Сочинение про почтальона на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Historical references to postal systems in Egypt date from about 2000 ВС. That time mail was carried from place to place by horse or horse-drawn wagon. It was predominantly government mail. On the other side of the world, in China, mail service had been started early in 12th century ВС. It was used mostly to convey official documents.
The Roman Empire built the most advanced postal delivery system known until that time except for the service in China. In the Roman Empire reliable communication from Rome to governors and military officials in faraway provinces was a necessity. The speed with which government dispatches and other mail could be carried about the empire was amazing for that time. In Europe of the 19th century, stagecoaches began to carry letters and packages, but most mail was still being transported the same way as in the Roman Empire.
Since that time many things have changed. Today we can send our letters using also airmail, the quickest mailing service.
Nowadays there are post-offices in every town and city. If you want to post an ordinary letter or a postcard, you need to buy an envelope with required stamp, write the address on it and put your letter in and send it. For a registered letter, an airmail letter or an ordinary letter to another country, one must buy and stick other stamps on the envelope.
If you want to send a telegram, you can either take it to the nearest post-office or dictate it over the telephone. But if you have the Internet, there is no need to go to the local post-office, you can just connect to the Internet and using your mail program, send a letter or letters to where you need. The only condition is whether your recipient has or not a computer and the Internet. E-mail is cheaper and instant.
If you want to use traditional method and would like your letter to arrive more quickly, you can send it by airmail or express mail.
If you want to send a parcel, you must go to the post-office, hand your parcel to an assistant, who weighs it on scales and gives you the necessary stamps. The amount you have to pay depends on the weight of the parcel.

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1. When did the postal systems appear in Egypt?
2. When did mail service start in China?
3. What kind of postal delivery system did the Roman Empire build? .
4. What was the main feature of the Roman Empire's mail service?
5. How was the mail transportation organized in Europe in the 19th century?
6. What is today's quickest mailing service?
7. What do we need to do if we want to post an ordinary letter or a postcard?
8. What must one buy for a Registered letter?
9. What kind of mail service does Internet offer?
10. What do you need if you want to send a parcel?


I want to be a postman. I think it's a good job.

Postmen deliver letters, notifications, newspapers, parcels and other postal items. Usually postmen put correspondence in mailboxes. But in some cases, letters must be handed to the recipient in person.

Of course, postmen have to walk a lot. But I think it's even better for health than a desk job.

No special education is required for this job. But a postman has to be attentive and punctual.

Although many people prefer to write emails nowadays, postmen still have a lot of work to do.

I think I'll make a great postman.

Я хочу быть почтальоном. Думаю, это хорошая работа.

Почтальоны разносят письма, извещения, газеты, посылки и другие почтовые отправления. Обычно почтальоны кладут корреспонденцию в почтовые ящики. Но в некоторых случаях, письма нужно вручать получателю лично.

Конечно, почтальонам приходится много ходить. Но, я думаю, это даже лучше для здоровья, чем сидячая работа.

Для этой работы не требуется специальное образование. Но нужно быть внимательным и пунктуальным.

Хотя в наше время многие предпочитают писать электронные письма, у почтальонов все еще много работы.

The postman is a profession. This man get up early in the morning and goes to the post-office for new letters and boxs. It's not as easy as it may seem at first. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., but postman work is never done. Every day he is walking thousands kilometers then bring letters in post box. He is make small paycheck. Now this is profession postman not topical.

In conclusion, I should say that there are neither good or bad professions. The problem is that every profession should fit the person to make him happy.

Рождество в Америке - особый праздник.Празднуют его американцы на 25 декабря, а подготовка начинается после дня Благодарения.Все жители города стремятся украсить дом так, что каждый прохожий впечатление, что это была Новогодняя сказка.Дома, деревья, все украшено фонариками и освещали гирлянды, Рождественская музыка играет.Почти в каждом доме по соседству с Пальма стоит, и часто с подарками под ней.Владелец самых красивых домах получат титул и табличка победителя в вашем саду

London would not be London without the Thames. It flows 215 miles across England, it reaches the sea.
Thames provided the major highway between London and many parts of the country. London is protected from the sea because they have built castles in the mouth of the river.
With the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the Thames was one of the busiest waterways in the world.
Today Thames has become a symbol of London as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. You can admire the bridges built in different architectural styles. The most famous is probably, Tower Bridge Or you may be lucky enough to see the rowing events in London, Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race. Thames has something to offer you.


5. a) We always do…

b) My friend is often late.

c) They hardly ever speak….


My favourite film is Titanic. The film is about the ship, who drowned in the Atlantic ocean during it's trip. The film is very sad, but interesting and fascinating! I don't know why, but when I watched it first time, I Iiked it. So I still like it. You should watch this film. As I said, it's very cool!

Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответсвовали

Man tried to protect health during theMiddle Ages. Certain important healthmethods were used during this period.Epidemics of dip

Use one of the words below to complete the sentences: Useful, Useless, Helpful, Helpless, Careful, Careless, Thoughtful, Thought

Вставьте правильную форму глагола плиззз . Ryan Lochte isn`t . Michael Phelps. а) more famous than б)as fa

вставить was или were и перевести 1 Uncle Harry . not at work yesterday. 2 . the cake for Robbie birthday? 3 Larry u Lul

Отметьте существительные в единственном числе: a) foot, b) children, c) roofs, d) news, e) boxes, f) trousers, q) postmen, h) b

Помогите с английским. what does each person do at work? Use the phrases to tell the class. Make sure people obey the law. follo

Правила написания писем и домашнего адреса получателя мы уже рассматривали в предыдущих статьях. Сегодня же просто почитаем текст про посещение почты на английском языке:

Vera Ivanovna and her daughter Lena have just finished breakfast. Vera Ivanovna says, “Have you forgotten what day it is today, Lena?”
“No, Mum”, answers Lena, “I haven’t forgotten, it’s Sunday, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it’s Sunday”, her mother says, “but what is the date?”
“The date?” says Lena. “Oh, yes, it’s the tenth of April, it’s Aunt Rosa’s birthday, and I haven’t sent any birthday greetings. Shall I send her a birthday card?”
“Aunt Rosa will only receive the postcard tomorrow or the day after tomorrow”, says her mother, “you must send a telegram”.
“Yes”, says Lena, “I’ll do that. I’ll go now”.
“Here’s a letter”, says Vera Ivanovna. “Buy a stamp, and post the letter for me, please”.
“Yes, Mum”, says Lena. She puts her hat on and goes to the post-office.
Lena crosses the street, and goes into the post-office. Then she sits down at a table and begins to write. First she writes Aunt Rosa’s address. Then she thinks, “What shall I say in my telegram? It mustn’t be very long, but it must be nice”.
And she writes: “Many Happy Returns Love Greetings from All Lena”. Lena pays for the telegram, goes to buy a stamp and posts her mother’s letter.

Переведем с английского:

А теперь небольшой диалог, в котором используются самые популярные разговорные фразы о получении почты:

“Good morning! Here is your magazine”.
“Thank you. Are there no letters today? I must have a letter”.
“Sorry, no letters today”.
“And no newspaper?”
“But I brought your newspaper this morning!”
“Oh, yes, you did!”
“Good-bye! Thank you!”

У людей почтальон по нескольку раз в день почту приносит, ну надо же:) На этом все!

He said that he will mail me this important letter in a week [Хи сэд зэт хи вил мэйл ми зис импортэнт лэтэр ин э вик ] – Он сказал что отправит мне по почте это важное письмо через неделю.

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Что бы письмо доставили по адресу, нужно указать почтовый индекс:

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to deliver mail [ту дэливэр мэйл] – доставлять почту
to deliver letter [ту дэливэр лэтэр] – доставлять письмо
address [эдрэсс] – адрес

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His letter was not delivered in time, because he forgot to put an address on it [Хиз лэтэр воз нот дэливэрэд ин тайм, бикоз хи форгот ту пут эн эдрэсс он ит] – Его письмо не было доставлено вовремя, потому что он забыл указать адрес.

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return address [ритёрн эдрэсс] — обратный адрес
zip code [зип коуд] — почтовый индекс

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Mary put her return address on the letter but she did not mention Greg`s zip code , and that is why Greg never got her mail [Мэри пут ритёрн эдрэсс он зэ лэттэр бат щи дид нат мэншэнд Грэгс зип коуд, энд зэт ис вай Грэг нэвэр гат хёр мэйл] – Мэри написала свой почтовый обратный адрес в письме, но забыла упомянуть почтовый индекс Грэга и поэтому Грэг так и не получил от неё письма.

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Почтовые отправления бывают разными:

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post card [пост кард ] – открытка
printed matter [принтэд мэттэр ] – печатный материал, бандероль

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My sister mailed me a printed matter, and that was two weeks after I mailed her a post card for her birthday [Май систэр мэйлд ми э принтэд мэттэр, энд зэт воз ту викс афтэр ай мэйлд хёр э посткард фор хёр бёрфсдэй ] – Моя сестра отправила мне по почте бандероль, и это было спустя две недели после того как я отправила ей открытку к её Дню Рождения.

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personal mail [пёрсонал мэйл ] – личная почта
postal money order [постал мани ордэр] — денежный почтовый перевод

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This Sunday a very nice mailman brought to my post office box a letter from my husband [Зис Сандэй э вэри найс мэйлмэн брот ту май пост офис бокс э лэттэр фром май хасбэнд] – В это воскресение очень милый почтальон принес в мой почтовый ящик письмо от моего мужа.

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picture post car [пикчэр пост кар] – почтовая карточка
cancelled stamp [кэнсэлд стэмп] – погашенная марка
postbox [постал бокс] – почтовый ящик
mailbox [мэйлбокс] – почтовый ящик

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Lady at the post office told me, that my cancelled stamp is lost [Лэди эт зэ пост офис тод ми, зэт май кэнсэлд стэмп ис лост] – Женщина на почте сказала мне, что моя погашенная марка потеряна.

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