Сочинение про серов на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Valentin Alexandrovich Serov was an outstanding Russian painter. In his childhood he studied under Ilya Repin. The biggest influences on Serov were paintings of the old masters in museums of Russia and Western Europe, friendship with Mikhail Vrubeland later with Konstantin Korovin, and the creative atmosphere of the Abramtsevo Colony circle to which he was closely connected.

From 1890 on, the portrait became the basic genre in Serov's art. Serov's favorite models were actors, artists, and writers (Konstantin Korovin, Isaac Levitan, Nikolai Leskov, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov). He often produced intimate, chamber portraits, mainly of children and women. In portraits of children Serov managed to capture pose and gesture, sincere cleanliness and clearness of attitude of the child

Receiving wide popularity, becoming in 1894 partners with Peredvizh-niki, Serov had to work much above custom-made, as a rule, smart portraits (portraits of grand duke Pavel Alexandrovich, his portraits of S. M. Botkin and F. F. Yusupova). In these truthful, compositional!> skillful, and picturesque paintings, Serov used decorative color combinations.

In 1890 to the beginning of 1900, Serov produced many landscape compositions on country themes. During his late period (which began in 1900), Serov was connected with 'The World of Art', an association Serov was a member of from its beginning.

At the turn of the century, Serov was at a stylistic turning point: features of impressionism disappeared from his work, and his modernistic style developed, In the middle of 1900 Serov created heroic portrait images; having selected for them the genre of a smart portrait, Serov developed a former theme of the artist finding freedom in the revealing of talent and his public importance (Maxim Gorki's portraits); Maria Yermolova, Feodor Chaliapin.

Serov's democratic beliefs were clearly shown during the Revolution from 1905 to 1907: being a full member of the St. Petersburg Academy of arts since 1903, in 1905 he left it as a gesture of protest against the execution on January 9. His l ate creativity was dominated by historical painting

1. Serov is an outstanding Russian painter, the bigest influences on him were Repin, the olf masters, Vrubel, Korovin and the creative atmosphere of the Abramtsevo Colony circle to which he was closely connected.
2. The greatest works of his early period were portraits, where he concentrated on spontaneity of perception of the model and the nature.
3. His early pictures showed the features of early Russian impressionism — development of light and colour, the saturation of the environment by air, freshness of perception of the world.
4. Portrait became the basic genre of his art, and he produced intimate, chamber portraits where he managed to capture pose and gesture.
5. When Serov received wide popularity and became partners with Peredvizhniki, he had to work much above custom-made smart portraits, which are compositionally skilful and picturesque paintings.
6. Later he produced many landscape compositions and became connected with The World of Art'.
7. At the turn of the century he was at a stylistic turning point: his modernistic style developed, and features of impressionist disappeared from his work.
8. He worked in the genre of a heroic smart portrait, where he developed the theme of the artist finding freedom in the revealing of talent and his public importance.
9. His later creativity was dominated by historical painting showing depth of comprehension of an epoch.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part two . Additional topics.

One of my favourite artists is Valentin Serov. When I first saw his famous pictures "The Girl with Peaches" and "The Girl in the Sunlight" in the Tretyakov Gallery, frankly speaking, I wasn't too impressed. The girls seemed quite ordinary and I couldn't understand what was so special about these portraits.

Some years later I happened to be in Abramtsevo, where these two pictures had been painted. It's a very beautiful place. Abramtsevo belonged to Savva Mamontov, a well known patron of arts. Our guide told us about the people who had been invited there. It seemed that all artists, actors and writers of that period had stayed at Abramtsevo or at least visited it.

When I went to the Tretyakov Gallery after that and looked at the Girl with Peaches again, I suddenly remembered that day in Abramtsevo, and for the first time I noticed the play of light and shade in the picture, the atmosphere of a sunny summer day.

It's surprising that Serov painted this picture when he was only 22 years old. I read somewhere that at the time he had not seen the works of French Impressionists, who tried to catch the sunlight and the air and transfer it to the canvas. But he managed to do it perfectly.

