Сочинение на английском моя будущая профессия электрик на английском языке

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

Моя будущая специальность - это работа с применением электрооборудования.

My future speciality is a work with electric equipment application.

Я выбрал эту специальность не только из-за дефицита в инженерах этого профиля, но и из-за интереса к ней.

I have chosen this speciality not only because of deficiency in the engineers of this structure, but also because of interest to it(her).

Электрическая энергия подобна воде, которая течёт в реках по пути наименьшего сопротивления и без которого жизнь современнго человека невозможна.

The electrical energy is similar to water, which flows in the rivers on a way of the least resistance.

Однако Электричество приносит не только пользу, но может и принести вред неграмотному человеку.

Оно будет служить нам безотказно если мы будем использовать его благоразумно.

Ведь электричество приносит в наши дома множество новых возможностей, облегчая нам жизнь.

Мы пользуемся электрическими приборами постоянно.

Мы уже не можем обойтись без привычного нам утюга, холодильника, телевизора, электрической лампы, компьютера и так далее.

Всё это - бытовое электрооборудование.

А виды промышленного, медицинского, теле- и радиооборудования оборудования и не перечесть как и его значение в жизни человека.

Безотказной работы электрооборудования добиваются люди нашей профессии.

Важность этого факта и послужила тем, что я выбрал эту профессию.

Моя будущая специальность - связана с электрооборудованием.My future speciality is an electric equipment.Я выбрал эту специальность не только из-за дефицита в инженерах этого профиля, но и из-за интереса к ней.I have chosen this speciality not only because of deficiency in the engineers of this structure, but also because of interest to it(her)Электрическая энергия подобна воде, которая течёт в реках по пути наименьшего сопротивления и без которого жизнь современнго человека невозможна. The electrical energy is similar to water, which flows in the rivers on a way of the least resistance.

Однако Электричество приносит не только пользу, но может и принести вред неграмотному человеку.Оно будет служить нам безотказно если мы будем использовать его благоразумно.Ведь электричество приносит в наши дома множество новых возможностей, облегчая нам жизнь.Мы пользуемся электрическими приборами постоянно. Мы уже не можем обойтись без привычного нам утюга, холодильника, телевизора, электрической лампы, компьютера и так далее.Всё это - бытовое электрооборудование.А виды промышленного, медицинского, теле- и радиооборудования оборудования и не перечесть как и его значение в жизни человека.

Безотказной работы электрооборудования добиваются люди нашей профессии.

Важность этого факта и послужила тем, что я выбрал эту профессию.

However the Electricity brings not only advantage, but can and harm the illiterate person.
It will serve us smoothly if we use it reasonably.
After all the electricity brings set of new possibilities in our houses, facilitating us life.
We use electric devices constantly.

We cannot do without the iron habitual to us any more, the refrigerator, the TV, an electric lamp, the computer and so on.
All is a household electric equipment.
And kinds industrial, medical, a tele- and radio equipment of the equipment and not to re-read as well as its value in human life.
People of our trade achieve non-failure operation of an electric equipment.
Importance of this fact also has served that I have chosen this trade.

My future speciality - is connected with электрооборудованием.My future speciality is an electric equipment.Я has chosen this speciality not only because of deficiency in engineers of this profile, but also because of interest to ней.I have chosen this speciality not only because of deficiency in the engineers of this structure, but also because of interest to it (her) Electric energy is similar to water which flows in the rivers by the way of the least resistance and without which life современнго the person is impossible. The electrical energy is similar to water, which flows in the rivers on a way of the least resistance.
However the Electricity brings not only advantage, but can and harm the illiterate person. It will serve us smoothly if we use it reasonably. After all the electricity brings set of new possibilities in our houses, facilitating us life. We use electric devices constantly. We cannot do without the iron habitual to us any more, the refrigerator, the TV, an electric lamp, the computer and so on. All is a household electric equipment. And kinds industrial, medical, a tele- and radio equipment of the equipment and not to re-read as well as its value in human life.
People of our trade achieve non-failure operation of an electric equipment.
Importance of this fact also has served that I have chosen this trade.

