Сочинение про ижевск на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

There is an unusual and funny monuments: monument to Izhevsk crocodile, sitting on the bench, a monument to the dumpling. Monument "Forever with Russia" was built for chetyrehsotletney joining of Udmurt Republic to Russia. It consists of two stelae that symbolize two people who live together have been together for many years - Russian and Udmurt. Residents of Izhevsk especially love the monument Asterisk – dog, which has been the last to return from space safely.

Izhevskii popular Museum complex on small arms Kalashnikov. In the Museum you can study in detail the Armoury history of Izhevsk. In Izhevsk there is another Armory Museum – the Museum of Izhmash. Is worth to visit and the Udmurt Republican Museum of fine arts. Collected here are 565 different works of Russian, European, and Soviet art.

In Izhevsk, there are two very beautiful cathedrals. St. Michael's Cathedral built in honour of Archangel Michael. The height of this Cathedral is about 67 meters. It was restored in 2004-2007 after the destruction in 1937. The Cathedral is one of the most famous symbols of Izhevsk. It is located at the highest point in the city. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, restored in 1993, is located on the street of Maxim Gorky and is also often visited by tourists.

1)Has been snowing
2)has been dating
3)have been winning
4)have been attending
5)have been peeling
6)has been being/staying
7)have been knowing.
8)has been having.
9)has been crying.
10) has not been starting.
11)have been jogging

2. He's in the class 3b.

3. You're Gulnara.

4. It's a computer.

5. What's this in English.

Daniel Defoe (1660 - 24.04.1731) - English writer. Daniel Defoe (nee Daniel Foe ) was born around 1659-1660 in Cripplegate, which is near London. He was a prominent English writer, essayist, pamphleteer, trader and spy. He became well-known after his novel “Robinson Crusoe”. He was also the founder of economic journalism in the UK. His father was a tradesman, but he wanted his son to become a pastor. Thus, he sent Daniel to the seminary in Newington Green. The boy studied classical literature, as well as Latin and Greek there. However, he drew a completely different path - business and trade. He was rather ambitious by nature and he could afford to buy a real estate or even a ship, but he was often trapped in debts. However, business was not the only interest of Defo. He lived a bright and busy life. He actively participated in political life of England and was one of the rebels against King James II Stuart. For that reason, he had to hide in different cities to avoid jail. In 1684 he married a daughter of a successful merchant. Nobody believed that his marriage with Mary Tuffley would last, but they actually lived together for 50 years and produced eight children. His literary career began with pamphlets and satirical poems. His first remarkable publication was “An Essay upon Projects”. In 1701 he wrote a pamphlet “The True-Born Englishman”, in which he ridiculed the aristocracy. Although he gained incredible popularity, he was sentenced to the pillory and giant fine by the authorities. At that time he also lost his business. His imprisonment could be very long if he wasn’t rescued by Robert Harley, who was the speaker of the House of Lords. Since then, the writer became a secret agent who collected all the necessary information in England and Scotland for Harley.

Помогите, пожалуйста, поставить пять типов вопросов к предложению:In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields

Помогите сделать. Put the verb to be in the correct form. Use both full and short forms where possible. 1. I . . . . . . a stu

1)What is the official name of Great Britain? 2)Where is it situated? 3)What parts does it consist of? 4)What is the territory a

Izhevsk is a large city in the Volga Federal district. It is located on the Izh river. The population of the city is about 650 thousand.

Izhevsk is a multinational city. Russians, Udmurts, Tatars and other ethnic groups live here.

Historically, the city is a center of arms production. There is even a Museum of small arms named after Kalashnikov. Besides the production of weapons there are metallurgical and machinery plants, food industry enterprises in the city.

Our city is the cultural center of Udmurtia. There are 7 theatres and 8 cinemas here. The Golden Сloud arts festival is held annually, as well as a music festival on the birthday of the famous composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

There are many sports schools in Izhevsk. Winter sports enthusiasts can train in the ski complex named after G. A. Kulakova. Actually, 4-time Olympic champion Galina Kulakova is well known in Izhevsk. The monument "Friendship of peoples" is called by locales “Kulakova’s ski” (it really looks like a huge ski).

