Steps to understanding culture сочинение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. A society s culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members (Geertz 242). The rituals, customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a situation or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on culture s ideals. Since cultures have different attributes it is impossible for two cultures to exist and share a view of a situation or event.

Heroism and violation are two concepts that are addressed by Geertz in his relating of Ryle s story of the sheep raid. From the different cultures involved, two different interpretations are concluded. To the protagonist, Cohen, and the perpetrators of the crime, his raid on the Berbers was seen as heroism. Cohen risking his life for his redemption of crime that was committed against him is viewed as heroic. On the contrary, when Cohen returned to his French counterparts, they saw his redemption as a violation of the Berbers, and accused him of being a spy:

Here, in our text, such sorting would begin with distinguishing the

three unlike frames of interpretation ingredient in the situation,

Jewish, Berber, and French, and would then move on to show how (and

why) at that time, in that place, their copresence produced a

situation in which systematic misunderstanding reduced traditional

form to social farce. What tripped Cohen up, and with him the whole,

ancient pattern of social and economic relationships within which he

functioned, was a confusion of tongues. (Geertz 241)

Geertz explains that the reason for the confusion, and the different interpretations of the event that took place is a simple misunderstanding that when took place in clashing cultures with different views, both striving to claim the situation in their own contexts became a somewhat humorous event. This conflict between cultures causes a view of a person to change depending on which point of reference they are being seen from.

In Ernest Hemingway s Indian Camp, the conflict between cultures again cause a difference of views of the father. The concept of heroism and violation becomes the issue of conflict. The father or doctor is considered a hero or a violator of the Indian woman depending on the culture viewing him. From the father s culture, he is viewed as a hero for his actions at the Indian camp. His actions are viewed as heroic under the circumstances of his procedure. Because of the culture of the Indian people, having a white man, an outsider of the tribe, come in and operate on an Indian woman is viewed as obscene and a violation of the woman not to have her baby on her own. She had been trying to have her baby for two days. All the old women in the camp had been helping her (Hemingway 16). Because the Indian woman had been trying to have her baby for the last two days with the help of the other Indian women, it shows the Indians reluctance to call for help outside of the camp itself. Uncle George looked at his arm. The young Indian smiled reminiscently (Hemingway 18). During the operation, the young Indian woman bit the arm of uncle George. Her smiling conveys her lack of appreciation for his help during the procedure. The Indian woman feels that, what the uncle George and the doctor perceive as help, is an intrusion of her privacy and her privilege to have her baby with out the assistance of anyone else. These two different groups of people because of the cultures to which each one belongs cannot share this situation. The question of whether the doctor is a hero in the story or whether he has violated the woman and her culture is a problem that arrives, and that has two answers, depending on which culture defines the situation.

Both examples, the sheep raid and the birth of the Indian baby, show how two cultures can have two totally different views of a single situation. In the sheep raid as well as the Indian birth, heroism and violation become the two views held by the cultures involved. The father and Cohen become viewed as hero and as a violator depending on which culture is interpreting the event. As these two cultures attempt to understand what has taken place during the episode, which had occurred, they view the situation in the context of their own way of life. In both stories two cultures view the same situation, but because they view it through the context of their own culture, the event s significance cannot exist simultaneously with the same meaning between the two cultures.

Because of culture s different morals, ethics, and the way the people behave to belong to certain culture, the observation of events when viewed through these unique attributes of the culture become unique to the culture itself. Therefore, when the same event is viewed through the unique characteristics of another culture, the event s significance will embody a completely different meaning, which will be special to that culture and that culture alone. This is why it is impossible for a single event to exist to two different cultures at the same time because to each individual culture the event is not the same.

Geertz, Clifford. Thick Description. A Cultural Studies Reader. Eds. Munna & Rajan.

London: Longman, 1995. 236-256

Hemingway, Ernest. In Our Time. New York, New York: Scribners, 1925. 15-19.

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Arts, music, literature , cinema , theatre are important parts of culture. Art is cultural activity of people . It helps us to learn the world around. It includes sculpture, painting, photographing. Music is other kind of art. It gives us opportunities to listen and enjoy music . We do it every day. Literature is the totality written and printed works of particular people . Other important parts of culture

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 “Steps to understanding culture”

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

 “Steps to understanding culture”

“Steps to understanding culture”

Slide title “Steps to understanding culture” Literature and Music 1 Values an.

