Modern television teaches people immorality сочинение

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Whether we realize it or not, TV plays a very important part in our lives.

It helps us to relax after a hard day’s work and escape from reality. There’s always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sports programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. Of course, not all programmes are good. But many are made in good taste and with great professional skill.

The trick is to learn to control television and use it intelligently. The ideal is to turn on the TV-set only when there’s a really interesting programme.

And if you don’t like a certain programme, why watch it?


Осознаем мы это или нет, телевидение играет очень важную роль в нашей жизни.

Хитрость заключается в том, чтобы научиться контролировать телевидение и использовать его с умом. В идеале необходимо включить телевизор только тогда, когда есть действительно интересные программы.

Кроме того, если вам не нравятся некоторые программы, зачем их смотреть?

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TV-set has become a part of our lives many years ago. Watching TV, we learn a lot of information. The most important information coming from TV is certainly news. Thanks to the news we keep track of events of both domestic and foreign policy. However, not all programs are of use to us. Probably on the contrary — they only hamper our development, making us weak and inactive. Therefore, it’s impossible to say that TV is 100% boon.

Влияние телевидения на молодежь

There is no doubt that television has become an essential part of people`s lives as it has a great influence on people, especially the young ones. Over the past few years teenagers have changed a lot due to the affect of the coloured world network. The new generation can not imagine their lives without TV programmes. It seems to me that teenagers are badly influenced by TV. There are various facts that support this opinion.

It is, however, argued that television can be also useful for teenagers. Numerous channels are devoted to particular subjects. So some programmes are really educational, they expand teenagers` outlook and make them knowledgeable.

In conclusion, television influences teenagers badly as they become dependent on it. Their daily lives are to the accompaniment of the TV. So they refuse to live an active life, reading books, communicating with peers and doing sports.


Телевидение, без всяких сомнений, является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни, так как оно имеет сильное влияние на людей, особенно на молодежь. За последние несколько лет подростки очень сильно изменились вследствие его влияния. Новое поколение не может представить свою жизнь без телевизионных программ. По моему мнению, подростки подвержены отрицательному влиянию телевидения.

Некоторые, однако, утверждают, что телевидение может так же быть полезным. Многочисленные каналы посвящены определенным темам. Некоторые программы на самом деле познавательные, они расширяют кругозор молодых людей и их знания.

Таким образом, телевидение негативно влияет на подростков: они становятся зависимыми от него. Телевидение сопровождает их в течение жизни. Они отказываются жить активной жизнью, читая книги, общаясь со сверстниками и занимаясь спортом.

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The Internet in my life

Internet is a great invention. It has changed the lives of nearly all people on our planet. Many things have become easier and can be done from the comfort of your own home. For example, people nowadays can order a takeaway food, they can buy clothes online, and they can even work online.

Internet is a global world network, which has united people from different countries and of different backgrounds. Thanks to this network, we can chat with friends, meet new people and connect to our distant relatives via video calls.

Shopping has become much easier. If you don’t have time to go to the store, you can order all the necessary products at the online store and they are delivered within a day. Same can be done with medical pills, railway tickets, shoes, dresses and any other items. In my opinion, it is very convenient.

However, it seems that with the appearance of Internet people have become lazier. They rarely walk or do physical exercises. They don’t need to bother much if everything can be done with one click of a button. My family is a fan of active life, so we try to order online only urgent items. If we want to shop for food or clothes, we go to the nearest supermarket or mall.

The question is why we need Internet. I mostly use it to chat with my friends, especially those who live in other towns. I also like communicating through social networks and reading books online. Other than that I find lots of educational information via Internet. Obviously, it is one of the most useful tools in the life of modern people.

In my opinion, Internet is of great help in everyday life. We just need to learn how to separate useful information from useless. Moreover, we shouldn’t neglect live communication and sports.

Телевидение в нашей жизни

Вы можете представить вашу жизнь без своего телефона, компьютера, наушников или телевидения? Мне кажется, я не смог бы жить без всего этого.

Мой брат с ума сходит по футболу. Он никогда не пропускает ни единого матча. Он знает все команды и их капитанов, знает правила и футбольных игроков. Порой во время ужина мой папа и брат обсуждают результаты игры.