Winters are very cold in our city, and summers are hot but short. The nature is very beautiful here. I like to walk by the huge Izhevsk pond. But those who like such walks should be vaccinated against encephalitis, because there are a lot of ticks.

The nice sculpture Izhik is a visit card of our city. I also like the monument to the Сrocodile.

I love my native city very much.

Ижевск - это большой город в Приволжском федеральном округе. Он расположен на реке Иж. Население города составляет около 650 тыс. человек.

Ижевск - многонациональный город. Здесь проживают русские, удмурты, татары и другие этнические группы.

Исторически город является центром производства оружия. Здесь даже есть музей стрелкового оружия имени Калашникова. Помимо производства оружия в городе есть металлургические и машиностроительные заводы, предприятия пищевой промышленности.

Наш город является культурным центром Удмуртии. В городе работают 7 театров и 8 кинотеатров. Ежегодно проводится фестиваль искусств Золотое облако, также музыкальный фестиваль в день рождения известного композитора П. И. Чайковского.

В нашем городе очень холодные зимы, а лето жаркое, но короткое. Природа здесь очень красивая. Я люблю гулять около огромного Ижевского пруда. Но всем любителям прогулок на природе следует делать прививки от энцефалита, т. к. здесь много клещей.

Визитная карточка нащего города - милая скульптура Ижик. Мне также очень нравится памятник Крокодилу.

Izhevsk is the capital city of the Udmurt Republic. – Ижевск – столица республики Удмуртия.

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The city is located on the Izh River in the Western Urals. – Город расположен на реке Иж на западе Урала.

It has a population of over 600,000 people. Его население составляет около 600 000 человек.

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The city is a centre of industry, commerce, politics, culture and education in the Volga Region. Город является промышленным, коммерческим, политическим, культурным и образовательным центром Волжского региона.

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During World War II, Izhevsk was a major supplier of small arms. Во время второй мировой войны Ижевск был главным поставщиком стрелкового оружия.

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For a long time the city was closed for foreigners because it was a center of Russian arms production. – Долгое время город был закрыт для иностранцев, так как был российским центром по производству оружия.

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Izhevsk is a developed industrial center of Udmurtia and the Urals. Ижевск является развитым промышленным центром Удмуртии и Урала.

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The most important plant is Izhmash, which produces automobiles and motorcycles. – Самый важный завод – Ижмаш, выпускающий автомобили и мотоциклы.

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Izhevsk is the largest educational and scientific center of the Udmurt Republic. – Ижевск – крупнейший центр образования и науки Удмуртской республики.

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Udmurt State University, Izhevsk State Technical University, Agricultural Academy and Medical Academy are located in Izhevsk. – Удмуртский государственный университет, Ижевский государственный технический университет, Сельскохозяйственная академия и Медицинская академия расположены в Ижевске.

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Izhevsk is the cultural center of the Udmurt Republic. – Ижевск является культурной столицей Удмуртской республики.

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It is home to a variety of theatres, cinemas, sport facilities – Здесь есть много театров, кинотеатров, спортивных сооружений.

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It also has a large selection of museums. – В нём также много музеев.
One of the most visited museums is The Kalashnikov Museum. – Один из самых посещаемых музеев – музей Калашникова.

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Mikhail Kalashnikov designed AK-47 automatic rifle, which has become famous all over the world. – Михаил Калашников спроектировал автомат АК – 47, ставший известным во всём мире.

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Izhevsk is host to International Circus Art Festival which has been an annual event since 2008. Ижевск является местом проведения Международного Фестиваля Циркового Искусства, который проводится ежегодно с 2008 года.

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One of the city’s finest attractions is the Izhevsk Pond with its amazing embankment. – Одна из лучших достопримечательностей города – Ижевский пруд с изумительной набережной.

