Сочинение на тему teenagers today are hooked on technology

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

9 класс 15.12.2015

Writing skills Opinion essays Подростки и высокие технологии. Структура письма-рассуждения

Научиться выражать своё мнение (положительное/отрицательное), сомнение, предлагать решения и оценивать решения других; писать эссе, выражая различные точки зрения;

Развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;

Формировать ценностные ориентации

1 Организационный момент

2 Введение в иноязычную среду Warm Up :

3-4. Новый материал-Закрепление

Упр. 1, с. 66 Задачи: освоение структуры эссе с изложением разных позиций (opinion essay); раз- витие умений поискового и изучающего чтения. Предполагаемый ответ : An opinion essay consists of a personal opinion with reasons and examples to support it. We also present the opposing viewpoint(s). An opinion essay should be written in a formal style.

• Упр. 2, с. 66 a) Задача: освоение особенностей структуры и стиля эссе с изложением различных точек зрения. Предполагаемый ответ : We are required to write an opinion essay about whether it is good or bad for teenagers to use so much technology. Students all over the world will read the essay. b) Задача : развитие умений смыслового чтения . Ключи : Positive opinion – Gadgets make life more enjoyable for teens. Technology has taught young people new skills. Negative opinion – Teens can get distracted by gadgets. Teens can waste a lot of time using technology.

• Упр. 3, с. 66 Задача: развитие умений поискового чтения. Ключи : The writer’s opinion is that being hooked on technology has a positive effect on teenagers’ lives. The writer states his/her opinion in the first and fifth paragraphs.

• Упр. 4, с. 66 a) Задача: развитие умений использования средств логической и языковой связи в тексте и их классификация. Ключи : introduce an opinion: In my opinion; opinion: I think; list points: To start with, Secondly; add more points: In addition; introduce a contrasting viewpoint: On the other hand; introduce examples: For example, such as; introduce a consequence: As a result; summarise: In conclusion b) Задачи : освоение значений и развитие умений использования синонимичных средств связи в тексте . Ключи : In my opinion – In my view; To start with – First of all; For example – For instance; In addition – What is more; such as – like; Secondly – Furthermore; On the other hand – Alternatively; As a result – Consequently; In conclusion – All in all; I think – It seems to me that.

• Упр. 5, с. 67 a) Задача: освоение структуры основной части эссе. Ключи: A 2 B 4 C 1 D 3; Sentence C is the topic sentence. Sentences A, D and B support it. b) Задача: развитие умений письменной речи – написание абзаца с опорой на ключевое (основное) предложение. Предполагаемый ответ : 1 We can shop without leaving the comfort of our own home. Also, we don’t have to worry about long queues or carrying heavy shopping bags. 2 For example, mobile phones can distract young people from their school work. Furthermore, it may make teenagers a target for thieves who try to steal mobile phones.

• Упр. 6, с. 67 Задачи: развитие умений изучающего чте- ния (работа с пониманием задания к сочи- нению); развитие умений продуктивного письма. Предполагаемый ответ : technology, modern society, opinion, modern world, relies on, devices; 1 I am a student writing an essay for my teacher. 2 I have to write an essay giving my opinion on how the modern world relies too much upon technology and devices. 3 I will write five paragraphs. The first one will be an introduction with my opinion. The second and third paragraph will present my viewpoint with reasons. The fourth paragraph will present an opposing viewpoint and the fifth paragraph will present my opinion again in different words.

• Упр. 7, с. 67 Задачи: развитие умений изучающего чте- ния; освоение структуры эссе с изложением разных позиций (opinion essay); развитиеинтеллектуальных умений (логическое мыш- ление). Ключи : 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b Предполагаемый ответ : viewpoint: Technology is good for staying in touch with friends. reasons: It is easy to stay in touch via email and instant messaging. You can use webcams to see your friends if you are in different places.