Slide title “Steps to understanding culture” Literature and Music 1 Values and Beliefs 2 Customs and Traditions 3 Museums and Picture Galleries 4 Theatre and Cinema 5 Patterns of Behaviour 6

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Decide which of the following not parts of culture are “Culture” Music, literature and other arts Countries and continents the way we see the world and ourselves People’s ideas and beliefs Human mind and body Our way of behaviour Our values the language we speak Our customs, traditions and habits Rules and laws by which people live in community the environment in which we live the clothes we wear

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No doubt, travelling around the world is a great opportunity for people to get acquainted with different cultures. Some people hold the idea that one cannot fully understand culture of other countries without an experience of being in them, while others consider that it is not necessary to travel to another country to know everything about its culture.

In my opinion, people cannot be fully aware of a culture of an another country if they did not visit it. Firstly, seeing everything with our own eyes allows us to get more reliable information about a country, instead of listening to the media, where we often hear incomplete or incorrect information about other countries. Secondly, the most important part of any country is the people living in it, without communication with local people, a person cannot fully understand the country's culture.

However, some people believe that there is no need to visit another country to comprehend its culture.

According to them, nowadays, people have an access to various sources of information about different countries. A person can find all the information about cultures of different countries just by surfing the Internet.

Nevertheless, I disagree with the opposite opinion. It is better to visit a foreign country and imbued with its atmosphere than read about it. Travel experience will leave a person with many memories and knowledge about the culture of a country.

To sum up, I would like to say that I am completely sure that there is nothing better than explore other countries by yourself to learn about the mentality, values and history of them.

Без сомнения, путешествия по миру - отличная возможность для людей познакомиться с разными культурами. Некоторые люди придерживаются идеи, что невозможно полностью понять культуру других стран без опыта пребывания в них, в то время как другие считают, что нет необходимости ехать в другую страну, чтобы знать все о ее культуре.

На мой взгляд, люди не могут быть полностью осведомлены о культуре другой страны, если они не побывали в ней. Во-первых, видеть все своими глазами позволяет нам получить более достоверную информацию о стране, а не слушать СМИ, где мы часто слышим неполную или неверную информацию о других странах. Во-вторых, самая важная часть любой страны - это люди, живущие в ней, без общения с местным населением человек не может полностью понять культуру страны.

Однако некоторые люди считают, что нет необходимости ехать в другую страну, чтобы познакомиться с ее культурой. По их словам, сегодня люди имеют доступ к разным источникам информации о разных странах. Человек может найти всю информацию о культурах разных стран, просто путешествуя по Интернету.

Тем не менее я не согласен с противоположным мнением. Лучше побывать в чужой стране и проникнуться ее атмосферой, чем читать о ней. Опыт путешествий оставит у человека много воспоминаний и знаний о культуре страны.

Подводя итог, я хотел бы сказать, что я полностью уверен, что нет ничего лучше, чем самостоятельно исследовать другие страны, чтобы узнать о менталитете, ценностях и истории их.

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Mona Lisa
by Brenda M. Weber
Behind kaleidoscopic eyes
there's no mystery there that lies.
She's the one to see it all
from her position on a wall.
We look for something in her smile,
We stand to study her awhile,
Her face of beauty that we seek.
What would she say if she could speak?
Is her beauty, oh, so rare?
Was Mona just a maiden fair?
Is she a mirror image of me?
Is that what I'm supposed to see?
Mona's portrait on the wall —
A combination of us all.
There's a touch of someone there
in the beauty of her hair.
That hint of prism in her eyes
makes her appear to be so wise.
The playful curvature of her lip
On her cheeks can dance a quip.
She's a beauty this Mona Lisa
but so is the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
What is the mystery there that lies
Behind kaleidoscopic eyes.
В калейдоскопе твоих глаз
Не может скрыться лживый сказ.
Твой взгляд всех видит нас сейчас,
Ты смотришь со стены на нас.
Стоим мы, глядя на портрет,
В улыбке ищем мы секрет.
Нас манит девы красота.
О, чтоб она сказать могла,
Когда б уста свои открыла?
О, так ли красота её редка?
И кем же, Мона Лиза, ты была?
Служанкою прелестной или синьориной?
А может, она — отраженье мое?
Ловлю черты я сходства на портрете.
Скажите, в чём же таинство её,
Или в ней образ всех людей на свете?
Есть что-то в нежной прелести её волос,
А блик загадки, спрятанный во взгляде,
О мудрости ее нам говорит.
Изгиб игривый губ, румянец на щеках
О, как прекрасна Мона Лиза!
Сравнится с ней лишь башня Пизы.
Но что ж за тайна спрятана от нас
В калейдоскопе её глаз?

No matter
In spite of something

1) difference
2) broadly
3) learned
4) especially
5) intelligent
6) hunting
7) knowledge

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