Моя мама — большой фанат мыльных опер. Она может смотреть одну и ту же серию с утра и вечером. Она знает актёров, сюжет фильма, а потом обсуждает подробности со своими подругами. А ещё она смотрит разные ток-шоу.

Я же смотрю почти все. В принципе моими любимыми программами являются передачи о путешествии и животных. Надеюсь, в будущем я смогу изучать разные науки и все, что я делаю сегодня, пригодится мне потом.

Телевидение занимает много времени. Порой я начинаю смотреть передачу и могу просидеть напротив телевизора 2-3 часа. Вот почему я люблю планировать своё расписание и заранее выбираю, какие программы буду смотреть.

А ещё телевидение влияет на нас. Вы замечали, как рекламы меняют наше решение о каких либо вещах? Благодаря им мы можем выбрать порошок, косметику и даже одежду.

Я знаю семьи, которые не выключают телевизор дома никогда. Мне это трудно понять. И мне действительно жаль этих ребят, которые тратят своё время впустую. Я советую вам задуматься и проводить своё время с пользой.

Полезная лексика

The Internet in my life №2

What is the Internet for me? I can say Internet is my second home, not real, of course, but virtual. It’s a reality of modern life: we can’t imagine our existence without the use of www (World Wide Web). It’s a pity but people are obsessed with the idea of being online. And I’m not an exception. I use vkontakte, facebook, twitter, instagram. I’m an active user of all these social networking sites. I chat with my friends, play online games, listen to music and watch funny videos. I have the Internet in my phone. For one hand, it’s cool that I can watch news when I go by bus/train/metro. From the other hand, I notice that I’m keen on the Internet. If I have nothing to do, I open my phone/laptop and surf the Internet. Sometimes I don’t even take the time. The Internet impacts my life.

The Internet has pros and cons. Of course, for me the Internet is a great pleasure. Thanks, developers of it! But I understand that the Internet can influence us both positively and negatively. First of all I tell about a positive side of the Internet. I can communicate with any person from any part of the world. I have friends in various countries so it’s easy to talk with them by skype or viber for instance. The Internet helps me to prepare my lessons. I seek for additional material practically every day. I can find almost everything in the web. So cool, now I needn’t to spend many hours in libraries as my parents spent. I like shopping online and with the help of the Internet is a real pleasure. I order cloths and other items on aliexpress.

Now I’ll tell you about cons of the Internet. First of all it’s a kind of obsession. People (especially teenagers) can’t control themselves. They need to be all the time in the Internet. We need to think ourselves but nowadays we are too lazy to do this, the Internet can do everything for ourselves. It’s true.

The Internet is a great thing! I’m happy to live in the 21st century with all modern technologies and devices.

3) Маленькие дети часто смотрят программы, которые учат их неправильным вещам.

4) На телевидении существует много программ, сделанных с плохим вкусом.

5) Программы, в которых люди вынуждены сражаться за деньги, унижают их.

6) Программы, в которых за людьми следят, являются аморальными.

7) Телевидение не должно поддерживать какие-либо политические группы.

8) Рекламные ролики не позволяют людям наслаждаться программами, которые они смотрят.

1. Recently television has been criticized for being a threat to the society.

2. Too much violence and cruelty are shown on television.

3. People are shot on the screen as if they were rabbits.

4. Such programmes should never be run at prime time.

6. People are humiliated when they are made to fight over a sum of money.

7. Different points of view should be presented in political TV programmes.

8. The impression of TV programmes is often spoiled by commercials.

1. Недавно телевидение подверглось критике за то, что оно представляет угрозу для общества.

2. Слишком много насилия и жестокости показано по телевидению.

3. В людей стреляют на экране так, будто это кролики.

4. Такие программы никогда не должны запускаться в основное время.

5. Грубые шутки говорят в программах, сделанных с плохим вкусом.

6. Людей унижают, когда их заставляют сражаться за деньги.

7. В политических телевизионных программах должны быть представлены различные точки зрения.

8. Впечатления от телевизионных программ часто испорчены рекламными роликами.

6 Comment on some ideas of the text. Give your point of view. Give examples.
1) Modern television teaches people immorality.
2) There is too much violence and cruelty on television.
3) Young children often watch programmes that teach them wrong things.
4) There are a lot of bad-taste programmes on television.
5) Programmes in which people are made to fight over a sum of money humiliate them.
6) Programmes where people are spied on are immoral.
7) Television should not support any political groups.
8) Commercials don’t let people enjoy the programmes they watch.

