News for the youth сочинение

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

Young years are very important for everyone. Some people believe that youth is the most exciting time in people’s life, while others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, when you are young, you have the most wonderful period in your life. There are a few reasons for that. Firstly, in these years you discover the world, learn many new things and do everything for the first time. Secondly, you are full of plans and ambitions, you set your goals for the future. Moreover, in this time of life you are the bravest and the strongest.

However, there are people who support a different opinion. They claim that youth is the most dangerous period in a person’s life. They explain that at this age you can make a lot of mistakes that will affect your life in the future.

For example, when you choose your education path, you must be sure that it is interesting and suitable for you or you will regret about it years later.

Personally, I do not agree with my opponents’ opinion. If a young person has good friends and family, they will help him/her not to make these mistakes.

To sum up, although there are different opinions about youth, I still believe that it is the best time of life.

Молодые годы очень важны для каждого. Некоторые считают, что молодость - самое замечательное время в человеческой жизни, в то время как другие не согласны с этой точкой зрения.

По моему мнению, когда ты молод, ты имеешь самый чудесный период в своей жизни. Для этого есть несколько причин. Во-первых, в эти годы вы открываете мир, узнаете много новых вещей и делаете все в первый раз. Во-вторых, вы полны планов и амбиций, ставите цели на будущее. Кроме того, в это время жизни вы самый смелый и самый сильный.

Однако, есть люди, которые придерживаются другого мнения. Они заявляют, что молодость — самый опасный период жизни человека. Они объясняют, что в этом возрасте можно сделать много ошибок, которые повлияют на вашу жизнь в будущем. Например, когда вы выбираете свое образование, вы должны быть уверены, что оно интересно и подходит вам, или вы будете сожалеть о нем годы спустя.

Лично я не согласен с точкой зрения моих оппонентов. Если молодой человек имеет хороших друзей и семью, они помогут ему не делать этих ошибок.

Подводя итог, скажу, что несмотря на разное отношение к молодости, я всё-таки считаю, что это лучшее время в жизни.

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News for the youth, слайд №1
News for the youth, слайд №2
News for the youth, слайд №3
News for the youth, слайд №4
News for the youth, слайд №5
News for the youth, слайд №6

 News for the youth

Слайд 1

 The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family. The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family.

Слайд 2

The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family. The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family.

 “Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities “Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities

Слайд 3

“Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities “Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities

 The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time. The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.

Слайд 4

The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time. The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.

 The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul. The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.

Слайд 5

The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul. The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.

 The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties. The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.

Слайд 6

The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties. The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.

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Top American stars. Jason Statham Robert Pattinson Angelina Jolie Johnny Depp Kate Beckinsale Jennifer Lopez Milla Jovovich Jessica Alba Channing Tatum VIN Diesel

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Autobiography. Jason Statham was born on September 12, 1972 in London in a family of a famous singer and a dancer. Possessing artistic talent, Jason, however, chose in youth sports, giving all the forces of ski jumping. He reached in the form of such results, which was adopted in the Olympic national team and participated in the games of 1988, held in Seoul. Within the next ten years he was a member of the National Association for jumping into the water

Young years are very important for everyone. Some people believe that youth is the most exciting time in people’s life, while others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, when you are young, you have the most wonderful period in your life. There are a few reasons for that. Firstly, in these years you discover the world, learn many new things and do everything for the first time. Secondly, you are full of plans and ambitions, you set your goals for the future. Moreover, in this time of life you are the bravest and the strongest.

However, there are people who support a different opinion. They claim that youth is the most dangerous period in a person’s life. They explain that at this age you can make a lot of mistakes that will affect your life in the future.

For example, when you choose your education path, you must be sure that it is interesting and suitable for you or you will regret about it years later.

Personally, I do not agree with my opponents’ opinion. If a young person has good friends and family, they will help him/her not to make these mistakes.

To sum up, although there are different opinions about youth, I still believe that it is the best time of life.

Молодые годы очень важны для каждого. Некоторые считают, что молодость - самое замечательное время в человеческой жизни, в то время как другие не согласны с этой точкой зрения.

По моему мнению, когда ты молод, ты имеешь самый чудесный период в своей жизни. Для этого есть несколько причин. Во-первых, в эти годы вы открываете мир, узнаете много новых вещей и делаете все в первый раз. Во-вторых, вы полны планов и амбиций, ставите цели на будущее. Кроме того, в это время жизни вы самый смелый и самый сильный.

Однако, есть люди, которые придерживаются другого мнения. Они заявляют, что молодость — самый опасный период жизни человека. Они объясняют, что в этом возрасте можно сделать много ошибок, которые повлияют на вашу жизнь в будущем. Например, когда вы выбираете свое образование, вы должны быть уверены, что оно интересно и подходит вам, или вы будете сожалеть о нем годы спустя.

Лично я не согласен с точкой зрения моих оппонентов. Если молодой человек имеет хороших друзей и семью, они помогут ему не делать этих ошибок.

Подводя итог, скажу, что несмотря на разное отношение к молодости, я всё-таки считаю, что это лучшее время в жизни.

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