles learning and how to deal with mistakes really can affect him well into his future.

The role of teachers of the early grades is so important. There has to be plenty of encouragement with all aspects of learning, and the children have to learn that mistakes are often made by most people, but they can be corrected, and can learn from them. The very basics that are taught there need to be learned thoroughly in the first grades, so that they can be built on effectively. For instance, the value of learning to read early in life is huge, and children that struggle with this do have a harder time in school, because so much of school life is spent reading and writing.

And of course the value of knowing the number system, and being able to use numbers correctly is also of great importance, since these are used more and more as the children grow older. For children to progress, they need to understand the basics, and without this, they can become a problem in the classroom as they get bored and are unable to accomplish tasks set for them.

This makes the job of the elementary school teacher extremely important, and that in turn means that the training of these teachers has to be thorough, giving student teachers the skills they need to cope with the ever changing classroom dynamics. At one time, the life of a teacher was easier, in that all the children in a class spoke the same language, but nowadays, any one classroom can have children who speak a different language at home, so not only are they having to learn to read and write in the elementary classroom, but they also have to learn another language, one that is not necessarily used at home.

For English as second language students, the teacher has to be able to encourage their use of English at school, and somehow, find the time to give them individual attention. For children struggling with any of the basics, the classroom teacher needs to spend extra time to help these children understand the topics as much as possible.

The result of all of this is that the elementary teachers have a great deal of responsibility for getting their class successfully through the necessary curriculum, so that the following year, the next teacher can do the same, building on the knowledge of the previous year. Should any child fall behind, through sickness, or any other reason, then every effort has to be made by the teacher to help that child catch up and understand the lessons that have been missed.

But the life of an elementary school teacher is not all about imparting knowledge. Elementary education also involves helping children become good citizens, which requires the elementary school teacher to spend time helping students with this important aspect of education. This means that the elementary teacher has a great deal of responsibility, an enormous task, and a task that is not always appreciated by others who consider the life of a teacher to be a very easy job. A teacher's life can be very stressful, dealing with children from widely differing backgrounds, helping them with language difficulties, and helping the parents to understand what is happening in their child's life at school. Of course with language difficulties, this becomes even more of a challenge for the elementary teachers.

As you can see, elementary education is full of challenges, for the school teachers as well as the students, but they are challenges that are eagerly faced by teachers and students alike.

Nowadays it is really popular to learn a foreign language at school. Some people think that it must be complusory, but others think that it is unnecessary. And now I am going to express my opinion.

From my point of view, foreign languages are very useful. Firstly, a foreign language is a great way to diversify your social circle, force yourself to study and learn something new, to be interested in the culture, politics and art of other countries. they can help schoolchildren to know something new, to meet new people, became friends with them or even get married with foreigner and improve brain work. Secondly. it is easier to learn foreign languages while you are young and at school children can learn it with their friends. So they study foreign languages with fun and big interest.

The school teacher is always ready to answer any question the student has, help him with the study and give many interesting and diverse tasks due to which the student will remember the foreign language better. In addition, students can communicate with each other in the classroom, which will help them develop their speaking and communication skills with people in non-native language.

However, some people can argue that it is a very difficult to learn a foreign language and it is uncompulsory to study it. They say that their children will have a big stress while studying. Nevertheless, sometimes language courses are paid. Parents should spend a lot of money on it.

But I cannot agree with their opinion. I think that foreign languages can help children in future life, work and university.

To sum up, I think that it should be compulsory for all schoolchildren to learn a foreign language because it can help them in their future and develop their mind. Having a knowledge of a foreign language will make it easier for a student to enter the university of his dream or he will be able to work in a place where people who know the language are needed more.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 0 баллов

1) Существенно превышен объём сочинения – вместо максимально допустимых 275 слов автор использовал 340. В соответствии с правилами, проверке поэтому подлежит только фрагмент текста до предложения Parents should spend a lot of money on it включительно. Следовательно, четвёртый и пятый абзацы не подлежат анализу.

2) Вводный абзац не отражает должным образом заявленную тему, т.к. сосредоточивается на вопросе обязательности/необязательности иностранного языка, а не на том, позитивное это явление или негативное.

3) Во втором абзаце точка зрения автора сформулирована с отклонением от темы – автор говорит о полезности иностранных языков в целом, не упоминая школу, а ведь именно рассуждению об иностранном языке как школьном предмете должно быть посвящено эссе.

Совокупность допущенных автором ошибок и недочётов не позволяет считать коммуникативную задачу решённой. К сожалению, сочинение получает ноль баллов.

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While at school young people encounter a lot of challenges. One of them is foreign languages. Like in other subjects necessary and important skills are developed in foreign language classes too. But should foreign languages be taught at school? Let’s see.

First of all, one of the most important aspects is communication. People come into contact in different spheres of life. Languages are of vital importance. Students get to know new cultures. It has a great impact on their further life.

Travelling around the world, studying at universities and world colleges make young people understand each other better, be friendly and tolerant to each other.

Secondly, even before leaving school students should think about their future jobs and select a university. They have to decide what and where to study. Very often beginning their university studies in Russia, they continue their studies abroad.

Besides, students participate in joint projects. Knowledge of foreign languages is required.

Thirdly, foreign languages help students to develop their personal qualities such as their abilities to be hard-working, punctual and organized, their ability to work to a deadline, to collaborate with others and to be lifelong learners.

Students have to know how to work with information which they get via the Internet.

On the other hand, still there people who underestimate knowledge of foreign languages. They think there are more important things to study. I cannot agree with them.

In conclusion I would like to underline the importance of foreign language studies at school because they help to develop communication and collaborative skills, facilitate information literacy. So, foreign languages should be taught at school without doubt.