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 9 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством "Решебник ГДЗ Rainbow English", которая была написана автором/авторами: Афанасьева. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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Вовлечь учащихся в активную речевую деятельность, с применением ранее приобретенных знаний, умений и навыков

развивать навык восприятия речи на слух;

Развивать критическое и логическое мышление при постановке проблемы, умение аргументировано высказываться.

воспитывать терпимое отношение к мнению других людей

учить вести дискуссию.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор

Ход урока

I. O рг момент .

Teacher: I’m very glad to see you. We can’t imagine our life without TV. There are TV-sets in every house.

II. Выявление цели урока силами учащихся.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. What is the theme of our lesson?

Student: The theme of our lesson “TV or not TV?”

Teacher: What is the aim of the lesson?

Student 1: In my opinion the main aim is discussing TV is good or bad.

Student 2: To my mind the aim of our lesson is discussing the positive and negative sides of TV.

T: You are right. We are going to speak about advantages and disadvantages of television.

III. Работа над лексикой (Повторение)

Give me the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations.

To kill conversation

To give smb. a company

IV. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: Answer the questions.

Do you like to watch TV?

How often do you watch TV?

Why is TV often called “the window of the world”?

Why does television play an important role in your life?

Why do people prefer to watch TV?

Does TV help us to relax?

Do you get any information from TV?

May be TV your friend?

Can TV develop some skills?

Do you agree that television is a terrible waste of time?

Do you agree that TV has the power to educate?

Some people say that television kills conversation. Do you agree?

What do think of commercials? Do they annoy you?

Do you think that there’s too much violence on TV?

Is TV harmful to your health?

When it can be unhealthy?

What would you do instead of watching TV?

V. Раскрытие цели урока силами учащихся .

T: Give me the simplest definition of the word “TVset”.

На доске нарисовать телевизор, как коробку с одним глазом.

Student 1: It is a box

Teacher: What kind of box is it?

Student 2: It is a magic box.

Здесь добавляем усики наверху ящика (Антенны)


Teacher: Why is it a magic box?

Student 3: Because it shows us the world.

Student 4: It educates

Student 5: It informs us

Student 6: It gives us company when we need it

Student 7: It develops different skills.

Все ответы в краткой форме пишутся с левой стороны нарисованного телевизора

Teacher: What is TV set else?

Student 1: It is a goggle box.

Вот это слово пишется в середине под рисунком.


Student 2: It is one-eyed monster.

Teacher: Why is it a Monster

Student 1: Because it eats up time

Student 2: It kills conversations

Student 3: Some programmes are annoy able

Student 4: Too much violence is shown on TV.

Student 5: TV can be harmful to our health.

Student 6: Watching TV we can’t go outdoors, to the cinemas, theatres, restaurants and even we can’t visit our friends, relatives.

Все ответы в краткой форме пишутся с правой стороны нарисованного телевизора.

Teacher: When TV can de useful to you?

Student 1: When we watch TV intelligently.

Student 2: When we watch TV selectively.

Teacher: What sides of TV are written here?

Student 1: Positive sides

Student 2: Negative sides.

Учитель пишет на доске выше названных качеств телевизора On the positive side и On the negative side.




VI. Аудирование Ex.9 p48

Comment on some ideas of the text. Give your point of view. Give examples

1.Modern television teaches people immorality.

2. there too much violence and cruelty on television

3. young children often watch programmes that teach them wrong things.

4. there are a lot of bad –taste programmes on TV

5. Programmes where people are spied on are immoral.

6. commercials don’t let people enjoy the programmes they watch

VII. Подведение итогов урока и ознакомление с домашним заданием

Teacher: And now some words on conclusion.

On the positive side , television gives us the possibility to see the world for free. Television keeps us informed. Makes us to think and feel. It entertains and gives us company when we need it. Quizzes make people develop different skills, make people interested in reading.

On the negative side: before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our houses we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain our friends, we used to go outside, to theatres, cinemas, sporting events. All that belongs to the past. Now all our free time is regulated by the goggle-box. The monster demands and obtains absolute silence and attention. If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a programme he is quickly silenced. Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep is lost. Television cuts us off from the real world. It prevents us from communicating with each other.