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Another great attraction of the city is the Zoo, which is one of the biggest zoological parks in Russia. – Ещё одна замечательная достопримечательность – это зоопарк, один из крупнейших в России.

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There are many notable buildings in Izhevsk, including St. Michael’s Cathedral, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, The House of Friendship. – В Ижевске много примечательных зданий, таких как Собор святого Михаила, Собор Александра Невского, Дом Дружбы Народов.

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Izhevsk is a very beautiful and dynamic modern city with rich multi-ethnic history. – Ижевск – красивый и динамичный современный город с богатой многонациональной историей.

1) Included in the twenty largest cities in the country.

2) Major economic, transportation, shopping and cultural center, known in the country and the world for its defense, engineering and metallurgical industry.

3) One of the largest industrial centers of the Urals and the Volga region. Included in the twenty largest cities in the country.

4) Major economic, transportation, shopping and cultural center, known in the country and the world for its defense, engineering and metallurgical industry.

5) One of the largest industrial centers of the Urals and Povolzhya.

6) Na area where the future will be built in Izhevsk, was part of the Khanate of Kazan, and was inhabited by different peoples.

7) City and is located in the eastern part of the East European plain, between the rivers Vyatka and Kama on non-navigable river Iz, the right tributary of the Kama River.

8) The main reservoir of the city - an artificially created in the second half of XVIII century, Izhevsk pond, the pond water area of 2200 hectares.

Основа английского 75% - это ЛАТЫНЬ.

It has a population of over 600,000 people. Его население составляет около 600 000 человек.
The city is a centre of industry, commerce, politics, culture and education in the Volga Region. Город является промышленным, коммерческим, политическим, культурным и образовательным центром Волжского региона.
During World War II, Izhevsk was a major supplier of small arms. Во время второй мировой войны Ижевск был главным поставщиком стрелкового оружия.
For a long time the city was closed for foreigners because it was a center of Russian arms production. – Долгое время город был закрыт для иностранцев, так как был российским центром по производству оружия.
Izhevsk is a developed industrial center of Udmurtia and the Urals. Ижевск является развитым промышленным центром Удмуртии и Урала.
The most important plant is Izhmash, which produces automobiles and motorcycles. – Самый важный завод – Ижмаш, выпускающий автомобили и мотоциклы.
Izhevsk is the largest educational and scientific center of the Udmurt Republic. – Ижевск – крупнейший центр образования и науки Удмуртской республики.
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk State Technical University, Agricultural Academy and Medical Academy are located in Izhevsk. – Удмуртский государственный университет, Ижевский государственный технический университет, Сельскохозяйственная академия и Медицинская академия расположены в Ижевске.
Izhevsk is the cultural center of the Udmurt Republic. – Ижевск является культурной столицей Удмуртской республики.
It is home to a variety of theatres, cinemas, sport facilities – Здесь есть много театров, кинотеатров, спортивных сооружений.
It also has a large selection of museums. – В нём также много музеев.
One of the most visited museums is The Kalashnikov Museum. – Один из самых посещаемых музеев – музей Калашникова.
Mikhail Kalashnikov designed AK-47 automatic rifle, which has become famous all over the world. – Михаил Калашников спроектировал автомат АК – 47, ставший известным во всём мире.
Izhevsk is host to International Circus Art Festival which has been an annual event since 2008. Ижевск является местом проведения Международного Фестиваля Циркового Искусства, который проводится ежегодно с 2008 года.
One of the city’s finest attractions is the Izhevsk Pond with its amazing embankment. – Одна из лучших достопримечательностей города – Ижевский пруд с изумительной набережной.
Another great attraction of the city is the Zoo, which is one of the biggest zoological parks in Russia. – Ещё одна замечательная достопримечательность – это зоопарк, один из крупнейших в России.
There are many notable buildings in Izhevsk, including St. Michael’s Cathedral, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, The House of Friendship. – В Ижевске много примечательных зданий, таких как Собор святого Михаила, Собор Александра Невского, Дом Дружбы Народов.
Izhevsk is a very beautiful and dynamic modern city with rich multi-ethnic history. – Ижевск – красивый и динамичный современный город с богатой многонациональной историей.

