Сочинение за и против

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Презентация на тему: " Эссе - за и против Материал подобран Журбиной С.М." — Транскрипт:

1 Эссе - за и против Материал подобран Журбиной С.М.

4 Правила написания эссе Сделайте тему максимально узкой Тема должна включать себя аргумент Тема должна подтверждаться конкретными фактами (статистическими примерами, ссылками на различные достоверные источники информации и т.д.)

8 ТРЕБОВАНИЯ Чтобы правильно рассчитать количество слов в эссе, требуемое на экзамене, 200 – 250 слов, следует использовать следующие структуры количества предложений: Вступление – 3 предложения, в каждом в среднем 7-8 слов. Основная часть – 5 предложений на каждый аргумент (всего 15). Заключение – 3 предложения, в каждом в среднем 7-8 слов.

10 Каждый параграф должен начинаться с предложения, которое резюмирует идею данного параграфа, например: In addition, many people feel reading is a relaxing and worthwhile activity. Помимо прочего, многие люди находят, что чтение – развивающая и расслабляющая деятельность

11 Не используйте неофициальный стиль речи (сокращения и разговорные формы) или безапелляционные выражения для выражения своего мнения, такие как I know, Nobody does this, It is impossible to disagree with me и другие. Используйте In my view, It seems to me that, In my opinion, I tend to believe, etc.

13 Используйте обобщения в узком смысле этого понятия: Children assume/regard вместо All children assume/regard that, People say/believe/consider вместо Everybody believes that, etc. Выражайте свою точку зрения беспристрастно, избегая проявления эмоций, например: It seems that, I therefore feel, etc. вместо Everybody hates, It is absurd to believe, etc. Используйте специальные слова и выражения для логической связи письменного текста, например: Even though, On the other hand, Yet, Therefore, Although, However etc.

14 Используйте упорядочение при перечислении идей: First, Then, finally, etc. Ссылайтесь на достоверные источники и факты: Police officials believe that, The government claims that, etc. Приводите в доказательство своим аргументам конкретные примеры, а не личные мысли: Excessive intake of alcohol can damage the liver. Если вы ссылаетесь на статистические данные, следует указать достоверный источник, например According to statistics, my statement about students is precise. Согласно какой именно статистике вы это утверждаете? Избегайте клише, например: Since the old days, This topic has been important since ancient times, etc

15 ПЛАН РАБОТЫ Постановка темы (спорного вопроса, проблемы) Составьте список аргументов Убедитесь, что все аргументы имеют доказательства и вам есть что сказать по каждому пункту данного вопроса Внимательно прочитайте написанное

18 Useful language and linking words/phrases Firstly/ First of all/ in the first place/ first of all/ to start with/ to begin with/ secondly/ thirdly/ final­ly/ last but not least what is more/ furthermore/ moreover/ also/ in addition to/ besides/ apart from this/that not to mention the fact that/ on the other hand/ however/ in spite of/ while/ whilst/ whereas/ nevertheless/ despite/ even though/ although/ regardless of the fact that ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА ЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ СВЯЗИ.

19 It can be argued that/ one can argue that … It may be said/argued/claimed that… There is another side to the issue/question/argument of. Opponents of…argue/believe/claim that. The fact that…contradicts the belief/idea that. While is true to say that. in fact. While/Although. it cannot be denied that.

20 Введение примеров or example, for instance, such as, like, in particular, particularly, especially, This is (clearly) illustrated/shown by the fact that. One/A clear/striking/typical example of (this). The fact that. shows/illustrates that. Придать особое значение Clearly/ obviously/ it is obvious/ naturally/ of course/ needless to say/ indeed Подчеркнуть реальность In fact/ the fact (of the matter) is/ actually/ in practice/ it is a fact that/ in effect Обобщение as a (general) rule/ generally/ in general/ on the whole/ by and large/ in most cases

21 Введение относительно/частично верных высказываний/ to a certain extent/degree, to some extent/degree, in a way/sense/ this is partly true (but)/ to a limited extent/ there is some truth in (this)/ in some cases/ up to a point Дать объяснение in other words/ that is to say/ this/which means that

22 Выражение причины owing to/ due to fact that/ on account of/ on the grounds that/ given that/ because/ as/ since Выражение результата/ влияния therefore/ thus/ as result/consequence/ consequently/ so for this reason, if. were to happen,… the effect/ result would be. Выражение цели/ стремления To/ so as to/ in order to/ so that/ with the intention of (+ing)

23 Заключение. Conclusion. to sum up/ all in all/ all things considered/ in conclusion/ on the whole/ above all/ as was previously stated/ For the above-mentioned reasons, therefore, I (firmly) believe that. Taking everything into account, I therefore conclude/feel/believe (that)… All things considered, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that. There is no absolute answer to the question of… In the light of this evidence, it is clear/obvious/etc that.

