My scientific work сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

1. Why have you decided to take a master course (Master’s Degree course, master’s degree program)?

2. What is your area of expertise [ˌɛkspəːˈtiːz] (the sphere of your scientific interest)?

3. What scientists are working in the same field both Russian and foreign? Find some names in the Internet and tell the group about them.

4. Have you ever read any scientific literature in English? If yes, share your experience with your partners. If no, scan some English-language scientific journals.

5. Is the area of your scientific interest explored enough or is it a completely new scientific field?

6. Why have you chosen this research topic?

7. What is the scientific novelty of your research?

8. How can the results of the research be put into practice?

8. Have you ever tried to write a scientific article? Was it hard? Why?

Plan your topic as follows:

The field which you specialise in Br. (major Am. in) and the title of your future thesis (dissertation)

Useful words and expressions:

I work in the field (area, field) of.

My major interest is in the field of.

My scientific research deals with the problems of. which is in the field of.

The title of my future dissertation (thesis) is.

I work under the guidance (supervision) of Professor, instructor, tutor.

My Professor, instructor, tutor is.

The research I am doing now is a part of a bigger work. / within the framework of the academic research conducted (carried out) by professor. /a group of scientists.

This work is devoted to an important problem into which too few scientists have researched until now.

Earlier studies of this subject show that the problem has not yet been properly explored (investigated).

Words and word combinations

Analysis |əˈnalɪsɪs| n (pl -ses) анализ, исследование, подробное рассмотрение critical analysis — критический анализ

Comprehensive analysis — всесторонний анализ

Deep analysis — глубокий анализ

Advanced research — перспективные исследования

Basic research — фундаментальные исследования

Tto be engaged in research — заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

This research covers a wide field —исследования охватывают широкую область

After the study of the matter — после изучения этого вопроса …

Humane studies — гуманитарные науки

History and allied studies — история и родственные ей предметы

Pilot study – предварительное, экспериментальное исследование

Desk study – чисто теоретическое исследование

Thorough examination — а) всестороннее исследование; б) тщательное изучение (материала)

To carry on an investigation — проводить исследовательскую работу

The scientific method of inquiry — научный метод исследования

The main aims (goals, purposes) of your research work and the tasks to fulfill

My study deals in the problems of. /is devoted to the investigation of.

It touches upon the problems of.

The main purpose/goal/aim of it is. to find out/to define/to characterize/explore/ to investigate/to analyse/to gain/.

I set myself a task to/of.

The tasks that face us /that we are faced with/are as follows.

Its objectives are the following:

Data for the study and methods to be used, results and use

Words and word combinations

We must apply. to finding a solution — мы должны применить…, чтобы решить эту задачу

Comparative [experimental] method of investigation — сравнительный [экспериментальный] метод исследования

His method is to compare different versions — его метод состоит в сопоставлении разных вариантов

There are several methods of doing this — существует несколько способов сделать это

A method that is attended by some risk — метод, связанный с некоторым риском

Convenient method — подходящий метод

To approximate to a solution of the problem — подходить к решению задачи

To use . approach (to) - подход

Interdisciplinary approach — подход с точки зрения различных наук

We began the work by collecting material —Мы начали работу со сбора материала

We have two problems before us — перед нами две задачи

Data for study — материал исследования

Laboratory data — данные лабораторных исследований

Adequacy of data — достоверность данных

Acceptance of a theory — согласие с какой-л. теорией

Application of a theory in actual practice — применение теории в практической деятельности

The backbone of the theory — основа теории

To back up a theory with facts — подкрепить теорию фактами

To construct a theory — создать теорию

The results of the experiment contradicted this theory/agreed with the theory — результаты опыта шли вразрез с этой теорией/согласовывались с теорией

Appendix 2


Характерными особенностями научного стиля являются его информативность (содержательность), логичность (строгая последовательность, четкая связь между основной идеей и деталями), точность и объективность и вытекающие из этих особенностей ясность и понятность. У всех таких текстов обнаруживается преимущественное использование языковых средств, которые способствуют удовлетворению потребностей данной сферы общения.

