Сочинение на тему путешествие за границу помогает лучше понять свою страну

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Я считаю что путешествия за границу могут помочь людям в понимании собственной страны. Во первых, общение с иностранцами даёт понять что минталитет людей с которыми живет путешественник в одной стране намного ближе ему чем минталитет иностранцев. Во-вторых, узнавая иностранную культуру человек сможет сможет определить свою точку зрения на родную культуру. В третьих, мнения иностранцев помогают определить точную картину в странах

I believe that traveling abroad can help people in understanding the own country. First, communicating with foreigners makes clear that mintalitet people live the traveler in one country is much closer to it than the mintalitet foreigners. Secondly, recognizing a foreign culture can be able to determine their views on native culture. Third, the views of foreigners helps determine an accurate picture in countries

I believe that traveling abroad can help people to understand their own country. First, communication with foreigners makes it clear that people with mintalitet traveler who lives in one country much closer to him than mintalitet foreigners. Secondly, learning foreign culture, a person can be able to determine their views on the native culture. Third, the views of foreigners help determine an accurate picture of the countries in

i think that traveling abroad can help people's understanding of their own country. first of all, communicate with foreigners is to understand what минталитет people living in one country a much closer to him than минталитет foreigners. secondly, learning foreign culture, people will be able to identify their views on the native culture. third, help to determine an accurate picture of the views of foreign countries

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This problem cause of stress and due to stress teenagers get involved in criminal activities.Nowadays travelling is an essential and widespread activity.visiting foreign lands does not help to perceive your own traditions.

I strongly believe that journeys give you an opportunity to know your country better. First of all, you notice the expression of the dialogue of cultures. It helps to recognize more details about your homeland, which you have not noticed before. Secondly, you face foreign laws and traditions in real life. A person watches these aspects and marks the differences between the other country and his own culture. Moreover, comparison of the cultures and customs helps you to highlight the main features of your homeland.

However, other people are convinced that travelling abroad, you learn more only about foreign states.

To their minds, a tourist explores more about the land he visits. He examines the mentality and traditions. In addition to that, a traveller immerses into the country and its culture. So, he forgets about his homeland.

In my opinion, it is hard to accept this point of view. I think journeys and trips abroad undoubtedly give us information about foreign states, but they also help us to understand our country’s commonwealth through seeing the differences.

To sum up, I would like to say that travelling educates you. Despite learning foreign aspects of life, you get more knowledge about your native land.

Эта проблема вызывает стресс и из-за стрессовых подростков вовлечены в преступную деятельность. В настоящее время путешествия - это важная и широкомасштабная деятельность. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Посещение чужих земель не помогает воспринимать ваши собственные традиции.

Я твердо верю, что поездки дают вам возможность лучше узнать вашу страну. Прежде всего, вы замечаете выражение диалога культур. Это помогает узнать больше о вашей родине, чего вы раньше не замечали. Во-вторых, вы сталкиваетесь с иностранными законами и традициями в реальной жизни. Человек наблюдает за этими аспектами и отмечает различия между другой страной и собственной культурой. Более того, сравнение культур и обычаев помогает вам осветить основные черты вашей родины.

Однако другие люди убеждены, что выезжающие за границу вы больше узнаете только о зарубежных государствах. По их мнению, турист больше изучает землю, которую он посещает. Он рассматривает менталитет и традиции. Кроме того, путешественник погружается в страну и ее культуру. Итак, он забывает о своей родине.

На мой взгляд, трудно согласиться с этой точкой зрения. Я думаю, что поездки и поездки за границу, несомненно, дают нам информацию о зарубежных государствах, но они также помогают нам понять содружество нашей страны, видя различия.

Подводя итог, я хотел бы сказать, что путешествия обучают вас. Несмотря на изучение иностранных аспектов жизни, вы получаете больше знаний о своей родине.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people say that traveling abroad helps to understand one's own country, whereas others believe that in order to better understand one's country better people should not go abroad.

In my opinion in order to understand something better one should be able to compare it with something else, and countries are no exception . It is a general principle and I support it. First of all , when a person travels abroad he or she sees the differences in other countries compared to their own ones. For example , something that people took for granted in their home country suddenly becomes very valuable in another country. Second , people go to see different cultures and it makes them think more about their own because comparison is a part of human nature. For instance , a person cannot say if one thing is better than another without comparing them.

At the same time some people say that one should learn more about their own country by not going anywhere. One should visit all regions of his or her country first before going somewhere else. The more places in the country they visit, the better they understand it.

I cannot agree with the second opinion mentioned above for a particular reason. Comparison is a basic principle of every human's understanding of the world. No matter how long a person studies something they will never get to the depth of it without seeing different versions of what they are stud y ing in its home environment.

In conclusion , I would like to say that enriching one's knowledge about their county by traveling abroad is a very effective and efficient of getting knowledge. When people compare architecture, tradition, art, music, philosophy and religionsof other countries they get a better understanding of their own country.

после despite употребляется либо сущ., либо герундий; если оставлять как написано, то нужно despite the fact that .

Travelling abroad helps to understand your own country.

Travelling is one of the most incredible things in life. It gives many amazing impressions. Some people claim that going abroad is a way to understand your own country. Others claim that travelling abroad gives an opportunity to know only another countries. Who is right?

I think that travelling abroad can help to understand your own country better. Firstly, you get an opportunity to compare your country and the another one. Obviously, it helps to recognize many details in your country, which you did not notice before. Secondly, travelling abroad is a way to understand many laws of your country. For instance, in the Netherlands marijuana and prostitution are legalized, and it causes many problems. Watching these problems make you happy that in your country drugs and prostitution are forbidden.

Neverthless, there are people thinking that travelling abroad is useless to know your country better. They consider that when you are abroad, you immerse in another country and forget about yours. Being abroad you see

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Ра­бо­та хо­ро­шая, но т.к. пол­но­цен­но­го за­клю­че­ния не по­лу­чи­лось из-за пре­вы­ше­ния ко­ли­че­ства слов, то снят 1 балл за ре­ше­ние комм.за­да­чи. Со­чи­не­ние со­дер­жа­тель­ное, мно­го идей. По­смот­ри­те упо­треб­ле­ние other, another. Уда­чи!

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