Сочинение про архитектуру на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The central part of St. Petersburg is divided by distributaries of the Neva River into four sections: the Admiralty Side, Vasilyevsky Island, the Petrograd Side, and die Vyborg Side. The Admiralty Side is the most beautiful part of the city. There are the world-famous museums, monuments, historical buildings and squares. From the Admiralty, the nucleus of Peter's original city, the great thoroughfare known as Nevsky Prospect radiates eastward. The magnificent street is lined by palaces, churches, shops, cafes and theatres.
St. Petersburg's architecture is refined and distinguished. It presents different European styles of the past two centuries. Among the city's most interesting buildings there are the cathedral of the Peter-Paul Fortress, the Summer Palace, the Winter Palace, the Smolny Convent, the Kazan and St. Isaaks cathedrals, the Smolny Institute, the new Admiralty and the Senate.

Архитектура Санкт-Петербурга

Центральная часть Санкт-Петербурга поделена дельтовыми рукавами Невы на четыре сектора: Адмиралтейскую сторону, Васильевский остров, Петроградскую сторону и Выборгскую сторону. Адмиралтейская сторона — самая красивая часть города. Здесь находятся всемирно известные музеи, памятники, исторические здания и площади, скверы. От Адмиралтейства, ядра первоначального города Петра, на восток начинается основная магистраль города, известная под названием Невский проспект. Вдоль великолепной улицы расположены дворцы, соборы, магазины, кафе и театры.
Архитектура Санкт-Петербурга благородна и изысканна. Она представляет разные европейские стили прошлых двух столетий. Среди наиболее интересных зданий города собор Петропавловской крепости, Летний и Зимний дворцы, Смольный монастырь, Казанский и Исаакиевский соборы, Смольный институт, новое Адмиралтейство и Сенат.

1. What is the central part of St. Petersburg divided by?
2. How many sections is St. Petersburg divided into?
3. What is the most beautiful part of the city? Why is it so?
4. Where does Nevsky Prospect begin from?
5. What is it lined by?
6. What is St. Petersburg's architecture famous for?
7. What styles does it present?
8. What interesting buildings in St. Petersburg do you know?

distributary дельтовый рукав
nucleus ядро
thoroughfare главная улица, магистраль
to radiate исходить из одной точки, расходиться лучами
eastward в восточном направлении
to line стоять в ряд, тянуться вдоль чего-л., устанавливать в ряд
refined утонченный, благородный
among среди
convent монастырь (чаще женский)

Сочинение на английском на тему Архитектор / Architect

People feel satisfaction of the work when the results are visible and tangible. An architect is a great profession in this regard. But this job is also complex and demanding.

An architect is to have both artistic and technical abilities. Besides, this profession requires good communication skills, because he (or she) is a link between the client and construction workers.

Young people often consider this profession very creative. But they should be realistic about what takes most time. To start any construction the company needs to get permissions from administrative organizations. It means a lot of paper work.

Walk down any street in a residential district of a big city and look around. Most of the buildings are typical and standard. And the reason is not a lack of talents, but a lack of budget. You may have great ideas how to make the building beautiful and unusual, but if the project is not within the budget - it goes to the trash can.

It is a high responsibility to design buildings. Every object is to be safe and secure. The mistake may cause considerable inconveniences or even someone’s death. That is why it takes many years to get to the top of the career. No one will entrust big project to an unexperienced specialist. So a salary doesn’t grow fast as well.

And still it is a tempting prospect to be the one who shapes the cityscape, to create something that several generations will see and use - to be an architect.

Люди чувствуют удовлетворение от работы, когда результаты видны и осязаемы. Архитектор - отличная профессия в этом отношении. Но эта работа сложная и требующая большой отдачи.

Архитектор должен обладать как художественными, так и техническими способностями. Кроме того, эта профессия требует хороших навыков общения, потому что он (или она) является связующим звеном между клиентом и строителями.

Молодые люди часто считают эту профессию творческой. Но им следует быть реалистами в отношении того, что занимает больше всего времени. Чтобы начать любое строительство, необходимо получить разрешения от административных организаций. Поэтому много времени тратится на подготовку документации.

Пройдитесь по любой улице в жилом районе большого города и посмотрите вокруг. Большинство зданий - это типовая застройка. И причина не в недостатке талантов, а в недостатке бюджета. У вас могут быть отличные идеи, как сделать здание красивым и необычным, но если проект не вписывается в рамки бюджета - он отправляется в мусорное ведро.

Проектирование зданий - это большая ответственность. Каждый объект должен быть безопасным и надежным. Ошибка может вызвать значительные неудобства или даже чью-то смерть. Вот почему требуется много лет, чтобы добраться до вершины карьеры. Никто не доверит большой проект неопытному специалисту. Так что зарплата тоже быстро не растет.

