Сочинение про город абакан на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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Khakasia I live in the republic of Khakasia. The capital of Khakasia is Abakan. Khakasia is a beautiful place. There are many rivers, lakes and mountains. You can see the taiga and the steppes.

The capital : Abakan. It is snowy and cold in winter in Abakan. Spuso-preobragenskiy Cathedral.

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant - the most powerful stаtion in Russia, the sixth hydroelectric power in the world. It is located on the Yenisei River in the village of Cheryomushki (Khakasia), near Sayanogorsk.

The Mainsky power station is situаted on the Yenisei River in Khakassia, near the village of Maina. It is included in the Yenisei cascade GES.

The Big Salbyksky mound.It’s ruines remain of the largest mound of the Middle of the Yenisei River basin - a monument of Tagar culture, located in the tract Salbyk (from Khakas – Sulby is trаnslаted аs 'depression'), 60 km north of Abakan, in the territory of the Republic of Khakassia.

The mountain range is the complex of the naturаl sanctuary. On the top of which is a rock in the form of a cube. At the foot of the mountains are burial mounds and pisanitsas of different eras. The most puzzling is the petroglyph of the white horse, which appeared about 16,000 years ago,in the glacial epoch.

Lake Shira. Shira is located in the area of the Republic of Khakasia, in a shallow rock basin, 340 km from Krasnoyarsk, 160 km from Abakan.

Unique park - the first Russian fleet topiart wаs opened on Aug. 15, 2007 in Abakan. Its creator is Vasily Adamovich Antropov - a man of а rare profession – а landscape designer.

Lake Itkul The water in this lake is the cleanest in Khakasia. There are many rare birds, animals and plants there.

The аnimal’s life The аnimal’s life in the taiga is very interesting.. You can see squirrels, white hares , sables, bears, foxes, wolves and different birds.

Traditions in Khakasiа Khakasia is rich in many old traditions. Khakas people have ancient religion.

The Ski resort "Gorny" is a young actively growing ski resort,which is located in the Western Sayan ."Gorny“ is 30 kilometers from the town of Sayanogorsk and 120 km from the town of Abakan. This southern part of the Republic of Khakasia is called "Siberian Switzerland. The climate is characterized аs a strongly continental one, with cold winters and hot summers.

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I live in Abakan. The city is located in Siberia. It is the administrative center of Khakassia. The population of Abakan is over 186 thousand people.

Our city is very beautiful and green. There are many attractions here. One of them is the Khakass national Museum of local lore named after L. R. Kyzlasov. It occupies a large original and modern building. One can get acquainted with Khakass stone sculptures and ancient art of Khakassia there.

One of the main architectural attractions of the city is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral.

The city has two drama theaters and a Fairy tale Puppet theater.

There are beautiful well-maintained parks in Abakan. Tourists should definitely visit Preobrazhensky Park, Dream Gardens and Victory Park. Children like the Orlyonok Park with rides.

One can observe animals in the small zoo Wildlife Center and in the Exotarium.

There are many sculptures on the streets of the city. I especially like the Little Prince sculpture.

Abakan has excellent sports infrastructure. There is not only a large and modern sports complex, but even a racetrack for equestrian sports.

I think that air pollution is the main problem of the city. The situation is getting worth in winter, when some houses are heated with coal.

I love my native city very much.

Я живу в Абакане. Город расположен в Сибири. Он является административным центром Хакасии. Население Абакана - свыше 186 тысяч человек.

Наш город очень красивый и зеленый. Здесь много достопримечательностей. Одной из них является Хакасский национальный краеведческий музей им. Л.Р. Кызласова. Он расположен в большом оригинальном и современном здании. Там можно ознакомиться с хакасскими каменными изваяниями и древним искусством Хакассии.

Одна из главных архитектурных достопримечательностей города - Спасо-Преображенский кафедральный собор.

В городе есть два драмматических театра и Кукольный театр Сказка.

В Абакане прекрасные ухоженные парки. Туристом стоит обязательно посетить Преображенский парк, Сады мечты и Парк победы. Детям нравится парк Орленок с аттракционами.

