Сочинение на тему наурыз на английском языке

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

P.S. Я использовала текст на русском, привожу его ниже. При проверке своего сочинения уже вижу ошибки с самого первого предложения: Currently, Kazakhstan is actively preparing for the celebration of one of the major public holidays - Nauryz, so I would like to introduce my readers to the traditions of the festival, and of parallel practice in writing essays.

Выставляю на обсуждение.

Nauryz is the holiday of spring

9Б класс, 2 урока.

Учитель: Хрестяновская Е.Н.

Класс предварительно условно разделён на три тематические группы:

  1. Обычаи и традиции праздника
  2. Одежда
  3. Блюда

Дома каждая группа готовила презентацию по своей теме, которую они представят в рамках урока.

Все предложенные задания выполняются в группах или представителями групп.

На доске слова: a big meal, a beautiful dress, invite friends, play music, dance, an enormous birthday cake.

The topic to discuss is CELEBRATION.

  1. Подготовка к основному этапу занятия. Введение в тему:

TASK1: Listen to the text and decide what holiday we are going to speak about today. (Nauryz)

There is a legend in Central Asia that every year during the night between the 21st and 22nd of March (the spring equinox ), the wise elder Kadyr-Ata walks across the Earth. Kadyr-Ata brings people happiness and wealth, and he also possesses special magical powers. At three o.clock in the morning, Kadyr-Ata opens the door to the sky and lets Spring come to the world. At this time, he breathes life into the earth; he renews the earth from its death-like winter state, and brings it back to spring.

For the Kazakh nomads, the arrival of spring was a time for great celebration. Life was hard for nomads on the Kazakh steppes, and Nauryz marked the end of the difficult winter season and the beginning of spring renewal. With spring came the beginning of a new year’s cycle of life, the time of year when the nomads happily said goodbye to harsh winter weather, welcomed warm weather, and rejoiced in the birthing season of their valuable livestock upon which they depended for food and their very livelihoods.

TASK2: Read the text and match the definitions with the underlined words :

  1. Cruel, severe;
  2. Show signs of great happiness;
  3. Member of a tribe that travels about;
  4. Animals kept for use or profit;
  5. Time of the year when day and night are of equal length;
  6. Being useful or desirable;
  7. Need, rely on in order to exist;
  8. Means of living;
  9. Having or showing experience, knowledge, good judgement;
  10. Make new;
  1. Усвоение новых знаний

На доске цифры: 3, 7, 21, 1988, 2009,6, 1926

How do the numerals refer to Nauryz?

  • Nauryz was cancelled in 1926 . It was first recreated in Kazakhstan only in 1988 and was extremely popular.
  • In 1988 - 3 days of Nauryz holiday, starting 21th of March, were officially announced bank holidays in Kazakhstan.
  • September 30, 2009 – Nauryz was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO; since then, 21 of March is announced International Day of Nowruz (Nauryz).
  • The Kazakhs attached special importance to the number of seven during the Nauryz celebrations because it symbolized the seven days of the week, which was considered to be a time unit of the universal eternity. Seven bowls with the Nauryz-kozhe drink (made from seven sorts of seven types of herbs) would be put in front of the aksakals (respectable old people). The meals were composed of seven components, usually meat, salt, fat, onions, wheat, kurt (a type of cheese) and irimshik (a kind of cottage cheese).
  • 6 stands for the number of letters in the word NAURYZ

TEACHER: What associations come to your mind when you hear Nauryz?

Possible answers: traditions, costumes, dishes. Make a cluster on the board.

GROUP1: TRADITIONS (Выступление Группы)

TASK4: Fill in the gaps

Nauryz is a very important 1____ for Kazakhs, which marks the 2_______of a new year. It is 3______ several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the 4_____ equinox.

Nauryz means ‘5____ day’, it is celebrated in the Great Steppes from 6_____ times.

During the Nauryz holiday7______ nomad houses feltyurts -are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table) is laid down in each of them. You can find people wearing beautiful national 8____ ,9 ____ to Kazakh songs and play of musical 10_____.

Nauryz is a very important 1 holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the 2 beginning of a new year. It is 3 celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the 4 spring equinox.

Nauryz means ‘5 new day’, it is celebrated in the Great Steppes from 6 ancient times.