И все же это заманчивая перспектива - быть тем, кто формирует городской пейзаж, создавать то, что увидят и будут использовать несколько поколений - быть архитектором.

Architectural works, in the material form of buildings. The National Congress of Brazil and Sydney Opera House, designed by Oscar Niemeyer and Jorn Utzon. Modern concepts of architecture. Contemporary architecture, modernism, reaction of architecture.

Рубрика Строительство и архитектура
Предмет Architecture
Вид реферат
Язык английский
Прислал(а) хома
Дата добавления 13.01.2012
Размер файла 17,4 K

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

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Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Выполнила: Главатских Елена,

Architecture is a science that deals with the design and subsequent construction of objects and buildings for the organization of space and comfortable life of people. This term also means a complex of structures created by mankind throughout its history. The Russian concept of architecture is a synonym for the word architecture and can be used on a par with it.

When designing any structures, it is important to take into account three components: benefit, strength and beauty. It is these requirements that should be taken into account in urban planning. The main task of this direction in architecture is to competently plan and build up cities and residential areas so that they harmoniously blend with the surrounding nature.

Architecture Styles

Throughout history, different architectural styles have been formed, and this is due to progress in the life of society. The invention of new types of machinery and building materials, the increasingly complex economy, the desire of people to discover, to learn new things, faith in God – all this left its own unique imprint on a particular style.

Therefore, each direction in architecture has common features, characteristic features that allow them to be combined into groups. Let's look at some of the most striking and interesting styles.

Romanesque style

One of the earliest styles in architecture that flourished in the 10th-12th centuries in European countries. At this time, feudal states are emerging and developing, which entails mass construction and leads to the growth of architecture and art.

This historical period is characterized by a large number of wars, therefore, the distinctive features of the Romanesque style are massiveness, monumentality, strength, inviolability. The warring states needed defensive structures, and this was embodied in the construction of fortresses, fortified monasteries and castles.

Distinctive features

· Powerful stone walls;

· Narrow, small windows;

· The presence of the main tower – donjon;

· The structures have the form of simple geometric shapes: cubes, cylinders;

· Minimum number of exterior finishes;

· Erecting buildings on high ground, dominating the terrain;

· Simplicity of designs.

Monuments of Romanesque architecture are in large numbers in France, which at that time was the center of culture, science, and art. Temples and monastic complexes predominate here, and fortress castles have also been preserved. For example: Saint Martin de Vic Church, Vincennes Castle (France).

Gothic style

In the 13th-14th centuries, the ponderous Romanesque style was replaced by light and weightless Gothic architecture. The name comes from the word Goths. So called tribes of barbarians of Germanic origin.

This trend in architecture was so different from the squat Romanesque structures that at first people did not accept it, calling it Gothic, that is, barbaric.

There are three stages in this style:

· Early Gothic (early 13th century).

· High or mature Gothic (late 13th century).

· Flaming or late Gothic (14th-early 15th century).

Despite the fact that this art got its name from the Germanic tribes, it reached its true heyday in France.

The ancestor of Gothic architecture is called the French Abbot Suger. He had the idea to rebuild the basilica of the Abbey of Saint-Denis near Paris in a new style. This temple is the first example of early Gothic in Europe.

Distinctive features

· The presence of a stable frame;

· Elongated arches and portals are shaped like arrows;

· Lightness and weightlessness of the structure;

· Striving upward to God;

· Large interior space;

· Round windows with stained glass windows on biblical subjects;

· Openwork, carved facades.

Notre Dame de Paris or Notre Dame de Paris is known all over the world not only because of the work of Victor Hugo. It is also a wonderful example of Gothic architecture. Its construction was carried out for a hundred years. The height of the cathedral is 35 meters, and a twelve-story house can easily fit in it.

Baroque style

The Baroque style originated at the end of the 16th century in Italy. Portuguese sailors used this word to call irregular shaped pearls.

The main desire of the court architects of that time was to delight, surprise, impress. Therefore, palaces and cathedrals built in the Baroque style are distinguished by special pomp, pomp, gloss.

Main features

The facades of buildings are curved, plastic, smoothly flow into each other;

Abundant use of decor: stucco, painting, sculptures, columns;

Emphasis on the surrounding areas: decoration of parks, gardens with fountains, sculptures, ponds; unity of the building and the park.

There are Baroque monuments in Russia as well. An example of this is the Hermitage, the Great Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg.

There are much more styles in architecture and each of them is individual, unique. The progress of society, the development of science and technology left their imprint on one or another direction of architecture, giving it a bright color and originality.

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