• Упр. 8, с. 67 Задача: развитие умений продуктивного письма (написание эссе с изложением раз- личных точек зрения с опорой на план). Предполагаемый ответ : Technology and technological devices have become very popular over the last ten years. In my opinion, having too many devices complicates people’s lives rather than makes them easier. To start with, the increased use of technological devices has brought about many security issues. For example, there has been a major increase in thefts of mobile phones, iPods and other devices. Furthermore using bank cards online isn’t safe as hackers have the ability to access bank details. Secondly, technology can be unreliable. Machines and computers regularly break down and can be time-consuming to fix. This can cause a lot of problems for those who rely on technology, such as businesses or schools. On the other hand, it is said that learning how to use technological devices prepares you for the future. Regular use of a computer will mean good keyboard skills which can be beneficial in a person’s working life. In conclusion, I think it is important not to rely too heavily on technological devices as that could negatively affect our lives, but occasional use of modern technology can sometimes help.

2. Начнем с того(to start with) , что использование гаджетов и девайсов очень полезно, потому что новые технологии делают жизнь более приятной. Например(for example) , MP3-плееры делают путешествие более интересным. Кроме того(in addition) , средства массовой информации, такие как мобильные телефоны и ноутбуки обеспечивают доступ к информации и развлечениям и делают общение проще и быстрее.

3. Во-вторых(secondly) , технологии представляют собой ценный ресурс, который позволил подросткам приобрести новые навыки. Например, многие подростки сегодня могут выполнять сразу несколько задач и проводят исследования с использованием Интернета. Кроме того, они привыкают к клавиатуре и приобретают компьютерные навыки, которые помогут им в школе, а затем в их трудовой жизни.

4. С другой стороны(on the other hand) , есть те, кто считают, что технологии оказывают негативное влияние на подростков сегодня. Они говорят, что подростки стали отвлекаться и тратить свое время со своими гаджетами вместо того чтобы сосредоточиться на более важных вещах, таких как школьные. В результате(as a result) , подростки стали антиобщественными, так как они предпочитают общаться в цифровом мире, а не лицом к лицу.

5. В заключение(in conclusion) можно сказать, что использование подростками гаджетов и девайсов, обогащает их повседневный опыт во многих отношениях. По мере развития технологий, я думаю(I think) , что подростки будут лучше подготовлены к будущему.

The writer's opinion is that being hooked on technology has a positive effect on teenagers' lives. The writer states his/her opinion in the first and fifth paragraphs.(Мнение писателя в том, что технологии положительно влияют на жизни подростков. Писатель утверждает, его/ее мнение в первом и пятом пунктах).

If you are a typical teenager today, you use your MP3 player on the way to school, you text your friends all day and then surf the Net, send emails, instant messages or play on your games console in the evenings. In my opinion, teenagers are completely hooked on.

To start with, using the gadgets and devices that are available because of new technology makes life more enjoyable. For example, MP3 players make travelling more entertaining. In addition, media devices such as mobile phones and laptops allow access to.

Secondly, technology is a valuable resource that has allowed teens to learn new skills. For instance, many teenagers today are able to multi-task and do research using the Internet. Furthermore, they have learnt keyboard and computer skills.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that technology has had a negative effect on today's teenagers. They say that teens become distracted and waste their time with their gadgets instead ot concentrating on more important things such as schoolwork. As a result, teens become.

In conclusion, teenagers' use of gadgets and devices enriches their daily experiences in many ways. As technology advances. I think teenagers.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

1. What does an opinion essay consist of and what style is normally used? Read the theory to find out. — Из чего состоит эссе с выражением мнения и какой стиль обычно используется при его написании? Прочитайте теорию, чтобы выяснить это.

When writing an opinion essay, we present our personal opinion on a particular topic supported by reasons and/or examples. This type of essay is written in a formal style. We use formal linkers, impersonal tone and passive structures. We should avoid colloquial expressions, short forms and personal examples.