During the Nauryz holiday 7 traditional nomad houses feltyurts -are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table) is laid down in each of them. You can find people wearing beautiful national 8 clothes , 9 listen to Kazakh songs and play of musical 10 instruments .

GROUP2: COSTUMES (Выступление Группы)

TASK5: Match the names of pieces of clothes with the description.

Открытый урок

по английскому языку

В.В. Рязанова

преподаватель русского языка и литературы, английского языка

Костанайская область, г.Рудный

Text “Nauryz” Work with vocabulary

Воспитывать чувство патриотизма через обсуждение темы национального праздника.

To practice speaking on the theme “Nauryz”;

To develop the vocabulary;

To encourage patriotism through the discussing of the theme of national holiday.

Type of the lesson : the lesson of the new knowledge.

Тип урока: урок новых знаний

Вид : проблемное обучение.

Shape of the lesson : group.

Форма урока : групповое занятие.

Try to imaging what is the text about:

Попробуйте представить, очем будет текст используя пять ключевых слов.

You can use only these 5 words:

(The text is about the traditional spring holiday - Nayruz. All family prepares & eats Kozhe.)

Task 1 .

Checking of the home-task. What was your home-task?

Look through the text, analyze each sentence, give “marks” & make a summary

+ I knew it

! (exclamation mark) It’s interesting!

Example (пример): +The most important Kazakh holiday of the year is "Nauryz" - -the Kazakh New Year. +It is celebrated on March 22, - when night and day are identical. !Families gather together to help each other in constructing a "yurt" which is a traditional Kazakh home. -On Nauryz you will see that it is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets.

Task 2

1 word- Theme of the text (WHAT)

2 words describing the Theme (WHICH)

3 words describing the Activity of people (WHAT do they DO)

Sentence from 4 words about the Theme

Celebrate, decorate, sing

The most important Kazakh holiday.

Task 3

Text Frame Complete the text using the frame.

This text is about_____________. It is celebrated_______when____. _____gather_______constructing a yurt _____. As a guest _____. ___ traditional meal______. It is made of________. At the end_____have tea &________. ____is very popular_________.

The work with cards

The most important Kazakh holiday of the year is "Nauryz" - the Kazakh New Year. It is celebrated on March 22, when night and day are identical. Families gather together to help each other in constructing a "yurt" which is a traditional Kazakh home. On Nauryz you will see that it is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets.

As a guest you will sit at a long low table and eat such Kazakh dishes as "karta" (round pieces of dried horse meat), "plov", "baursak", "besbarmak" (5 fingers-a meal which consists of noodles, onion, sheep meat).

The main traditional meal of this holiday is "Nauryz Kozhe". It is made of 7 components: meat, water, salt, airan, wheat, rice and raisin. Nauryz Kozhe is cooked by a family or a group of families or the people of the whole aul, village or settlement. All grown-ups and children must eat Kozhe or at least taste it. In fact this kind of Kozhe is a wish, a hope for the New Year to be successful.

At the end of the meal you will sit and have tea and listen to musicians playing dombyras and kobyz and singing songs. One of the major features of "Nauryz” is the traditional costumes that men and women wear. This holiday is very popular like many other holidays you celebrate in spring.

Card 1 (СЛАЙД 10)

Переведите выделенные слова :

The most важный Kazakh holiday of the year is "Nauryz" - the Kazakh New Year. It is празднуется on March 22, when ночь and day are identical. Families собираются together to help each other in constructing a "yurt" which is a traditional Kazakh home. On Nauryz you will see that it is decorated with красивый Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets. As a гость you will sit at a long low table and eat such Kazakh dishes as "karta", "plov", "baursak", "besbarmak" (a meal which состоит из noodles, onion, sheep meat). The main традиционное блюдо of this holiday is "Nauryz Kozhe". It is делают , готовят of 7 components: meat, water, salt, airan, wheat, rice and raisin. Nauryz Kozhe is cooked by a family or a группа of families or the люди of the whole aul, village or settlement. All подростки and children must eat Kozhe or at least taste it. In fact this kind of Kozhe is a wish, a надежда for the New Year to be successful. At the end of the meal you will sit and пить чай and listen to musicians playing dombyras and kobyz and singing песни . One of the главный features of "Nauryz” is the traditional costumes that men and women wear. This holiday is very популярный like many other holidays you celebrate in spring.