Особенностью этого стиля является использование специальной терминологии. Каждая отрасль науки вырабатывает свою терминологию в соответствии с предметом и методом своей работы. Терминология — это ядро научного стиля, наиболее су­щественный признак языка науки.

В каждой статье по узкой технической специальности число терминов не превышает 150 – 200 единиц. С развитием науки и техники однозначные специальные (номенклатурные) термины могут приобретать дополнительные значения и становятся многозначными общенаучными и техническими терминами, а многозначные термины могут утрачивать свои значения и становятся однозначными.

В качестве терминов могут использоваться как слова, употребляемые почти исключительно в рамках данного стиля, так и специальные значения общенародных слов. Такие, например, лексические единицы, как coercivity, keraumophone, klystron, microsyn и т.п., широко употребляемые в текстах по электронике, трудно встретить за пределами научно-технических материалов. В то же время в этих текстах выступают в качестве терминов и та­кие слова, как dead, degeneracy, ripple, rope и др., имеющие хорошо всем известные общеупотребительные значения. Термины должны обеспечивать четкое и точное указание на реальные объекты и явления, устанавливать однозначное понимание специалистами передаваемой информации. Поэтому к этому типу слов предъявляются особые требования.

Прежде всего, термин должен быть точным, т.е. иметь строго определенное значение, которое может быть раскрыто путем логического определения, устанавливающего место обозначенного термином понятия в системе понятий данной области науки или техники. Если какая-то величина называется scalar (скаляр), то значение этого термина должно точно соответствовать определению понятия (a quantity that has magnitude but no direction), которое связывает его с другими понятиями, содержащимися в определении (magnitude, direction) и противопоставляет понятию vector (a quantity which is described in terms of both magnitude and direction). Если какая-то деталь оптического прибора именуется viewfinder (видоискатель), то этот термин должен обозначать только эту деталь, выполняющую определенные функции, и никакие другие части данного прибора или какого-либо иного устройства.

Однако термины не являются единственной составляющей лексики.

Однако присутствие терминов не исчерпывает лексические особенности научного стиля.

Помимо терминов, научный стиль использует общенаучные и общеупотребитель­ные слова.

Если специальных (номенклатурных) терминов бесконечно много, так как они связаны с неограниченным количеством объектов и предметов научной и технической деятельности человека, то общенаучных и общетехнических терминов обычно мало, т. к. существует ограниченное количество научных и технических понятий. Они по своему происхождению уже многозначны и неразрывно связаны с общим языком. Основную коммуникативную нагрузку в специальных текстах несут общеупотребительные слова и общенаучная терминология, т. е. примерно 600 общетехнических терминов.

Широкое употребление специалистами так называе­мой специальной общетехнической лексики, которая также со­ставляет одну из специфических черт научно-технического сти­ля, в значительной степени способствует их взаимопонима­нию. Это – слова и сочетания, не обладающие свойством терми­на идентифицировать понятия и объекты в определенной об­ласти, но употребляемые почти исключительно в данной сфе­ре общения, отобранные узким кругом специалистов, привыч­ные для них, позволяющие им не задумываться над способом выражения мысли, а сосредоточиваться на сути дела. Специ­альная лексика включает всевозможные производные от тер­минов, слова, используемые при описании связей и отноше­ний между терминологически обозначенными понятиями и объектами, их свойств и особенностей, а также целый ряд об­щенародных слов, употребляемых, однако, в строго определен­ных сочетаниях и тем самым специализированных. Такая лек­сика обычно не фиксируется в терминологических словарях, ее значения не задаются научными определениями, но она не в меньшей степени характерна для научно-технического стиля, чем термины. В английских текстах по электричеству, напри­мер:

the voltage is applied (ср. напряжение подается)

the magnetic field is set up (ср. магнитноеполесоздается)

the line is terminated (ср. цепьвыводитсяназажимы),

the switch is closed (cp. переключательзамыкается).

Именно так эти явле­ния описываются в самых различных случаях и самыми раз­личными авторами. Соблюдение норм употребления специ­альной лексики ставит перед переводчиком особые задачи при создании текста перевода.

