Сочинение про город иваново на английском языке

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

Ivanovo is the city in the European part of the Russian Federation. Город Иваново находится в европейской части Российской Федерации. It is located near such large cities as Moscow, Yaroslavl, and Vladimir. Он расположен рядом с такими крупными городами, как Москва, Ярославль, Владимир. It is the administrative center of Ivanovskaya Oblast. Это административный центр Ивановской области.

Ivanovo was founded in 1871 on the banks of the river Uvod’. Иваново был основан в 1871 году на берегах реки Уводь. Река разделяет город на две части. The river divides the city into two parts.

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The population of the city is approximately 410 thousand people. Население города составляет примерно 410 тысяч человек. The total area of Ivanovo is 104 square kilometers. Общая площадь Иваново 104 квадратных километра.

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Ivanovo consists of 4 districts. They are Leninskiy, Frunzenskiy, Oktiyabrskiy , and Sovetskiy. Иваново состоит из четырех районов: Ленинский, Фрунзенский, Октябрьский, Советский.

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There are parks with various sculptures and places for reading books in Ivanovo. В Иваново есть парки с различными скульптурами и местами для чтения книг. For example, the Stepanov Park, Harinka Park, Botanical Garden. Например, парк им. Степанова, Харинка, Ботанический сад.

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The city has several picturesque squares: Literary Square and Art Square. В городе есть живописные скверы: Литературный Сквер и Арт-сквер.

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It’s worth to visit exhibitions in such galleries as the Printed Cotton Museum and the Regional Museum of Art in Ivanovo. В Иваново непременно стоит посетить выставки в таких галереях, как Музей Ситца и Областной Художественный музей.

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The urban city’s transportation is represented by public transport, railroad and airplanes. Городская транспортная система представлена общественным, железнодорожным и воздушным транспортом. There are an Airport Southern and a Ivanovsky Bus Terminal in Ivanovo. В Иваново есть аэропорт Южный и Ивановский автовокзал.

Ivanovo is a small, picturesque town located on the river Uvod. Located in the Central part of Russia, the administrative center of Ivanovo oblast. Population - 418,6 thousand people. the Distance from Moscow is 275 km
The history of the city of Ivanovo
The first settlement was mentioned in the ancient books in 1561. According to historians the village was donated by Ivan the Terrible to the relatives of his second wife, princes Cherkasy, people from the North Caucasus. It is believed that in the village there was a Church or chapel in the name of John the Baptist. So the village got the name Ivan. According to another version, the village was named after its founder or perogies Ivan.
The city was founded in 1871 by the merger of the village of Ivanovo with Voznesensky Posad. And until 1932 was called Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
As many of you know this is the city of brides.
Ivanovo, centre light industry, became known as the "city of brides", as the manufacturing and processing of fabrics worked great number of women. A certain role in promoting the expression played a song Andrei Mironov, "Well what we do not pair"made in the 1981 film "Honest, intelligent, unmarried". In each of its three verses are these lines:
Love all telling you again,
But when nothing saying you're tired,
And know that I will be leaving in Ivanovo
And Ivanovo - town brides.
But not only.
Ivanovo is a city with numerous symbols of the revolution. The birthplace of the First Council, the Third proletarian capital.
The revolution of 1905
The monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905 Revolution square.
In the first decade of the twentieth century weavers and other workers were dissatisfied with their conditions of life and work, which has often led to the local strike of the proletariat. During the First Russian revolution in Ivanovo was formed by the city Council of workers ' deputies, which was the first in Russia (hence the name "city of the first Council").
In Ivanovo is the number of objects of cultural heritage. The town is primarily known architectural monuments of the epoch of constructivism: home "Ship" (1930), architect D. F. Friedman; the house of the "Horseshoe" (1934), architect A. I. Panov. Ivanovo is a city of bold architectural solutions!
In Ivanovo are nine universities, 7 branches of universities, 24 secondary special educational institutions and schools. Therefore, Ivanovo also known as the city of students. And since many studenty visitors not only from Russia but also in many other countries, Ivanovo city international friendship!
And of course textiles. Out of town family in which someone would not work on the production or the manufacture of textile products (she worked as a seamstress once). Ivanovo textile capital of Russia.
Famous countrymen of Ivanovo are Vyacheslav Zaitsev
Group "Disco Crash"
Andrei arsenyevich Tarkovsky, Soviet film Director and screenwriter. People's artist of the RSFSR. In memory of him in the town hosts the international film festival"Zerkalo"
In Ivanovo, there are three theatre (Ivanovo oblast drama theatre, the Ivanovo regional musical theater, the Ivanovo regional puppet theatre), three cinemas, as well as several museums (Ivanovo state historical Museum to them. D., (theatre), supermarket Museum of industry and art. Theatre), supermarket calico Museum of Ivanovo, Ivanovo regional art Museum, the Museum of the first Council.

