Сочинение парк горького на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

One of the most effective ways to know a city and plunge into its environment is a walking rout. For us it was an individual walking rout around Moscow. Nowadays walking is not an obligatory thing to do since there are other ways to see the city briefly and learn all main and most important attractions. There are plenty of ways to do this in Moscow. For example, there are touristic buses that will carry you around the center of the capital within two hours. You can also sail by ship though the very center of Moscow. We should thank the bed of the Moskva (Moscow) River for a chance to enjoy the most meaningful attractions of the city. By the way, we have already done the sail along the Moskva (Moscow) River.

But neither the bus nor the ship tours ever give a chance to stop at a place you like, change the route or stop it right on the spot. A walking rout in contrast does allow such luxuries. You only have to decide where to begin and where to end your walking. Apart from walking routs around the historic center of Moscow and the Kremlin we chose the rout that covered the following attractions (in order of walking):

  • Europe Square by the Kievsky Rail Terminal
  • Novodevichy Convent
  • Neskuchny Garden
  • Gorky Park

The length of the rout is 10 km (6.2 miles) and it lasts about 5–6 hours. You can avoid the midday heat and start at about 3 p.m. to enjoy the sunset at Gorky Park at about 8 p.m. It was the perfect plan, but the weather had its own plans for us.

Europe Square in Moscow

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We started from Europe Square. It is right above the Kievsky Rail Terminal. Fountain “Europe Ravishment” is shining in the very center of the square.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

This square was renamed after the fountain. People with good imagination can probably see here the ancient Greek story of how Zeus ravished Europe. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in this.

We crossed Bogdan Khmelnitsky pedestrian bridge to get from the right bank of the Moskva (Moscow) River to the left one. The bridge has rolling stairs and that makes walking along it even more comfortable. In some places one can even leave the glazed parts of the bridge and enjoy beautiful views of the Moskva (Moscow) River from the open parts.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

By the way this is the pier by the Kievsky Rail Terminal where ships begin their an-hour-and-a-half-long sails along the Moskva (Moscow) River.

Having crossed the bridge we found ourselves in Khamovniki District. The biggest part of our walk is in this district. And we began from the Savvinskaya embankment. We walked along it for 1.5 km (0.9 miles). One can rent a bike here to either shorten time or ride as quick as the wind. There are many rent stations in the center of Moscow. Each of them has a map of other stations and instructions on how to rent a bicycle.

Novodevichi Pounds

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went from the Savvinskaya embankment to the Novodevichy Avenue. Park Novodevichi Pounds is on its right. This place received its name after Novodevichy Convent nearby. The place is very pleasant. We made our firs pit stop here. We sat on a bench, fed ducks (one is better to have a piece of bread for this purpose). Later on we also met squirrels – they prefer nuts, so stock up with them as well.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

A view to Novodevichy Convent opens from here – in particularly to Saved Transfiguration Church in Novodenichy Convent. This is a church over-the-gate that dates back to the 17th century.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

There is a sculpture called “Make Way for Ducklings” on the bank of a Novodevichy Pound. It is named after a famous American book for children. Exactly the same sculpture is in Boston, USA. And this one in Moscow took its place in 1991 as a present from Barbara Bush to soviet children. One can also see from here Savvinskaya Tower of Novodevichy Convent and the tops of dooms of Smolensky Cathedral, dedicated to the icon Our Lady of Smolensk.

This photo captures Naprudnaya Tower of Novodevichy Convent in addition to the above mentioned buildings. This one is round unlike Savvinskaya Tower.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

There is a little bridge that separates two Novodevichi Pounds. And Novodevichie Cemetery begins right behind the pounds.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went towards the street Khamovnichesky Val and along it towards the Moskva (Moscow) River. This part of the rout is 2 km (1.2 miles) long. But the rout is not hard to cover. We had to cross roadway several times, but our way mostly ran through pleasant parks and walkways.

Neskuchny Garden

This way we came to the Moskva (Moscow) River and Andreevsky Bridge. We crossed the bridge to get to the right bank of the river.

There is entrance to Neskuchny Garden right behind the bridge. We could have gone further to Gagarin Square with monument to the first cosmonaut. Another way was to Sparrow Hills Park. To tell you the truth railway-bridge and active traffic confused us and we did not take the risk of walking through road junctions. As soon as we got to Neskuchny Garden it started to rain (not the first time that day). But thick tree crowns and short nature of Moscow rains appeared to be the positive sides of the situation.

Andreevsky Pound. There is a hunting box not far from here where they film a famous intellectual program called “What? Where? When?” But we could not find it in the thick trees.