Card 2 (СЛАЙД 11)

Re-write, put the words in the right order.

Переписать, поставить слова в нужной последовательности.

1. Is, on March 22, when, celebrated, are identical, Nauryz, night and day.

2. Kazakh , and, is beautiful, yurt, ornaments, decorated with, rugs, blankets.

3. traditional, the main, this, meal, holiday, is, "Nauryz Kozhe", of.

4. is, holiday, popular, very, this.

Card 3 (СЛАЙД 12)

Find the missing forms of the verbs:

Напиши недостающие формы неправильных глаголов:

Card 4 (СЛАЙД 13)

Complete the sentences:

1. The most important Kazakh holiday…

2. It is celebrated on…

3. Families gather together…

4. The main traditional meal…

5. It is made of…

6. At the end of the meal…

Card 5 (СЛАЙД 14)

What is celebrated on March 22?

Who gather together to help each other in constructing a "yurt"?

Who will eat such Kazakh dishes as "karta", "plov", "baursak", "besbarmak"?

What is the main traditional meal?

What is made of 7 components?

Who must eat Kozhe?

Card 6 (СЛАЙД 15)

Make the disjunctive questions.

Задай разделительный вопрос.

1. Nauryz is celebrated on March 22,…?

2. The yurt is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets, …?

3. The main traditional meal of this holiday is "Nauryz Kozhe",…?

4. This holiday is very popular,…?

Card 7 (СЛАЙД 16)

1. Nauryz is the most important Kazakh holiday of the year.

2. This holiday is very popular

Card 8 (СЛАЙД 17)

Find & write down from the text:

Найди и выпиши из текста:

3. Prepositions (3)

5. Verbs: in Pres. Ind.(1), in Past Ind. (1), in Future Ind.(1), Modal verb (1), Infinitive (1).


Giving the marks.

Give your idea of the lesson:


Home-task: to read & translate text “Astana”

P.S. Я использовала текст на русском, привожу его ниже. При проверке своего сочинения уже вижу ошибки с самого первого предложения: Currently, Kazakhstan is actively preparing for the celebration of one of the major public holidays — Nauryz, so I would like to introduce my readers to the traditions of the festival, and of parallel practice in writing essays.

Выставляю на обсуждение.

Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox.

Nauryz means ‘new day’, it is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times.

Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day, since this holiday is common for many nations.

During Nauryz celebrations, past offences are forgiven and forgotten and everybody makes a wish to leave all badness behind and bring renewal in the New Year.

Celebration of Nauryz
During the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centres, - traditional nomad houses are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table) is laid down in each of them.

City squares get full of yurts, and many performances take place there. Here one can learn about the culture and lifestyle of nomads and find people wearing , listen to Kazakh songs and play of musical instruments, etc. In holiday exhibitions and fairs traditional gifts and souvenirs are sold.

Usually young people gather around Altybakan, which is a large hanging swing, with colourful decorations, where songs are sung, and traditional games are played.

During Nauryz holiday, many famous stars give concerts in cities and the holiday is completed by fireworks.

Dishes served during Nauryz
Nauryz kozhe is the most important of all meals during these days and a main symbol of Nauryz, since it is prepared specially for this day. Nauryz kozhe is special for its unique recipe.Traditionally, 7 different ingredients are added to Nauryz kozhe, which may vary, but basically these ingredients include: water, meat, salt, milk or yoghurt, one type of grains, chosen from rice, corn or wheat, and others. Seven ingredients symbolize seven virtues or qualities, such as joy, success, intelligence, health, wealth, agility and security.

During the celebration of Nauryz, the kozhe is offered to all guests in any city or village of Kazakhstan. Besides, other traditional , such as beshbarmak, kuyrdak, baursak, and many types of meals made from milk (youghurt, kurt, cream, butter, cheese, etc) are also offered.

Interesitng facts :

  • Between 1926-1988, Nauryz holiday was not officially celebrated in Kazakhstan (Kazakh Soviet Socialistic Republic those days)
  • In 2009 - 3 days of Nauryz holiday, starting 21th of March, were officially announced bank holidays in Kazakhstan.
  • September 30, 2009 - Nauryz was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO; since then, 21 of March is announced International Day of Nowruz (Nauryz).

Now enjoy a short clip about Nauryz celebrations from Steppe Tales travel documentary.

