Лыжня россии на английском сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале опубликованы зимние виды спорта на английском языке. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык. Мы подготовили краткие описания 11 видов спорта.
*рассмотрены не все зимние виды спорта
**определения составлены на основе статей из Википедии

1. Biathlon (Биатлон)

The biathlon is a winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.

2. Figure skating (Фигурное катание)

Figure skating is a sport in which individuals, duos, or groups perform on figure skates on ice.

3. Ski jumping (Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина)

Ski jumping is a winter sport in which competitors aim to achieve the longest jump after descending from a specially designed ramp on their skis.

4. Skeleton (Скелетон)

Skeleton is a winter sport in which a person rides a small sled down a frozen track while lying face down and head-first.

5. Snowboarding (Сноуборд)

Snowboarding is a winter sport that involves descending a snow-covered slope while standing on a snowboard attached to a rider's feet.

6. Curling (Керлинг)

Curling is a sport in which players slide stones on a sheet of ice toward a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles.

7. Ice hockey (Хоккей с шайбой)

Ice hockey is a team winter sport played on ice, in which two teams use their sticks to shoot a puck into their opponent's net to score goals.

8. Short track speed skating (Шорт-трек)

Short track speed skating is a form of competitive ice speed skating. In competitions, multiple skaters (typically between four and six) skate on an oval ice track with a length of 111.111 metres.

9. Nordic combined (Лыжное двоеборье)

Nordic combined is a winter sport in which athletes compete in cross-country skiing and ski jumping.

10. Snowboard cross (Сноуборд-кросс)

Snowboard cross, also known as boardercross, is a snowboard competition in which four to six competitors race down a course.

11. Slopestyle (Слоупстайл)

Slopestyle is a winter sport in which athletes ski or snowboard down a course with a variety of obstacles. Points are scored for amplitude, originality and quality of tricks.

Перевод на русский язык

1. Biathlon (Биатлон)

Биатлон – это зимний вид спорта, который сочетает в себе лыжные гонки и стрельбу из винтовки.

2. Figure skating (Фигурное катание)

Фигурное катание – это вид спорта, в котором индивидуальные спортсмены, пары или группы выступают на фигурных коньках на льду.

3. Ski jumping (Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина)

Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина – это зимний вид спорта, в котором участники стремятся достичь самого длинного прыжка после спуска со специально оборудованного трамплина.

4. Skeleton (Скелетон)

Скелетон – это зимний вид спорта, в котором спортсмен катится на маленьких санках по ледяному желобу, лежа лицом вниз и головой вперед.

5. Snowboarding (Сноуборд)

Сноуборд – это зимний вид спорта, заключающийся в спуске по заснеженному склону, стоя на сноуборде, прикрепленном к ногам гонщика.

6. Curling (Керлинг)

Керлинг – это вид спорта, в котором игроки пускают по льду снаряды в направлении мишени, которая разделена на четыре концентричных круга.

7. Ice hockey (Хоккей с шайбой)

Хоккей – зимний командный вид спорта, в который играют на льду, где две команды используют клюшки, чтобы забить шайбу в ворота соперника, тем самым зарабатывая голы.

8. Short track speed skating (Шорт-трек)

Шорт-трек – это вид конькобежного спорта. В соревнованиях несколько фигуристов (обычно от четырех до шести) бегут на коньках на овальной ледовой дорожке длиной 111,111 метра.

9. Nordic combined (Лыжное двоеборье)

Лыжное двоеборье – это зимний вид спорта, в котором спортсмены соревнуются в лыжных гонках и прыжках на лыжах с трамплина.

10. Snowboard cross (Сноуборд-кросс)

Сноуборд-кросс, также известный как бордер-кросс, – это соревнование по сноуборду, в котором состязаются в скорости от четырёх до шести спортсменов.

11. Slopestyle (Слоупстайл)

Слоупстайл – это зимний вид спорта, в котором спортсмены катаются на лыжах или сноуборде по трассе с разными препятствиями. Баллы начисляются за амплитуду, оригинальность и качество трюков.

Sport is a great thing. Different kind of sport are very popular all around the world. America is crazy about baseball and basketball, Italy and Great Britain love football so very much. Our country loves all kind of sport. If you check internet you will see that every year more and more people start to do sport.

So what kind of sport is popular in our country?

So first of all football is one of the most favorite and popular kind of sport. We have games in our country and also our sportsmen go all over the world. Of course our people know the names of Ovchinikov, Onopko, Ignashevich, Aniukov and so on.

Another popular sport is hockey. Russian people are crazy about this sport. We are lucky, because we have good climate for this kind of sport and also we have good arenas. Sometime I ask my friends what kind of sport they like the most. Some of them can choose, but for somebody it’s a very difficult choice. People are keen on football and ice-hockey the same.

Volleyball is also very popular. Hundreds and thousands of people like to watch and play volleyball. Honestly, my favorite kind of sport is volleyball. I play volley at school and sometime with my friends.

Basketball is also popular in Russia. Of course our sportsmen are not so famous and professional like in America. But I think it’s important that we try our best. I always support our guys. We participated 13 times in European championship and we have won 3 medals. I think it’s a good result but the best is still to come.

Box, biathlon, figure skating, wrestling and skiing are also very popular in Russia. Our guys did great success and show brilliant skills on different championships. Our country got many medals almost every year, but I do believe we can do better. Who knows maybe one of us is a future brilliant sportsman.