24 Более категоричное высказывание своей точки зрения In conclusion/ On balance/ All things considered/ Taking everything into account/consideration/ To conclude/ To sum up/ all in all/ Finally/lastly… …It is my believe/ opinion that… …I (firmly) believe/ feel/think that… …I am convinced that… …I do not agree that/with…

Вначале мы внимательно читаем тему и проверяем, каких аргументов требует данная тема: аргументов общего характера или есть возможность высказать свое собственное мнение.

  1. вступление – постановка проблемы;
  2. аргументы “за”;
  3. аргументы “против”;
  4. заключение.

Первый абзац – вступление – включает в себя несколько предложений, которые представляют тему и выражают ее двойственный характер.

  • People say/ believe that…,
  • It is said/ believed that…,
  • According to…,
  • It is a hot question,
  • There is a discussion…

Работая над аргументами, помним, что аргументы “за” и “против” пишем в отдельных абзацах. Сбалансированная аргументация требуется для письменного высказывания данного типа.

Высказывая несколько аргументов “за” или “против”, мы ставим их в логической последовательности, соединяя их союзами или союзными словами. Второй, третий аргументы, подтверждая и расширяя первый, водят следующие союзы и союзные слова:

In addition (to this, that),

What’s more,


As well as this


Apart from the fact that…

Extreme sports are very popular nowadays. (+) (положительный аргумент)

In addition to this, they are so romantic and thrilling. (+)

What’s more, you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+)

Moreover, you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+)

Dogs are trained to guard places and find drugs. (+)

As well as this they are kept as pets. (+)

Apart from being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+)

Besides being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+)

They say computer games are violent. (-) (отрицательный аргумент)

In addition to this they can be addictive. (-)

What’s more, they can be addictive. (-)

Moreover, they can be addictive. (-)

Для введения контрастирующих аргументов используются следующие союзы и союзные слова: but, however, on the other hand, yet, although, though, in spite of/despite, in contrast.

They say that fewer people read books nowadays. (-)

On the other hand, books still remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+)

Nevertheless, remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+)

However, remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+)

The train is much cheaper than the plane. (+)

Despite/in spite of the fact that the train is much cheaper than the plane, it is relatively slow. (-)

В основной части эссе мы также употребляем союзы и союзные обороты, выражения: so, as a result, therefore, thus, to begin with, firstly (secondly, thirdly), in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, for example, for instance (such as, like).

В последнем абзаце следует обобщить высказанное и сделать заключение: снова пишем предложение, отражающее противоречивость темы, но в то же время, дающее надежду на нахождение компромисса. Если тема позволяет, здесь четко можно выразить свое мнение. Используем выражения: in conclusion, to sum up (finally, therefore), in general, in summary, all in all.

  1. Используйте формальный язык.
  2. Структуры предложений должны быть сложными.
  3. Постарайтесь использовать больше безличных предложений.
  4. Не употребляйте сокращений (Don’t, there’s, etc.).
  5. Давайте примеры, где возможно.
  6. Соблюдайте правила орфографии и пунктуации.

Сочинения учащихся 11 класса.

By Tatyana Migulko (11 th form)

Present advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.

There have been a lot of arguments about where it is better to live: in the country or in town.

According to the poll, a lot of people move to bigger cities. But surprisingly, the opposite process has been going on, too. More and more often the inhabitants of big cities are looking for a house or an apartment out in the country. Apparently, there are both positive and negative things about living in a big city.

First of all, it is appealing to live in a big city because there are more opportunities for the ones who are looking for a job or a college. Besides that, living in a city allows us to meet more people than we can in a small town. The architecture of the city is also very beautiful.

On the other hand, when looking for a job, one can face a bigger competition in a big city. More than that, a lot of people feel lonely in big cities. And finally, the ecological misbalance in the cities is obvious. The air and the water is very polluted and it might be dangerous for people’s health.

In conclusion, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages about living in a big city. It is up to an individual where to live, depending on their preferences and needs.