К общеупотребительной лексике относятся слова общего языка, которые наиболее часто встречаются в научных текстах. Разумеется, в научно-технических материалах исполь­зуется отнюдь не только терминологическая и специальная лексика. В них встречается большое число общенародных слов, употребляемых в любых функциональных стилях. В любом научном тексте такие слова пре­обладают, составляют основу изложения. Благодаря общеупотребительной лексике язык науки сохраняет связь с общелитературным языком и не превращается в язык мудрецов или, как иногда говорят, в язык жрецов, понятный только посвящен­ным, ученым. В зависимости от состава читателей доля обще­употребительной лексики меняется: она уменьшается в работах, предназначенных для специалистов (может составлять не больше половины всех слов), и возраста­ет в сочинениях, обращенных к широкой аудитории.

Но научный стиль не просто берет слова из общелите­ратурного языка. Он производит тщательный отбор слов – прежде всего тех, которые наиболее оптималь­но выполняют главную функцию, установку научно­го стиля. Слово в научной речи обычно называет не конкретный, индивидуально неповторимый предмет, а класс однородных предметов, т. е. выра­жает не частное, индивидуальное, а общее научное понятие. Поэтому в первую очередь отбираются слова с обобщенным и отвлеченным значением.

Общая характеристика лексического состава научного текста включает следующие черты: слова употребляются либо в основных прямых, либо в терминологических значениях, но не в экспрессивно-образных.

Помимо нейтральных слов и терминологии употребляются так называемые книжные слова: perform, calculation, circular, phenomenon, maximum, etc. Книжные слова – это обычно длинные, многосложные заимствованные слова, иногда не полностью ассимилированные, часто имеющие в нейтральном стиле более простые и короткие синонимы, напр.: phenomenon – phenomena.

Неполная грамматическая ассимиляция выражается, например, в сохранении формы множественного числа, принятой в языке, из которого данное существительное заимствовано, напр.: automaton – automata.

В качестве исключения встречаются в научно-технических материалах и лексические элементы, более харак­терные для разговорного стиля, при переводе которых пере­водчику приходится сталкиваться с необходимостью выбора экспрессивно-стилистических вариантов. Научно-техническое изложение оказывается подчас отнюдь не нейтрально-объектив­ным. В лингвистических исследованиях неоднократно отмечались факты использования в научных статьях казалось бы инородных элементов типа:

A large part of industrial America is rushing to get on the nuclear bandwagon.

Branched chain paraffins will be the fair-haired boys in our future gasolines.

Calcium cyanamide has been getting a big play in Germany recently.

Buick has stolen a march on the rest of the industry with a cast-iron V-6 engine.

Cellulose triacetate will give other fibers a run for their money.

Общие условия выбора системы дренажа: Система дренажа выбирается в зависимости от характера защищаемого.

It is a well-known fact that any country must pay much attention to the development of science. In Russia we also have hundreds of research institutes and scientists usually combine research work and teaching. Research work is carried out at every higher educational institution and great attention is paid to make students familiar with the latest scientific and technical achievements. Student research work is one of the most important means to improve the quality of specialists’ training, to cultivate students’ creative abilities and independent thinking thereby contributing to the development of the society.

The students of our Academy have every opportunity to carry out research work because the laboratories and workshops are equipped with all necessary devices, computers and up-to-date machines. Many of our teachers and lecturers are considered to be the leading scientists and they help the students in doing their research work. While doing research we are trained to use our knowledge rationally and effectively and learn modern scientific methodology.

Though the students of our Academy have quite favourable conditions for their scientific work they also know that they should work hard and devote much time and attention to achieve necessary scientific results. Everything the students do at the Academy is very important for their development, for their future work, for becoming good specialists and researchers.

In the third year all senior students are usually busy with their undergraduate essays. They choose themes for their scientific work and work hard at it spending a lot of time in the reading rooms and libraries. While working at their essays senior students actually deal with scientific problems which they have to solve. They have to read a lot of books and articles dealing with the problem, think of fresh and creative ideas and then write their papers trying to express their own opinions on the subject. Every year a special conference devoted to students’ scientific activities takes place at the Academy and the students have a good chance to tell the people attending the conference about their work. All students’ reports are listened to with great interest and attention. Some of the students are so much engrossed in their research that they decide to take the scientific problems they are now working at as themes of the graduation papers they will work at in their last year.

