Students exchange programmes сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Конспект урока .

Каледина Наталья Ивановна

МБОУ СОШ № 28 г. Пенза

Предмет английский язык

Возраст учащихся 10 класс (группа -14 человек)

Тема урока Образование. Обучение за рубежом.

They travel abroad. Exchange programmes.

Цель урока углубление знаний учащихся и их систематизация на основе

монологических высказываний по теме « Участие в


активизация лексики для обсуждения подготовки к участию в обменной образовательной программе

учить выделять нужную информацию в тексте, обобщать ее и представлять в виде таблицы


критическое осмысление стереотипов и роль обменных программ в их разрушении

толерантное отношение к различиям в традициях своей страны и страны изучаемого языка

понимание роли владения иностранным языком в современном мире


развитие навыков работы с информацией: выделение нужной информации, ее обобщение и фиксация

уметь самостоятельно распределять роли и обязанности в рабочей группе.

Этапы урока:

Организационный момент. 2 мин

Цель учителя: создать благоприятную для общения атмосферу, настроить учащихся на рабочий лад.

Цели учащихся: настроиться на урок и включиться в учебную деятельность.

Принципы обучения и приемы: коммуникативности – беседа T - Cl .

A ктуализация знаний для изучения нового учебного материала (опрос учащихся по заданному на дом материалу). Установка . 7 мин

Цели учителя: организовать проверку домашнего задания и тренировку в устной речи ЛЕ, изученных по теме; заинтересовать темой урока.

Изучение нового учебного материала. 20 мин

Цель учителя: организовать поисковое чтение аутентичных текстов и заполнение таблиц нужной информацией, подобрать задания с учетом индивидуальных особенностей учащихся и уровнем их подготовки.

Цели учащихся: индивидуально - прочитать письма бывших участников обменной программы с целью выбрать рекомендации для будущих участников;

в группе - сравнить найденную информацию, проанализировать ее, сделать выводы и занести их в таблицу.

Принципы обучения: сознательности, доступности и посильности, активности, индивидуальности.

Форма работы: в начале этапа - индивидуальная, затем в микрогруппах по темам; отдельные задания для слабых учащихся на карточках для работы индивидуально и в группе.

Форма контроля: наблюдение за работой учащихся.

Закрепление учебного материала. 10 мин

Цель учителя: организовать речевую деятельность учащихся в ходе обмена информацией между группами.

Принципы обучения и приемы: сознательности, доступности и посильности, активности, индивидуальности, умение работать в группе .

Форма работы: индивидуальная и групповая.

Рефлексия. 3 мин

аргументацией), выяснить степень усвоения материала, дать советы при

наличии трудностей во время выполнения заданий.

Цели учащихся: кратко рассказать с опорой на таблицу, как подготовиться к

участию в обменной образовательной программе, сообщить возникли ли

трудности при выполнении заданий на уроке.

Форма работы: общеклассная.

Заключительный. 3 мин

Цель учителя: подведение итогов, выставление и комментарий оценок, объяснение домашнего задания (перенос полученных на уроке знаний в новую речевую ситуацию).

Цели учащихся: осознание результатов и самооценка учащимися своей работы на уроке , запись домашнего задания.

Форма: индивидуальный характер домашнего задания.

Организационный момент. 2 min

T . - Good morning, students. Glad to see you. How are you today?

Students answer the questions.

A ктуализация знаний для изучения нового учебного материала (опрос учащихся по заданному на дом материалу). Установка . 7 min

T . - At the last lesson we discussed the exchange programmes and their benefit for Russian and American students. At home you should do ex.3c on p. 19. Let’s check your homework. Answer the following questions:

What are the goals of the exchange programmes for secondary school students?

What impact do the programmes have on individuals, on the community, on the countries involved?

Students answer the questions.

T . - Today we are going to talk with you about participating in such programmes. I want you to watch a short video film attentively and try to answer my questions:

What is it about? What are these people? What do they tell us about?

Students answer the questions:

It’s about an exchange programme.

They are exchange students, host parents and advisers.

They tell us about the advantages of their exchange programme.

Беседа : T .-Would you like to participate in an exchange programme? Why/ why not?