Можно посмотреть на животных в небольшом зоопарке Центр живой природы и в Экзотариуме.

На улицах города можно увидеть много скульптр. Мне особенно нравится скульптура Маленький принц.

В Абакане отличная спортивная инфраструктура. Здесь есть не только большой и современный спортивный комплекс, но даже ипподром для конных видов спорта.

Главной проблемой города я считаю загрязнение воздуха. Ситуация особенно усугубляется зимой, когда в некоторые дома отапливают углем.

Вот, держи, можешь уменьшить.Abakan - the capital of the Republic of Khakassia in 4218 km east of Moscow. Located at the confluence of the Yenisei River to Abakan, in the central part of Minusinsk depression. According to statistics, real incomes of Abakan in 2002, compared with the previous, have increased by 9.5%. The cost structure is dominated abakantsev payment services, taxes and mandatory payments, the purchase of goods. Population: 165,200 people (2002). Men: 46.2%. Women: 53.8%. During the period from January to November 2002 it decreased by one thousand people due to the increase of migration and natural decrease. But in foreign countries in 2002 from Abakan has left 37 people less than in 2001. They left their homeland only 156 immigrants. The climate is continental. The average January temperature of -15 to -21 C, July 17-20 C. Precipitation 300-600 mm per year. Railway lines connected with Achinsk, Novokuznetsk and Taishet. At the intersection of the Yenisei with railway Novokuznetsk - Abakan - Taishet Abakan built a major river port. From Abakan is Usinsky tract in Tuva. In 1675 near the mouth of the river Abakan Abakan stockade built (Abakansk), which initiated the development of the Minusinsk depression. In 1780-ies. there was the village of Ust-Abakan, in 1931 transformed the city Abakansk. Modern Abakan - industrial, cultural and scientific tsenrt Khakassia. ON "Abakanvagonmash", light industry and processing of agricultural and forestry raw materials: meat flour mill, wine and dairy factories, furniture, knitting and sewing factory. Factory repair of equipment for the forest industry. Shoe factory. In Abakan - Khakassia Research Institute of History, Language and Literature, Pedagogical Institute, Polytechnic, College of Agriculture, health, educational and music schools. Drama theater, museum, the television station, arboretum, zoo. In Abakan gardens, squares, boulevards occupy 1/3 of the city. At its center - the old part of the former s. Ust-Abakan, which subsequently merged station Abakan (1925), and station settlement. Built up in small wooden houses and multi-story stone buildings (including hotels "Khakasia", "Abakan", "Kantegir", "Friendship"). With the 1950s. built typical 4-5-storey brick and large-panel house for facades that used red and white ceramic tiles, plaster terrazitoaya with white marble chips, with the 1970s. - 7-9-storey house, decorated with local marble, granite and other stones.

Вот,Абакан - столица Республики Хакасия, в 4218 км к востоку от Москвы. Размещен у впадения реки Абакан в Енисей, в центральной доли Минусинской котловины. По статистическим данным, реальные валютные доходы народонаселения Абакана в 2002 году, по сопоставленью с предшествующим, возросли на 9,5%. В структуре расходов абаканцев преобладают оплата услуг, налогов и неотклонимых платежей, покупка продуктов. Народонаселенье: 165 200 человек (2002). Мужчин: 46,2%. Дам: 53,8%. За период с января по ноябрь 2002 г.