This year some students (me included) have been given an interesting problem to solve. This problem to my mind is of great importance. This research work is now being done by the students of our group. To solve this scientific problem a lot of work has to be done. We have to read and study quite a number of scientific magazines and to make plenty of experiments. It goes without saying we work under the supervision of our teachers and professors. We spend a lot of time in the laboratories and discuss plenty of ideas. I haven’t finished my work yet. I’ll have to go on making experiments in the laboratory because I must illustrate all the facts I’m going to describe in my undergraduate essay. I can’t say I have made all the necessary experiments yet.

Spring term is usually much shorter than autumn term and the students of our faculty have to work hard and intensively. After spring examinations we usually have our practical training. During our practical work we have a good chance to collect additional materials for our undergraduate or future graduation papers. Interesting results achieved in the process of this research will be described in the articles we are going to write. And we hope they will be published in the Academy book of collected student essays. It is a good opportunity for us to try our hands at writing scientific papers as we know that any post-graduate student must publish at least three or four articles before presenting his thesis.

After graduating from the Academy some of us will try to take post-graduate courses. We know that a post-graduate student usually works on a thesis for three-five years. The graduates of our faculty can major in many fields. As for me I’d like to become a researcher. But before beginning research I’ll have to take post-graduate exams. The minimum requirements for the Candidate’s degree include qualifying exams in specialized field, philosophy and English. That’s why all students are quite aware of the necessity to study English. We learn English for 2 years at our Academy. While preparing for our qualifying exam in English it’s necessary to attend the tutorials regularly and work hard at the language. We usually read and translate various scientific articles and then discuss the problems raised in these papers. That’s the way we can master English for our final examinations. No doubt I’ll go on mastering English in the future as any research worker must have good command of any foreign language to follow the latest information in the specialized field and to keep abreast of the science.

Exercise 3. Answer the following comprehension questions.

  1. Do scientists combine research work and teaching?
  2. What institutions is research work usually carried our at?
  3. What opportunities do the students have to carry out their research?
  4. In what way can the students achieve scientific results?
  5. Why is it important for the students to carry out work dealing with some scientific problems?
  6. Why do the students try their hands at writing articles?
  7. How do the students work at their undergraduate and graduation papers?
  8. Where can the students collect additional materials for their essays?
  9. Where do the students usually report about their scientific activities?
  10. What do some students do after graduating from higher educational institutions?
  11. What examinations do post-graduates usually take?
  12. Why should all students master foreign languages?

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Research work is carried out at …
  2. Student research work is one of the most important means to …
  3. The students of our Academy have every opportunity to carry out research because…
  4. While doing research students are trained to …
  5. All senior students are usually busy with …
  6. While working at their essays senior students have to …
  7. Every year a special conference takes place at the Academy where the students …
  8. To solve a scientific problem the students have to …
  9. During students’ practical work they have a good chance …
  10. It is a good opportunity for the students to try their hands at …
  11. Any post-graduate student must publish …
  12. After graduating from higher educational institutions some students try to …
  13. Before beginning research work post-graduates have to …
  14. While preparing for the qualifying exam in English it’s necessary …
  15. Any research worker must have good command of…

Exercise 5. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following conversational phrases.

  1. Any country must pay much attention to the development of science.
  2. The students of our Academy don’t have any opportunity to carry out research.
  3. Our teachers and lecturers don’t help the students in doing their research work.
  4. The students of our Academy should work hard and devote much time and attention to achieve necessary scientific results.
  5. In the first year all students are usually busy with their undergraduate essays.
  6. To solve any scientific problem a lot of work has to be done.
  7. Students don’t work under the supervision of their teachers and professors.
  8. During our practical work we have a good chance to have a lot of fun.
  9. Interesting scientific results will be described in the articles.
  10. A post-graduate student usually works on a thesis for ten years.
  11. The minimum requirements for the Candidate’s degree include qualifying exams in specialized field, history and mathematics.
  12. There’s no need for a researcher to follow the latest information in the specialized field and to keep abreast of the science.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Научно-исследовательская работа студентов является одним из наиболее важных способов улучшения качества подготовки специалистов.
  2. Студенты нашей Академии должны упорно работать и посвящать много времени и внимания научно-исследовательской работе.
  3. При проведении исследовательской работы студентам приходиться читать много научных книг и статей, а также проводить много опытов.
  4. Студенты нашего факультета всегда принимают активное участие в научных конференциях.
  5. После окончания Вуза я собираюсь поступать в аспирантуру.

