Сочинение на тему навруз на английском языке

Обновлено: 19.05.2024

В английский навруз означает: Nowruz, Nouruz (мы нашли 2 переводов). Есть не менее 201 примеров предложений с навруз . Среди прочего: признает 21 марта как Международный день Навруз; ↔ Recognizes 21 March as the International Day of Nowruz; .


переводы Навруз


en Iranian New Year

Праздновать Навруз значит проявлять уважение к истокам, истории, ценностям и наследию великих цивилизаций.

To commemorate Nowruz means to respect the origins, history, values and legacy of magnificent civilizations.



призывает государства-члены, в которых отмечается Навруз, изучать историю происхождения и традиции этого праздника в целях распространения знаний о наследии Навруза в международном сообществе;

Calls upon Member States where Nowruz is celebrated to study the origins and traditions of this festivity with a view to disseminating knowledge about the Nowruz heritage among the international community;

Они перевозят также самые уязвимые группы населения в лагерь Навруз или в различные контрольно-пропускные пункты на границе с Ираком, а также вывозят их оттуда.

They are also transporting the most vulnerable to the Nawrouz camp or to/from various crossing points with Iraq.

отмечая направленность Навруза на утверждение жизни в гармонии с природой, осознание неразрывной связи между созидательным трудом и природными циклами обновления и заботливое и уважительное отношение к природным источникам жизни,

Noting the orientation of Nowruz towards the affirmation of life in harmony with nature, the awareness of the inseparable link between constructive labour and natural cycles of renewal and the solicitous and respectful attitude towards natural sources of life,

В том же духе 21 марта 2013 года в различных районах мира, в частности в Центральной Азии, отмечался Международный день Навруз по давней традиции празднования возрождения, в связи с которым общества стараются укрепить те связующие нити уважения и солидарности, которые объединяют народы различных культур, религий и языков.

In the same spirit, the International Day of Nowruz, an age-old celebration of rebirth, marking a moment when societies pause to strengthen the ties of respect and solidarity that bring together peoples of different cultures, religions and languages, was celebrated on 21 March 2013 in different parts of the world, notably in Central Asia.

12 марта 2009 года в Зарбдорскем районе Джизакского вилоята среди воспитанников школы-интерната для глухих проведены спортивные соревнования по шахматам, армрестлингу под лозунгом "Здравствуй Навруз", 25−28 мая 2009 года на Центральном стадионе "Пахтакор" по инициативе Специальной олимпиады Узбекистана проведены соревнования по футболу среди детей-инвалидов с ограниченными возможностями.

In the Zarbdor region of Djizzak province, chess and arm-wrestling contests for the pupils of residential school for the deaf were held on 12 March 2009 under the slogan "Hello Navruz"; and, at the initiative of the Uzbek Special Olympics Association, a football tournament among children with special needs took place in the Pakhtakor central stadium on 25-28 May 2009.

� Nowruz (Novruz, Navruz, Nooruz, Nevruz, Nauryz) means new day and is celebrated on 21 March of each year; its spelling and pronunciation may vary according to country.

Recalling further its resolution 64/253 of 23 February 2010, entitled “International Day of Nowruz”, and its resolution 65/309 of 19 July 2011, entitled “Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development”,

Далее сообщается, что 19 марта 2000 года министерство по поощрению благонравия и наказанию безнравственности объявило по шариатскому радио о том, что празднование Навруза, первого дня нового солнечного года по персидскому календарю, представляет собой антиисламское проявление.

In addition, on 19 March 2000, the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice announced on Radio Shariat that the celebration of Nawruz, the first day of the Persian solar New Year, was anti-Islamic.

Для курдов, празднующих Навруз, яркая, красочная и традиционная курдская одежда Джили Курди стала необходимой.

For Kurds celebrating Newroz, the flamboyant, colourful and traditional Kurdish clothes Jili Kurdi has become essential.

рекомендует государствам-членам прилагать усилия для повышения уровня информированности о Наврузе и проводить, в соответствующих случаях, ежегодные мероприятия в ознаменование этого праздника;

Encourages Member States to make efforts to raise awareness about Nowruz and to organize annual events in commemoration of this festivity, as appropriate;

Праздновать Навруз значит проявлять уважение к истокам, истории, ценностям и наследию великих цивилизаций.

To commemorate Nowruz means to respect the origins, history, values and legacy of magnificent civilizations.

В результате этой программы на киргизско-узбекской границе (являющейся зоной высокого конфликтного потенциала) одна бывшая участница программы подготовила 16 новых лидеров и наладила отношения между восемью деревнями, для того чтобы провести день мира во время праздника Навруз.

As a result of the programme, at the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border (an area of high conflict potential), one alumnus trained 16 new leaders and forged relationships among eight villages to convene a day of peace during the Nowruz holiday.

По другую сторону границы КРГ, в Манбидже, Северная Сирия, курды в этом году впервые отметили Навруз с момента их освобождения от правления ИГИЛ в прошлом году.

