Сочинение про тулу на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

The town has existed at least since the 14th century. Some historians assume that Tula should be identified with Taidula, an obscure locality mentioned in a chronicle under the year 1146.

In the Middle Ages, Tula was a minor fortress at the border of the Principality of Ryazan. As soon as it passed to Muscovy, a brick citadel, or kremlin, was constructed in 1530. It was a key fortress of the Great Abatis Belt and successfully resisted a siege by the Tatars in 1552. In 1607, Ivan Bolotnikov and his supporters seized the citadel and withstood a 4-months siege by the tsar's army. In the 18th century some parts of the kremlin walls were demolished. Despite its archaic appearance, the 5-domed Assumption Cathedral in the kremlin was built as late as 1764.
Demidov memorial church (1730-34).
Demidov memorial church (1730-34).

In 1712, Tula was visited by Peter the Great, who commissioned the Demidov blacksmiths to build a first armament factory in Russia. Several decades later, Tula was turned by the Demidovs into the greatest ironworking centre of Eastern Europe. The oldest museum, that of history of weapons, was inaugurated by the Demidovs in 1724. The first factory to produce samovars industrially was also established there in the course of the 18th century. After the Demidovs moved the centre of their manufacture to the Urals, the city continued as a center of heavy industry, particularly the manufacture of matériel.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941 to 1945, the city was important in production of armaments. Tula became the target of a German offensive to break Soviet resistance in the Moscow area between October 24 and December 5, 1941. The heavily fortified city held out. In particular, Guderian's Second Panzer Army was defeated under Tula. The city secured the Southern flank during the Soviet defence of Moscow and the subsequent counter-offensive. Tula was awarded the title Hero City in 1976. It is home to Klokovo air base.

The most popular tourist attraction in Tula Oblast is Yasnaya Polyana, the home and burial place of the writer Leo Tolstoy. It is situated just fourteen kilometers to the south-west from the city. It was there that Tolstoy wrote his celebrated novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

не, не проще. у меня нет такого учебника про тулу. а что рассказать не могу придумать. тема тупая, да и город я не очень-то люблю.

в гугле. все там есть. и про Тулу на английском. введи запрос типа Экскурсия Тула. Кстати, многие туристические сайты есть на нескольких языках. Найди про экскурсии в Туле и нажми флажок - умная машина тебя удивит, причем в этот раз приятно:)

Блументаль Татьяна Сергеевна

При работе над презентацией ребята использовали материал о достопримечательностях родного города, я помогла им оформить на английском языке. Наша работа стала финалистом регионального конкурса презентаций о родном крае на английском языке. В школе авторы выступали с защитой презентации перед учащимися 1 и 2 классов.

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Презентация на тему: Приглашаем в Тулу

Dear friends, Hello, I’m Tula. I was born in 1146, so I’m one year older than Moscow. In spite of my age I’m very energetic and creative. My heart is the Kremlin. It is surrounded by a red wall in brick with 9 towers of 1,000_ meters long, 10 meters high and about 4 meters thick. Have you ever been to Tula? If you haven’t, come and visit me. I’ll be glad to meet you. Best wishes, Tula. Welcome to Tula!

My Flag My Emblem

Levsha is the symbol of folk masters. He is a character from Leskov’s story, who shoed a flea. The monument to him was erected in 1989.

Nikita Demidov , the founder of metallurgical works in the Urals, was buried in Tula in 1725. The monument was erected in 1996 by A. Chernopyatov .

The Monument to Peter the Great The foundation of the small arms factory in Tula began under the Tsar’s Order in 1712. The monument was erected in 1912. (the sculptor - R. Bach). You can see Peter the Great in the image of a smith . It’s very unusual but symbolic.

S.I.Mosin was a talented designer of small arms. His famous trifle was used in the army from 1891 till 1970s. The monument to S.Mosin was erected in 1958 by V. Mukhina .

. The State Arms Museum in Tula was created in 1775 under the Order of Catherine the Great. The modern building was built in 2012. The Museum is one of the main sights in Tula

We Remember, We Honour … The monument to the soldiers and people’s guardsmen defending Tula in 1941. The defense lasted 45 days, and they didn’t let the fascists in! The monument was opened in 1968.

