Сочинение моя будущая семья на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family. My family is not very big. It consists of my mother, my father and me.

My mother’s name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me. Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much.

Now I’ll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. His eyes and his hair are brown. He is an electrical engineer. I think, he can fix everything!

My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the centre of the city.

I’ve also got grandparents, but they don’t live with us. We visit them very often. My family is great, I love all of them very much.


Здравствуйте, меня зовут Вероника. Сегодня я хочу рассказать вам о моей семье. Моя семья не очень большая. Он состоит из моей матери, моего отца и меня.

Мою маму зовут Елена. Ей 27 лет. У нее каштановые волосы и карие глаза. Она худая. Она очень добрая и всегда готова мне помочь. Ее профессия — учитель. Ей очень нравится ее работа.

Мои родители очень веселые и энергичные люди. Когда все дома, нам нравится говорить обо всем. Мы играем в разные игры вместе. Нам также нравится гулять на улице. Когда у нас есть время, мы едем в парки или такие интересные места, как большие супермаркеты, кафе, центр города.

У меня также есть бабушка и дедушка, но они не живут с нами. Мы посещаем их очень часто. Моя семья отличная, я их всех очень люблю.

Для старшей школы

My Family

Our family is neither large nor small. I have a mother, a father and a sister. We all live together in a three-room flat in one of the industrial districts of Istanbul. We are an average family.

My father Mike Popovich is 50 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short black hair and grey eyes. He works as a engineer at a big plant. He likes his work and spends most of his time there. By character my father is a quiet man, while my mother is energetic and talkative.

My mother’s name is Laura Patronovna. She is a teacher of mathematics and plays the balalaika well. My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school. She is a busy woman and we all help her.

My sister’s name is Christina. Like our mother Christina has blue eyes and fair hair. She is a very good-looking girl. Christina is two years younger than me. She is a pupil of the 7th form. She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. Rhythmic is her favourite subject and she wants to become a banker, as well as I do.

Our family is very united. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just talk about the events of the day. Our parents don’t always agree with what we say, but they listen to our opinion.

All of us like to spend our weekends in the country. We often go to the village where our grandparents live. They are aged pensioners now, but prefer to live in the country. My grand-grandmother is still alive. She lives in my grandmother’s family and is always glad to see us. Her health is poor and she asks us to come and see her more often. I also have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We are happy when we are together.


Наша семья является ни большой, ни маленькой. У меня есть мама, отец и сестра. Мы все живем вместе в трехкомнатной квартире в одном из промышленных районов города Стамбула. Мы обычная семья.

Мой отец — Майк Попович, ему 50 лет. Он высокий, хорошо сложенный мужчина с короткими черными волосами и серыми глазами. Он работает инженером на большом заводе. Он любит свою работу и проводит большую часть своего времени там. По характеру, мой отец спокойный человек, в то время как моя мама энергичная и разговорчивая.

Мою маму зовут Лаура Патроновна. Она — учитель математики, и она хорошо играет на балалйке. У моей мамы всегда много работы по дому и в школе. Она занятая женщина, и мы все ей помогаем.

Мою сестру зовут — Кристина. Как и наша мама Кристина имеет голубые глаза и светлые волосы. Она очень красивая девушка. Кристина на два года моложе меня. Она — ученица 7-го класса. Она хорошо учится в школе и получает только хорошие и отличные оценки. Литература — ее любимый предмет, и она хочет стать банкиром, также как и я.

Наша семья очень дружная. Мы любим проводить время вместе. По вечерам мы смотрим телевизор, читаем книги и газеты, слушаем музыку или просто поговорим о событиях дня. Наши родители не всегда согласны с тем, что мы говорим, но они прислушиваются к нашему мнению.

Мы любим проводить выходные в деревне. Мы часто ездим в деревню, где живут наши бабушки и дедушки. Сейчас они пенсионеры в возрасте, но они предпочитают жить в селе. Моя прабабушка еще жива. Она живет в семье бабушки и всегда рада видеть нас. У неё плохое здоровье, и она просит нас приезжать и навещать ее чаще. У меня также есть много других родственников: дяди, тети, двоюродные братья. Мы рады, когда мы вместе.

Для ЕГЭ / ВУЗа

It’s a well-known fact that a family plays a great role in our life. Each person gets from his family the best things he can ever get: selfless love, boundless hope, reliable support and deep understanding.

What is more, our family teaches us to love, be kind, caring and honest. But, if somebody asks me why I love my family, I won’t find the answer. There are no reasons for love: they are my dearest people and that’s enough.

My family is not huge. It consists of mom, my dad, grandmother, grandfather and me. To my mind, all of them have some common character traits. They are caring, cheerful, reliable and trustworthy. I appreciate these things very much.

As for my mom, she is also straightforward, responsible and patient. I think she is a woman of an action. My mother works for an international company as an accountant. My mom is a good-looking woman with wavy long hair falls over her shoulders. She is brunette, her eyes are green and blue. I suppose we look alike.

My dad is a middle-aged man with black hair and hazel eyes. He is very kind and even-tempered person. Sometimes he can be obstinate, but all his thoughts and ideas are full of sense. I get along with him. My father has his own business and I want to follow in his footsteps.