By Liza Pobolovets (11 th form)

2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.

In 2007 the honour to host 2014 Winter Olympic Games was awarded to Sochi, Russia. Even though thousands of people were celebrating this victory on the squares of Russian cities there is still a dispute over the advantages what hosting the Olympiad gives to Russia

One major advantage is that the region of Sochi will be greatly developed. It includes building new sport and tourist facilities, road-building as well as repairing a great number of city services. In addition to it, hosting the Olympiad will bring a lot of foreign investment into the Russian economy. As a result, the budget of the country will go up. Moreover, the Olympic will stir up the patriotic feelings of Russian people and raise the prestige of our country on the international arena.

The development of the region will unavoidably lead to the growth of the cost of living. A big amount of foreign companies might bring down small local businesses. And the last but not least, rapid changing of the environment is very harmful to the ecological balance in the region. Nevertheless, most people are happy and proud to be hosting the Olympic Games in their home town.

To sum it up, both the advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Olympiad are significant. Still, it cannot be denied that being the host of 2014 Winter Olympic Games is a great honour for Russia.

By Dmitry Korovin (11 th form)

2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.

In today’s world of fierce competition it is very important for our country to hold the Olympics in Sochi in 2014. It can be regarded as a step in the right direction, though it is also not without problems.

Hosting the Olympics brings up the prestige of the country, gives it a lot of new international business offers, and draws foreign investments into domestic economy. That’s why the Games are so appealing to many countries. Besides that, a lot of new touristy and sport facilities are built in the region, which provides people many work positions.

However, as critics are quick to point out, the cost of living of Sochi’s dwellers will rise by far. Apart from this, the development of sports can provide a great ecological damage to our country.

There are a lot of things against and in favour of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. But I personally believe that the main positive aspect about it is the growth of patriotic feelings in the country, which is very important nowadays.

By Alexandra Milyakina (11 th form)

The Olympic Games.

In 2014 our country is holding the Olympics. This has both advantages and disadvantages.

Russia will profit from investments of foreign companies. Furthermore, a lot of money will be obtained from foreign tourists who are going to visit the Olympics and are already booking the places. Also thanks to the Olympiad many places will be made up: all the stadiums, sport facilities, hotels need the staff. So, in this case Sochi will get rid of unemployment. Moreover, the Olympics are believed to raise the prestige of Russia. I think people can be proud that their country is going to be the capital of sport in 2014.

However, some people think that the Olympics can significantly damage the economy of our country. Russia has to invest money from the national budget in order to build new sport facilities and stadiums. Moreover, lots of hotels for sportsmen and their fans have to be constructed. In this case, the expenses made by the country are likely to be rather considerable. Furthermore, the Olympics can do harm to the ecology of the world-known resort.

To sum it up, we can say that all the losses of Russia are going to be compensated by the enormous profits. However, there are some disadvantages that should be taken into account.

Советы по написанию эссе. Материал может быть полезен как на уроках, так и для подготовки к ОГЭ.

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Советы по написанию For and Against Essay . Эссе "За" и "Против "

Первый абзац – вступление – включает в себя несколько предложений, которые представляют тему и выражают ее двойственный характер. Можно использовать следующий языковой материал: People say/ believe that…, It is said/ believed that…, According to…, It is a hot question, There is a discussion about…

1. Extreme sports are very popular nowadays. (+) ( положительный аргумент ) In addition to this, they are so romantic and thrilling. (+) What’s more, you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+) Moreover, you will get unforgettable impressions and a lot of exercise.(+) 2 . Dogs are trained to guard places and find drugs. (+) As well as this they are kept as pets. (+) Apart from being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+) Besides being trained to guard places, they are kept as pets. (+) 3. They say computer games are violent. (-) ( отрицательныйаргумент ) In addition to this they can be addictive. (-) What’s more, they can be addictive. (-) Moreover, they can be addictive. (-)

Для введения контрастирующих аргументов используютсяследующие союзы и союзные слова : but, however, on the other hand, yet, although, though, in spite of/despite, in contrast. Например : They say that fewer people read books nowadays. (-) On the other hand , books still remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+) Nevertheless , remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+) However, remain one of the most popular presents for birthdays. (+) The train is much cheaper than the plane. (+) Despite/in spite of the fact that the train is much cheaper than the plane, it is relatively slow.(-)

В последнем абзаце следует обобщить высказанное и сделать заключение: снова пишем предложение, отражающее противоречивость темы, но в то же время , дающее надежду на нахождение компромисса. Если тема позволяет, здесь четко можно выразить свое мнение . Используем выражения: in conclusion , to sum up ( finally , therefore ), in general , in summary , all in all .