Exercise 7. Respond to the following statements expressing your interest, surprise or doubt. Say

that this is true of someone else too. (Give two variants).

Model 1: - Max tries to combine his special training and his research work (we).

· Student 1: Max tries to combine his special training and his research work.

· Student 2: Does he? So do we. // We also try to combine our special training and our

- Max is a bright student. (my sister)

· Student 1: Max is a bright student.

· Student 2: Is he? So is my sister. // My sister is also a bright student.

Model 2:-Max doesn’t try to combine his special training and his research work (we).

· Student 1: Max doesn’t try to combine his special training and his research work.

· Student 2: Doesn’t he? Neither do we. // We don’t try to combine our special training and our research work either.

-Max isn’t a bright student. (my sister)

· Student 1: Max isn’t a bright student.

· Student 2: Isn’t he? Neither is my sister. // My sister isn’t a bright student either.

1. Alice is working at the graduation paper dealing with management (Tom)

2. Next year we will try our hands at writing an article on veterinary surgery (they)

3. Lucy hasn’t presented her thesis yet (my friend)

4. This group works under the supervision of professor Popov (that group)

5. Paul didn’t take part at the student scientific conference last year (Helen)

6. I’m very much engrossed in my research work (my sister)

7. This post-graduate didn’t have a chance to publish his paper (her cousin)

8. This graduate can’t express his opinion on the subject (the other graduates)

9. He must go on making all the necessary experiments in the laboratory (I)

10. I can collect additional materials for my undergraduate paper during my practical work (we)

11. After graduating from the Academy my brother will try to take post-graduate courses (my sister)

12. Jane is working on her thesis now (Susan)

13. She doesn’t want to be a research worker (his son)

14. Pete has good command of English (I)

15. We will go on mastering English after graduating from the Academy (she)

16. These students are aware of the necessity to learn English (those students)

17. The scientists must follow the latest information in the specialized field and keep abreast of the science (the post-graduate students)

Exercise 8. Interview your fellow-student about his/her work on an undergraduate essay (do this

work in your group or in pairs).

You want to know:

  • if he/she has chosen a theme for his/her undergraduate essay or graduation paper
  • what scientific problem he/she deals with in his/her essay
  • what he/she should do to write his/her undergraduate /graduation paper
  • if he/she tries to express his/her own opinion on the problem
  • if he/she is going to try his/her hand at writing an article
  • why your fellow-student tries to take part at student scientific conferences
  • if he/she is engrossed in his/her research work or not
  • what he/she usually does in the laboratory
  • how his/her practical work helps him/her in doing his/her research work
  • if he/she is going to take post-graduate courses in the future
  • what field he is going to major in
  • how many articles a post-graduate student must publish before presenting his/her thesis
  • what exams the minimum requirements for the Candidate’s degree include
  • if he/she has good command of English
  • why he/she must go on mastering English after graduating from the Academy

Exercise 9. Make up the plan of the text.

Exercise 10. Retell the text using your plan.

Exercise 11. Compare your group-mate’s research work with that of yours. Do it in pairs using

the models. Ask as many questions as you can.

Model 1: (Ask general questions).

  • Student 1: The theme of my undergraduate essay is dealing with the problem of

veterinary surgery. Have you chosen the theme for your undergraduate essay

  • Student 2: Yes, I have. I have been given an interesting problem to solve. This problem to

my mind is of great importance.

Model 2:(Ask special questions).

  • Student 1: I am working at the undergraduate essay dealing with accounting. What

scientific problem are you dealing with?

  • Student 2: As for me, I’m going to do research dealing with management.

Model 3: (Ask alternative questions).