Do You Like Cakes? Will you come and help yourself to my honey- cakes? They are very tasty! The first Tula Cake was mentioned in ancient books in 1685.

And What About Tea? The tea from samovars is very tasty. It is a purely Russian invention. And the Tula samovars are the most famous . They were made not only of metal but even of china and crystal. Samovars were first made in Tula more than 200 years ago.

Filimonovo Toys are made in the village Filimonovo not far from Tula They have only four colours – yellow, red, blue and green. You can see these pieces of art in our Art Gallery

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the Kremlin in Tula

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the Kremlin in Tula

the Kremlin in Tula

Bell tower Cathedral spire Assumption cathedral

Bell tower Cathedral spire Assumption cathedral

Tulskiy Kreml (the Kremlin in Tula is the witness of our ancestors endless co.

Tulskiy Kreml (the Kremlin in Tula is the witness of our ancestors endless courage, a monument of Russian defending architecture. Inside Kremlin two Shrines are located . Holy Dormitory Temple was built in 1762-1764 for the money of local merchants, the walls of this temple are painted in a unique way, to follow ancient Yaroslavl school painting tradition. Another Shrine is the Cathedral built during 1855-1862. Next to the Cathedral they erected a 70 meters high Bell Tower with the clock and golden spire. After the fire in 1936 the tower was taken apart. Reconstructing of the Bell Tower today we could allow to renovate the Kremlin Ensemble as a whole. The main goal of the regional politics is the conception of development of the Kremlin territory as the more attractive tourist site and a center of patriotic and spiritual upbringing of the both people of Tula and the guests of the city. We are working on creating of museums, mini-malls, exhibitions, tourist information inside the Kremlin, on the Kremlin grounds and in the Kremlin towers. Tourist information center is expected to be equipped with interactive sensor panels and special booths, sound guides, etc. The Temple of Dmitry Donskoy is opened in the bell tower of the Assumption Cathedra. Entertainments fitting every taste can also be found in the Kremlin Merchant House. Here you can get acquainted with crafts and gastronomic brands of the Tula Region, participate in exciting workshops, and purchase unique souvenirs.

Тульский кремль — свидетель мужества и доблести наших предков, памятник оборо.

Тульский кремль — свидетель мужества и доблести наших предков, памятник оборонного русского зодчества. На тер­ритории кремля расположены два храма. Свято-Успенский собор с уникальной на­стенной росписью русской монументаль­ной живописи древней ярославской шко­лы построен в 1762-1764 годах на средства тульского купечества. Второй храм, Бого­явленский кафедральный собор, построен в 1855-1862 годах. Рядом с храмом была возведена ко­локольня высотой 70 метров с курантами и золоченым шпилем. Она была разобрана после пожара в 1936 году. Восстановление колокольни в настоящее время позволит возродить целостный облик архитектурного ансамбля Тульского кремля. Основной целью региональной поли­тики является концепция развития терри­тории кремля как наиболее привлекатель­ного и зрелищного объекта для туристов, центра патриотического и духовно-нрав­ственного воспитания жителей и гостей города Тулы. На территории кремля соз­даются музеи, комплекс Торговых рядов, выставочные залы Музея самоваров, куль­турно-информационный центр, выставки и экспозиции в пяти башнях кремля. Ин­формационная зона будет оснащена интер­активными сенсорными панелями и киоска­ми, звуковым сопровождением и пр. В колокольне Успенского собора открыт храм Дмитрия Донского. Развлечения на любой вкус можно найти и в Торговых рядах кремля. Здесь можно познакомиться с промыслами и гастрономическими брендами Тульского края, поучаствовать в увлекательных мастер-классах и приобрести уникальные сувениры на память.


Samovars production in Russia is certainly associated with Tula. The name of.