Across the border from events in the KRG, Kurds in Manbij, Northern Syria, celebrated Newroz this year for the first time since their liberation from ISIS rule last year.

Kurds celebrate Newroz — also spelt Nawruz — with poetry, dance, fireworks, bonfires and by jumping over fire.

На своей шестьдесят четвертой сессии Генеральная Ассамблея признала 21 марта как Международный день Навруз и предложила заинтересованным государствам-членам, Организации Объединенных Наций и другим инстанциям принимать участие в мероприятиях, проводимых государствами, в которых отмечается Навруз (резолюция 64/253).

At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly recognized 21 March as the International Day of Nowruz and invited interested Member States, the United Nations and other entities to participate in events organized by States where Nowruz is celebrated (resolution 64/253).

предлагает заинтересованным государствам-членам и Организации Объединенных Наций, в частности ее соответствующим специализированным учреждениям, фондам и программам, главным образом Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры, и заинтересованным международным и региональным организациям, а также неправительственным организациям принимать участие в мероприятиях, проводимых государствами, в которых отмечается Навруз.

Invites interested Member States and the United Nations, in particular its relevant specialized agencies, funds and programmes, mainly the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and interested international and regional organizations, as well as non-governmental organizations, to participate in events organized by States where Nowruz is celebrated.

В никчёмной попытке разогнать курдов, которые направлялись на площадь для празднования Навруза, турецкий спецназ применил необоснованую силу.

In a poor attempt to disperse Kurds that were making their way to the Square to celebrate Newroz, unnecessary force was used by Turkish riot police.

Навруз — это праздник, состоящий из различных церемоний, ритуалов, культурных мероприятий и обычаев, включая традиционные игры, кулинарные традиции, музыку и танцы.

Nowruz is a celebration that consists of various ceremonies, rituals, cultural events and customs, including traditional games, culinary traditions, music and dance.

Tajikistan’s biggest annual celebration is the spring festival of Navruz, literally “New Day”. Navruz marks the beginning of the Persian New Year, which starts at the spring equinox. (The exact date of the celebration depends on the timing of the equinox). The roots of the festival are Zoroastrian – the religion the Persians before they converted to Islam. For the Tajiks, Navruz represents a festival of friendship and renewal of all living beings. Humping over the fire on the last Wednesday of the year is practiced by the Tajiks as well. One tradition that has survived in Tajikistan is gathering of wild flowers by children in the villages. They bring the flowers back and while wearing colourful attire walk around the village, knock on people’s doors and present them with a flower. This happens one week before Navruz and there are many old folk songs that are sang by the children during the event.

House cleaning is done before the celebrations start and this includes washing and polishing all the dishes in the household. The lady of the household has a few specific tasks. Before the New Year arrives, she places two sweeping brushes ( jaroo ) that are painted red outside the door just before the sunrise and keeps it there all the day. After the sun is fully risen, more house hold items are brought outside and a red cloth is hanged outside. The red colour signifies the household welcoming the spring-sun and by opening doors and windows the new spring air is welcomed into the homes.

Nowruz morning starts with a sweet breakfast. New colourful clothes with spring motives (flowers) are worn. Special food and sweets are prepared. All kinds of games including playing with eggs, bird fighting, slaughtering a goat and wrestling are part of the celebrations. Women also prepare a paste by cooking sumalak, a porridge made from sprouted wheat that is traditionally eaten on the spring holiday. A major part of the celebration is the selection of a queen for the Navruz that has become a national celebration and is broadcast nationally by the TV stations in Tajikistan. The celebration includes a major parade with young women dressed in their national dresses carrying the ceremonial objects used on the Navruz spread with young men and women dancing and musicians playing. March 21st and 22nd are official Navruz holidays in Tajikistan, but celebrations start before these dates and continue afterwards.

Celebration of Navruz in Tajikistan is an incredible eyeful in its beauty.

On these festive days spring comes entirely to the ancient Tajik land and it may be finally seen in its fine

splendor. The caressing sun cherishes the mountain peaks and lucid snowdrops fight their way through slobber. These first spring florets are the main harbingers of the festival. Traditionally, village children give them out as a symbol of the beginning of spring.

Tajikistan prepares for Navruz in advance, first of all, spiritually: by paying debts and forgiving old insults. This day of the holiday, people put on clean clothing, symbolizing a complete expurgation. Rituals with fire dating back to Zoroastrian roots of the holiday are obligatory this day. All household should come

round a bonfire or torch alight in sign of good hope against the best.

By lunch time, hosts invite guests to festive table, served with the dishes traditional for Navruz holiday: sumanak (concoction from wheat sprouts), sambusa (sausage roll from puff-paste or rissole with greens), sabzi (vegetables) and so on. All in all, there should be seven ritual dishes beginning with “S”.