What can you say for and against: School uniform Going on a diet Watching television Using Internet Using cars Having pets at home Development of technologies Electronic money

Internet. For and Against Essay We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly as common as the telephone . No doubt that it is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time. On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, because it lets us access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. In addition , with the Internet, it is now possible to speak to friends and relatives anywhere in the world cheaply and quickly . Other services are also available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things. Moreover , the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job.

On the other hand , the Internet can become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect their everyday duties. Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example , hackers can steal your money or even your property while cyberterrorists may 'attack' the world's computers , causing chaos, and making planes and trains crash . What is more, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers. In conclusion , I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed our world to the better and we must try to make the best use of it.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Class : 9 a Students : 18

Задача урока: Учащиеся учатся писать сочинение с аргументами за и против.

Вид деятельности учащегося

Класс делится на 6-5 групп. У каждой группы вопросы:

1. How often do you write an essay as a home task?

2. Do you like writing an essay? Why? Why not?

3. What kind of essay have you already written?

4. What lessons do you write essays for?

1 ученик - 1 вопрос и они задают друг другу эти вопросы.

Целеполагание . Введение темы урока

У : What do you think, what topic of our lesson is?

Уч : Writing an essay.

У : You’re absolutely right. The topic of our lesson is writing a for and against essay.

Знакомство с новым материалом.

Учащиеся делятся на 3 группы :

У : Today you will practice your writing skills, but you should read theory about writing an essay before. Учащиеся получают тексты с теорией о том, как писать сочинение с аргументами за и против.

У : You‘ve got theory. Read it and answer my questions.

1. What kind of essay is a for and against essay?

(They discuss the pros and cons of a specific topic.)

2. What parts should it include?

( It should include: an introduction, a main body (2 paragraphs), a conclusion.)

3. What style can you use to write such type of essay?

(We should use a formal style)

У : Look at the screen. Read the rubric and answer the questions.

1. What do you have to write?

2. Who are you writing for?

3. What style should you use?

4. How many paragraphs should you write?

Тренировка нового материала

Учащиеся работают в 2 группах .

У : This group tries to think of two arguments for banning violent computer games. The second group tries to think of two arguments against it. You have got 5 minutes to do it. After that stick your ideas on the board.

У : Open your student’s books at page 114, ex. 2 Read the essay and check if any of your ideas were mentioned.

У : Look at this essay again and answer the questions.

Which paragraph contains:

2. The writer’s opinion?

4. A clear presentation of the topic?

У : Find the topic sentences in each main body paragraph. Which sentences support them? Which are justifications? Examples?

Тренировка навыков аудирования

Listen to David and Ann giving their opinion about banning violent sports. Who is for? Who is against?

What reasons do David and Ann give to support their point of view? Listen again and complete the table.

Тренировка слов связок

У : Look through the text once more and tell me which of highlighted words/ phrases in the text:

1. introduce points?

2. list/add points?

3. show contrast?

4. introduce examples/justifications?

Match each of the words / phrases with one of the phrases from the list.

У: complete the table.

1. How often do you write an essay as a home task?

2. Do you like writing an essay? Why? Why not?

3. What kind of essay have you already written?

4. What lessons do you write essays for?

1. How often do you write an essay as a home task?

2. Do you like writing an essay? Why? Why not?

3. What kind of essay have you already written?

4. What lessons do you write essays for?

1. How often do you write an essay as a home task?

2. Do you like writing an essay? Why? Why not?

3. What kind of essay have you already written?

4. What lessons do you write essays for?

1. How often do you write an essay as a home task?

2. Do you like writing an essay? Why? Why not?

3. What kind of essay have you already written?

4. What lessons do you write essays for?

in the first place

on the other hand

because of this

for this reason

in the first place

on the other hand

because of this

for this reason

in the first place

on the other hand

because of this

for this reason

I should more practice

1. I know how many parts a for and against essay has.

2. I know the style which I should use to write a for and against essay

3. I can use linking words correctly.

I should more practice

1. I know how many parts a for and against essay has.

2. I know the style which I should use to write a for and against essay

3. I can use linking words correctly.

I should more practice

1. I know how many parts a for and against essay has.

2. I know the style which I should use to write a for and against essay

3. I can use linking words correctly.

I should more practice

1. I know how many parts a for and against essay has.

2. I know the style which I should use to write a for and against essay

3. I can use linking words correctly.

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Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

эссе по английскому языку

Итак, эссе – это сочинение заданного объема и зачастую свободной композиции, однако если речь идет об эссе по английскому, то тут нужно придерживаться четкого плана, все зависит от типа сочинения. Основными чертами эссе являются наличие исчерпывающей информации касательно конкретной темы, выражение индивидуального мнения, а также контраргументы.