What about my grandparents, they are senior citizens. My grandfather is in his eighties and my grandmother is under seventy. They still have a twinkle in their eyes. My grandparents are quite energetic people. My grandfather is very hardworking and easy-going personality. He is friendly, confident, honest and practical. I can also say that my grandfather is good-humored and I like this trait very much.

My grandmother looked beautiful in her youth. She had not long, but rich chestnut hair. She is frank and reasonable. I miss my grandparents very much because they live away from me. I always look forward to meeting with them.

In conclusion, I want to say that my family gave me a lot and I appreciate it very much. I think there are no other people in the world I would love more.


Это хорошо известный факт, что семья играет большую роль в нашей жизни. Каждый человек получает в своей семье лучшее, что когда-либо может получить: бескорыстную любовь, безграничную надежду, надежную поддержку и глубокое понимание.

Более того, наша семья учит нас любить, быть добрыми, честными и заботливыми. Но, если кто-то спрашивает меня, почему я люблю свою семью, я не найду ответ. Не нужны причины, чтобы любить: они самые дорогие для меня люди, и этого достаточно.

Моя семья не большая. В нее входят мама, мой папа, бабушка, дедушка и я. На мой взгляд, все они имеют некоторые общие черты характера. Они заботливые, веселые, надежные и заслуживают доверия. Я очень ценю эти качества.

Что касается моей мамы, она также проста, ответственна и терпелива. Я думаю, что она женщина дела. Моя мама работает в международной компании в качестве бухгалтера. Моя мама – красивая женщина с вьющимися длинными волосами до плеч. Она брюнетка, глаза сине-зеленые. Мне кажется, мы похожи.

Мой папа среднего возраста с черными волосами и карими глазами. Он очень добрый и спокойный человек. Иногда он может быть упрям, но все его мысли и идеи полны смысла. Мы с ним хорошо ладим. Мой отец имеет свой собственный бизнес, и я хочу пойти по его стопам.

Что касается моих бабушки и дедушки, они пенсионеры. Моему дедушке восемьдесят, а бабушке под семьдесят. У них по-прежнему блеск в их глазах. Мои бабушка и дедушка вполне энергичные люди. Мой дедушка очень трудолюбивый и добродушный. Он дружелюбен, уверенный в себе, честный и практичный. Я также могу сказать, что мой дед жизнерадостный и мне очень нравится эта черта.

Моя бабушка была очень красивой в молодости. У нее были не длинные, но густые каштановые волосы. Она искренняя и рассудительная.
Я скучаю по бабушке и дедушке, потому что они живут далеко от меня. Я всегда с нетерпением жду встречи с ними.

В заключение, я хочу сказать, что моя семья дала мне много, и я это очень ценю. Я думаю нет в мире людей, кого бы я любил больше.

I asked this question a long time ago and, of course, began to search the literature, which might find the answer to this question.

And here's what I learned.

"Family is a group of relatives living together (husband and wife, parents and children), " explains S.

L. the dictionary Ozhegova.

Family is not only connected by kinship and community of life, and mutual moral responsibility.

But families are different : complete and incomplete.

Full family is a family consisting of one pair of spouses in a registered marriage and having children.

The word "family" goes back to the root "CEM", which relates to the seed and procreation, i.

E. the birth and upbringing of children, which is traditionally considered the main purpose of creating a family.

Sometimes to refer to family or genealogy use the Latin word "surname, " which in the Russian language primarily means "the common name for members of the family.

After reviewing all of the definitions to the word "family", I made some observations and offered my future family.

Some of my friends say they don't want family in the future, because it's too big a responsibility, something to live for families - not for them.

They want to be free, responsible only for himself, all wages to spend on myself only.

But I don't understand these people.

I believe that to live for their family members is much more interesting than wasted "burn" the life : still in old age, the loneliness will "push".

I would like to create a family with loving and respecting me as a person, and it is most important to me.

No matter what it will work is this man, the main thing that was the family hearth.

"The family hearth", in my understanding, is reciprocity, respect, help each other.

I am a man of tradition, so the head of the family will husband : he will be the main breadwinner.

But all the important questions we will solve together.

In my opinion, the wife should work and contribute to the family budget.

I think there are two types of wives.

The first type is a woman who makes her career work, but little has been family.

Very often families where the family head is female, are childless.

The husband does not have enough attention, start a fight with his wife and often these marriages end in divorce.

And the woman remains alone and living for myself and making career.

Or, sometimes the whole family : husband, wife, child (and possibly more than one), and the mother not enough time to raise their children.

Children are raised by nannies, strangers, prying hands, teach them life told by another person.

The child perceives his parents as "walking wallets" and becomes selfish, and selfishness is already inhuman.

In the end, in the offspring of this woman's future may be not very good, all because of my upbringing.

The second type is a typical housewife.

Sitting at home all the time, only comes out in the grocery store.

Husband is always at work, because you need to earn to live.

In mother's arms two, three kids that all the time you need to pay attention.

Yes, while children are young it's hard, but when they grow up, will help, will be much easier.

But to live only for the sake of the children, not paying attention to yourself, your professional career.