We came across the main architectural composition of Neskuchny Garden which commemorated the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

Нескучный сад

It is very easy to meet this beloved park habitant in Neskuchny Garden. In order to take a closer look at it we needed those stored nuts.

Then we waded into decorative grottoes, passed a pound and came to the embankment and a cascade called “A Woman Diver”.

Нескучный сад

Along Pushkinskaya embankment which stretches from Andreevsky Bridge we walked towards Pushkinsky Bridge and Gorky Park. The embankment is beautiful. It is pleasant to walk along it and bikeways give a chance to ride here as well.

Gorky Park, Moscow

Gorky Park Moscow

We have already covered a half of our walking rout around Moscow. Only Gorky Park was waiting for us ahead. The border between Neskuchny Garden and Gorky Park is quite nominal and it is easy to miss the moment when you pass from one park to another. In fact we did not care about it. We were walking along the beautiful embankment, enjoying the sun, the view of the Moskva (Moscow) River and passing ships.

Gorky Park Moscow

There is a summer studio of the First Cannel before Pushkinsky Bridge as well as a decorative stone arena. But the beauty of Pushkinsky Bridge diverted us so much that we did not notice them at all.

Gorky Park Moscow

And meanwhile a monument to a diver and a rotunda were waiting for us behind the bridge.

Gorky Park Moscow

Here we turned from the embankment to Gorky Park. It is an unbelievably beautiful flower garden.

Gorky Park Moscow

One can rent a twin-hull boat on Golitsynsky Pound.

Gorky Park Moscow

This is where the central parkway begins. It took us to the sound-and-light fountain and the central entrance arch of Gorky Park.

Flower gardens and rest areas are on both sides of the parkway. Park visitors enjoy using them with great pleasure. Apart from standard benches visitors can also lay on lounge chairs and pillows in Gorky Park.

Here is the fountain and the central entrance to Gorky Park which exists since 1955. In case if you are already tired you can leave home from “Oktyabrskaya” metro station which is very close from here.

We decided to go back to the embankment. On our way we admired a sculpture of discus thrower and a hut.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

By the way, apart from ordinary flowers they also grow vegetables in the park. It certainly gives zest to local flower beds.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We returned back to Pushkinsky Bridge along Pushkinskaya embankment. Do not be deceived by the sign, it is really Pushkinsky Bridge. These are only the bays of the old Andreevsky Bridge that base the construction of Pushkinsky Bridge.

Pushkinsky Bridge

We saw the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the bridge and a wonderful view to the business center Moscow City.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We crossed the bridge and returned to the left bank of the Moskva (Moscow) River. Here we were back at the Khamovniki District.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went along the first Frunzenskaya Street to Komsomolsky Avenue. Here are plenty of fast-food cafes on the other side of the street. That is why we had supper here.

There is a park named after Mandelshtam behind the Moscow Youth Palace. Trubetskie used to own the land. And if you are still strong enough you can go up to Devichie Field garden square. There are only two quarters from here to “Park Kultury” metro station along Zubovsky Boulevard. As for us, we finished our ten-kilometer-long walking rout around Moscow with a supper. After that we went to the hotel both full and tired.

Walking rout around Moscow is not very difficult. It only covers three bridges, a whole Moscow district (Khamovniki) and two parks – Neskuchny Garden and Gorky Park. Although the rout passes through the not most obvious and visited places it portrays modern Moscow. And instead of a smart cake Moscow turns into a real, alive, energetic city which is full of strength and ideas. After this walk even though the first part of it was watered with rain Moscow became closer to us.

I would like to tell about Central park. This big and beautiful park is located in the centre of the city. There are always a lot of people in this popular place. There are lovely sunlit lawns and quiet spots hidden in the shade of trees. Right in the middle of the park there is a big lake with crystal clear water. Swans, ducks and other water birds live there.

There are benches along the park’s paths. There are also a few cafes and other eateries where visitors can relax enjoying a cup ofcoffee. Little guests will love to spend time at a small playground. Bicycle lanes run around the park.

In summer this park becomes a very lively place. Some people come to picnic here. Others just sit on soft grass while reading an interesting book or resting. During hot days people come here to lie in the sun. For those who prefer active sports, there is a sports ground to play volleyball and other sport games.

In winter this park becomes especially fascinating. It is always nice to walk along quiet paths and listen to birds’ singing. Dog owners also come here to walk their pets.

Перевод на русский язык

Я бы хотел рассказать о Центральном парке.Этот большой и красивый парк находится в центре города. В этом популярном месте всегда много людей. Здесь есть восхитительные лужайки, залитые солнцем, и тихие местечки, спрятанные в тени деревьев. Прямо в центре парка есть большое озеро с кристально чистой водой. Там живут лебеди, утки и другие водоплавающие птицы.