Основная цель эссе заключается в развитии навыков самостоятельного творческого мышления и письменного выражения мыслей.

И если грамотно выражать мысли вы уже научились, то структурировать информацию, а также выделять связи и иллюстрировать все примерами, довольно сложно. Именно поэтому такое сочинение как эссе по английскому языку и выносится на ЕГЭ.

Эссе по английскому примеры

Electronic books versus printed books. Who will be the winner in future?

Recent researches have shown that the quantity of readers of printed books is constantly reducing. Electronic books are becoming the most popular way of getting information. But despite of their certain advantages many of us prefer acquaintance with fresh printed volumes. Will electronic books replace printed ones?

I am convinced that the growing number of readers will be absolutely happy to get an e-book as their birthday present. First of all, electronic versions can store thousands of books at the same time. Besides, there will be no need to go shopping for every new book because people can do buy it at one click.

On the other hand, there are a lot of people who are not ready to replace printed books because they are better for human eyes. Moreover printed books are much easier to read because of no need in electricity supply. Nowadays less people are ready to buy books because of its expensive price but printed books are still the reminding of a miracle that each of us can easily touch and breathe in.

Summing up all the above, I think both books variants will happily coexist in future, it means that it will be possible to enjoy fresh printed books as well as easily download electronic ones into your gadget.

Электронные книги против печатных книг. Кто станет победителем в будущем?

Недавние исследования показали, что количество читателей печатных книг постоянно уменьшается. Говоря об электронных книгах, они становятся наиболее популярным способом получения информации. Но, несмотря на их определенные преимущества, многие из нас предпочитают знакомство со свеженапечатанными книгами. Заменят ли электронные книги печатные?

Я уверена, что растущее число читателей будет абсолютно счастливы получить электронную книгу в качестве подарка на день рождения. Во-первых, электронные версии могут хранить тысячи книг одновременно. Кроме того, не будет необходимости отправляться за покупкой каждой новой книги, ведь ее можно купить в один клик.

С другой стороны, есть много людей, не готовых заменить печатные книги, потому что они лучше для глаз. Кроме того, печатные книги легче читать, так как они не нуждаются в электропитании. Сегодня меньше людей готовы купить книги из-за высокой цены, но печатные книги все еще остаются напоминанием о чуде, к которому каждый из нас может прикоснуться и вдохнуть.

Подводя итог вышесказанному, я считаю, что оба варианта книг смогут счастливо сосуществовать в будущем, а это значит, что будет возможно наслаждаться печатными книгами также, как и легко скачать электронную книгу в свой гаджет.

Эссе за и против по английскому

Nowadays people are keen on many different languages to survive in the fast moving world. Therefore people send children to schools to learn as many languages as possible. However, is it good to get knowledge of several languages at the same time?

эссе за и против по английскому

Проблема ясна – хорошо ли изучать несколько языков одновременно. Далее выражаем собственное мнение относительно поставленной ситуации. Firstly, foreign languages broaden our world view giving us the opportunity to speak without fears. Secondly, every new language is the perspective to know a new culture and to find a good job. Moreover, every new language helps to think more quickly and to learn faster.

Теперь нужно подчеркнуть, что есть и отрицательные стороны изучения нескольких иностранных языков одновременно.

On the other hand, learning several languages can be confusing, especially if talking about languages of the same group. Some languages contain many rules while others many have exceptions. All this can lead to misunderstanding of new languages as well as the native one.

Теперь самое время подвести итог. Being a person of a modern society, I would like to say that the knowledge of many languages is a beneficial advantage. However, people should learn their native language first before starting several ones at the same time.

Так может выглядеть пример эссе по английскому для ЕГЭ.

Учите английский язык с помощью онлайн сервиса Lim English и написать эссе для Вас не составит труда. Начать обучение можно по ссылке.

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