An opinion essay consists of:

  • an introduction in which we introduce the topic and clearly state our opinion;
  • a main body consisting of three paragraphs. In the first two paragraphs we present our viewpoints supported by reasons and examples. In the third paragraph we present the opposing viewpoint. We connect our points with appropriate linking words. We start each main body paragraph with a topic sentence;
  • a conclusion in which we restate our opinion in different words.

Когда мы пишем эссе, мы представляем наше собственное мнение по конкретной теме, подкрепленное аргументами и/или примерами. Этот вид эссе пишется в формальном стиле. Мы используем формальные линкеры, безличный тон и пассивные структуры. Нам следует избегать разговорных выражений, кратких форм и личных примеров.

Эссе с изложением мнения состоит из:

  • введения, в котором мы представляем тему и четко излагаем свое мнение;
  • основного блока, состоящего из трех параграфов. В первых двух параграфах мы излагаем наши точки зрения, подкрепляемые аргументами и примерами. В третьем параграфе мы излагаем противоположную точку зрения. Мы соединяем нашу позицию соответствующими связующими словами. Каждый параграф основной части начинается с ключевого тематического предложения;
  • заключении, в котором мы вновь излагаем свое мнение в различных словах.

An opinion essay presents our personal opinion with reasons and examples to support it. We also present the opposing viewpoint. An opinion essay should be written in a formal style. We should write an introduction stating our position; three paragraphs of the main body with our opinion supported by reasons and examples and an opposite opinion; a conclusion restating our opinion in different words.

В эссе с изложением мнения показывается наше собственное мнение с обоснованием и примерами в его поддержку. Мы также излагаем противоположную точку зрения. Сочинение должно быть составлено в формальном стиле. Мы должны написать введение с изложением нашей позиции; три пункта основной части с нашим мнением, подкрепленным соображениями и примерами, и противоположным мнением; заключение, в котором мы повторяем наше мнение другими словами.

2A. Read the rubric. What do you have to write? Who will read it? — Прочитайте рубрику. Что вам нужно написать? Кто будет это читать?

An international student magazine is asking for essays on the following topic: Teenagers today are hooked on technology. Is this a positive or a negative thing? — Международный студенческий журнал просит написать эссе по следующей теме: Современные подростки подсели на технологии. Хорошо это или плохо?

Write your essay, giving your opinion. — Напишите собственное эссе, выражающее ваше мнение.

We need to write an opinion essay about whether it is good or bad for teenagers to use technology. Students all over the world will read the essay. — Нам нужно написать эссе с изложением мнения о том, хорошо или плохо для подростков использовать технологии. Учащиеся по всему миру будут читать это эссе.

2B. Which of the following viewpoints support a positive opinion and which support a negative opinion? — Какие из следующих точек зрения поддерживают положительное мнение, а какие поддерживают отрицательное мнение?

  • Teens can get distracted by gadgets. — Negative opinion — Подростки могут отвлекаться на гаджеты.
  • Gadgets make life more enjoyable for teens. — Positive opinion — Гаджеты делают жизнь подростков более приятной.
  • Teens can waste a lot of time using technology. — Negative opinion — Подростки тратят много времени, используя технологии.
  • Technology has taught young people new skills. — Positive opinion — Технологии учат молодых людей новым навыкам.

3. Read the essay. What is the writer’s opinion and in which paragraph(s) is it stated? — Прочитайте эссе. Каково мнение автора и в каком параграфе оно выражено?

If you are a typical teenager today, you use your MP3 player on the way to school, you text your friends all day and then surf the Net, send emails, instant messages or play on your games console in the evenings. In my opinion , teenagers are completely hooked on technology and I believe this has a positive effect on their lives.

To start with , using the gadgets and devices that are available because of new technology makes life more enjoyable. For example , MP3 players make travelling more entertaining. In addition , media devices such as mobile phones and laptops allow access to information and entertainment and make communication easier and faster.

Secondly , technology is a valuable resource that has allowed teens to learn new skills. For instance, many teenagers today are able to multi-task and do research using the Internet. Furthermore, they have learnt keyboard and computer skills that will help them at school and later in their working lives.

