Сочинение на тему english is a language of a planet

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The problem of learning languages is very important today.
Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information.
The total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years.
Foreign languages are needed as the main and most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet.

Today English is the language of the world.
Over 350 million people speak it as a mother tongue.
The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies.It is the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment.

English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organization. It is the language of the literature, education, modern music, international tourism.

Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today. Learning a foreign language is not as easy thing.
It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience.
But to know English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.It is well known that reading books in the original, listening to the BBC news, communicating with the English speaking people will help a lot. When learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of the native speakers. One must work hard to learn any foreign language.

In my opinion, English nowadays is one of the ruling powers of the world community. It has long ago become the universal language for people of all nationalities. Every educated person in Russia needs to be aware of some smattering of English, in order to be accepted and realised professionally. on the other hand, studying English is a very effective way to evolve mentally. I believe, that the English language in modern society has aquired a particular status and become an insaparable part of our life.

English is the main language of business, sports and science. Three quarters of the world's mail are in English. It's the world's computer language. It also has become the language of international traffic control and police and emergency services. English is a chief language of international business and academic conferences and the leading language of international tourism. It is the language of popular music, advertising and video games. We should never stop learning a language.

English - the language of the most famous on the planet.

This language is known in every country, so called English language in the world.

Mi teach the language in schools to understand foreigners.

As this language is necessary for almost every job.

With this language we can meet people all over the planet.

I learn this language at the school, because I want to speak it with their friends on the other country.

Что вы узнали об английском языке?

Что вы узнали об английском языке?

Завершите предложения, используя информацию с карты и текста.

. people in the world use English.

As a native language English is spoken in.

The number of English native speakers is.

As an official language English is used.

As world language English is used.

English expands its vocsbulary by.

American English is.

Сочинение на тему English has become the language of the planet 100 - 120 слов?

Сочинение на тему English has become the language of the planet 100 - 120 слов.

Даю 50 балов но, из инета не катит!


Текст The English language.

. people in the world use English As a native language English is spoken in ?

. people in the world use English As a native language English is spoken in .

The number of English native speakers is .

As an official language English is used .

As a world language is used .

English expands its vocabulary by .

American English is .

Ребят помогите составить рассказ о английском языке по этим предложениям!

За ранее спасибо.

The role of English language"?

The role of English language".

Сочинение на тему The English Language?

Сочинение на тему The English Language.

Как правильно?

Who here knows English language?

Или Who here knows the English language?

Why can English be called the language of business and the language of sports?

Why can English be called the language of business and the language of sports?

Объяснить пятью предложениями.

Chose one of the statements and develop the idea 1)english is the language of our planet 2)each language has its own history 3)the are a lot of things you can do to learn a foreign language 4)language?

Chose one of the statements and develop the idea 1)english is the language of our planet 2)each language has its own history 3)the are a lot of things you can do to learn a foreign language 4)language learning is great fun 5)practice makes perfect 6)trough hardship to the starts 7)it is useful to learn foreign languages.

What is the connection between the story and the topic of lesson Choose the right answers?

What is the connection between the story and the topic of lesson Choose the right answers.

Our planet is in danger.

2. Our planet will be in danger in the future.

3. If we don't do anything, our planet will be in danger.

4. The future of our planet is in our hands.

5. We can't help our planet anymore.

English is the most widespread language nowadays and it is commonly believed that other languages will be replaced by it. This essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of having a sole language for everyone.

To begin with, the main advantage of having a universal language is that it simplifies the communication between scientists, businessmen, politicians and ordinary people. Now it is common practice to translate essential documents such as reports of scientific research or financial statement in English in order to avoid misunderstanding. What is more, establishing a single language will make every person a part of world community, united by culture, values and basic laws. That would be profitable for world economy and helpful in solving social problems. Common concepts in the language will unite people from different parts of the world, creating more mutual understanding between them.

Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks which ought to be mentioned.

Firstly, the replacement of many native languages with the universal one derives people of their cultural identity since language is the significant component of it. It should be highlighted that there are a lot of languages spoken by a small amount of people, and our society attempts to save them from being extinct because they are a part of world historical heritage. The same applies for other languages. Secondly, languages develop continuously by borrowing words from other ones, which is a necessary part of human communication. The modern English is a prime example: it contains words from French, Latin, Spanish and many other languages.

orrowed words are a reflection of the cultural life of the people to whom they belong. Moreover, borrowed words allow the language to develop and transform. If there was the only language in the world, development would be next to impossible.

To conclude, having a single language can be advantageous, however, the negative impact of substitution of other languages must be taken into consideration. Today, in the context of globalization, the discussion on this issue is very relevant.

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English language is very important in our life. People all over the world can communicate between each other because they speak the same language. And because of English is international language it’s a good possibility to discover the world and meet new people.

Sometime while surfing in internet I see questions of different people: why is English important? How can English be useful? How to study English fast?

Well you don’t need to be an expert to understand how many possibilities you can have if you speak English.

My mom always says: English language can open a door for you to any country. If you like to travel it’s really nice to go anywhere and to be confident that you are able to speak and be understood. You can ask the direction, have lunch in a local restaurant, travel by public bus, do shopping. I have never got this experience yet, but I hope soon I will have.

Another good thing is your job. Person who wants to build a good career, be successful and well-educated has to speak English. Of course if you are not dreaming to become a shop assistant or nurse. But sometime even for these jobs you have to speak foreign language. Another great possibility while speaking English is job abroad. Many people nowadays move to German, America, England and many other countries to work there. Later they come back or move to live there with their families.

To speak about use of English I can forever. It’s more difficult to understand how to study. Somebody looks for private teachers, some people need practice abroad, someone can study at school but at the end say just few words. Everything depends on the person I think. If a person thinks about his future, wants to have full and interesting life, good friends, travel around the world and have a good job, he will not waste time.

Английский язык

Английский язык очень важен в нашей жизни. Люди со всего мира могут общаться между собой, если они говорят на одном и том же языке. А благодаря тому, что английский это международный язык, он даёт возможность познать мир и встретить новых людей.

Что же, не нужно быть экспертом, чтобы понять, сколько возможностей даёт знание языка. Мама всегда говорит мне и моей сестре, что английский откроет дверь в любую страну. Когда вы путешествуете, так здорово пойти куда-то и быть уверенным, что вы можете говорить и быть понятым. Вы можете спросить направление, пообедать в местном ресторане, передвигаться на общественном транспорте, гулять по магазинам. У меня пока не было подобного опыта, но вскоре, надеюсь, все изменится.

Ещё одна замечательная вещь это работа. Человек, который хочет построить карьеру, быть полезным и образованным, должен говорить на английском. Конечно, если вы не мечтаете стать продавцом или медсестрой. Но иногда даже для такой работы полезно владеть английским. А ещё вы можете поехать работать за границу. Много людей сегодня переезжают в Германию, Америку, Англию и другие страны на работу. Позже они возвращаются домой или перевозят свои семьи за границу.

Говорить о пользе языка можно бесконечно. Сложнее понять, как изучать этот язык. Кто-то нанимает репетитора, кто-то едет за границу на практику, а кто-то изучает в школе, но едва может сказать несколько слов.

Но все зависит от самого человека. Если человек думает о своём будущем, жить полной и интересной жизнью, иметь хороших друзей, путешествовать по всему миру и иметь приличную работу, то не стоит тратить время.

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