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему My future profession electrician. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 6 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


Why I decided to become one? I decided to go to study to be an electrician, because this work is very interesting, but not simple. She is very entertaining and requires knowledge.

What do electrician? Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment — profession working in the fields of electrical and energy involved in the installation, maintenance or repair of electrical equipment and electrical circuits.

The demand for this profession Enough demandRepresentatives of the profession of Electrician are quite in demand in the labour market. Despite the fact that higher education institutions produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and in many enterprises require skilled Electricians. as the user evaluates this criterion: 0% -little demand 80% - enough demand 20% - very popular

What education do you need? In order to work in the profession of the Electrician, do not necessarily have higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession sufficient to have a diploma of secondary vocational education received in College or technical school, or, for example, is enough to finish special courses. 0% -secondary education (school) 0% -initial professional education (PTU, PU,PL) 80%- vocational secondary education (College,technical school) 20% -higher professional education 0% -more than two

Job duties Job duties of an electrician vary depending on the category of specialist. Electrician 2-3 washes discharge details performs cleaning of contacts. Experts 4-5 discharge are more complex, responsible work. They diagnose mechanical and electrical diagrams of apparatus, devices, if necessary, eliminate faults. Preparation of drawings and sketches also in their competence. The profession is divided into more than 30 specialties, responsibilities depend on the specifics of specific areas and types of production. Disassembly and Assembly, adjustment and repair, maintenance of various devices, apparatus, circuits, devices, components – are common to all electricians function.

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My profession is an electrician

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

My profession is an electrician

My profession is an electrician

My future specialty is a work with electric equipment application. I have cho.

My future specialty is a work with electric equipment application. I have chosen this specialty not only because of deficiency in the engineers of this structure, but also because of my interest. However the Electricity brings not only advantage, but can and harm the illiterate person. It will serve us smoothly if we use it reasonably. After all the electricity brings set of new possibilities in our houses, facilitating us life. We use electric devices constantly.

Our life today is impossible without electricity. Computers, domestic applia.

Our life today is impossible without electricity. Computers, domestic appliances, factory machines, medical equipment, electric trains, telephone communication and all kinds of gadgets will not run if there is a power failure. There must be somebody to fix it and this person must know what to do and how to do it properly. This is what electricians do: they install, maintain and repair electrical systems and equipment.

I have always been interested in electrics, and Physics and Mathematics were.

I have always been interested in electrics, and Physics and Mathematics were my favorite subjects at school, so I decided to become an electrician. Besides having basic knowledge in physics and mathematics I must study mechanics and drafting and be able to read wiring diagrams and drawings. As we know, electrical mistakes can lead to shortages, shocks, fires and costly repairs. So people who have chosen the profession of an electrician must have a good reaction, be cautious and extremely attentive.

Another important aspect of this profession is being physically fit and stron.

Another important aspect of this profession is being physically fit and strong: electricians often have to move heavy equipment or stand or kneel for long periods of time. It is also necessary to have keen eyesight, good hand-eye coordination and a good sense of balance. Every day electricians perform new tasks in new locations and with new people, so I think I will never get bored with this profession.

Electricity consumption in our country is increasing every year due to the de.

Electricity consumption in our country is increasing every year due to the development of technology and emergence of new equipment that needs professional maintenance. That is why the profession of an electrician is going to stay one of the most important in our world.

The task: read and translate the text. Answer the questions: What possibiliti.

The task: read and translate the text. Answer the questions: What possibilities does electricity bring to our house? Is electricity safety? Is our life possible without electricity? Why? What qualities should have an electrician? Why did you choose the profession “an electrician”?

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Активизация лексики по теме в аргументированных высказываниях.

Практическое занятие № 83

Совершенствование диалогических навыков по теме.

Активизация лексики по теме в аргументированных высказываниях.

Оборудование: 1. Учебники; 2. Раздаточный материал; 3. Интернет-ресурсы.


Opportunities are everywhere for skilled electricians! Imagine the places you can go:

Residential and commercial builders use electricians to wire buildings, install components and lighting, and interpret blueprints.

Specialty contractors and communications companies need electrical technicians to build and integrate networks and A/V systems.