I’m pleased of your work. You’ll get such marks…

Open your diaries and write down your homework.

Our lesson is over.

Homework : Write an essay “TV or not TV?” according to the plan:

1. Introduction. State the problem.
2. Arguments for.
3. Arguments against.
4. Conclusion.

Флаг Великобритании ведёт свою историю с 1603 года, когда король Шотландии Яков VI унаследовал престол Англии и стал английским королём под именем Якова I. При этом союз между Англией и Шотландией носил характер личной унии, и они оставались независимыми государствами. 12 апреля 1606 года был утверждён новый флаг союза государств: на шотландский флаг святого Андрея (белый косой крест на синем фоне) был наложен английский флаг святого Георгия (красный крест на белом фоне).
Флаг, принятый 12 апреля 1606 года

После принятия в 1707 году Акта об Унии, объединившего оба королевства в единое Королевство Великобритании, объединённый флаг стал флагом нового государства.

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Some people say that computers have changed our lives for the better. However? Others people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. I agree with those people who think that computers brought many benefits and play a very important role in our modern life.
On the one hand, we use computers every day sometimes even not knowing it. When we go to a store and use our credit cards many computers process our information and perform transactions. Computers provided a great means of communication – the Internet. I think that it is the easiest and cheapest way to get in touch with relatives and friends. If we want to have a prestigious job, we must know how to work on computers. That is why computers have become the main part of school education. As for me, I have computer classes at my school, where I study computer science. More than that, computers help me to do my homework.
On the other hand, computers often inform us of dramatic events. On the Internet there are clubs of suicides, clubs of addicts, clubs training beginning terrorists and many such clubs it is possible to order own death. A lot of young people find virtual reality more attractive than their everyday lives and this makes them neglect school work and their everyday responsibilities. Fortunately, new technology makes it possible to eliminate the bad effect of computer on people, s health and if we learn how to control our computer use, then computers will become an integral part of our lives.
In conclusion, I believe that computers made our lives easier. People should not believe everything that is on the Internet.

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There have always been arguments about the influence of television on people. Some people say that television viewing is by far the most popular leisure pas-time. Others stick to the point that not everything shown on TV is made in good taste. They consider that television is a terrible waste of time. I think each group is right in some way because there are some advantages as well as disadvantages of televisions' influence.
First of all, television is one of the best ways to know about eveything which happened in the world during the whole day. Besides, if you want to watch TV for an hour a day to relax then television can be really useful. There are lots of different programmes and films which help us to relax after a hardworking day at school and escape from our everyday problems. Moreover, there are a lot of exellent educational programmes for children, teenagers and even adults. They help them to improve their knowledge , expand their outlook and develop their imagination and creativity. I find such programmes clever and informative.
But on the other hand, not everything shown on TV is made in good taste. Unfortunatelly, all chanels in Russia show adverts. Some people find it silly and boring. As for me, I don't take ads seriously because it shows life unrealistically and gives untrue information. More than that, there is too much violence on TV. Every day we are reported about natural disasters, murders, robberies, especially among the young. It dults our sensitivity and makes us agressive. Another drawback of television is television addiction. People spend a lot of time in front of television and forget about their duties. Furthermore, some programmes, for example, reality shows teach us bad manners. I think it's very bad too.
To sum up, it is really difficult to say exactly if television teaches us good or bad example. In short, television has both good and bad points. And people should learn how to make the best use of it.

0 Spam

Television is an essencial part of the mass media. It is the most popular source of information nowadays. And we can not imagine our life without television and watching TV every day. There are two points of views about televisin. Some people think that it is a necessity. Others say that it is a terrible spending time.
On the one hand, television tell us the latest news. Besides, it gives us an opportunity to see all over the world, to know about different interesting places. What is more, there are a lot of different quizzes, that expand our outlook. The advertisements help us to choose the best products and goods.
On the other hand, not all that is shown on TV is good. There are a lot of violence on TV screen and we watch it every day. A lot of young people follow bad example and make crimes. Moreover, television very often give us untrue information and nervous people upset. It can be dangeruos for their health. In addition, advertisment messages show unrealistically life. For example, people in adverts always seem to be happy and all is the best, that not true at all.
To sum up, television tell us what was happened during the day, it help to develop our minds. But it is very bad for health to watch TV on the whole day, because your brains slip and you forget about your duties.

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