Сочинение на тему school does not prepare students for the world of work эссе

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Клековкина Е., Манн
М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that university is the place to go after school, whereas others feel it is not for them.

I think that it is very important to go to university after school. First of all , the knowledge one could obtain there can help him or her to get a good job in the future. It helps one get a better understanding of how things work in life and society. Secondly , some of the best friendships start at universities. Some people meet their future husbands and wives there. Oftentimes , as people get older they think of their university years as the best times of their life .

At the same time , there are people who do not believe they are cut out for university. Some of them just can not get there because of their poor performance at school. Others already know what they want to do in life and they do not believe they need university for it.

Well , even though it is great to know what a person wants to do early in life, things may not work out the way he or she plans, and having a university degree would give them more options and a Plan-B. I truly believe everyone could get to university if they really set their mind to it . People should not give up so easily.

In conclusion , I would like to say that one can have a good and happy life regardless of whether they go to university or not. However , I strongly believe that having a university degree might make their lives much easier and interesting. Thus , I am sure that a person should have a higher education whenever possible.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight going to university is a big waste of time and money but in actual fact studying in university gives students a lot of opportunities for getting good jobs. Thus , I strongly believe that attending university is worth doing.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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Essay on the topic: "New School - a modern teacher"

Every person has a dream , to which he aspires. After graduat і ng the school school-leaver determines to choose a profession , with the institution in which he will learn .

Before I set a goal back when I was in school - "Becoming a teacher once and for all ." My dream realized . I wanted to become an English teacher and entered the State Pedagogical University . My future profession sounded so - teacher of Russian language and literature and English language. I became a teacher . My life changed after working with children. To share my experience and warmth to children - this is my life . Working with children, we not only teach them , but they teach us themselves. What? We learn openness , kindness , trusting to the world .

What attracts me to the teaching profession ? Real teacher , in my opinion , is the man who gives not only knowledge and skills, he is a compass by which he check s the direction of his career .

Being a teacher - is a way of constant searching . I n the eyes of a child the t eacher is a man who knows all the answers . This ideal of a successful person sought by each. Teacher - a special profession . Its greatness is that it serves human development future. T eacher l ove br i ght s up the child's heart , mind, teachers form his mind pets , teacher beliefs define beliefs of his pupils , teachers create the greatest value in the world - Man .

Each of us who has devoted his life to the teaching profession, chose the path of continuous search, working on a path of doubt and anxiety creative, high demands of himself, the way of hard work and everyday. A child who sees a successful example of a favo u rite teacher, strive s to do the same.

Every year time moves faster and faster. We live in an age of difficult but very interesting. In an age of rapid development of science and the latest technology, and sometimes it seems that we just do not have time to follow all the events. And when I start to talk with older peers, often hear that the modern school is not the same as it was before. This is a completely "new" school and work there "new" teacher. And then I ask myself the question: "And what is it this" New School "and what role it plays in a teacher?

New school - positive, smiles, joy, joint discovery and creativity. And what kind of quality it will foster in their students, depends on what will be our life and our society in two or three decades. For example, modern teacher touches eternity, and no one knows where his influence ends.

Modern School requires new teachers. It seems to me that the teacher of the new school , primarily to be professional in the business . It is the teacher who is in a creative search and in search of an answer to the questions " What to teach children? " " How to teach ? " Interest the child learning at school every year it becomes more difficult. Our century – century of technology. TV, internet, enable us to obtain the necessary information without leaving home. And the teacher ceases to be the sole bearer of educational information for their students. What is the solution? First, teachers should radically change the relationship to the student. It is necessary to change the authoritarian model " student-teacher " , to change the course content, teaching methods , to encourage free dialogue , personal initiative , to give the opportunity to seek answers to questions. In a word , the teacher is a versatile person who may listen, suggest , support or help in difficult moments at any time .

I also think that the modern - is not only brand new but primarily to keep in touch with the past. Unaware of his past , and we do not know the future. In a word , the teacher should be - relevant.

It's no secret that today is very acute question of educating the younger generation , the future of our state. Mainly consider vaccinate children qualities such as patriotism , honesty , compassion , courage and perseverance in achieving their goals . I want to try to pass all the moral values ​​that are passed on to us by our ancestors.

I know how difficu lt my way will be on. But I'm not complaining , just thinking what it means to be a modern master, and thus master of his pedagogical work . I agree with the statement : "You are always responsible for those who tamed "

( Antoine de Saint Exupery ) . If you are drawn to the kids , remember - this is a big responsibility. Much depends on what teachers found their way. And it must be worthy of the chosen path. " Picked up a tug - Do not Say a pound " - an old Russian proverb. For me it means - to be in constant motion and creative search. Do not throw things halfway . And unless you can somehow work with children ?

Many high school students take a gap year before entering university. This is a year in which they usually travel abroad and see the world to broaden their horizons. However, some people believe it’s better for them to go straight to university.

In my opinion, a gap year is a perfect opportunity for a young person to learn new things about life. Our educational system teaches students many useful subjects, but some things are only learnt by the experiences you face in life, such as doing things on your own and finding your way around a new place. Also, the cultural experience of visiting somewhere different from your home country is very valuable. You can learn phrases from a foreign language and try out new customs and traditions.

Some people believe you should start university directly after finishing school. I imagine this is because the sooner you start university, the faster you’ll finish and be able to find a job. Also, there may be a fear that your gap year will turn into two, or that you will never attend university.

While those are important things to consider, I don’t agree with this view. The lessons you learn on a gap year can prepare you for life in a way that university cannot. Also, with some discipline, you should be able to do a gap year, then go to university.

In conclusion, a gap year can provide young people with unique experiences, which they will remember and appreciate for life.

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