Manufacturers hire electricians to install and maintain complex equipment that keeps their factories running.

Security and entertainment businesses, governments, healthcare, and companies of all sizes need electrical technicians to keep them humming.

Maintain current electrician's license or identification card to meet governmental regulations.

Connect wires to circuit breakers, transformers, or other components.

Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures, using hand tools or power tools.

Assemble, install, test, or maintain electrical or electronic wiring, equipment, appliances, apparatus, or fixtures, using hand tools or power tools.

Test electrical systems or continuity of circuits in electrical wiring, equipment, or fixtures, using testing devices, such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, or oscilloscopes, to ensure compatibility and safety of system.

Use a variety of tools or equipment, such as power construction equipment, measuring devices, power tools, and testing equipment, such as oscilloscopes, ammeters, or test lamps.

Plan layout and installation of electrical wiring, equipment, or fixtures, based on job specifications and local codes.

Inspect electrical systems, equipment, or components to identify hazards, defects, or the need for adjustment or repair, and to ensure compliance with codes.

Direct or train workers to install, maintain, or repair electrical wiring, equipment, or fixtures.

Diagnose malfunctioning systems, apparatus, or components, using test equipment and hand tools to locate the cause of a breakdown and correct the problem.

Tools used in this occupation

Cable reels — Single reel cable trailers; Wheeled wire dispensers; Wire dollies; Wire hand caddies

Conduit benders — Cable benders; Electric conduit benders; Hydraulic conduit benders

Stripping tools — Cable jacket strippers; Self-adjusting insulation strippers; Universal stripping tools; Wire strippers

Voltage or current meters — Milliameters; Non-contact voltage detectors; Test lamps; Volt tick meters

Wire or cable cutters — Cable butt trimmers; High-leverage cable cutters; Insulated cable cutters; Utility cable cutters

Technology used in this occupation

Analytical or scientific software — Electrosoft FlashWorks; Elite Software E-Coord; Elite Software Inpoint; SoftEmpire Electrical Calculations

Computer aided design CAD software — One Mile Up Panel Planner; SmartDraw software

Data base user interface and query software — Insight Direct ServiceCEO; Resolve service management software; Sage Timberline Office software; Shafer Service Systems software

Project management software — Construction Master Pro software; Craftsman CD Estimator

Word processing software — Socrates Contractor's Library

Mechanical — Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.

Building and Construction — Knowledge of materials, methods, and the tools involved in the construction or repair of houses, buildings, or other structures such as highways and roads.

Mathematics — Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.

Design — Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles involved in production of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.

Administration and Management — Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.

Customer and Personal Service — Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.

Engineering and Technology — Knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. This includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various goods and services.

English Language — Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.

Physics — Knowledge and prediction of physical principles, laws, their interrelationships, and applications to understanding fluid, material, and atmospheric dynamics, and mechanical, electrical, atomic and sub- atomic structures and processes.

Telecommunications — Knowledge of transmission, broadcasting, switching, control, and operation of telecommunications systems.

Troubleshooting — Determining causes of operating errors and deciding what to do about it.

Repairing — Repairing machines or systems using the needed tools.

Active Listening — Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.

Critical Thinking — Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

Operation Monitoring — Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.

Quality Control Analysis — Conducting tests and inspections of products, services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance.

Active Learning — Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.

Complex Problem Solving — Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.

Equipment Maintenance — Performing routine maintenance on equipment and determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed.

Judgment and Decision Making — Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.

Задание 2. Составьте диалоги по следующим темам, используя текст, данный выше и собственную аргументацию (20 минут):

Задание 3. Инсценируйте диалоги (15 минут.).

Задание 4. Составьте 10 вопросов по тексту (20 минут).


Литература, рекомендуемая к выполнению практической работы:

1) Восковская А.С., Карпова Т.А. Английский язык. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2014.

2)Агабекян И. Английский язык для СПО. – Ростов н/Дону: Феникс, 2012.

Контрольные вопросы:

1. Will you work as an electrician in the future? 2. Are all impacts of modern electrical technology useful? 3. What means an increase in the electric technology? 4. What happens when an organization uses properly? 5. Are impacts of modern technologies always positive? 6. What problems may technology cause?

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