Вот, держи, можешь сократить.Abakan - the capital of the Republic of Khakassia in 4218 km east of Moscow. Located at the confluence of the Yenisei River to Abakan, in the central part of Minusinsk depression. According to statistics, real incomes of Abakan in 2002, compared with the previous, have increased by 9.5\%. The cost structure is dominated abakantsev payment services, taxes and mandatory payments, the purchase of goods. Population: 165,200 people (2002). Men: 46.2\%. Women: 53.8\%. During the period from January to November 2002 it decreased by one thousand people due to the increase of migration and natural decrease. But in foreign countries in 2002 from Abakan has left 37 people less than in 2001. They left their homeland only 156 immigrants. The climate is continental. The average January temperature of -15 to -21 C, July 17-20 C. Precipitation 300-600 mm per year. Railway lines connected with Achinsk, Novokuznetsk and Taishet. At the intersection of the Yenisei with railway Novokuznetsk - Abakan - Taishet Abakan built a major river port. From Abakan is Usinsky tract in Tuva. In 1675 near the mouth of the river Abakan Abakan stockade built (Abakansk), which initiated the development of the Minusinsk depression. In 1780-ies. there was the village of Ust-Abakan, in 1931 transformed the city Abakansk. Modern Abakan - industrial, cultural and scientific tsenrt Khakassia. ON "Abakanvagonmash", light industry and processing of agricultural and forestry raw materials: meat flour mill, wine and dairy factories, furniture, knitting and sewing factory. Factory repair of equipment for the forest industry. Shoe factory. In Abakan - Khakassia Research Institute of History, Language and Literature, Pedagogical Institute, Polytechnic, College of Agriculture, health, educational and music schools. Drama theater, museum, the television station, arboretum, zoo. In Abakan gardens, squares, boulevards occupy 1/3 of the city. At its center - the old part of the former s. Ust-Abakan, which subsequently merged station Abakan (1925), and station settlement. Built up in small wooden houses and multi-story stone buildings (including hotels "Khakasia", "Abakan", "Kantegir", "Friendship"). With the 1950s. built typical 4-5-storey brick and large-panel house for facades that used red and white ceramic tiles, plaster terrazitoaya with white marble chips, with the 1970s. - 7-9-storey house, decorated with local marble, granite and other stones.

Написать сочинение на английском языке про город Абакан.

Вот, держи, можешь сократить.

Abakan - the capital of the Republic of Khakassia in 4218 km east of Moscow.

Located at the confluence of the Yenisei River to Abakan, in the central part of Minusinsk depression.

According to statistics, real incomes of Abakan in 2002, compared with the previous, have increased by 9.

5%. The cost structure is dominated abakantsev payment services, taxes and mandatory payments, the purchase of goods.

Population : 165, 200 people (2002).

8%. During the period from January to November 2002 it decreased by one thousand people due to the increase of migration and natural decrease.

But in foreign countries in 2002 from Abakan has left 37 people less than in 2001.

They left their homeland only 156 immigrants.

The climate is continental.

The average January temperature of - 15 to - 21 C, July 17 - 20 C.

Precipitation 300 - 600 mm per year.

Railway lines connected with Achinsk, Novokuznetsk and Taishet.

At the intersection of the Yenisei with railway Novokuznetsk - Abakan - Taishet Abakan built a major river port.

From Abakan is Usinsky tract in Tuva.

In 1675 near the mouth of the river Abakan Abakan stockade built (Abakansk), which initiated the development of the Minusinsk depression.

There was the village of Ust - Abakan, in 1931 transformed the city Abakansk.

Modern Abakan - industrial, cultural and scientific tsenrt Khakassia.

ON "Abakanvagonmash", light industry and processing of agricultural and forestry raw materials : meat flour mill, wine and dairy factories, furniture, knitting and sewing factory.

Factory repair of equipment for the forest industry.

In Abakan - Khakassia Research Institute of History, Language and Literature, Pedagogical Institute, Polytechnic, College of Agriculture, health, educational and music schools.

Drama theater, museum, the television station, arboretum, zoo.

In Abakan gardens, squares, boulevards occupy 1 / 3 of the city.

At its center - the old part of the former s.

Ust - Abakan, which subsequently merged station Abakan (1925), and station settlement.

Built up in small wooden houses and multi - story stone buildings (including hotels "Khakasia", "Abakan", "Kantegir", "Friendship").

Built typical 4 - 5 - storey brick and large - panel house for facades that used red and white ceramic tiles, plaster terrazitoaya with white marble chips, with the 1970s.

- 7 - 9 - storey house, decorated with local marble, granite and other stones.

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