Сочинение об астрахани на английском

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

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Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Astrakhan is a big city, which is most often called the «Pearl of the Lower Volga region. It is the administrative center of the Astrakhan region. The city is located in the delta of the Volga River.

Astrakhan is included in the list of cities with historical value and is very unique. It is inhabited by more than a hundred nationalities and fourteen faiths.

The climate in Astrakhan is of a moderate type. Due to the proximity of the desert, dry winds often blow. Precipitation is rare and evaporates quickly. The wind is rising strong.

This city is famous for its sights:

· Astrakhan Kremlin of the sixteenth century;

· Museum of Military Glory;

· Art Gallery named after Guess;

· Drama theater and much more.

Astrakhan is created for tourists. There are a lot of interesting excursions there – on foot and on special buses. You can also visit the Astrakhan Kremlin and hear very interesting stories and legends about this beautiful city. Tourists are very attracted to historical museums, which the city is full of. The Museum of Military Glory reveals to tourists the whole truth about the war and about the heroes of the city.

Public transport is very diverse – you can travel around the city both by bus and by minibus. Trolleybuses were canceled in the two thousand seventh year, but they were replaced by river transport. A boat trip will give tourists great pleasure.

It will not be difficult to get to this city rich in sights:

· Liners depart from Moscow;

Even if you get to Astrakhan by train and travel 27 hours, you can say for sure that it's worth it. This city will conquer any heart of stone and will reveal to tourists all the beauty of this busy life. Having visited Astrakhan once, people will always remember it.

Astrakhan — the administrative center of the Astrakhan Oblast. — Астрахань — административный центр Астраханской области.

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Astrakhan is founded in 1558. — Астрахань основана в 1558 году.
The population of Astrakhan is more than 530 000. — Население Астрахани составляет более 530 000 человек.

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The oldest economic and cultural center of Lower Volga area and Prikaspiya. — Старейший экономический и культурный центр Нижнего Поволжья и Прикаспия.

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Astrakhan stands on the Volga River. — Астрахань стоит на реке Волге.
In Astrakhan it is possible to visit many interesting museums, monuments and other sights. — В Астрахани можно посетить много интересных музеев, памятников и других достопримечательностей.

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Диалог об Астрахани на английском языке

—Astrakhan is considered the multicultural city, isnt it? — Астрахань считается мультикультурным городом, не так ли?
—Yes, representatives more than 100 nationalities, 14 religious faiths live in Astrakhan, 17 societies of national cultures work. — Да, в Астрахани проживают представители более 100 национальностей, 14 религиозных конфессий, действуют 17 обществ национальных культур.
—You were in Astrakhan? — Ты был в Астрахани?
—Of course, it is the beautiful city located in the top part of the delta of Volga on 11 islands of Caspian Depression. — Конечно, это красивый город, расположенный в верхней части дельты Волги, на 11 островах Прикаспийской низменности.
—What sights can be visited? — Какие достопримечательности можно посетить?
—There is a lot of them. For example: Astrakhan Kremlin, city embankment, Shed to Bath, Assumption Cathedral, sculpture The Lady with the Dog, musical fountain and others. — Их очень много. Например: Астраханский кремль, городская набережная, Сарай Бату, Успенский кафедральный собор, скульптура “Дама с собачкой”, музыкальный фонтан и другие.
—And in what you recommends to be engaged in Astrakhan? — А чем рекомендуешь заняться в Астрахани?
—Surely visit the market Big Isada. In my opinion, the market is that place where color of the city is concentrated. It is also possible to go on fishing or hunting — fascinating occupation! — Обязательно посети рынок Большие Исады. По моему мнению, рынок — это то место, где сосредоточен колорит города. Так же можно съездить на рыбалку или охоту — увлекательное занятие!

Авдеева Антонина Викторовна

Information Museum of military glory (Astrakhan) was established on the 30th anniversary of the Victory, may 8, 1975. He founded his major Dobroserdov , which during the war was led by a sabotage school No. 005. He also became the first Director. At first, the Astrakhan Museum of military glory occupied only the first floor of the building on Akhmatovskaya street, 7. But ten years later, on the 40th anniversary, under the exposition took all three floors Музей боевой славы (Астрахань) создан в 30-ю годовщину Победы, 8 мая 1975 года. Основал его майор Добросердов , который в военные годы руководил диверсионно-разведывательной спецшколой № 005. Он же стал и первым директором. Сначала Астраханский музей боевой славы занимал только первый этаж здания по ул. Ахматовская , 7. Но через десять лет, в 40-ю годовщину, под экспозиции отвели все три этажа

Expositions and exhibits Today, the exposition of the Astrakhan Museum gives the opportunity to join the history of the battle since the XVI century. Here you can learn about the everyday work and glorious feats of Astrakhan both at the front and in the rear (this set aside as many as five rooms). The Museum of military glory exhibits personal belongings of the participants of the events, documents, various weapons, equipment of the corresponding historical period. There are several rarities. Of course, not without pictures and layouts. Сегодня экспозиция астраханского музея дает возможность приобщиться к боевой истории начиная с XVI века. Здесь можно узнать о трудовых буднях и славных подвигах астраханцев как на фронте, так и в тылу (этому отведено целых пять залов). В музее воинской славы выставлены личные вещи участников событий, документы, разнообразное оружие, техника соответствующего исторического периода. Есть несколько раритетов. Конечно, не обошлось без картин и макетов.

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Hello, dear guests of Astrakhan. Hello, dear guests of Astrakhan. We will introd

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Hello, dear guests of Astrakhan. Hello, dear guests of Astrakhan. We will introduce to you our city…

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The general Cheremisinov Ivan founded a new city with Russian population in 1558

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The general Cheremisinov Ivan founded a new city with Russian population in 1558.