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Foreign languages at school. Is it good or not?

Nowadays it is really popular to learn a foreign language at school. Some people think that it must be complusory, but others think that it is unnecessary. And now I am going to express my opinion.

From my point of view. foreign languages are very useful. Firstly, a foreign language is a great way to diversify your social circle, force yourself to study and learn something new, to be interested in the culture, politics and art of other countries. they can help schoolchildren to know something new, to meet new people, became friends with them or even get married with foreigner and improve brain work. Secondly. it is easier to learn foreign languages while you are young and at school children can learn it with their friends. So they study foreign languages with fun and big interest.

The school teacher is always ready to answer any question the student has, help him with the study and give many interesting and diverse tasks due to which the student will remember the foreign language better. In addition, students can communicate with each other in the classroom, which will help them develop their speaking and communication skills with people in non-native language.

However, some people can argue that it is a very difficult to learn a foreign language and it is uncompulsory to study it. They say that their children will have a big stress while studying. Nevertheless, sometimes language courses are paid. Parents should spend a lot of money on it.

But I cannot agree with their opinion. I think that foreign languages can help children in future life, work and university.

To sum up, I think that it should be compulsory for all schoolchildren to learn a foreign language because it can help them in their future and develop their mind. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Having a knowledge of a foreign language will make it easier for a student to enter the university of his dream or he will be able to work in a place where people who know the language are needed more.

Далеко не секрет, что в русский язык по необходимости вошло огромное количество иностранных слов, в частности английских. Также как и в нашу жизнь вошло множество иностранных понятий и идей. Подумайте сами, изобретать свои слова и выражения для описания чужих понятий — дело довольно пыльное, и вообще провальное. Поэтому с новым понятием, которое один берет у другого, он берет и самое слово, выражающее это понятие. А неудачно придуманное русское слово для выражения какого–нибудь понятия не только не лучше, но основательно хуже иностранного слова. Да, английский заправляет всегда и везде, но стоит ли останавливаться на нем? How many languages would you like to know?

Essay on Learning foreign languages

It’s a fact, that the problem of learning languages is still under discussion. Obviously, foreign languages are socially demanded nowadays. As you know, one of the most important languages is, of course, English. It’s a language of international communication in various spheres of modern society. That’s why some people believe, that English should be the only foreign language taught at our schools and colleges. However, others reckon that humans should pay their attention to various languages as well.

To my mind, it’s much better when people can learn different foreign languages. I think this way because of the following reasons. First of all, this occupation gives a lot of pleasure, fun, and joy. Secondly, you will be able to communicate with foreigners from English–speaking countries and people whose mother tongue is German or Japanese, for example. Of course, it's up to what language except for English you're going to learn. Anyway, it sounds utterly encouraging. Thirdly, every language is a unique and charming world. Therefore, you can gain knowledge in cultural background, history, traditions, and customs. In other words, it gives you an opportunity to think outside the box and be more flexible.

Nonetheless, there is plenty of humans who strongly believe, that English is the only language you should spend your time on. According to their point of view, it’s the most important and needed language for people living in the 21st century. Moreover, almost all information is presented in English, therefore learning this language will be very useful for future life and further career. Finally, you don't have to puzzle over a problem what foreign language is better to study. In other words, that’s quite convenient.

In conclusion, I'd like to say, that everybody can choose between studying only English or other foreign languages. In any case, it depends on your own decision, because we're all different and have various likes and dislikes. That's a well–known fact that currently, the knowledge of the English language is really urgent. However, in my humble opinion, we should tend to broaden our horizons. The best way to do this is to start learning some foreign languages. The world is your oyster.

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Английский инфинитив с частицей to и без

Сочинение на тему Изучение иностранных языков

Это факт, что проблему изучения языков все еще обсуждают. Очевидно, что иностранные языки сегодня востребованы в обществе. Как вы знаете, одним из самых важных языков является, конечно, английский. Это язык международной коммуникации в различных сферах современного социума. По этой причине некоторые люди считают, что английский язык должен быть единственным иностранным языком, который следует преподавать в наших школах и колледжах.

Однако, другие полагают, что людям следует обращать внимание и на остальные языки. По моему мнению, гораздо лучше, когда люди могут изучать разные иностранные языки. Я придерживаюсь этой точки зрения по следующим причинам. Прежде всего, это занятие приносит много удовольствия, веселья и радости. Во–вторых, вы сможете общаться с иностранцами из англоязычных стран и людьми, чей родной язык немецкий или японский, например. Конечно, это зависит от того, какой язык кроме английского, вы собираетесь учить. В любом случае, это звучит весьма воодушевляюще. В–третьих, каждый язык — это уникальный и чарующий мир. Поэтому вы можете многое узнать из области культуры, истории, традиций и обычаев.

Другими словами, это позволит вам мыслить широко и быть более гибкими.
Тем не менее, есть много людей, которые твердо верят, что английский — единственный язык, на который стоит тратить свое время. По их мнению, это самый важный и необходимый язык для людей, живущих в XXI веке. Более того, почти вся информация представлена на английском, поэтому его изучение будет очень полезно для будущей жизни и дальнейшей карьеры. И наконец, вам не нужно ломать голову над проблемой, какой иностранный язык лучше изучать. Другими словами, это довольно удобно.

В заключение, хотелось бы сказать, что каждый может выбрать между изучением только английского либо других иностранных языков. В любом случае, это зависит от вашего собственного решения, потому что мы все отличаемся, и наши вкусы разнятся. Это хорошо известный факт, что в настоящее время знание английского языка действительно актуально. Однако, по моему скромному мнению, мы должны стремиться расширить наш кругозор. Лучший способ сделать это — начать изучать иностранные языки. Весь мир у ваших ног.

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