Samovars production in Russia is certainly associated with Tula. The name of the first inventor of this useful device for boiling water is unknown. However, it is well known that owing to the Lisitsyns brothers (Nazar and Ivan) who opened the first samovars factory in Tula in 1778, we got this pure Russian tradition of boiling water and making tea. By the end of the 19th century more than 50 (!) samovars factories were organized in Tula. The most prosperous ones belonged to such owners as the Batashevs, Teyle, the Shemarins. First, samovars were made of copper, and some items produced for the rich noble men were gold or silver covered. Hundreds of thousands of beautifully designed samovars were annually sent from Tula to all parts of Russia. They found the way to the most prestigious fairs and exhibitions. Samovar became the symbol of family comfort and well-being. Each and every family kept a samovar as an important part of the household. The manufacturers invented samovars of various shapes and types and sizes, from the tiny ones called “egoist” till the huge ones for the use in the taverns and big kitchens. The museum of samovars in Tula has a great collection of many types of samovars, with the ancient ones and the ones made as gifts for the heads of the state and the world political leaders, among the others

Самовар в России издавна ассоцииру­ется с Тулой. Имя изобретателя этого очень.


They say that the so-called pryanik is the most desirable and popular gift fr.

They say that the so-called pryanik is the most desirable and popular gift from Tula. It Ls a delicious treat for the people with sweet tooth of all ages and nations. The tasty souvenir is a must for all travelers bringing gifts outside Tula. Presenting friends with such a gift is a jest of kindness and openness. For the first time in history the word “pryanik” (a spicy cake— from a word “pryannost” which means “spice”) was mentioned in culinary books in 1685. It was in Tula where they invented the unique method of baking pryaniks in the special wooden forms with the words, pictures and symbolic patterns. There is a secret reci­pe behind the history: The recipes were strictly kept in households and were not allowed to become known to non-family members. The main ingredient of any pryanik is honey. The whole point is that the honey has been used for making a pryanik for 3 reasons: to make it sweet by taste, to add special aroma to this treat and the last, but not least, to preserve its fresh­ness and expand expiry date. By the end of the 19th century pryaniks became internationally recognized. As exhibits they were presented at the Food Fail's in Italy, Holland, Bulgaria and France.

Two times in a row, in 1899 and 1990 the sweet masterpieces of the bakers Gre.

Two times in a row, in 1899 and 1990 the sweet masterpieces of the bakers Grechihins from Tula got Gold Medals and the Grand Prix Awards at the International Fair in Paiis. Until today they still bake honey flavored pryaniks in Tula using the ancient secret recipes. Like some post cards they are made for special oc­casions and anniversaries, as gifts and just a sign of friendship. An interesting collection can be seen at the museum of pryaniks. The smallest pryanik ever which is presented there is as small as a coin. The International Gingerbread Museum is also located in the city of Tula. It is a unique and original project implemented by a group of design­ers and confectioners from Tula, aimed at promot­ing the gingerbread making traditions. Different workshops dedicated to the gingerbread history and manufacturing technology are organized in the museum. A participant will be able to make and decorate a gingerbread by himself.

Печатный пряник — самый популярный гостинец из Тулы. Со сладким красивым суве.

И сейчас пряники в Туле выпекают по старинным русским рецептам. По оформле­ни.


The Arms Museum is a pride of Tula citizens. Here you can see almost all arms.

The Arms Museum is a pride of Tula citizens. Here you can see almost all arms used from the high antiquity to our days, from a bow to the most contemporary samples of small arms. Today the part of the museum treasure remains in the Epiphany Cathedral in the Kremlin, and the other part is kept in the noticeable museum building in the shape of an ancient Russian military helmet located on the right bank of the Upa, opposite the arms plant. It houses a new exposition with holographic cases, electronic labels, and interactive zones for children. The projection screens make you find yourself in an arms plant workshop of the 19th century or a fire trench of World War 1. While playing, the children can learn about the arms origin, hold mock-ups of different small arms in their hands, and get acquainted with technical features of the firearms structure using specially designed programs in the computer class. The newly created museum exposition is a powerful tool for patriotic upbringing and formation of historical memory and pride in Great Russia and Tula as a city of armorers.

Музей оружия — гордость туляков. Здесь представлено практически все то, чем в.

