Сочинение про харламова на английском языке

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The people in the pictures are characters of famous action films. We call them superheroes. Tey are Spiderman, Zorro, Superman and Batman. My favourite superhero is Zorro.

Люди на картинках — персонажи известных боевиков. Мы называем их супергероями. Это Человек-паук, Зорро, Супермен и Бэтмен. Мой любимый супергерой — Зорро.

2. Match the verbs to the nouns. What can these people do? — Объедините глаголы и существительные. Что эти люди могут делать?

Superman can fire heat vision. — Супермен может поджигать вещи своим взглядом.

  1. fly — E — in the sky
  2. do — B — wonders
  3. see — A — through walls
  4. fire — F — heat vision
  5. lift — C — buildings
  6. move — D — fast
  • Superman can fly in the sky and see through walls. He has a huge strength and fire heat vision. He can lift even buildings and do other wonders. — Супермен умеет летать в небе и видеть сквозь стены. Он обладает огромной силой и прожигающим взглядом. Он даже может поднять здание и умеет делать другие чудеса.
  • Batman can move very fast. He also has a big strength, he can use different gadgets to fight enemies. — Бэтмен умеет двигаться очень быстро. Он также обладает большой силой, он умеет использовать различные приспособления для борьбы с врагами.
  • Zorro hasn’t got any extraordinary power. He is just very brave and well-skilled warrior. — У Зорро нет какой-либо экстраординарной силы. Он просто очень храбрый и умелый воин.
  • Spiderman is a hybrid of a man and a spider. He can move very fast, climb the walls and fly between buildings using something like spider’s thread. — Человек-паук — это гибрид человека и паука. Он умеет очень быстро двигаться, карабкаться по стенам и летать между зданиями, используя что-то вроде паучьей нити.

3. a) Skim through the text. Which of the superheroes above is it about? Listen, read, and check. — Просмотри текст. О ком из супергероев он рас­сказывает? Прочитай, прослушай и проверь

The Man of Steel

A blue uniform, red trunks, red boots, and a long, flowing red cape. Tall, strong, invincible. Kind, smart, just! Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a train! Able to leap from building to building at a single bound! That’s Superman, our most favourite superhero!

Superman was created in 1933. His real ‘parents’ were high school students Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster from Cleveland, Ohio. Jerry and Joe were rather shy and unpopular at school, so they made up a superhero to live a life of fantasy through him!

As the story goes, Superman came from dying planet Krypton. His parents sent him to Earth in a rocket in order to save him. The rocket landed in Kansas near a town called Smallville. A couple of farmers found the boy, adopted him and named him Clark. As Clark grew older, he gained strength from the Sun. By the time he was an adult he was able to fly, fire heat vision from his eyes and see through walls. From that point, he was Superman.

Superman is a symbol of the American dream. He is a man who tries hard and succeeds. He is also a classical hero who fights criminals and rescues the helpless. He is the superhero we all know and love.

Человек из стали

Синий костюм, красные шорты, красные ботинки и длинный, развивающийся плащ. Высокий, сильный, неодолимый. Добрый, умный, справедливый! Быстрее, чем пуля! Мощнее, чем поезд! Способен перемахнуть со здания на здание за один прыжок. Это Супермен, наш самый любимый супергерой!

Как говорится в истории, Супермен прилетел с умирающей планеты Криптон. Его родители послали его на Землю в ракете, чтобы спасти его. Ракета приземлилась в Канзасе возле городка с названием Смолвилль. Пара фермеров нашли мальчика, усыновили его и назвали его Кларк. С возрастом Кларк набрался силы от Солнца. К тому времени, как он стал взрослым, он был способен летать, поджигал предметы взглядом и мог видеть сквозь стены. С того момента, он стал Суперменом.

Супермен — это символ Американской мечты. Он — человек, кто старается и достигает успеха. Он — классический герой, кто сражается с криминалом и спасает беззащитных. Он супергерой, которого мы все знаем и любим.