Serov was born in 1865. His father was a well-known composer and the boy grew up in the atmosphere of creative activity. His first art teacher was Repin, who noticed that the boy could catch the likeness of a model often more quickly and surely than older artists. Later Serov studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and graduated from it when he was 20.

For several years he taught at Moscow School of Painting Sculpture and Architecture. But teaching did not interfere with his painting. Probably now he would be called a workaholic. He painted almost 700 canvases, though, unfortunately, his life was not very long — he died in 1911. He was a brilliant landscape painter, he created genre scenes, but he is mostly remembered as a portraitist. The list of his portraits reads as "who-is-who" in Russian culture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He painted Sawa Mamontov, Konstantin Korovin, Ilya Repin, Isaak Levitan, Nikolai Leskov, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, the great actress Yermolova . The list can be continued. And practically all his portraits are excellent from the technicalpoint of view — the colours, the composition, but there is more than that - they show people's personality.

Мой любимый художник.( Валентин Серов )

Один из моих любимых художников - В. А. Серов. Когда я впервые увидел его известные картины "Девочка с персиками" и "Девушка, освещенная солнцем" в Третьяковской галерее, честно говоря, я был не слишком впечатлен. Девушки казались обычными, и я не мог понять, что такого особенного в этих портретах.

Несколько лет спустя я оказался в Абрамцево, где эти две картины были написаны. Это очень красивое место. Абрамцево принадлежало Савве Мамонтову, известному меценату. Наш гид рассказал нам о людях, которые туда были приглашены. Казалось, что все художники, актеры и писатели того времени останаливались в Абрамцево, или, по крайней мере, его посещали.

Когда я пошел в Третьяковку после этого и посмотрел на "Девочку с персиками" еще раз, я вдруг вспомнил, тот день в Абрамцево, и впервые я заметил игру света и тени на картине, атмосферу солнечного летнего дня.

Удивительно, что Серов написал эту картину, когда ему было всего 22 года. Я читал, что в то время он еще не видел работ французских импрессионистов, которые пытались поймать солнечный свет и воздух, и передать его на полотне. Но он сумел сделать это в совершенстве.

Серов родился в 1865 году. Его отец был известным композитором, и мальчик рос в атмосфере творчества. Его первым учителем искусств был Репин, который заметил, что мальчик мог уловить сходство модели зачастую быстрее и вернее, чем взрослые художники. Позже Серов учился в Академии изящных искусств, которую окончил, когда ему было 20.

В течение нескольких лет он преподавал в Московском училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества. Но преподавание не мешало его живописи. Вероятно, теперь его бы назвали трудоголиком. Он написал около 700 полотен, хотя, к сожалению, жизнь его была не очень долгой - он умер в 1911 году. Он был прекрасным пейзажистом, он создал жанровые сцены, но он в основном его помнят как портретиста. Список его портретов показывает "кто есть кто" в русской культуре конца 19 и начала двадцатого веков. Он писал Савву Мамонтова, Константина Коровина, Илью Репина, Исаака Левитана, Николая Лескова, Николая Римского-Корсакова, великую актрису М. Н. Ермолову . Список можно продолжить. И практически все его портреты отличны с технической точки зрения - цвета, композиция,- но есть кое-что ещё- они показывают личности людей.



One of my favourite artists is Valentin Serov. When I first saw his famous pictures - the Girl with Peaches and the Girl in the Sunlight - in the Tretyakov Gallery, frankly speaking, I wasn't too impressed. The girls казалось quite ordinary and I couldn't understand what was so special about these portraits.

Some years later I happened to be in Abramtsevo, where these two pictures had been painted. It's a very beautiful place. Abramtsevo belonged to Savva Мамонтовской, a well-known patron of arts. Our guide told us about the people who had been invited there. Она, казалось, that all artists, actors and writers of that period had stayed at Abramtsevo or at least visited it.