On the other hand , there are those who believe that technology has had a negative effect on today’s teenagers. They say that teens become distracted and waste their time with their gadgets instead of concentrating on more important things such as schoolwork. As a result , teens become antisocial as they prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face.

In conclusion , teenagers’ use of gadgets and devices enriches their daily experiences in many ways. As technology advances, I think teenagers will be better prepared for the future.

Для начала, использование гаджетов и устройств, которые доступны благодаря новым технологиям, делает жизнь более приятной. Например, МР3-плееры делают дорогу более веселой. Кроме того, такие медиа устройства, как мобильные телефоны и портативные компьютеры, обеспечивают доступ к информации и развлечениям, а также делают общение более простым и быстрым.

Во-вторых, технология является ценным ресурсом, который позволяет подросткам приобретать новые навыки. Например, многие подростки сегодня способны выполнять различные задачи и проводить исследования с использованием Интернета. Кроме того, они владеют навыками работы с клавиатурой и компьютером, которые помогут им в школе, а затем и в трудовой деятельности.

С другой стороны, есть те, кто считает, что технологии оказывают негативное влияние на сегодняшних подростков. Они говорят, что подростки отвлекаются и тратят свое время на свои гаджеты вместо того, чтобы сосредоточиться на более важных вещах, таких как учеба. В результате подростки становятся антисоциальными, поскольку предпочитают общаться в цифровом формате, а не лицом к лицу.

В заключение следует отметить, что использование подростками гаджетов и устройств во многих отношениях обогащает их повседневный опыт. По мере развития технологий, думаю, подростки будут лучше подготовлены к будущему.

The writer believes that teenagers’ hooking by technologies has a positive effect. The writer states this opinion in the first and fifth paragraphs. — Автор считает, что использование технологий подростками оказывает положительное воздействие. Это мнение излагается в первом и пятом абзацах.

4A. Look at the highlighted linking words/phrases in the essay in Ex. 3. Which: introduce an opinion? list points? add more points? introduce a contrasting viewpoint? introduce examples? introduce a consequence? summarise? — Посмотрите на выделенные слова-связки в эссе в упражнении 3. Какие из них: представляют мнение? перечисляют варианты? добавляют новые варианты? представляют противоположную точку зрения? представляют примеры? представляют последствие? обобщают?

  • In my opinion — introduce an opinion — по моему мнению
  • To start with — list points — для начала
  • For example — introduce examples — например
  • In addition — add more points — в дополнение
  • such as — introduce examples — такие как
  • Secondly — list points — во-вторых
  • On the other hand — introduce a contrasting viewpoint — с другой стороны
  • As a result — introduce a consequence — в результате
  • In conclusion — summarise — в заключение
  • I think — express opinion — я думаю

4B. Replace each highlighted item with an appropriate alternative from the list below. — Замените выделенные фразы подходящей альтернативой из списка ниже.

We live in the era of high technologies, and we use modern inventions in our everyday life because they have brought us much comfort. New technologies have spread on every field over the past 15 years. Moreover, they are rapidly changing. For example, video-recorders, DVD-players or compact disks have already become obsolete and have been replaced by more up-to-date devices. Today we can hardly imagine our life without such modern mobile devices as cell phones or laptops. Our offices are fully equipped with computers, printers, scanners, air-conditioners, interactive whiteboards and wi-fi modems. Household appliances (vacuum-cleaners, coffee-machines, dish-washers, food processors and others) help us to save our time and energy.

However, we should realize that digital and electronic inventions have both negative and positive impact on our daily life.

I am absolutely positive that new technologies or gadgets are making things faster, easier, more comfortable and interesting. For instance, if you install a GPS (Global Positioning System) in your car you’ll never get lost again. And could we imagine just 15 years ago all the things we can do on the wireless Internet nowadays: connecting with friends from all over the world, online shopping and banking, distance online learning, finding virtual relationships and even working from home? Isn’t that awesome?! Our parents used to go to post-offices to send letters or pay bills, they went to libraries to find a good book and they used telephone-booths for phone-calls.