Nauryz is a very important holiday for the Kazakhs. It marks the beginning of a New Year. It is celebrated several days starting on the 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox.

Nauryz means new day. It is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times.

Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day since this holiday is common to many nations.

During the Nauryz celebrations, past offences are forgiven and forgotten and everybody makes a wish to leave all bad and evil behind and get the renewal the following New Year.

The celebration of Nauryz.

During the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centres, felt yurts traditional nomad houses, are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table) is laid down in each of them.

City squares get full of yurts, and a lot of performances take place there. Here one can learn about the culture and lifestyle of nomads and find people wearing beautiful national costumes, listen to Kazakh songs and tunes of national musical instruments. At holiday exhibitions and fairs, traditional gifts and souvenirs are sold. Usually, young people gather around Altybakan - a kind of large national swing, colourfully decorated, near which songs are sung, and traditional games are played. During the Nauryz holiday, many famous stars give concerts in cities and towns. The holiday is completed by fireworks.

Наурыз-очень главный праздничек для казахов. Он знаменует собой начало Hового года. Он отмечается несколько дней, начиная с 21 марта, денька вешнего равноденствия.

Наурыз значит "новый денек". Он отмечается в Больших степях с древних времен.

Наурыз символизирует благо и богатство, счастье и любовь, а также большой день дружбы, так как этот праздничек является общим для многих народов. Во время празднования Наурыза прошлые обиды прощаются и забываются, и каждый загадывает желание бросить все плохое и злое позади и получить обновление в следующем Новеньком году.

В праздник Наурыз большие и малые городка, села становятся фестивальными центрами. В центрах городов инсталлируются войлочные юрты традиционные кочевые дома, в каждом из которых накрывается обеспеченный дастархан-стол.

Городские площади пестрят юртами, на площадях проходят бессчетные представления. Тут можно выяснить о культуре и быте кочевников, отыскать людей в прекрасных государственных костюмчиках, послушать казахские песни и мелодии государственных музыкальных приборов. На праздничных выставках и ярмарках продаются традиционные подарки и сувениры. Обычно молодежь собирается вокруг Алтыбакана-необыкновенной великой государственной качели, ярко оформленной, возле которой напевают песни, играют в традиционные забавы. Во время праздника Наурыз, многие знаменитые звезды дают концерты и в великих и малых городках. Завершается праздничек фейерверком.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Nauryz - is the main holiday of the year as the Kazakhs, and many Asian peoples, celebrated more than five thousand years. Nauryz - a holiday of spring, renewal of nature, the beginning of a new year, new life. Nauryz is celebrated on March 22, the vernal equinox. On this day, the heavenly bodies: constellations and stars, after a year-long cycle come to the point of their original residence and begin a new path - circle.

Otherwise Nauryz Kazakhs called "Ulystyn uly kuni", which translated into Russian means "The Great Day of the people." The name of the holiday "Nauryz" consists of two ancient Iranian word "know" (new) and "rose" (day).

Nauryz - is the day of the rebirth of nature, waking it from sleep. This is a very symbolic holiday Nauryz and correspondingly linked to many customs and traditions. Nauryz Kazakhs called not just the holiday itself, but the entire month of March. Children born in this month to be called names, derived from the word "Nowruz", for example, the boys - or Nauryzbai Nauryzbek and girls - Nauryz or Nauryzgul etc.

By the New Year the Kazakhs treated very seriously, began to prepare for it in advance, put in order, agriculture, cleaned the home, wore clean elegant clothes, prepared a rich table, and a sign of the wishes of the harvest, fertility, rain, and milk, all the containers in the house was filled with milk , spring water, ayran and grain. After all, according to the signs, how to celebrate a year, so spend it.

In the days of celebration of Nauryz prepared a lot of food, symbolizing prosperity and abundance. At noon on the prescribed place and cut the bull prepare a special meat dish "Belle koterer", which translates as "rectifying the camp." According to the ideas of the Kazakhs, the bull was considered one of the strongest animals and food from it gave people strength and endurance.

The main entertainment on festive dastarkhan was a dish "Nauryz skin." Nowruz skin - is a ritual meal, soup, which includes seven components: water, meat, salt, oil, flour, cereals and milk. The number seven itself has a sacred character of the Kazakhs. Seven components Nauryz skin meant seven elements of life. Huge pot for Nauryz skin symbolized unity.