This text is about Superman — Текст о Супермене

b) Read the text again and complete the sentences in your own words. Then explain the words in bold. — Снова прочитай текст и дополни предложения своими словами

  1. Superman’s creators are Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster from Cleveland. — Создатели Супермена — Джерри Сигел и Джой Шустер из Кливленда.
  2. Superman’s planet is Krypton — Планета Супермена — Криптон
  3. Superman’s parents sent him to Earth in a rocket — Родители Супермена послали его на Землю в ракете
  4. Superman is able to fly, fire heat vision from his eyes and see through walls — Супермен способен летать, зажигать вещи своим взглядом и видеть сквозь стены.
  • cape: a short cloak — короткий плащ, накидка
  • invincible: cannot be defeated — не может быть побежден (непобедимый)
  • just: right or acceptable according to particular moral principles — правильно или приемлемо в соответствии с определенными моральными принципами (справедливый)
  • bullet: a small piece of metal with a pointed or rounded end, which is fired out of a gun — небольшой кусочек металла с заостренным или закругленным концом, которым выстреливают из огнестрельного оружия.
  • leap: to jump high in the air or jump a long distance — прыгать высоко в небо или на большую дистанцию
  • bound: a long or high jump — длинный и высокий прыжок
  • unpopular: most people do not like them — многие люди таких не любят (непопулярные)
  • rocket: a space vehicle — космическое транспортное средство (ракета)
  • rescue: get somebody out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation — вытащить кого-нибудь из опасной или неприятной ситуации (спасти)
  • helpless: somebody who does not have the strength or power to do anything useful or to protect yourself — кто-то, кто не обладает достаточной силой или властью, чтобы сделать что-нибудь полезное или защитить себя (беспомощный, беззащитный)

4. Find the most important information in the article and make notes. Use your notes to give a summary to the class. — Выдели в статье наиболее важную информацию и составь заметки. Используй свои заметки, чтобы обобщить информацию классу

In 1933, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created one of the most known cinema character Superman. This is a superhero in a blue uniform and red cape. Superman can fly in the sky and see through walls. He has a huge strength and fire heat vision. He can lift even buildings and do other wonders. Superman is a symbol of the American dream. He is a man who tries hard and succeeds. He is also a classical hero who fights criminals and rescues the helpless. He is the superhero we all know and love.

В 1933 году Джерри Сигел и Джой Шустер создали один из самых известных киноперсонажей Супермена. Это супергерой в синем костюме и с красным плащом. Супермен умеет летать в небе и видеть сквозь стены. Он обладает огромной силой и прожигающим взглядом. Он даже может поднять здание и умеет делать другие чудеса. Супермен — это символ Американской мечты. Он — человек, кто старается и достигает успеха. Он — классический герой, кто сражается с криминалом и спасает беззащитных. Он супергерой, которого мы все знаем и любим.

5. Portfolio: Is there a superhero in your country? Write a short article about him/her. Write: — Портфолио: В твоей стране есть супермен? Напиши короткую статью о нем/ней. Напиши:

• what he/she looks like — как он/она выглядит • his/her origins — его/ее происхождение • his/her superpowers — его/ее суперсила • your feelings — твои ощущения

Ilya Murometz is the most famous of the mighty warriors, known as Bogatyrs, of the Russian legends. This legendary hero was unable to move during his first 33 years of his life. Then one day he was visited in his house by the three Holy Old Men, who asked Ilya for some water. Ilya became furious, as he thought the Old Men were playing a joke on him when they commanded Ilya to get up. Ilya rose to his own surprise. From that moment on he became a warrior of extraordinary powers and the defender of the Holy Russia.

Илья Муромец — самый известный из могучих воинов, известных как Богатыри, из русских былин. Этот легендарный герой не мог ходить до 33 лет. Затем в один день к его дому пришли три Святых Старца, которые попросили Илью принести воды. Илья разозлился, поскольку думал, что Старцы насмехаются над ним, когда они скомандовали Илье встать. Илья встал, к своему удивлению. С того момента он стал воином небывалой силы и защитником Святой Руси.

Среди его знаменитых деяний: победа в одиночку над татарской армией, спасение города Чернигов и захват злого Соловья-разбойника, который обладал силой убивать людей свистом. Илья Муромец — русский символ свободы и справедливости.