Вдоль дорожек парка стоят скамейки. Здесь также есть несколько кафе и других закусочных, где посетители могут расслабиться за чашкой кофе. Маленькие посетители с удовольствием проведут время на небольшой игровой площадке. Вокруг парка проходят велосипедные дорожки.

Летом парк становится очень оживленным местом. Некоторые приходят сюда на пикник. Другие просто сидят на мягкой траве, читая интересную книгу или отдыхая. В жаркие дни люди приходят сюда позагорать. Для тех, кто предпочитает активные виды спорта, здесь есть спортивная площадка, чтобы поиграть в волейбол и другие спортивные игры.

Зимой этот парк становится особенно очаровательным. Всегда приятно прогуляться по его тихим аллеям и послушать пение птиц. Владельцы собак также приходят сюда, чтобы выгулять своих питомцев.

Написать про парк горького по английскому, например почему он мне нравится ?

Что там моно делать?

Помогите очень нужно.

Gorky park is one of the famous parks in Moscow, I think.

You have many possibilities there, for example, you can go for a walk there and seat near the fountain.

Also, you can play table tennis or ride on skateboard, if you have it.

In winter, there is a big skating - rink, where you can skatea lot.

Well, to my mind, it's a very good place for pastime.

If you have some money, you can buy a ticket for riding on a steamer.

Sometimes Gorky park arranges different exhibitions and i think, it's very cognitive.

Помогите пожалуйста мне нужно написать на английском сочинение почему я люблю первое сентября прошу помогите очень надо?

Помогите пожалуйста мне нужно написать на английском сочинение почему я люблю первое сентября прошу помогите очень надо.

Помогите ?

Нужно написать список того что можно и нельзя делать на кухне на английском !

Помогите пожалуйста?

Мне задали по английскому написать текст про то, что я и мои друзья были в парке животных.

Нужно написать в 1, во 2 и в 3 день кого мы видели в парке животных и что эти животные делали.


Помогите пожалуйста нужно написать на английском языке какой предмет тебе больше всего нравится и почему?

Помогите пожалуйста нужно написать на английском языке какой предмет тебе больше всего нравится и почему.

Мне нравится математика.

Что можно делать в парке зимой?

Что можно делать в парке зимой?

Нужно написать 2 предложения.

Ребят , можете помочь по английскому языку , нужно написать , что мне нравится и , что не нравится ?

Ребят , можете помочь по английскому языку , нужно написать , что мне нравится и , что не нравится .

Помогите пожалуйста написать почему я хочу учить английский язык, очень нужно?

Помогите пожалуйста написать почему я хочу учить английский язык, очень нужно!

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать на английском Напишите немного о том, что вам нравится / не нравится делать(хобби) (60 - 70 слов)?

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать на английском Напишите немного о том, что вам нравится / не нравится делать(хобби) (60 - 70 слов).

Моё хобби рисование и готовить.

Нужно написать открытку другу на тему : как я нахожусь на курорте и рассказываю о нём другу, где я, что я сдесь делал, нравится ли мне здесь?

Нужно написать открытку другу на тему : как я нахожусь на курорте и рассказываю о нём другу, где я, что я сдесь делал, нравится ли мне здесь.

На английском языке.

Написать сочинение что тебе не нравиться делать на английском языке 4 - 6 предложений и перевод?

Написать сочинение что тебе не нравиться делать на английском языке 4 - 6 предложений и перевод.

1) A young man in smart clothes with a harp was brought to Robin Hood one moming. 2) He said that his true love marries some rich old knight. 3)He could play a harp. 4)He could give nothing. 5)It was to take place in the church about five miles a..

1. I wish you liked poetry. 2. I wish I had followed your advice. 3. I wish you were familiar with his works. 4. I wish it were spring now. 5. I wish you had been to England. 6. We wished we had met her in the theater. 7. I wish you came to our..

Уанс ту лител браун берс Фаунд э пеар - фри оф пеарс бат зей куд нот кламб ап хеаре фор за твинк воз смут энд бейар иф ай онли зал э хеар сейд зе элдер браун беар ай вуд гет зе биггест пеар зет ис хенгинг ин зе эйр.

Как ты ответишь на эти вопросы ? Ты и твоё свободное время 1) Сколько свободного времени в день у тебя есть ? A)больше 3 b)от одного до 3 c)меньше часа 2)Ты планируешь своё время a)да b)нет c)иногда 3) Как ты предпочитаешь тратить своё свободное вр..