Nauryz Holiday is always accompanied by a massive fun. The youth gathered at the swing - altybakan. All sang, danced, played in the National Games. On Nauryz often held competitions among young men in the fight, or the races. Sometimes the young men competed in the ability to stay in the saddle with the girls. Also on Nauryz arranged aitys where his skills competing akyns - poets, singers-improvisers.

Nauryz - a holiday of unity of all people in the world and nature, harmony, holiday, light and goodness!

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It is celebrated several days starting on the 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox.

Nauryz means ‘new day’.

It is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times.

Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day since this holiday is common to many nations.

During the Nauryz celebrations, past offences are forgiven and forgotten and everybody makes a wish to leave all bad and evil behind and get the renewal the following New Year.

The celebration of Nauryz.

During the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centres, felt yurts – traditional nomad houses, are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table) is laid down in each of them.

City squares get full of yurts, and a lot of performances take place there.

Here one can learn about the culture and lifestyle of nomads and find people wearing beautiful national costumes, listen to Kazakh songs and tunes of national musical instruments.

At holiday exhibitions and fairs, traditional gifts and souvenirs are sold.

Usually, young people gather around Altybakan - a kind of large national swing, colourfully decorated, near which songs are sung, and traditional games are played.

During the Nauryz holiday, many famous stars give concerts in cities and towns.

The holiday is completed by fireworks.

Наурыз - очень важный праздник для казахов.

Он знаменует собой начало Hового года.

Он отмечается несколько дней, начиная с 21 марта, дня весеннего равноденствия.

Наурыз означает "новый день".

Он отмечается в Великих степях с древних времен.

Наурыз символизирует добро и богатство, счастье и любовь, а также великий день дружбы, так как этот праздник является общим для многих народов.

Во время празднования Наурыза прошлые обиды прощаются и забываются, и каждый загадывает желание оставить все плохое и злое позади и получить обновление в следующем Новом году.

В праздник Наурыз большие и малые города, села становятся фестивальными центрами.

В центрах городов устанавливаются войлочные юрты – традиционные кочевые дома, в каждом из которых накрывается богатый дастархан - стол.

Городские площади пестрят юртами, на площадях проходят многочисленные представления.

Здесь можно узнать о культуре и быте кочевников, найти людей в красивых национальных костюмах, послушать казахские песни и мелодии национальных музыкальных инструментов.

На праздничных выставках и ярмарках продаются традиционные подарки и сувениры.

Обычно молодежь собирается вокруг Алтыбакана - своеобразной большой национальной качели, красочно оформленной, возле которой поют песни, играют в традиционные игры.

Во время праздника Наурыз, многие известные звезды дают концерты и в больших и малых городах.

Nauryz – Kazakh new year
Nauryz is a very important holiday for Kazakhs, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox.
Nauryz means ‘new day’, it is celebrated in the Great Steppes from ancient times.
Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day, since this holiday is common for many nations.
During Nauryz celebrations, past offences are forgiven and forgotten and everybody makes a wish to leave all badness behind and bring renewal in the New Year.

Celebration of Nauryz
During the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centres, feltyurts – traditional nomad houses are erected in city centres and rich dastarkhan (table) is laid down in each of them.
City squares get full of yurts, and many performances take place there. Here one can learn about the culture and lifestyle of nomads and find people wearing beautiful national clothes, listen to Kazakh songs and play of musical instruments, etc. In holiday exhibitions and fairs traditional gifts and souvenirs are sold.
Usually young people gather around Altybakan, which is a large hanging swing, with colourful decorations, where songs are sung, and traditional games are played.
During Nauryz holiday, many famous stars give concerts in cities and the holiday is completed by fireworks.
Dishes served during Nauryz
Nauryz kozhe is the most important of all meals during these days and a main symbol of Nauryz, since it is prepared specially for this day. Nauryz kozhe is special for its unique recipe.Traditionally, 7 different ingredients are added to Nauryz kozhe, which may vary, but basically these ingredients include: water, meat, salt, milk or yoghurt, one type of grains, chosen from rice, corn or wheat, and others. Seven ingredients symbolize seven virtues or qualities, such as joy, success, intelligence, health, wealth, agility and security.
During the celebration of Nauryz, the kozhe is offered to all guests in any city or village of Kazakhstan. Besides, other traditional Kazakh meals, such as beshbarmak, kuyrdak, baursak, and many types of meals made from milk (youghurt, kurt, cream, butter, cheese, etc) are also offered.