Navruz is widely celebrated both in cities and villages. This day everybody goes to the main square to watch festive shows participated with singers, dancers and musicians. It is impossible to imagine the celebration of Navruz in villages without horserace, national sports contests, cockfighting, flying the kites and pigeons, and traditional goat snatching (buzkhkasi).

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Nauryz - is the main holiday of the year as the Kazakhs, and many Asian peoples, celebrated more than five thousand years. Nauryz - a holiday of spring, renewal of nature, the beginning of a new year, new life. Nauryz is celebrated on March 22, the vernal equinox. On this day, the heavenly bodies: constellations and stars, after a year-long cycle come to the point of their original residence and begin a new path - circle.

Otherwise Nauryz Kazakhs called "Ulystyn uly kuni", which translated into Russian means "The Great Day of the people." The name of the holiday "Nauryz" consists of two ancient Iranian word "know" (new) and "rose" (day).

Nauryz - is the day of the rebirth of nature, waking it from sleep. This is a very symbolic holiday Nauryz and correspondingly linked to many customs and traditions. Nauryz Kazakhs called not just the holiday itself, but the entire month of March. Children born in this month to be called names, derived from the word "Nowruz", for example, the boys - or Nauryzbai Nauryzbek and girls - Nauryz or Nauryzgul etc.

By the New Year the Kazakhs treated very seriously, began to prepare for it in advance, put in order, agriculture, cleaned the home, wore clean elegant clothes, prepared a rich table, and a sign of the wishes of the harvest, fertility, rain, and milk, all the containers in the house was filled with milk , spring water, ayran and grain. After all, according to the signs, how to celebrate a year, so spend it.

In the days of celebration of Nauryz prepared a lot of food, symbolizing prosperity and abundance. At noon on the prescribed place and cut the bull prepare a special meat dish "Belle koterer", which translates as "rectifying the camp." According to the ideas of the Kazakhs, the bull was considered one of the strongest animals and food from it gave people strength and endurance.

The main entertainment on festive dastarkhan was a dish "Nauryz skin." Nowruz skin - is a ritual meal, soup, which includes seven components: water, meat, salt, oil, flour, cereals and milk. The number seven itself has a sacred character of the Kazakhs. Seven components Nauryz skin meant seven elements of life. Huge pot for Nauryz skin symbolized unity.

Nauryz Holiday is always accompanied by a massive fun. The youth gathered at the swing - altybakan. All sang, danced, played in the National Games. On Nauryz often held competitions among young men in the fight, or the races. Sometimes the young men competed in the ability to stay in the saddle with the girls. Also on Nauryz arranged aitys where his skills competing akyns - poets, singers-improvisers.

Nauryz - a holiday of unity of all people in the world and nature, harmony, holiday, light and goodness!

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Guests at the feast! NAVRUZ international day of Nowruz, a celebration of spring and the beginning of a new year, a number of peoples of Eurasia. The name Navruz in Persian language means "new day". In this holiday taken to forgive and forget grudges, dress up in new clothes and walk in guests, give gifts and dyed eggs, help the needy, have fun and bring joy to others. The tradition of celebrating Novruz in different nations are about the same and stored for centuries. Appeared and a modern paraphernalia: concerts in parks and squares, trade fairs, national konnosportivnymi contests. The main day of celebration-first, 21 March. walk-in guests, visit relatives and buy young saplings to plant fruit trees, gather the merry companies in the lap of spring nature.Вы познакомились с традициями и обычаями празднования Навруза.Готовы ли Вы пригласить на праздник своих друзей?Накройте стол по правилам Хафт сина из предоставленных продуктов.

On a visit - for a holiday! Navruz International Day of Nowruz, a celebration of spring and the beginning of the new year, a number of peoples of Eurasia. The name of Nowruz in Persian language means "new day".
In this holiday decided to forgive and forget insults, dress up in new clothes and visit their friends, give gifts and painted eggs, help the needy, have fun and give yourself the joy of others. The tradition of celebrating Nowruz in different people are about the same and preserved for centuries. There was also a modern attributes: concerts in the parks and squares, trade fairs, national equestrian competitions. The main day of the festival - the first on March 21. Visiting friends, visit relatives, buy and plant the seedlings of young fruit trees, the cheerful company assembled in the lap of nature in spring.
You learn about the traditions and customs of the celebration Navruza.Gotovy if you invite your friends to the feast? Cover the table according to the rules of the Haft Sin products provided .

the guests at the party. nowruz international day of nowruz, the spring festival and the beginning of the new year, a number of peoples of eurasia. the name of nowruz in translation from persian language means "new day".this holiday is to forgive and forget grudges, dressed up in new clothes and go to visit, to give gifts and dyed eggs, to help those in need, to themselves and give joy to others.навруза traditions of different peoples have roughly the same and preserved for centuries. a modern trappings, with concerts in parks and public gardens, trade fairs,national конноспортивными contests. the first day of the holiday is the first of 21 march. walk in guests, to visit relatives, buying and planting seedlings of fruit treespack fun companies with spring nature.
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