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Done by students 5"b" class Novotalitskaya School Olga Amenova and Valentina.

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Done by students 5"b" class Novotalitskaya School Olga Amenova and Valentina.

Done by students 5"b" class Novotalitskaya School Olga Amenova and Valentina Shishova

Geographical Situation The region is located in the centre of the East Europe.

Geographical Situation The region is located in the centre of the East European plain. The most part lies between the Volga and Klyazma rivers. It borders on Vladimir region, in the West and the North-West on Yaroslavl region, in the North - on Kostroma region, in the East and South-East on Nizhniy Novgorod region. On the territory of the region there are about 1,700 rivers and streams and more than 150 lakes. The largest river is the Volga.

Population The population of the city for 2013 is about 410 000 people. The p.

Population The population of the city for 2013 is about 410 000 people. The people in Ivanovo are kind and friendly.

Occupations Ivanovo is the centre of textile industry and there are a lot of.

Occupations Ivanovo is the centre of textile industry and there are a lot of factories and plants in it. Some factories don’t work now; it causes a lot of problems for people. Young people can go to disco clubs, bars and sports clubs.

The City of Students Ivanovo is the town of students. Five academies and two.

The City of Students Ivanovo is the town of students. Five academies and two Universities are located here. We have several colleges and a lot of schools.

The City Sights Ivanovo has many attractions. Here are some of them: - the Vv.

The City Sights Ivanovo has many attractions. Here are some of them: - the Vvedensky monastiry - the House-ship - The Church of the Icon of the God’s Mother of Kazan Also in Ivanovo there are many museums.

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В разработке представлен материал о городе Иваново, который входит в состав городов "Золотого кольца".

Описание разработки

(Слайд 2) Ivanovo is my homeland because I was born and grew here. It is situated on the bank of the rivers Uvod and Talka. Our city was founded in 1871, it was composed of two villages: Ivanovo and Voznessensky Posad, that’s why our city has two historical centers: Lenin’s prospect and Revolution Square. (Слайд 3,4)

Ivanovo is not very old, that’s why we have neither the citadel nor palaces. But, however, there are places of interest and interesting architectural buildings. Tourists often visit it as the town of the Golden Ring. We can render the history and the culture of the city according to its architecture.

The oldest building in Ivanovo is Schudrovskaya Palatka(Слайд 5), made of brick. Firstly, it was “Order House”, from where the life of the village was managed. Schudrovskaya Palatka is called after its founder O.I. Schudrov. The building of Palatka is unique.

There are many religious buildings in Ivanovo: (Слайд 6) churches, cathedrals, cloisters. Uspenskaya Church is very remarkable. It is a monument to the wooden architecture. It was founded in the 17 th century. This church moved from place to place 3 times and the name was also changed several times but today it is situated in Frunze Street. There are several interesting churches: Preobrashensky Cathedral (or White Church), built in the Russian style and Svyato-Vvedensky Church (or Red Church), built in 1907 by architect Begen. The motives of the Byzantine architecture are used in its facades and temple.

Ivanovo is also famous for its textile; the manufactories have been founded here since 1747. Later they turned into factories. (Слайд 7) We can see the buildings of the old factories still now, e.g. the building of Big Ivanovo Manufacture (LTD BIM). Silhouettes of the factories give our city the special character.

презентация по английскому языку на тему Architecture of Ivanovo City

In 1926 people decided to build Ivanovo-Voznessensky Agricultural Bank. Architect V.A. Vesnin constructed the building in the style of constructivism. The building was not big. The bank began to work in 1928. The architect himself liked the museum of local lore building very much.

In the twenties three interesting buildings(Слайд 8,9) in the style of constructivism were built in Ivanovo. They have special shape and it was attractive and extraordinary. These are our gymnasium (it has the shape of the flying bird, architect Pankov), the Ship-House (architect Fridman) and the Horseshoe-House (architect Panov).

Nowadays Ivanovo is a city of students, because we have many institutes of higher education(Слайд 10,11), universities and academies. The complex of the buildings of architect Alexander Fomin really adorns our city: the buildings of the Chemistry and Technology University, the Textile University and the Regional Scientific Library in Sheremetyevsky Prospect. They are built in the style of “red dorica” or “proletarian classics” using in the new vision the Doric style Ancient Greece.

One more architectural style can be seen in Ivanovo, (Слайд 12) it is the modernist style. The complex of the buildings of architect Trubnilov in Baturin Street(Слайд 13): the buildings of the Museum of industry and Art named after D.G. Bourilin, the museum of Ivanovo chintz and the Civilian registrar's office. All the buildings were built for our countryman Dmitry Bourilin. They are adorned with painting, wood decorations, beautiful stairs and sculptures.

Many famous architects worked in our city: brothers Vesnin, Vlasov, Golosov, Kamensky, Panov, Pankov and others. And I believe Ivanovo is a very interesting and beautiful city. Now it has become modern and attractive for tourists.

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