Сочинение на английском про владивосток

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

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Выберите документ из архива для просмотра:

Выбранный для просмотра документ PRIMORYE.doc

1.Primorye is located in the East of the Eurasian continent .

2.Primorye is washed by the waters of the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean .

3.Our native land is a part of the Russian Federation and has the territory of 1659 thousand square km.

4.Three-fourth of the territory is covered with the Sikhote- Alin mountain Range.

5.Two- thirds occupied by the Ussuri Taiga is a real botanical garden.

6.There are about 50 small and large rivers there , but the Ussuri river , the Bikin and the Rasdolnaya rivers are the biggest and the deepest of them.

7.Primorye ‘ s flora and fauna represent a combination of plants and animals.

8.Cedar ,the king of taiga , and legendary ginseng, tigers, deer and many other animals, insects and birds have made the Ussuri taiga famous to naturalists.

9.Primorye is rich in mineral resources: TIN AND LEAD , ZINC and silver , coal and iron, marble and many others.

10.The first inhabitants appeared in Primorye about 45-50 thousand years ago .

11.Today the population consists of Russian and Ukrainian people as well as of people of many other nationalities .

12.The largest cities of the region are Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Ussuriisk and Artyom .

13.Thereare many lakes on the territory of Primorye. One of them is Khanka .

14.A matter of proud is springs of mineral water near settlements of Shmakovka, Lastochka and Chistovodnoye.

15.The climate of Primorye is very particular. It is rather mild .

16. We haven’t very cold winters and very warm summers.

Выбранный для просмотра документ Vladivostok is more than 135 years old.doc

Vladivostok is more than 135 years old .It was in June when the military ship “Mantchzur” arrived at the bay Zolotoy Rog .From that time Vladivostok became a great port and fortress at the Pacific Ocean .Before revolution Vladivostok was one of the richest cities in Russia .Today it is an industrial , cultural , administrative , transport ,scientific centre of Primorye. Vladivostok is a city of students . The High Meritime College ( institute ) by Makarov , the Academy by Nevelskoy , the Far Eastern University and many other institutes , universities ,colleges are known all over the Far East ..

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Рогонова Анастасия Владимировна

Сочинение на английском языке об основных достопримечательностях Владивостока.

about_vladivostok.rar 840.19 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Попова Дарья Алексеевна

My name is Dasha Popova. I study in the 9 form “B” school №1924. I live in Moscow, but I was born in Vladivostok.

Vladivostok is a port city. The Japanese sea washes it. Vladivostok is so beautiful city, and it’s relatively young. It is 151. “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation” Summit will be held on Rysskiy Island in 2012, so people are building the bridge from this island to Vladivostok now and reconstructing many buildings.

Vladivostok has got many museums, theatres and cinemas. The most popular museum is “ Seaside State United Museum was named in honor V.K. Arseniev”. So Vladivostok is a port city. It has a big and nice Oceanarium. There is a historical monument and museum “Submarine C-56”, it’s a popular and interesting attraction for tourists.

Drama Art is so important for this city. When I studied in the first and second form, I danced in “Seaside Boundary Academic Theatre it was named in honor M. Gorky”. It’s difficult to say what great emotions I felt. Actors put all their souls in every show. Audiences felt it and applauded.

The most of Vladivostok’s cinemas were built in the USSR. One of them is the cinema “Ocean” has got the biggest display within the Far East.

Many famous people were born in Vladivostok. One of them was Yul Brynner. Yul Brynner was a famous Hollywood actor, the “Oscar” winner. And he was born in Vladivostok.

Anna Shchetinina was the first sea woman-captain of the world. And she was born in Vladivostok too.

I am very proud that I was born in Vladivostok, because it is the most beautiful and my favorite city in the world.