On the other hand, I know some people who are strongly against some modern inventions because they really miss those days when they talked to each other face to face in reality, and not virtually. I partially agree with that as I really believe that people are becoming anti-social and too dependent on their gadgets. Some of my friends also spend half of the time occupying their shiny gadgets (smart-phones or i-pads) even when we go out together. Besides, people who use various social networks a lot (such as Facebook or Instagram) should worry more about their privacy.

Summing up, I could say that there are serious arguments both for and against the use of new technologies but anyway it’s really difficult to imagine our life without them today

We live in a time when technology is developing rapidly enough. Back in 2000, we could not imagine that our toys could replace VR technology, a computer and the Internet. Today, children can use all of the above technologies, they can realize all their dreams with the help of new technologies. These technologies have their pros and cons.
Let's start on the positive side:
1. The conditions for the creation of their worlds and the realization of their fantasies, which man hardly realizes in life.
2. Artificial intelligence and neural networks. This is a huge leap in technology that will make life easier for more than one generation after us.
3. Information that is available to everyone without restrictions on age, intelligence, hobbies, etc.
4. Stress relief and relaxation
5. Tools for honing skills in creativity (for example, a graphic tablet - drawing)
6. Games, this is an entire industry that allows people to enjoy the beautiful creations of humanity in a more interactive way. (music, sculpture, animation, literature, etc.)
7. You can provide your services, or use them without leaving your home.
8. Huge time savings that go into the daily routine
Now about the negative aspects of technology:
1. People are able to exploit technology to harm other innocent people.
2. Using technology, people can poison the lives of others.
3. Using technology, terrorists are recruited (not only through technology, this is one of the means of recruitment)
4. The real world goes blank before what a person can create in an independent technology environment. A person realizes that everything is not so colorful as cheerful people tell, he understands the horrors of this world and closes himself in not wanting to see it.
5. A person is lazy without technology.
6. Total surveillance of the population. You can see this on advertising that Google and other companies offer you. Also, having carefully examined your profile, you can see what you were listening to. You can disable these functions, but it’s scary to realize that you are an experimental rabbit, and you yourself agreed to this.
7. Political propaganda (for example: news on television, various programs controlled by the government)
8. Various health problems due to a sedentary lifestyle and improper sleep patterns.

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Technology Writing an opinion essay

Technology Writing an opinion essay

Look at the High-Tech Generation!

Look at the High-Tech Generation!

Do this puzzle and you‘ll read the name of one of the most successful computer companies. Do several things at the same time Open information, when we can get and use it Connection to State, present Catched on Look for information in the Net Keep information Computer program, providing information Device, machine

Do this puzzle and you‘ll read the name of one of the most successful computer companies.

  • A 1 Laura is looking at mobile phones in a shop window. 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated
  • A 2 Laura wants to buy a new phone to send text messages. 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated
  • A 3 Dave believes that using technology has made people more anti-social. 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated
  • A 4 Both Laura and Dave would like to use the Internet when they are not at home. 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated
  • A 5 Dave is worried about the Internet having harmful effects on young people. 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated
  • A 6 Laura’s parents monitor her use of the Internet.

1 True 2 False 3 Not stated

Let’s discuss!

on technology. Is this a positive or a negative thing?

Mind the term! Opinion essay is a piece of writing in which we present our personal opinions on a particular topic.

Mind the term!

  • Opinion essayis a piece of writing in which we present our personal opinions on a particular topic.

Mind the style! Opinion essays are usually written in formal or semi-formal style. Therefore, we do not use short forms, colloquial expressions or personal examples.

Mind the style!

Mind Grammar & Vocabulary!