Музей оружия — гордость туляков. Здесь представлено практически все то, чем вооружался человек с глубокой древности до наших дней — от лука до самых совре­менных образцов стрелкового оружия. Сей­час часть музейных сокровищ осталась в Бо­гоявленском соборе в кремле, а на правом берегу Упы, напротив оружейного завода, выросло приметное здание музея в виде ста­ринного русского воинского шлема. В нем размешена новая экспозиция с голографи­ческими витринами, электронными этикет­ками, детскими интерактивными зонами. Здесь в сочетании с проекционными экра­нами обеспечивается эффект присутствия в мастерской оружейного завода XIX века или в окопе Первой мировой войны. Дети в игровой форме узнают об истории созда­ния оружия, могут подержать в руках маке­ты различных видов стрелкового оружия, познакомиться с техническими особен­ностями строения огнестрельного оружия на специально разработанных программах в компьютерном классе. Вновь созданная экспозиция музея является мощным сред­ством патриотического воспитания, форми­рования исторической памяти и гордости за оружейную Тулу и великую Россию.


The town of Tula happened to be the first city in Russia which started mass p.

The town of Tula happened to be the first city in Russia which started mass production of harmonicas. In 1830 they brought one harmonica to Tula from Nizhniy Novgorod Fair. People in Tula loved and appreciated music. It was decided to use the sample as a prototype for the mass production of this musical instrument. Nikolay Beloborodov from Tula constructed and designed the first harmonica of a new type. Beloborodov’s project was realized by the master Chulkov who made the first harmonica of the chromatic type. N. Beloborodov also organized the first harmonicas orchestra in the world. The museum exposition located in one of the oldest buildings in the center of Tula makes its visitors acquainted with the life and creative work of Nikolay Beloborodov, a talented inventor of chromatic harmonica. The museum organizes musical evenings and concerts of young musicians. Young visitors will be impressed by the sound of an old gramophone in the harmonica museum.

Именно в Туле началось отечественное производство гармоник, которые пришлись.

Текст на английском языке (10 - 15 предложений) про Тулу.

Tula , a city in the Russian Federation, the center of Tula Oblast .

. The population of 499, 000 people.

Junction of railway lines and roads.

Known since 1146.

Hero City in 1976 .

Main industries : mechanical engineering and metal working.

Production of defense products, iron and steel, food - processing industry, production of building materials, musical instruments.

Tula is mentioned for the first time in the Nikon Chronicle in 1146 , when it was a part of the Ryazan principality.

In the early 16th century.

Became part of the Duchy of Moscow , and in the 16 - 17 centuries .

Was the center of large defense line .

In 1552, Tula was besieged forces of Crimean Khan Devlet Giray.

From the 16th century .

Are actively developing iron industry and arms production .

The first ironworks founded here in 1632 by a Dutch merchant A.

In 1712, by order of Peter I in Tula was the first in the Russian state arms factory that supplied weapons Russian army.

In the late 19th century.

Here was created trilinear Mosin rifle .

From the 18th century .

Thule develops in production of precision measuring instruments and factory , samovars , art metal objects .

During the Civil War - the base of the Red Army .

In the 1929 - 1937 years.

Tula was a member of the Moscow region, from 1937 - the center of the Tula region.

Economy Tula keeps focus on weapons production .

Educational and cultural institutions : Tula State Pedagogical University University .

LN Tolstoy Artillery Engineering Institute , a branch of the All - Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute , a branch of the Moscow State University of Commerce .

Gorky , Puppet Theatre for Young People .

Museums : weapons , founded in 1724 , in which exposures are samples of weapons and firearms 18 - 20 centuries .

Tula manufacture ; Regional Art Museum , the House - Museum of VV Veresaeva .

At 14 km from Tula is a house - museum of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" .

The city is the oldest in Russia and Zooekzotarium velodrome with a unique collection of amphibians, reptiles and fish from all over the world.

The historic center of the city - Tula Kremlin , built in the years 1507 - 1520 .

Whose territory remained Assumption Cathedral .

In the Cathedral of the Epiphany , located on the territory of the Kremlin , now housed the Museum of weapons.

In the center of Tula are monuments of temple architecture of 17 - 19 centuries .

: Church of the Annunciation , the Church of St.

Nicholas Zaretsky , the Church of the Ascension , Peter and Paul Church .

Among other architectural structures - a former Nobility Assembly with pillared hall , houses Batashova , Dobrynin, Goltyakova , Lalin .

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