Vladivostok is a beautiful city. It is a port city. Located in the Far East. November 4, 2010 Vladivostok was given the honorary title of \"City of Military Glory.\" In Vladivostok, a lot of attractions. For example, the Museum of the Pacific Fleet, Aquarium, Maritime Museum of the United State. Arsenyev, Vladivostok funicular, the Military History Museum Vladivostok fortress. This is only a nekotrye of the attractions that can be identified, in fact, a lot of them. Actually, I very grood this despite the fact that I live in a completely different side. \n

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Vladivostok is a beautiful city. It is a port city. Located in the Far East. November 4, 2010 Vladivostok was given the honorary title of "City of Military Glory." In Vladivostok, a lot of attractions. For example, the Museum of the Pacific Fleet, Aquarium, Maritime Museum of the United State. Arsenyev, Vladivostok funicular, the Military History Museum Vladivostok fortress. This is only a nekotrye of the attractions that can be identified, in fact, a lot of them. Actually, I very grood this despite the fact that I live in a completely different side.

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Новые вопросы в Английский язык

Read the sentence. Change the tense in the sentence to past simple.My father loves seafood.My father loved seafood.My father love seafood.My father lo … veed seafood.​

5 a) Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What is the weather like in Scotland now? 2 What is Gus doing in Scotland? 3 Where is it snowing? 4 Wha … t season is it in Australia now? b) Find phrases/idioms which mean: 1 Tam tired of 2 It doesn't suit me 3 How are you doing?ПОМОГИТЕ УМОЛЯЮ​

Writes simple present perfect sentence I (to live) in Russia for many years Mike (to visit) Paris several times​

Владивосток – Vladivostok [владивосток]
Россия – Russia [раша]
Город – city [сити]
Дальний Восток – Far East [фар ист]
Приморский край – Primorskiy region [приморский риджн]
Морской порт – sea port [си порт]
Экскурсия – excursion [экскуршн]
Обзорная экскурсия – sightseeing tour [сайтсин тур]
Водная экскурсия – water excursion [вотэ экскуршн]
Музей – museum [мьюзиум]
Театр – theater [сете]
Достопримечательность – sight [сайт]
Памятник – monument [моньюмэнт]
Набережная – embankment [эмбэнкмэнт]
Маяк – lighthouse [лайтхаус]
Крепость – fort [форт]
Мост – bridge [бридж]
Бухта – bay [бэй]
Море – sea [си]
Остров – island [айлэнд]
Парк – park [парк]
Гулять – to walk [ту вок]
Фотографировать – to make photo [ту мэйк фото]
Посещать – to visit [ту висит]

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Полезные фразы:

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Какие достопримечательности входят в эту экскурсию? What sights are included in the excursion?
Сколько стоит экскурсия? How much does the excursion cost?
Какова продолжительность экскурсии?
How long is the excursion?

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Диалоги о Владивостоке на английском языке

– Я могу поехать на обзорную экскурсию по городу?
– Can I go to sightseeing tour around the city?
– Да. Цены экскурсии 1500 рублей. Вы сможете увидеть основные достопримечательности, центральную площадь города, маяк и подводную лодку.
– Yes. The price of excursion is 1500 rubles. You can see the main sights, city central square, lighthouse and submarine.
– А сколько времени длится экскурсия?
– And how long does this excursion take?
– Продолжительность около 3 часов.
– Duration is about 3 hours.
– Какие еще экскурсии вы можете посоветовать?
– What other excursions can you advise?
– Мы предлагаем вечернюю экскурсию. Вы сможете полюбоваться городом в вечернее время со смотровых площадок и прогуляться по набережной.
– We offer evening excursion. You can admire the city in the evening from viewpoints and walk along embankment.

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– Во Владивостоке есть морские экскурсии?
– Are there some water excursions in Vladivostok?
– Конечно! Ты сможешь поплавать по морю на катере или яхте. Также можно заняться дайвингом или снорклингом.
– Certainly! You can swim in the sea on a boat or a yacht. Also you can go diving or snorkeling.
– А можно ли посетить какие-нибудь острова?
– And can I visit any islands?
– Да. Есть экскурсии на пляжи и на остров Русский, где можно посетить старый форт.
– Yes. There are some excursions to beaches and on the Russkiy island where you can visit old fort.

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