When I went to the Tretyakov Gallery after that and looked at the Girl with Peaches again, I suddenly remembered that day in Abramtsevo and for the first time I noticed the play of light and shade in the picture, the atmosphere of a sunny summer day.

It's surprising that Serov painted this picture when he was only 22 years old. I read somewhere that at the time he had not seen the works of French Impressionists, who tried to catch the sunlight and the air and transfer it to the canvas. But he managed to do it perfectly.

Serov was born in 1865. His father was a well-known composer and the boy grew up in the atmosphere of creative activity. His first art teacher was Repin, who noticed that the boy could catch the likeness of a model often more quickly and surely than old artists.

Later Serov studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and graduated from it when he was 20.

For several years he taught at Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. But teaching did not вмешиваться with his painting. Probably now he would be called a workaholic. He painted almost 700 canvases, though, unfortunately, his life was not very long - he died in 1911.

He was a brilliant landscape painter, he created genre scenes, but he is mostly remembered as a portraitist. The list of his portraits reads as «who is who in Russian culture of the 19th and early 20th centuries. He painted Sawa Мамонтовской, Konstantin Korovin, Ilya Repin, Isaak Levitan, Nikolai Leskov, Nikolai андреевича римского-Корсакова, the great actress Yermolova. The list can be continued. And practically all his portraits are excellent from the technical point of view - the colours, the composition, but there is more than that - they show people's personality.

1. What is Abramtsevo famous for?

2. When was Valentin Serov born?

3. Who was his first teacher?

4. Where did Serov study?

5. How many canvases did he paint?

6. Can you name any of his famous portraits?

7. Who is your favourite painter?

8. Have you ever been to the Tretyakov Gallery?

patron of arts - покровитель искусств

to transfer - переносить

likeness - сходство, сходство

to вмешиваться with - мешать, вмешиваться

landscape painter - пейзажист

genre scene - жанровая сцена

Через несколько лет после того мне удалось побывать в Абрамцево, где эти картины были нарисованы. Это очень красивое место. Абрамцеве принадлежало Савве Мамонтову, известному покровителю искусств. Гид рассказала нам о людях, которых приглашали туда. Казалось, что все художники, актеры и писатели учились или хотя бы приезжали в Абрамцеве.

Странно, что Серов нарисовал эту картину, когда ему было только 22 года. Я читал где-то, что в то время он не видел работ французских импрессионистов, которые пытались поймать солнечный свет и воздух и перенести это на холст. Но Серову удалось это сделать идеально.

Серов родился в 1865 г. Его отец был известным композитором, и мальчик рос в атмосфере творческой деятельности. Его первым учителем рисования был Репин, который заметил, что мальчик часто мог отразить сходство модели более быстро и уверенно, чем взрослые художники.

Позже Серов учился в Академии изобразительных искусств и окончил ее в 20 лет.

В течение нескольких лет он преподавал в Московском училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества. Но преподавание не мешало ему рисовать.

Вероятно, сейчас его назвали бы трудоголиком. Он нарисовал почти 700 полотен, хотя, к сожалению, его жизнь не было долгим - он умер в 1911 г.

Girl with Peaches is a painting by Russian artist Valentin Serov . It was painted in 1887. The painting is on permanent display at the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

The girl in the painting is Vera Mamontova . She is twelve years old. We can see a room of her father’s country house. It’s probably the dining room.

Vera has a round swarthy face. She has thick dark hair and big brown eyes. She is in a light pink blouse.

Behind the girl there is a big window in a white wooden frame. Through the window we can see leaves of the trees in the garden. The leaves are light green and yellow.

The walls in the room are white. On the wall next to the window there is a big white plate with a beautiful blue pattern on it. Behind the girl we can also see a statuette of a soldier.

There are some dark brown wooden chairs in the room. The big table, at which the girl is sitting, is covered with a white tablecloth.