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 The parks: Gorky Park in Moscow and Hyde Park in London

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 The parks: Gorky Park in Moscow and Hyde Park in London

The parks: Gorky Park in Moscow and Hyde Park in London

Let’s have a walk! Moscow and London are the capitals of two different count.

Let’s have a walk! Moscow and London are the capitals of two different countries with different traditions, language and culture. But what is in common is that these cities are the centers of political, economic and cultural life where the events change each other with a dizzy speed. Parks remain the places where you can make a break, take a breath and feel every moment of your life… So let’s have a walk!

Gorky park in Moscow Gorky Park is the central park of Moscow, with more than.

Gorky park in Moscow Gorky Park is the central park of Moscow, with more than 40 000 visitors on weekdays. Since 2011 the park has been setting new standards, becoming Russia’s first world-class park and a space for recreation, sport, dance and outdoor games.

Access All facilities of Gorky Park are designed to be accessible for Visitor.

Access All facilities of Gorky Park are designed to be accessible for Visitors with Disabilities. All stairs in the park have wheelchair ramps. Most of the events held on the park’s territory are adopted for everyone to participate. Wi-Fi is available free of charge. You can chat with your friends or read the news while spending a day outdoors.

About the Main Entrance Gorky Park Main Entrance was built in 1995 according.

About the Main Entrance Gorky Park Main Entrance was built in 1995 according to the project of the architects G Shuko and A Spasov. In February 2014, the Main Entrance, as a symbol of the Park and the city was closed for restoration works. The inside part of the building was advanced and consolidated, leaving the original historical appearance of the Entrance from the outside.

Observatory The first astronomical pavilion was opened in the Park of Culture.

Observatory The first astronomical pavilion was opened in the Park of Culture and Recreation in 1929. Gorky Park Observatory was equipped with a five-inch Zeiss refractor telescope. People’s Observatory in Gorky Park remained closed to visitors for more than twenty years. In September 2012, it opened the doors again, now boasting a new powerful telescope and automatic retractable dome.

Hunting lodge of Count Orlov Prince Nikita Yurievich Trubetskoy’s hunting lod.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Founded in 2008 by Dasha Zhukova, Garage is.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Founded in 2008 by Dasha Zhukova, Garage is the first philanthropic organization in Russia created for contemporary art and culture. Open seven days a week, it was initially housed in the Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage in Moscow, designed by the Constructivist architect Konstantin Melnikov.

Outdoor cinema in Muzeon KARO network of cinemas opens spot in Muzeon Art Par.

Hyde Park in London Hyde Park, which opened to the public in 1637, is the lar.

Hyde Park in London Hyde Park, which opened to the public in 1637, is the largest of several royal parks in London that are connected to each other, forming one large green lung in the center of the city. The park is famous for its Speakers' Corner. Hyde Park covers more than 142 hectares and hosts many large events, including celebrations and concerts. It is also a popular place for jogging, swimming, rowing, picnicking and even horse riding.

History In 1536 King Henry VIII confiscated Hyde Park from the monks of Westm.

History In 1536 King Henry VIII confiscated Hyde Park from the monks of Westminster Abbey. It was used primarily for hunting. King Charles I opened the park to the public in 1637. The current park layout was planned by architect Decimus Burton in 1825.

Serpentine The Serpentine, a large artificial lake, is located at the south.

Serpentine The Serpentine, a large artificial lake, is located at the south end of the park, where it is called Long Water. Queen Caroline, wife of King George II had the lake constructed in 1730. It is popular for boating and swimming.

Diana Memorial Fountain Just southwest of the Serpentine is a memorial instal.

Diana Memorial Fountain Just southwest of the Serpentine is a memorial installed in honor of princess Diana. The modern fountain was inaugurated in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth II. The memorial was designed by the American landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson. Water flows from two sides at the top into a small pool at the bottom.

Rotten Row At the south end of Hyde park is Rotten Row, a famous bridle path.

Rotten Row At the south end of Hyde park is Rotten Row, a famous bridle path. The road is almost four miles long and is now used as a horse riding and jogging route. In the seventeenth century the road was often used by William III. The term 'Rotten Row' is derived from the French 'route du roi' or King's road.

Speakers' Corner In the nineteenth century Hyde Park had become a popular place for meetings. The Speakers' Corner was created as a place where people would be allowed to speak freely. Here, every Sunday people stand on a soap box and proclaim their views on political, religious or other items, sometimes interrupted and challenged by their audience.

Marble Arch Near Speakers' Corner, in the north-east corner of Hyde Park stands the Marble Arch. It was originally built in 1827 as a gateway to Buckingham Palace, but it was moved to its present location in 1851. The design by John Nash was based on the Arch of Constantine in Rome. The upper part of the arch was once in use as a tiny police station.

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