Welcome to Izhevsk, the capital of Udmurtia

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Welcome to Izhevsk, the capital of Udmurtia

Цели и задачи урока: Образовательная: обогатить знания учащихся об истории город

№ слайда 2

Цели и задачи урока: Образовательная: обогатить знания учащихся об истории города Ижевска Развивающая: развитие мышления, внимания, способности к догадке, самостоятельно работатьВоспитательная: Воспитание любви к родному краю, чувства гордости за родной город Учебная: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения, формирование речевых навыков

Look at the map of Russia and say where Udmurtia is locatedLook and name the sym

№ слайда 3

Look at the map of Russia and say where Udmurtia is locatedLook and name the symbols of UdmurtiaWhat can you say about Izhevsk using the proverb There is no place like home ?There is no place like home

Read the information and answer the question: What is the symbolic meaning of Iz

№ слайда 4

Read the information and answer the question: What is the symbolic meaning of Izhevsk Coat-of-Arms? Izhevsk Coat-of-Arms has an important idea: it will live forever as it makes us aware of the past, the present and the future of our city. While people are alive, the nature is alive too. If nippers (клещи) are clenched (сжаты), rowan-tree (рябина) will be broken causing the juice to drip out. This will cause the nature and people to die. Our Coat-of-Arms has a deep idea:everyone in Izhevsk is responsible for the city’s future


№ слайда 5

Read slides №6-10 and a)find the names of the founders of Izhevsk and adjectives

№ слайда 6

Read slides №6-10 and a)find the names of the founders of Izhevsk and adjectives used to characterize them;b) tell what kind of people they were and say if we can be proud of them. You can use the chart: The city was founded on April 10, 1760 on the Izh River, as a settlement attached to the Iron producing Works belonging to Count Peter Shuvalov – extremely talented and creative leader

The founder of the city on the Izh River was a bright architect A. S. Moskvin. I

№ слайда 7

The founder of the city on the Izh River was a bright architect A. S. Moskvin. It was he who chose the place for the city

On June 1807 is the date of the second birth of Izhevsk when an outstanding mine

№ слайда 8

On June 1807 is the date of the second birth of Izhevsk when an outstanding miner engineer and talented organizer of production A. F. Deryabin founded a small arms-producing factory

The tower of the main building of Izhevsk arms factory which was built by famous

№ слайда 9

The tower of the main building of Izhevsk arms factory which was built by famous architect S.E.Dudin supplied the Russian Army with guns and pistols in 1812

Read again about a contribution the wonderful founders made in the development o

№ слайда 10

Read again about a contribution the wonderful founders made in the development of our city and fill in the gaps with the right wordsThe city was founded on April 10, 1760 on the ___River, as a settlement attached to the Iron producing Works belonging to Count Peter Shuvalov – extremally ______and ______leader. The founder of the city on the Izh River was a bright ________A.S.Moskvin. It was he who chose the place for the city. On June 1807 is the date of the second ____of Izhevsk when an _________miner engineer and talented organizer of production A. F. Deryabin founded a small ____-producing factory. The tower of the main building of Izhevsk arms factory which was built by ______architect S.E.Dudin supplied the Russian Army with guns and pistols in 1812.

Izhevsk had been a large industrial centre for many years. It had two gymnasiums

№ слайда 11

Izhevsk had been a large industrial centre for many years. It had two gymnasiums, a theatre, a library, a printing house, a School of choral singing and orchestral music, telegraph, electric power station, cinematography – typical features of the city. So in 1918 Izhevsk acquired the status of a city and in 1921 it became the capital of Udmurtia

Look at the time line and put the events in the right order1. Izhevsk acquired t

№ слайда 12

Look at the time line and put the events in the right order1. Izhevsk acquired the status of the city 2. Izhevsk became the capital of Udmurtia3. Arms-producing factory was founded4. Birth of Izhevsk

Read slides 13-14 and do the tasks a) find the key word characterizing the city

№ слайда 13

Factories, Plants,Work-shops and firms.The traffic is heavy in town:Buses and ca

№ слайда 14

Factories, Plants,Work-shops and firms.The traffic is heavy in town:Buses and cars, Lorries and trams. Noise, dust and smoke all day long.