Vera is holding a big yellow peach in her hands. On the table in front of her there are three more peaches. There are also some dry leaves and a small knife.

Перевод на русский язык

Девочка на картине – Вера Мамонтова . Ей двенадцать лет. Мы видим комнату загородного дома ее отца. Скорее всего, это столовая.

У Веры круглое смуглое лицо. У нее густые темные волосы и большие карие глаза. На ней светло-розовая блузка.

За девочкой большое окно в белой деревянной раме. Через окно видно листья деревьев в саду. Они светло-зеленые и желтые.

В комнате белые стены. На стене рядом с окном висит белая тарелка с красивым синим узором. За девочкой мы также видим фигурку солдата.

В комнате есть несколько темно-коричневых деревянных стульев. Большой стол, за которым сидит девочка, покрыт белой скатертью.

Вера держит в руках большой желтый персик. Перед ней на столе еще три персика. Также на столе лежат сухие листья и маленький ножик.

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This slide-project is dedicated to Valentin Serov

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This slide-project is dedicated to Valentin Serov

This slide-project is dedicated to Valentin Serov

Valentin Serov was a Russian painter and one of the premier artists of his era.

Valentin Serov was a Russian painter and one of the premier artists of his era.

Serov was born on the 19th of January 1865 in St Petersburg.

Serov was born on the 19th of January 1865 in St Petersburg.

His father was a Russian composer Alexander Serov. His mother, Valentina Berg.

His father was a Russian composer Alexander Serov. His mother, Valentina Bergman, was a pianist and the auther of several operas.

He began to take an interest in paining very early. In his childhood he liked.

He began to take an interest in paining very early. In his childhood he liked to draw different animals and especially horses.

When he was a boy he studied in Munich Paris Moscow

When he was a boy he studied in Munich Paris Moscow

In Paris and Moscow his teacher was Ilya Repin. Ilya Repin I. Repin «Portrait.

In 1880 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

In 1880 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

He studied there under Pavel Chistyakov. P. Chistyakov

He studied there under Pavel Chistyakov. P. Chistyakov

and strict pedagogical system of Chistyakov . Serov’s early works were sparke.

and strict pedagogical system of Chistyakov . Serov’s early works were sparked by the realistic art of Repin

But the greatest works of Serov’s early period were portraits: “The Girl with.

But the greatest works of Serov’s early period were portraits: “The Girl with Peaches”

From 1890 on, the portrait became the basic genre in Serov’s art. Portrait of.

From 1890 on, the portrait became the basic genre in Serov’s art. Portrait of Italian singer Angelo Masini Portrait of I. E. Zabelin

Serov's favorite models were actors, artists, and writers.

Receiving wide popularity in 1894 Serov joined with the Peredvizhniki and too.

At the same time, he developed a contrasting direction: he produced intimate.

At the same time, he developed a contrasting direction: he produced intimate, heartfelt, chamber portraits, mainly of children and women.

From 1890 to 1900 Serov produced many landscape compositions on country theme.

From 1890 to 1900 Serov produced many landscape compositions on country themes, in which the artistic direction took a romantic turn.

During his late period Serov was a member of “The world of art”, an influenti.

During his late period Serov was a member of “The world of art”, an influential Russian art association and magazine. "Members of the World of Art Movement", by Boris Kustodiev

In the early 1900s Serov on the one hand created heroic portrait images but o.

In the early 1900s Serov on the one hand created heroic portrait images but on the other hand focused on the dramatic depiction of creative artists, writers, actors, and musicians.

Serov's democratic beliefs were clearly shown during the Revolution from 1905 to 1907: he depicted a number of satirical figures exposing chastisers.

His late creativity found expression in historical painting.

His late creativity found expression in historical painting.

The last years of Serov’s life were marked by works on themes from classical.

Valentin Serov died in Moscow on the 5th of December, 1911. He is buried at t.

Valentin Serov died in Moscow on the 5th of December, 1911. He is buried at the Novodevichy Cementary.

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