In children's teams.
Why I became a hockey player? I confess, before I never thought about it. But once I was asked to tell how came the love of hockey, and I . I couldn't answer this question.
Just as a child I spent a lot of time on ice. And then one day my hands were putter.
To become an athlete, you need to love your sport. And you have to live somewhere close to the stadium. I grew up in Leningradsky Prospekt area, near the Palace of sports CSKA, and it is this circumstance is largely influenced the choice of their sport career.
Hockey - game technically complex. There are many conventions and conditions. Hockey is not as natural as jumping, swimming and throwing.
In hockey there is a prerequisite: first you need to learn how to skate.
To ride I started early. The first coach was his father, Boris S., mechanic-pilot. He took me permanently to the competition of factory teams.
The father took care of me in those moments when I was skating: ice I felt confident. For ride with as long as I can remember. My parents worked. My mother - Oribe Abat Hermine - arrived in the Soviet Union a twelve year old girl in 1937.
We lived in a wooden house, because I was all the time on the street, riding on a snow-covered roads, polished passing cars to ice conditions. Initially mastered the "snow maiden", then "eider".
Hockey really got me interested in the beginning of 1963, when I saw on TV the world Championships held in Stockholm, where he began the series of victories of Soviet hockey players. The series, in which I played.
Once in our yard appeared hockey, I started to play with the older guys.
CSKA I got thanks to these guys. I learned about the fact that CSKA occurs periodically record wanting to play hockey, every year is set in the nursery school.
Set this at that time was not as big as now. Adopted me Boris Pavlovich Kulagin.
I started badly with deception. I was then small, and therefore was able to impersonate thirteen: children born in the forty-eighth, is no longer accepted. Participated we only friendlies, learning the basics of hockey.
But the first match on the audience I played earlier, not waiting for next winter, and in the Palace CSKA before the match teams.
Father can't stand lies and because dad told my coaches that I lied to them that I was forty-eight.
Thought'd kick me out, but forgive me, probably because my deception harm could be managed.
Consistently rose from team to team is the second, then the first team boys, third, second, first, boys.
Medical help I didn't ask, but I was afraid that one day my secret may be disclosed: the fact that I was not able at that time to be of help. In 1960 I brought a sore throat in the severe form, the disease has brought complications: rheumatism of the heart. And asked.
Help I took where he was listed as rheumatica. Explained to the doctors that have long played hockey that the disease apparently surrendered.
Played with desire, tried.
There was a time when I missed a workout.
Everything went smoothly, without Blatov and downs, as from class to class passed from one age group to another, but now it is the turn of the first youth team, I began to invite male, and I found myself faced with the problem of choice.
In team CSKA all the seats were occupied. Played great masters of the older generation. Played and talented youth. In the youth team with me were promising guys who concerning the physical conditions, the level was, in the opinion of the coaches, not worse, but better than me.
Be happy it was nothing. I am nineteen years old, and I am far from the main part. But Almeev, remembered I was seventeen in the team.
In March 1968, I was summoned to CSKA.

Привет! Помогиете с мини-сочинением по английскому. Укажите на ошибки. Как можно лучше написать, что добавить, что убрать. In free time I usually go to the river Kuban. This place isn't far from my home. There is quiet, calm and there are no people.

Выберите правильй вариант наречий:This dress is . for me. Have you got it in a bigger size? A) enough small B) smaller B) too small D) small

Помогите с английским Используя следующие слова и словосочетания, расскажите, Б) как вы отдыхали зимой: to like, in the winter, fine weather, to go for one's holiday, at a holiday-centre, in the country, near Moscow, to wake up early, to wash, to

Укажите, какой частью речи являются слова в скобках в предложении (существительное, прилагательное, глагол) 1. (English) is as difficult as German. 2. My composition is not as (long) as yourse. 3. It isn't as (warm) todays as it was yesterday. 4.

1 Choose the best tense. 1. When (does/will) school start? 2. The plane (arrives/will arrive) at 10.00. 3. I (write/will write) soon. 4. We (go/are going) to Spain some time soon. 5. You (go/will go) next door for the tickets. 6.

Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was a very popular singer not only in his country in the USA,
but also in other countries. He was bom on the 29 th of August 1958 in Gary, Indiana. His family was very large. Michael had 3 sisters and 5 brothers. All the chil-
dren were good at music and the father, Joseph Jackson, organized the band ‘the
Jackson 5’. Michael worked in this band as a child. When he grew up he started his
solo career and was famous for such songs as ‘Beat it’, ‘Billie Jean’, ‘Thriller’ and
other songs. People also remember and admire his dancing style, especially his
moonwalk. Michael was a very successful singer and earned a lot of money. But he
worked a lot and ruined his health. He died on the 25 th of June 2009. His songs are
still very popular and people still buy a lot of discs with his songs.

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