Do you think it’s easy to adapt to the life in another country?

What problems do you think exchange students come across?

Let’s make a spider gram.

Students answer the questions .

T . - If a student decides to take part in an exchange programme, he/she should prepare

for travelling abroad. At the end of the lesson we c an try to answer the question:

What should you do to prepare for studying abroad?

I’m sure the best source of information is the former students. They help you get

ready for exchange experience.

Изучение нового учебного материала . 20 min .

You have to work individually. You should read the former exchange students’ letters and underline their recommendations.

( For weaker students ): But some of you should read and translate these instructions. You may use the dictionary. You have 8 minutes for your work.

Cards for weaker students:

Learning English

Learn the language over the Internet: chat on line and write in forums.

Find the English texts and check your progress.

Talk to other people as much as you can.

Don’t be afraid to ask people to speak more slowly.

School life

Participate in school activities.

Try to study hard.

To make friends, be a friend.

Be flexible, honest and thankful.

Host family

Ty to develop good relationships with the children in your family.

Respect others’ religion.

Be flexible, honest and thankful.

T . - All right, you can stop now.

T . - Now get into groups of three according to the themes: “Learning English”, “School life”, “Host family” . You have to choose the best advice and complete the table. You have 10 minutes to do this task .

Отработка учебного материала . 10 min

T. – Your time is up now. We are going to listen to each group. You should write down the advice in your exercise books.

T. - One of the difficulties for exchange students is speaking English. Why is it so difficult to understand people and to speak? There are several reasons why this can happen. It’s easier to learn to read, answer questions from a textbook than it is to carry on a conversation with someone who speaks fluently. What should students do in order to speak English well?

Practice the language.

Watch films or TV in English. Listen to what they say and not read the translation.

Learn the language over the Internet: chat online and write in forums.

Read newspapers and magazines.

Overcome the fear of speaking .

Talk with other people as much as you can.

Be afraid of making mistakes and correcting them.

Worry about your accent.

T. - Most students find their new school different from their secondary school at home. It is not easy to start your new school day in a foreign country. What are the hot tips for succeeding in school?

Do your homework, be interested in the subject and talk about your own country.

Choose subjects which you can’t have in your own country in order to learn about the way of life in the host country.

Be an active student – take part in activities, clubs and

Join in interesting school activities in order to adjust to your new school, make friends faster and have a lot of fun.

Be friendly to everyone, smile a lot and say hello.

T. - The next problem is living with a host family. Each family is different. How do former exchange students describe adjusting to a new family? What do they recommend?

Take on some household duties.

Participate in activities in which host family members are involved.

Respect and love your host family.

Be ready to talk about your country.

Be outspoken, not shy.

Рефлексия . 3 min

T. - Thank you for your active work . So let’s sum up our work and try to answer the main question of our lesson: What should you do to prepare for studying abroad?

Students answer the question.

T. – Do you have any difficulties ? The teacher‘s advice.

I’m sure now you can take part in an exchange programme and become a successful candidate.

Заключительный . 3 min

We are going to finish now. Open your diaries.

For y our H/T ( for weaker students ): You must do ex.1 on p.10 in your WBs. Read the letter written by an American teacher from a partner school and answer the questions.

( For stronger students ): do ex.1 on p.10 in your WBs. Also you must write advice for preparing to study at International Summer School in London.

M ake sure you understand what you’ll have to do at home.

That’s all for today, thank you. See you again tomorrow.

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  • Подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ и ВПР
  • Для учеников 1-11 классов

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Учителя о ЕГЭ: секреты успешной подготовки

Время чтения: 11 минут

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Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

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I would like to participate in a student exchange program. I know that you can choose absolutely any country and any language, but I have a dream-to speak English as a native speaker. I really want to visit the UK and meet the residents. I want to understand their accent and improve my English.

I will get a hundred percent profit from this trip. I will improve my English level, get rid of the Russian accent, make new friends, get acquainted with the sights, learn the culture of the local people, get experience, as well as a lot of impressions and positive emotions.

I have good qualities that will definitely help on this trip. I'm great at getting along with new people, and I'm open to communicating with them. I like to learn something new, and I'm also a quick learner. I think that another of my advantages is that I know the language and will be able to speak more or less fluently with native speakers.