Наурыз - казахский новый год
Наурыз очень важный праздник для казахов, который знаменует собой начало нового года. Он отмечается через несколько дней, начиная с 21 марта, в день весеннего равноденствия.
Наурыз означает "новый день", он празднуется в Великой Степи с древних времен.
Наурыз символизирует доброту и богатство, счастье и любовь, и великий день дружбы , так как этот праздник является общим для многих народов.
Во время Наурыза торжеств, прошлые обиды прощаются и забываются, и каждый делает желание оставить все негодность позади и принести обновление в новом году. Празднование Наурыза Во время праздника Наурыз, больших и малых городах , деревни стали фестиваль центры, feltyurts - традиционные кочевые дома возводятся в городских центрах и богатых дастархан (стол) заложена в каждом из них. Городские площади получите полный юрт, и многие спектакли проходят там. Здесь можно узнать о культуре и образе жизни кочевников и найти людей, одетых в красивые национальные костюмы, послушать казахской песни и играть музыкальных инструментов, и т.д. В курортных выставок и ярмарок традиционные подарки и сувениры продаются. Обычно молодые люди собираются вокруг Altybakan, которая является крупным висит качели, с красочными декорациями, где песни поются, и традиционные игры играют. Во время праздника Наурыз, многие известные звезды дают концерты в городах и праздник завершается фейерверком. Блюда подаются в течение Наурыз Наурыз коже наиболее важный из всех приемов пищи в течение этих дней и главным символом праздника Наурыз, так как он подготовлен специально для этого дня. Наурыз коже специально для своей уникальной recipe.Traditionally 7 различных ингредиенты добавляют в Наурыз коже, которые могут меняться, но в основном эти ингредиенты включают воду, мясо, соль, молоко или йогурт, один тип зерна, выбранный из риса, кукурузы или пшеницы, и другие. Семь ингредиенты символизируют семь добродетелей или качества, такие, как радость, успех, интеллект, здоровье, богатство, ловкость и безопасности. Во время празднования Наурыза, коже разливают предлагается для всех гостей в любом городе или деревне Казахстан. Кроме того, другие традиционные казахские блюда, такие как Бешбармакской куырдак, баурсак, и многих видов блюд, приготовленных из молока (youghurt, Курт, сливки, сливочное масло, сыр, и т.д.) также предложил.

Наурыз - казахский новый год
- Наурыз - является очень важным праздником для казахов, который знаменует собой начало нового года. Он отмечается несколько дней, начиная с 21-го марта, в день весеннего равноденствия.
- Наурыз - означает "новый день", он отмечается в великой степи от древних времен.
- Наурыз - является символом добра и благополучия, счастья и любви и дружбы день,Поскольку этот праздник является общим для многих наций.
в ходе Наурыз, в прошлом преступлений, прощать и забывать и каждый делает хотел бы оставить все являются неэффективными позади и принести оживление в новом году.ветровому празднование Наурыз
в ВКО, больших и малых городов, деревень стал фестиваль центров,Feltyurts - традиционного кочевого дома возводятся в городских центрах и богатый " (таблица) в каждой из них.
городских площадях получить полный юрты, и многие из спектаклей. Здесь можно узнать о культуре и образе жизни кочевников и найти людей красивых национальной одежды, слушать казахской песни и воспроизведения музыкальных инструментов, и т.д.В праздничный день выставки и ярмарки традиционные подарки и сувениры продаются.
как правило, молодые люди собираются вокруг старец Абыз слагает грустную песнь, в которой находится большая поворотная, с красочными декорациями, где песни, Сун, и традиционные игры играет.
в ВКО, многие знаменитые звезды дают концерты в городах и праздник, фейерверк.
блюд в течение - Наурыз -
сел преображаются является наиболее важным из всех блюд в течение этих дней и главный символ Наурыз, поскольку она готова специально на этот день. сел преображаются - это специальная его уникальный рецепт.традиционно, 7 различных ингредиентов, добавляются в сел преображаются, которая может различаться, но в основном эти ингредиенты: вода, мясо, соль, молоко или йогурт, один тип зерна, из риса, кукурузы и пшеницы,

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