Сочинение про мышь на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The mouse is very small and nimble. She loves to eat cheese. With the cat they not friends with each other.Gray mouse with a long pink tail.
мышь очень маленькая и юркая. Она любит есть сыр. С котом они не дружа. Мышь серая с длинным розовым хвостом.

Mouse, or mouse - a family of mammals from a detachment of rodents. The length of the bodies is from 5 cm to 48 cm. Distributed everywhere, most species - in the forests of the tropics and subtropics. Imported to North and South America and to many islands.

The mouse is very small and nimble. She loves to eat cheese. With the cat they not friends with each other.Gray mouse with a long pink tail.
мышь очень маленькая и юркая. Она любит есть сыр. С котом они не дружа.Мышь серая с длинным розовым хвостом.

Упр 3.
1. There are a lot of houses in town.
2. Where did they go yestsrday?
3. Who usually goes with Mary to the country?
4.What colour is a banana?
5. There are no leaves on the trees.
6. There is a dog near the door.
7. It didn't snow last winter.
8. The book was very interesting.
9. They can draw well.
10. We must not eat on the bus.
1. I go to work every day.
2. I wake up at 7 o'clock.
3. My brother reads in the evening.
4. I speak Engslish very well.
5. I love candy.
6. My sister loves dogs.
7. Children play with a dog every day.

1. This is a… pencil. the… pencil is red.
2. …The squirrel eats nuts.
3. … the moon moves round the earth.
4. Mr Brown is a… driver.
5. I haven’t got …a dog, I’ve got …a cat.
6. It’s the… film Carmen advised me to see.
7. We often spend our holidays in … the country.
8. There is a… book on … the desk.
9. Close the… window, please! It’s extremely cold!
10. My mum is in the… garden.
2. Put the verbs into Present Perfect, Past Perfect and Future Perfect.
1. Our taxi had arrived by 9 o’clock yesterday morning.
2. Let’s go. The guests have already arrived.
3. They will have arrived by the time the meeting starts.
4. I am tired of waiting. Where you have you been?
5. By the time I’m 30 I will have become a famous scientist.
6. He didn’t remember where he had been before the accident.
7. We shall have painted the house by next Tuesday.
8. She has painted more than 10 pictures already.
9. I wondered if they had painted the room.
1. She will have finished her resume … (by Monday).
2. The aircraft hasn’t landed … (yet).
3. We have lived in New York … (for) three years.
4. … (After) they had eaten the cake, they cleared the table.
5. They will have decorated the Christmas tree … (by the time/by then). - оба могут быть
6. My uncle has … (already) repaired his car.
7. I haven’t met them … (since) their wedding.
8. … (By the time) the sun set, the farmers had already stopped working.
9. Have you … (just/ever) been married, Kelly? - оба могут быть
10. … (How much/How long) has he known her? - оба могут быть

2. 1. Meet my daughter whose achievements are really high in sport. 2. Last year she went to Siberia where her relatives live. 3. We looked up at the (Без A!) sky which was very starry that night. 4. The road accident caused traffic jams on the street where I live. 5. Some newspapers focus on celebrities who are rich and famous. 6. The article which I am reading now is really interesting. 3. 1. The police officer told Jack that he couldn't park here. 2. Peter told Helen that he would see her in the morning. 3. I asked Peter what time did the film start. 4. The interviewer asked Chris did he watch TV every evening or not. 5. The stewardess asked me was I enjoying my flight or not. 6. The teacher said that we musn't run in the corridor (Здесь must используется для выражения прошедшего времени и не изменяется при этом).

1 A: We must stop cutting down trees

B: a i think you are right

2 A:Someone has just stolen my bag with all my money in it

B: b Really ?

Напишите по примеру Пример: I swim – she _____. Ответ: I swim – she swims. 1) I do – he 2) I say – he 3) I look – he

Read and fill in the gaps. 1. There are ____ players in a basketball(five? seven? eleven&)2. ______ can catch a ball with hi

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Напишите пожалуйста краткий пересказ на английском. В разных частях нашей планеты английский язык не одинаков. Люди говорят на а

Перевод задания
Помоги Деревенской Мышке рассказать о себе.

I am Country Mouse. Town Mouse is my friend. I am grey. I’ve got black eyes, small ears and a long tail. I like to read and draw pictures. I can write poems. I like cheese, bread and cakes. I don’t like jam. I visit Town Mouse on Sundays.

Перевод ответа
Я − Деревенская мышь. Городская мышь − мой друг. Я серая. У меня черные глаза, маленькие ушки и длинный хвост. Я люблю читать и рисовать. Я умею писать стихи. Я люблю сыр, хлеб и пирожные. Я не люблю варенье. Я навещаю Городскую мышку по воскресеньям.

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Доклад на тему про мышь на английском языке с переводом на русском языке.

Мышь маленькая и тихая.

Мыши коричневые белые и серые.

Они живут в домах и лесах.

Мыши боятся котов.

Mouse is small and quit.

Mouse gray, white and brown.

They lives in forest and house.

Mouse scared of cat.

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A thing in the kitchen that helps to cook our food a cooker. Я думаю помочь на кухне приготовить еду на плите.

A cooker(плита) Вариант A.

Тут вообще нет ошибок.

Hello я незнаю воатсоту.

1Robbers were sole 2. 6 million pounds 2 It was many years ago. It was on 8th August 1963 / 3it was happened on railway between Glasgow and London / 4Robbers stoppet train by using red light and without using any guns ordered train diver got them t..

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Hello! I want to tell you about my working day. Usually I get up at 7 o'clock because I need a lot to do before school. It's not so hard to get up early if I go to bed before 12 am. I usually make my bed because I like my room to be neat and cozy..

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