Mind the structure

introduce the subject and state

your opinion clearly

(Para 2) your first viewpoint and

reasons / examples

(Para3) your second viewpoint and

reasons / examples

(Para4) opposing viewpoint and

reasons / examples

(Final Para) restate your opinion using

different words

Paragraph 1 If you are a typical teenager today, you use your MP3 player on the way to school, you text your friends all day and then surf the Net, send emails, instant messages or play on your games console in the evenings. In my opinion , teenagers are completely hooked on technology and I believe this has positive effect on their lives. We introduce the topic and our opinion clearly.

Paragraph 1

  • If you are a typical teenager today, you use your MP3 player on the way to school, you text your friends all day and then surf the Net, send emails, instant messages or play on your games console in the evenings. In my opinion , teenagers are completely hooked on technology and I believe this has positive effect on their lives.

We introduce the topic and our opinion clearly.

Paragraph 2 To start with, using the gargets and devices that are available because of new technology makes life more enjoyable. For example, MP3 players make travelling more entertaining. In addition, media devices such as mobile phones and laptops allow access to information and entertainment and make communication easier and faster. We present our first viewpoint supported by examples and reasons.

Paragraph 2

To start with, using the gargets and devices that are available because of new technology makes life more enjoyable. For example, MP3 players make travelling more entertaining. In addition, media devices such as mobile phones and laptops allow access to information and entertainment and make communication easier and faster.

We present our first viewpoint supported by examples and reasons.

Paragraph 3 Secondly, technology is a valuable resource that has allowed teens to learn new skills. For instance, many teenagers today are able to multi-task and do research using the Internet. Furthermore, they have learnt keyboard and computer skills that will help them at school and later in their working lives. We state the second viewpoint justified by examples and/or reasons.

Paragraph 3

Secondly, technology is a valuable resource that has allowed teens to learn new skills. For instance, many teenagers today are able to multi-task and do research using the Internet. Furthermore, they have learnt keyboard and computer skills that will help them at school and later in their working lives.

We state the second viewpoint justified by examples and/or reasons.

Paragraph 4 On the other hand, there are those who believe that technology has had a negative effect on today’s teenagers. They say that teens become distracted and waste their time with their gadgets instead of concentrating on more important thongs such as schoolwork. As a result, teens become antisocial as they prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face. We write the opposing viewpoint justified by examples and/or reasons.

Paragraph 4

On the other hand, there are those who believe that technology has had a negative effect on today’s teenagers. They say that teens become distracted and waste their time with their gadgets instead of concentrating on more important thongs such as schoolwork. As a result, teens become antisocial as they prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face.

We write the opposing viewpoint justified by examples and/or reasons.

Paragraph 5 In conclusion, teenagers’ use of gadgets and devices enriches their daily experiences in many ways. As technology advances, I think teenagers will be better prepared for the future. In the last paragraph, we restate our opinion in different words .

Paragraph 5

In conclusion, teenagers’ use of gadgets and devices enriches their daily experiences in many ways. As technology advances, I think teenagers will be better prepared for the future.

In the last paragraph, we restate our opinion in different words .

If you are a typical teenager today, you use your MP3 player on the way to school, you text your friends all day and then surf the Net, send emails, instant messages or play on your games console in the evenings. In my opinion , teenagers are completely hooked on technology and I believe this has positive effect on their lives. To start with , using the gargets and devices that are available because of new technology makes life more enjoyable. For example , MP3 players make travelling more entertaining. In addition , media devices such as mobile phones and laptops allow access to information and entertainment and make communication easier and faster. Secondly , technology is a valuable resource that has allowed teens to learn new skills. For instance, many teenagers today are able to multi-task and do research using the Internet. Furthermore, they have learnt keyboard and computer skills that will help them at school and later in their working lives. On the other hand , there are those who believe that technology has had a negative effect on today’s teenagers. They say that teens become distracted and waste their time with their gadgets instead of concentrating on more important thongs such as schoolwork. As a result , teens become antisocial as they prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face. In conclusion , teenagers’ use of gadgets and devices enriches their daily experiences in many ways. As technology advances, I think teenagers will be better prepared for the future. All in all for instance it seems to me that like what is more in my view first of all consequently furthermore alternatively

If you are a typical teenager today, you use your MP3 player on the way to school, you text your friends all day and then surf the Net, send emails, instant messages or play on your games console in the evenings. In my opinion , teenagers are completely hooked on technology and I believe this has positive effect on their lives.