  • Student 1: I have to work hard to achieve necessary scientific results. That is why I spend

a lot of time in the reading rooms and libraries. Do you spend a lot of time in

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

My research work

The topic of my dissertation is “Managing Experimental Work of Junior Schoolchildren in an Educational Institution." The process of organizing experimental activities of junior schoolchildren cannot be organized in an integrated manner by a separate teacher of junior classes, as this activity requires continuity and a systematic approach, so it is most useful to organize it at the level of an educational institution (school), when exchanging experience with other educational institutions.

Today, experimental work of younger schoolchildren is organized in an educational organization, but is carried out rather chaotic, by individual teachers, in some classes.

The aim of the study is to develop a system of organization and management of experimental work of younger schoolchildren in the educational organization.

Object of study: experimental activities of schoolchildren.

Subject of research: management of experimental activity at the level of educational organization.

The hypothesis of the study is that experimental work of younger schoolchildren will contribute to increasing the level of metapredmetric educational results provided that:

- In the organization of continuity of experimental work at the initial stage of education;

- In the development of a system of criteria for the effective organization and management of experimental work and its monitoring;

- In the organization of network interaction within the framework of such work. The theoretical significance of the study is that:

- The concept of experimental work, its peculiarities in the educational organization is analyzed;

- Evaluation of approaches to the creation of criteria for the effective management of experimental work.

The practical significance of the study is that primary materials have been created for the pilot study (questionnaires for teachers and other employees of the educational organization, to then assess the effectiveness of the pilot work of junior schoolchildren).

The novelty of the study is that the directions of the policy in the field of management of the process of provision of educational services have been analyzed, as the quality of education, the training of which will meet the requirements of time, depends on the compliance of their work with the requirements of rapidly changing norms of the law and educational standards. A system of organization and management of experimental work of junior schoolchildren at the school level has been developed.

По моему, не хватает of после realization. Но такие буквальные переводы русскоязычных названий громоздки и не очень удачны.Может быть, что нибудь типа Blended learning based on free software in .

Я думаю хорошо. Я б струк уру предложений поменяла (после пред замечаний) но не думаю что э о критично.

Спасибо. Так лучше?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Olesya.
I would like to tell you about my scientific work. I graduated from the Omsk State Teacher’s Training University, in 2011 I received a specialist diploma with qualification of Computer Science teacher and wished to continue studying, went on for a Master of Education degree by program “Information science in Education”. I defended my final qualification work, “Blended learning based on free software in the elective course “Computer graphics” and my Master’s thesis on subject “Distance elective course “Elementary web programming” like instrument of development professional senior pupils’ self-determination”.
Blended learning uses the tools of the provincial learning management system (LMS) to teach and support learning in a face-to-face class.
The purpose of research Master’s dissertation consists in developing the scientific basis and methods of senior pupils distance learning to the basics of web-programming, the implementation of which will ensure the development of students’ professional self-determination in the area of web-programming.
I think, in the process of learning to master I got much experience of research work.
In the process of my studying at the university I took part in some scientific practical conferences, such as: our Faculty’s “Information technologies in Education” (section “Content and methods teaching of Information science”) and common university’s “Person and nature” in 2011-2012 on subject of my final qualification work and of Master’s dissertation. Materials of conferences made public in the collection of theses.
Also I took correspondence part in international scientific practical conference “Informatization of education: history, state, prospects” and the my article “Working out technique of electronic educational resource in Adobe Captivate 5.5” was published in collected materials of this conference. Adobe Captivate is a program used to create interactive eLearning content and provide custom online training to employers or clients. My scientific supervisor is the doctor of Pedagogical sciences, professor . She is a famous scientist in our university. And she will be my supervisor further.
Now I work at the resource securing’s department of educational process at the university. The main function of our department is development information and communication of educational environment at the University.
The subject of my future thesis will connect with e-learning, distance learning and blended learning. Also it will connect with learning in informational and educational sphere elaboration of electronic educational resource in suitable software. Maybe I will continue the subject of my dissertation work. I want to enter the post – graduate course because I’m very interested in science and want to contribute to its development. And I hope that my dreams will come true. Thank you for your attention.

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