I hope that I have every chance to participate in the exchange program.

With best wishes

Дорогой сэр/ мадам

Я бы хотел поучаствовать в программе обмена учениками.

Я знаю, что можно выбрать абсолютно любую страну и любой язык, но у меня есть мечта — говорить на английском, как носитель. Мне очень хочется посетить Великобританию и познакомить с жителями. Я хочу понять их акцент и повысить уровень своего английского языка.

От этой поездки я получу стопроцентную выгоду. Я улучшу свой уровень английского языка, избавлюсь от русского акцента, заведу новых друзей, познакомлюсь с достопримечательностями, узнаю культуру местных, получу опыт, а также много впечатлений и положительных эмоций.

У меня есть хорошие качества, которые обязательно помогут в этой поездке. Я замечательно могу ладить с новыми людьми, открыт для общения с ними. Я люблю узнавать что-то новое, а еще быстро учусь и усваиваю информацию. Мне кажется, что еще один из моих плюсов это то, что я знаю язык и смогу более-менее свободно говорить с носителями.

Я надеюсь, что у меня есть все шансы принять участие в программе обмена.

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. I'm thinking of going on a student exchange programme that my school is organising this summer and I know you've done something similar. What was your host family like? What activities did you do? What did you enjoy most about the whole experience?

I'm helping to organise our class end-of-term school trip at the moment.

Thank you for your letter! I'm writing to tell you about the group of the American students which recently arrived in my school. Although I never went on a student exchange programme, I try to help the American students in Russia.

We already visited many sights of Saint Petersburg, such as Isaakievskiy cathedral, Rescued on Blood, the Hermitage and other. Every week-day they're walk in our school to study, go in for sports, take part in funny holidays.

Besides, we are exchanging different experience: we are help each other to know new about the culture of our countries, traditional dishes and features of language.

Have you decided where will you go? How long will you spend time together? Do all students agree to going in a trip?

Well, I must go now. I look forward to your reply.

Dear Max, Thank you for your letter! I'm writing to tell you about the group of the American students that recently arrived at my school. Although I never went on a student exchange programme, I try to help the American students in Russia. We have already visited the many sights of Saint Petersburg such as the Isaakievskiy Cathedral, "The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood" and The Hermitage just to name a few! Every weekday, the students walk to our school to study, play sports and take part in exciting activities. We are also exchanging different cultural experiences. We do this by teaching each other about the culture of our countries, traditional dishes and features of language. Have you decided where you will go? How much time will you spend together? Do all students agree to going on a trip? Well, I must go now. I look forward to your reply. Best wishes, Ira

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Урок совершенствования речевых навыков по теме "Программы студенческого обмена".

План урока по теме Students’ exchange programmes

Образовательные цели: получение информации о том, что такое программа по обмену учащимися; понимание и высказывание в соответствии с конкретной ситуацией общения (обмен); осуществление речевого и неречевого поведения, принимая во внимание правила общения и национально-культурные особенности страны изучаемого языка.

Воспитательные цели: развитие социокультурной компетенции, формирование толерантного отношения к культуре других стран и народов.

Практические задачи.

1) Закрепить знания, умения и навыки всех видов речевой деятельности: чтения, грамматики, аудирования, письма.

2) Развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи; актуализация лексики по теме: Students’ Exchange Programs.

3) Развивать грамматические навыки по теме: “Времена английского глагола”.


2) интерактивная доска;

Оформление класса:

1) флаги англо-говорящих государств;

2) идентификационные карточки участников;

3) названия государств.

Вступительная часть (warming – up activity).

Teacher: Hello, my dear friends! I am very glad to see you in our English-speaking club. The topic of this meeting is “Students’ Exchange Programs”. Today we’ll discuss the benefits of such programs and we’ll visit one of the European Schools of English in Brighton in Great Britain. Before our meeting we divided into four groups. And we want to ask you a question:

What do we mean when we say “ Students’ Exchange Programs”?

Students’ possible answers:

S1: I think, it is when students from our country visit any other country and study language there, living in the family.

S2: And students from any foreign country can study in Russian schools in exchange and live in Russian families.