To start with , using the gargets and devices that are available because of new technology makes life more enjoyable. For example , MP3 players make travelling more entertaining. In addition , media devices such as mobile phones and laptops allow access to information and entertainment and make communication easier and faster.

Secondly , technology is a valuable resource that has allowed teens to learn new skills. For instance, many teenagers today are able to multi-task and do research using the Internet. Furthermore, they have learnt keyboard and computer skills that will help them at school and later in their working lives.

On the other hand , there are those who believe that technology has had a negative effect on today’s teenagers. They say that teens become distracted and waste their time with their gadgets instead of concentrating on more important thongs such as schoolwork. As a result , teens become antisocial as they prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face.

In conclusion , teenagers’ use of gadgets and devices enriches their daily experiences in many ways. As technology advances, I think teenagers will be better prepared for the future.

All in all for instance it seems to me that like what is more in my view first of all consequently furthermore alternatively

Enter our Lyceum Competition! The Internet: for better or for worse?

Enter our Lyceum Competition!

The Internet:

for better or for worse?

The Internet makes life more enjoyable for teens. Teens prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face The Internet teaches young people new skills. Teenagers become antisocial.

The Internet makes life more enjoyable for teens.

Teens prefer to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face

The Internet teaches young people new skills.

Teenagers become antisocial.

Match the topic sentences to the supporting sentences. Viewpoints Reasons A To begin with, learning how to use the Internet prepares you for the future. B On the other hand there are certain disadvantages to teenagers, surfing the Internet long 1. If you want to know something you no longer need to go to the library or ask a teacher. C First of all, the Internet has increased our ability to communicate 2. It’s not necessary to use letters to contact people. D Furthermore, the Net gives us instant access to information and knowledge. 3. Students can be distracted from activities at the lesson. 4 . Future employers will need employees who are used to working with the Internet

Match the topic sentences to the supporting sentences. Viewpoints Reasons

  • A To begin with, learning how to use the Internet prepares you for the future.
  • BOn the other hand there are certain disadvantages to teenagers, surfing the Internet long
  • 1. If you want to know something you no longer need to go to the library or ask a teacher.
  • CFirst of all, the Internet has increased our ability to communicate
  • 2.It’s not necessary to use letters to contact people.
  • DFurthermore, the Net gives us instant access to informationand knowledge.
  • 3.Students can be distracted from activities at the lesson.

4 . Future employers will need employees who are used to working with the Internet

Fill in the gaps in the sentences below. I agree with / In my opinion / I am totally against / For example / In conclusion / ? In my opinion, the Internet has a positive effect on teenagers lives. For example, you can type a question in an Internet search engine and it will look for a site that will help you answer it. I agree with people complaining about some sites on the Internet. In conclusion , it is clear that the Internet has changed our lives forever. 5 . I am totally against sites on the Internet encouraging violent behaviour. ? ? ? ?

Fill in the gaps in the sentences below. I agree with / In my opinion / I am totally against / For example / In conclusion /

  • In my opinion, the Internet has a positive effect on teenagers lives.
  • For example, you can type a question in an Internet search engine and it will look for a site that will help you answer it.
  • I agree with people complaining about some sites on the Internet.
  • In conclusion, it is clear that the Internet has changed our lives forever.

5 . I am totally against sites on the Internet encouraging violent behaviour.

Enter our Lyceum Competition! The Internet: for better or for worse?

Enter our Lyceum Competition!

The Internet:

for better or for worse?

Write an opinion essay. “ The modern world relies on technological devices too much ” ( 120-180 words)

Write an opinion essay.

“ The modern world relies on technological devices too much ” ( 120-180 words)

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