Look through the slides 15-21, read the information and answer the question: Wha

№ слайда 15

Look through the slides 15-21, read the information and answer the question: What places would you advise foreign students to visit? Why?

There are some other monuments to see

№ слайда 16

There are some other monuments to see

Izhevsk becomes more and more beautiful

№ слайда 17

Izhevsk becomes more and more beautiful

The zoo is a real place for citizens to entertain themselvesWatch the video and

№ слайда 18

The zoo is a real place for citizens to entertain themselvesWatch the video and name the animals you can see in the zoo

Stadiums, gyms,Swimming-pools, courts; Izhevsk is a town of sportsmen

№ слайда 19

Stadiums, gyms,Swimming-pools, courts; Izhevsk is a town of sportsmen

Izhevsk is for peopleNew modern houses are built in ecologically clean areasThe

№ слайда 20

Izhevsk is for peopleNew modern houses are built in ecologically clean areasThe standards of life are going to be higher

Sport makes our city known in the worldLook at the photo and say if you recogniz

№ слайда 21

Sport makes our city known in the worldLook at the photo and say if you recognize the sportsman. Who is he?What questions would you ask this famous sportsman?medals/ won/ how/ have/ many/ you?You/ win/ what/ do/ to/do?Have/ do/ too/do/ time/ other/you/ to/things?Sport/ you/ what/ do/ does/ for?

Look through and read slides № 22-24 and say what event of great importance took

№ слайда 22

Look through and read slides № 22-24 and say what event of great importance took place in Izhevsk last autumn The Udmurt Republic’s capital has celebrated it’s birthday as a main townspeople’s holiday since 1988. This holiday gathers thousands of Izhevsk residents at the Central Square

The city celebrated the 200th anniversary of Izhevsk arms in 2007In 2010 our cit

№ слайда 23

The city celebrated the 200th anniversary of Izhevsk arms in 2007In 2010 our city will mark its 250th anniversary

450th Anniversary of Udmurtia’s Voluntary Entry into the Russian State was celeb

№ слайда 24

450th Anniversary of Udmurtia’s Voluntary Entry into the Russian State was celebrated in 2008Watch the video and tell about your impressions of the holidayYou may use expressions: I enjoyed watching the filmIt was a spectacle/magnificent/wonderful performanceIt was a pleasure

Izhevsk is the cityOf futureWhat kind of city do you think Izhevsk will be in fu

№ слайда 25

Izhevsk is the cityOf futureWhat kind of city do you think Izhevsk will be in future? Use the words to describe it: modern, beautiful, successful, pleasant to live, comfortable life

Read and say if you agree with the words of the poemMy native town,You are like

№ слайда 26

Read and say if you agree with the words of the poemMy native town,You are like a flower.My native town,You are like a songMy native town, You become much better,Oh, Izhevsk, we love you best of all!

Izhevskis worthvisitingWelcometo our city

№ слайда 27

Izhevskis worthvisitingWelcometo our city

H/W. I think you are ready now to tell American students about your native city.

№ слайда 28

H/W. I think you are ready now to tell American students about your native city. Divide into 3-4 groups and choose a topic to tell about:What Izhevsk is for it’s citizens (there is no place like home, the symbolic meaning of Coat-of-Arms)From the history of Izhevsk ( the founders of Izhevsk, rapid development of the future city, status of the city, the capital of the city)Modern multinational capital of Udmurtia (busy, live city, beautiful sights, places for having a rest and doing sports, famous people, important celebrationsFuture of Izhevsk. How we see our city in futureGood luck to you!Thank you for your work!

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