It was always very important for the Russian Empire. It was always very importan

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It was always very important for the Russian Empire. It was always very important for the Russian Empire.

In 1717 Peter the Great established In 1717 Peter the Great established Astrakha

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In 1717 Peter the Great established In 1717 Peter the Great established Astrakhan province.

The Tsar guards Astrakhan severely: every year he sends people, food and wood he

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The Tsar guards Astrakhan severely: every year he sends people, food and wood here to build the Kremlin. The Tsar guards Astrakhan severely: every year he sends people, food and wood here to build the Kremlin.

We can see the rich history of Astrakhan in Dubin’s photographs. Dubin researche

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We can see the rich history of Astrakhan in Dubin’s photographs. Dubin researched Astrakhan local history. We can see the rich history of Astrakhan in Dubin’s photographs. Dubin researched Astrakhan local history.

Main squares of ancient Astrakhan, streets, gardens and parks. Main squares of a

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Main squares of ancient Astrakhan, streets, gardens and parks. Main squares of ancient Astrakhan, streets, gardens and parks.

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And here are the people of Astrakhan, our ancestors. Look into their faces… And

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And here are the people of Astrakhan, our ancestors. Look into their faces… And here are the people of Astrakhan, our ancestors. Look into their faces…

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The heart of Astrakhan is the Kremlin. Each its building, each its stone are the

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The heart of Astrakhan is the Kremlin. Each its building, each its stone are the history… The heart of Astrakhan is the Kremlin. Each its building, each its stone are the history…

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It saw the tsars, the emperors, the metropolitans. It saw the tsars, the emperor

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It saw the tsars, the emperors, the metropolitans. It saw the tsars, the emperors, the metropolitans.

In ancient times the Kremlin was a fortress and it was very important. Its total

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In ancient times the Kremlin was a fortress and it was very important. Its total square was 1544 metres. In ancient times the Kremlin was a fortress and it was very important. Its total square was 1544 metres.

Now the Kremlin has 4 towers: 1. Hierarch Tower.

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Now the Kremlin has 4 towers: 1. Hierarch Tower.

2. Zhitnaya Tower.

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2. Zhitnaya Tower.

3. Crimean Tower.

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3. Crimean Tower.

4. Artillery (Torturing) Tower.

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4. Artillery (Torturing) Tower.

Cathedral of Assumption. Cathedral of Assumption.

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Cathedral of Assumption. Cathedral of Assumption.

Trinity Cathedral. Trinity Cathedral.

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Trinity Cathedral. Trinity Cathedral.

St. Nicholas Church-Over-The-Gates St. Nicholas Church-Over-The-Gates

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St. Nicholas Church-Over-The-Gates St. Nicholas Church-Over-The-Gates

Cyril’s Chapel. Cyril’s Chapel.

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Cyril’s Chapel. Cyril’s Chapel.

Beautiful Gates. Beautiful Gates.

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Beautiful Gates. Beautiful Gates.

Prechistensky Gates Prechistensky Gates

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Prechistensky Gates Prechistensky Gates

Astrakhan is a cultural city. There are a lot of places to visit… Astrakhan is a

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Astrakhan is a cultural city. There are a lot of places to visit… Astrakhan is a cultural city. There are a lot of places to visit…

Museum of Local History. Museum of Local History.

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Museum of Local History. Museum of Local History.

Hlebnikov’s Museum. Hlebnikov’s Museum.

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Hlebnikov’s Museum. Hlebnikov’s Museum.

Tetushinov’s Museum. Tetushinov’s Museum.

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Tetushinov’s Museum. Tetushinov’s Museum.

State Theatre of Opera and Ballet State Theatre of Opera and Ballet

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State Theatre of Opera and Ballet State Theatre of Opera and Ballet

We hope you liked our city! Please come to visit us again!

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текст на английском my hometown мой город

My Hometown или My Homecity?

Отмечу такой момент. Вы наверняка знаете, что town — это маленький городок, а city — большой город. Кажется логичным, что, если вы из Москвы, то нужно писать homecity, не так ли? На самом деле, не совсем так. Слово homecity в принципе возможно и понятно, но обычно под hometown подразумевают родной город независимо от его размеров. Вот пример из Cambridge Dictionary:

He was born in Miami, but he considers New York his hometown since he’s lived there most of his life. — Он родился в Майами, но считаю Нью Йорк своим родным городом, так как прожил там большую часть жизни.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

My Hometown — Мой город. Сочинение на английском языке + аудио

It is a very lively place, located in Central Russia. It was founded in 1221. Back then it used to be a major trading hub. People from all over the country came to Nizhny Novgorod to buy and sell goods. Now it has a population of one million and five hundred thousand citizens, it is the 6th biggest city in Russia.

Nowadays it is a large city with a big city center and suburbs. A lot of companies have their headquarters in Nizhny Novgorod. It is one of the biggest economic centers in Russia.

Of course, each city has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages. There are many ways of transportation in Nizhny Novgorod. You can travel by bus, by trolley, you can even take the underground. Also, Nizhny Novgorod has an advantageous geographical location because it is located between two major cities — Moscow and Kazan.

However, there are also some disadvantages. First of all, it is very dirty and noisy because of traffic jams. Second, it hasn’t got a lot of public areas, such as parks, where you can spend your time with friends. Third, life here is pretty expensive, and the prices of houses and apartments are quite high.

Ниже идет тот же текст, но с переводом. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова – я выделил наиболее примечательные пары “слово-перевод”.

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