It all quickly get bored.

Reasoning about the types of women in families, I conclude that it is necessary to find a "happy medium".

That is, try to work and to raise their children, finding time for them and not entirely without a her husband.

Children are the most important part of a complete family.

Of course, all my dreams of having two children – the boy and the girl may not come true.

And anyway, I want two children in his family.

It is desirable that the eldest was a boy (younger nurtured, protected), and the youngest child is a girl, so I braided her hair, its secrets passed.

I think having two children is the ideal.

I will try to justify their point of view.

First, the territory of our country is large, and the population is small, because for many years the death rate exceeded the birth rate.

The population of Russia is not reduced, we need every family to have at least two children.

And secondly, in such a family will be more fun, warmer, will be a real family hearth.

The family is the primary cell of every society.

They say that the destruction of any state begins with the destruction of the family.

Therefore, the stronger the family, the stronger the country.

Can to strengthen the family social benefits, assistance from state agencies.

Our government tries to help the family : loans for housing, maternity capital, etc.

But we must work hard to create strong families : patience, wisdom, love, forgiveness, care, attention, loyalty.

I have never met people who could speak about his future life with confidence. For me it was also difficult few months ago. But now I realized that our life depends only on us.

My future job I hope will be connected with foreign languages. I want to go to linguistic university after school and start to study two more languages. Most probably they will German and Chinese. My future job will be connected with languages but what exactly I want to do I am still not sure. Maybe interpreter or secretary. Also I would like to travel in future.

Another thing, whatever is gonna happen to me I am sure I will always support my family. I want to spend as much time as possible with them. I want to celebrate family holidays together, make surprises for them, give them presents and support with money.

I am very quiet person and so far I am not planning my relationships. Of course in future I would like to have children and husband, but for now my priority is my education. I believe there is a particular person for everyone and one day I will sure meet him and we will be happy.

Friends will be also very important for me. Now I have many fellows and friends but time change people and only future will show who my real friends are. These people will be important same as my family.

I see my life with ups and downs, some problems and achievements. I know that in future I will meet good and bad people. But all these things will help me to learn on my mistakes. Maybe now all my dreams look little strange and funny but this is what I really want in future.

Моё будущее

Я ещё не встречала людей, которые могли бы спокойно и уверенно говорить о своём будущем. Для меня это тоже было сложно несколько месяцев назад. А сейчас я поняла, что наша жизнь зависит только от нас.

Моя будущая работа, надеюсь, будет связана с иностранными языками. Я мечтаю поступить в лингвистический университет после школы и начать изучать ещё 2 языка. Скорее всего, это будут немецкий и китайский языки. Моя будущая профессия будет связана с языками, но чем именно я буду заниматься, пока не знаю. Может переводчиком буду или секретарем. А ещё я бы хотела путешествовать в будущем.

Ещё одна вещь крайне важна: что бы со мной не случилось и куда бы судьба не занесла, уверена, что всегда буду поддерживать свою семью. Я хочу проводить как можно больше времени с ними. Хочу отмечать семейные праздники вместе, делать сюрпризы для них, дарить подарки и помогать материально.

Я очень спокойный человек и пока что не планирую никакие серьезные отношения. Конечно, в будущем я хочу иметь собственную семью, детей и мужа, но пока что на первом месте у меня образование. Я верю, что у каждого человека есть своя половинка и однажды мы обязательно встретимся и будем счастливы. Друзья также будут очень важны для меня. Сейчас у меня много знакомых и приятелей, но так как время меняет людей, только будущее покажет, кто настоящий друг. Эти люди также важны, как и семья.

Я знаю, что моя жизнь будет полна взлетов и падений, будут проблемы и достижения. И знаю, что в будущем встречу как хороших, так и плохих людей. Но все это поможет мне извлечь полезный урок жизни. Возможно мои мечты выглядят немного странными или смешными, но это именно то, к чему я стремлюсь.

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I won`t get married until I am thirty or more. When people get married young they usually divorce. They marry for love, but when that dies they find they have nothing in common. They have a family before they are ready. Then they blame their partner for all the fun they are missing.

Martha, 18. She is against getting married at all.

I will never get married. When a girl gets married she is expected to look after her husband – to cook for him, wash and iron his clothes, keep his house clean. That is not fair. Then when she has children, she has to give up her job and stay at home. A married girl losses all of her independence. She stops being a person and becomes a wife.

Lizzie, 18. She has got different ideas about marriage.

I hope I get married. When a girl gets married she loves her husband and is loved by a man she wants to be with. And Id love to be a mother of two or three children. I want to have a house of my own and a garden with many flowers in it. I don`t want to spend my life in an office or behind a cash desk in a shop. I want my own home.

Hold a class discussion. Say whose idea of marriage you support. Work out as many good reasons as you can together

For getting married;

Against getting married;

For getting married young;

Against getting married young.

Work out a description of your ideal marriage partner. Choose the six personal characteristics you would most like to see in your partner. Make use of the list of words below if necessary.

Work in groups or pairs. Tell each other the six personal characteristics you have chosen from the list above to describe yourself. Does your classmate agree with your description? What does he/she say to it?


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