Основная часть.

Развитие навыков аудирования.

Модуль аудирования (слайд №2).

You are going to listen to an interview given by a person in charge of an Exchange program.

Work in pairs or in small groups.

Decide how American and Russian students can benefit from such programs.

List your ideas.

Listen to the interview.

Look at the list you have made and say which benefits the speaker mentioned.

Before listening.

Teacher: OK, please, decide now, how can students from different countries benefit from such programs. List you ideas!

На листах бумаги учащиеся записывают фломастером те преимущества программ по обмену, которые , на их взгляд, существуют.

Teacher: Now, put your lists on the blackboard and read them. Thank you!

While listening.

Now we want you to listen to the interview given by an American person in charge of an Exchange program between Russia and America. Then, look at the lists you have made and say which benefits the speaker mentioned.

Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись интервью (аудиоприложение к учебнику New Millennium English, 10 класс; Unit 1, Lessons 7-8), используя модуль для аудирования в презентации на интерактивной доске.

Follow-up activities.

Учащиеся выполняют задания, прослушав текст (задания в презентации на интерактивной доске: слайды №3, 4).

Слайд №3: Answer the questions:

What are the goals of the Exchange programs for secondary school students?

What does a person need in order to be a successful candidate?

What are the reasons for the success of the Exchange programs?

What are the major problems exchange students have?

What impact have the programs had on individuals, on the community, on the countries involved?

Слайд №4: Match expressions:

To break the stereotypes

To build a bridge between the countries

To apply for the program

To apply the knowledge

To represent the country

To be nominated for the program

To improve understanding between the countries

To get accustomed to

To ask to participate in the program

Someone who wants to participate

To use the knowledge

To symbolize the country

To be offered the chance to participate in the program

To change existing images

Развитие навыков письма.

Teacher: You have named some benefits from Students’ Exchange Programs. Do you want to take part in such programs? If yes, let’s fill in the applications.

Учащиеся заполняют анкету на английском языке. (Форма анкеты выведена в презентации, слайд №5).

Application Form

Country where you live;

Abilities in English:

a) Speak, read, write fluently

b) Speak, read, write well

c) Speak, read, write with difficulty

c) School residence

Развитие навыков устной речи.

Каждая группа рассказывает о себе и о своей стране. Члены групп задают друг другу вопросы и обмениваются мнениями. Примерный план рассказа выведен в презентации на интерактивную доску (слайд №6).

Plan of the story:

Home town, favorite places;

School, favorite subjects;

Most important things about the country;

Hobbies and favorite pastime;

Sport in your life, games you play;

The most important events in your life.

Закрепление навыков грамматики.

Teacher: Who has already been to any English-speaking country? Did you live in a school residence or in a host family? Did you obey any rules? Name them using correct forms of English verbs.

Учащиеся называют правила поведения в принимающей семье, правильно используя времена английского глагола.

Развитие навыков чтения с детальным пониманием текста.

Читаем правила поведения в принимающей семье, выведенные в презентации на интерактивной доске (слайд №7).

Try to integrate as much as possible in the family routine. Remember that you are in the UK, so also try to adapt to the English culture and avoid speaking in your native language.

Obey the family regulations.

Please do not waste water. It is precious and very expensive in the UK.

Leave the bathroom as clean and dry as possible. Please be properly dressed.

Switch off the lights and all other electrical appliances if you are not in the room. Electricity is also expensive in the UK.

Do not help yourself to food or drinks. Please ask your host family first.

If you want to invite your friends, make sure it is okay with your host family.

Never use the telephone without asking and offer payment if you need to use it.

The family and the school are not responsible for personal property that is mislaid, flight tickets or personal documents. Keep them locked in your suitcase.

Итоги урока.

Teacher: Thank you for your work at our meeting. You worked successfully. Your homework will be: This is a program of your staying in Brighton, read it carefully and at our next lesson we’ll discuss it and you’ll have a test according to which we usually form groups for classes.

Учащиеся получают программу пребывания и обучения в Англии. Учитель выставляет оценки и подводит итоги урока.

Teacher: Don’t forget about your student’s cards and the rules. Thank you and good-bye!

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