Спорт в России

Спорт - это замечательное занятие. Разные виды спорта популярны по всему миру. Америка обожает бейсбол и баскетбол, Италия и Великобритания очень любят футбол. А наша страна чтит и почитает разные виды спорта. Если вы посмотрите статистику в интернете, вы увидите, что каждый год все больше и больше людей начинают заниматься спортом.

Итак, какие же виды спорта популярны в нашей стране?

Прежде всего, футбол - самый любимый и популярный вид спорта. Мы проводим игры в нашей стране, а также наши спортсмены катаются по всему миру. Конечно, наш народ знает имена знаменитых футболистов: Овчинникова, Онопко, Игнашевича, Анюковаи так далее.

Ещё одним популярным спортом является хоккей. Русские люди просто без ума от этого спорта. И нам круто повезло, ведь наш климат располагает этому виду спорта, и конечно, у нас построены замечательные арены. Порой я спрашиваю своих друзей, какой вид спорта они любят больше. Некоторые могут сделать выбор, а вот кому-то приходится трудно. Наши люди безумно любят и футбол, и хоккей на льду одинаково сильно.

Сотни и тысячи людей обожают смотреть и играть в волейбол.

Честно говоря, моим любимым видом спорта является именно волейбол. Я часто играю в него в школе и на улице с друзьями.

Баскетбол тоже очень популярен в России. Конечно, наши спортсмены не такие известные и профессиональные, как в Америке. Но я считаю важным тот факт, что они очень стараются. Я всегда поддерживаю наших ребят. Мы участвовали 13 раз в чемпионате Европы и взяли 3 медали. Я считаю, что это достаточно хороший результат, но лучшее ещё впереди.

Бокс, биатлон, фигурное катание, борьба и лыжи тоже очень важны в России. Наши ребята добиваются прекрасных успехов и показывают блестящие навыки в разных чемпионатах. Наша страна получала много медалей почти каждый год, но я верю, что мы можем и лучше. Кто знает, может, один из нас будущий выдающийся спортсмен.

парка, где поклонников здорового образа жизни и любителей лыжного спорта приветствовали глава города Евгений Тефтелев, председатель МГСД Александр Морозов, глава администрации Орджоникидзевского района Петр Гесс и заслуженный мастер спорта, начальник управления по физической культуре, спорту и туризму Елена Кальянова.

park where fans of a healthy lifestyle and ski enthusiasts were welcomed by Mayor Eugene Teftelev, chairman of Municipal Duma Alexander Morozov, chief of Ordzhonikidze district Administration Peter Hess and Honored Master of Sports, head of Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Elena Kalyanova.

[. ] Petersburg stage of the 25th All-Russia Ski-Race called “Russian Ski-Track” in the 5 and 10 km heats.

The Company has a tradition of annual sports festivals for employees and their families and of corporate championships in various sports: the winter sports festival, LUKOIL Skiing Track; Families for Sports "Papa, Mama and I"; and championships in miniisoccer, volleyball, darts and swimming.

скользящими элементами фирмы REHAU в одном модуле, причем количество скользящих элементов можно менять.

elements made by REHAU, are arranged in one module in which the number of slide elements remains variable.

соревнования проводятся не для пиара, а чтобы привлечь к спорту и здоровому образу жизни как можно больше людей.

competitions are held not for PR, but to attract as many people as possible to the sport and healthy lifestyles.

[. ] are Ski Track of Russia open mass crosscountry skiing; Yamal Ski Track mass cross-country skiing; all-Russian day of running Cross-Country [. ]

[. ] чтобы на этом трамплине состоялось первоклассное соревнование, отвечающее предписаниям Международной федерации лыжного спорта, которые, например, предписывают, насколько глубокой должна быть лыжня для разгона, Вам необходим инструмент, на который иногда не обращают внимания: ледовая фреза, Ice-Bogy.

But in order to provide for a high-class competition on this ski jump that complies with the regulations of the International Ski Federation – which specify for instance how deep an inrun must be – you will need an instrument which is sometimes not paid attention to: an ice mill, an Ice-Bogy.

Skiing is the most popular of all winter sports. It is believed that skiing comes from northern Europe and Siberia, where it was a vital means of transportation during the long, snowbound months of winter. The pre-historic people of these regions used skis to keep hunters on top of the snow. Wooden planks were strapped to feet, to prevent sinking and making it possible to glide over the snow and travel faster. Skiing was such an important way of life in Scandinavia that the Vikings worshipped Ull and Skade, the god and goddess of winter skiing. The first written account of skiing appears circa 1000 A.D. in the Viking "Sagas" where several kings are described as being superb skiers.

The word "ski" is a Norwegian word which comes from the Old Norse word "skid", a board or a piece of split wood. The first hints to the existence of skis are on 4,500 to 5,000 years old rock carving at the Norwegian Island of Rodoy, showing a man on long runners with a hunting implement in hand. The oldest ski on record, being 1.10 m. long and 20 cm. broad was found in a peat bog in Hoting, Sweden and it is estimated to be about 4,500 years old. Several other skis have been found all throughout Scandinavia and Lapland. These ancient skis show regional differences in length and width, indicating a gradual refinement in technology.

The findings of old skis and its role in literature show that skiing is deeply engrained in Nordic history. As skis became quicker and more versatile, their application shifted from hunting gear towards military purposes. Skis were first used in warfare in AD 1200 in the battle of Oslo, in Norway when Norwegian scouts used skis to spy on Swedish enemies. In 1206, during the Norwegian civil war, two scouts on skis carried the infant heir to the throne 35 miles to safety in the middle of winter. The historic event is celebrated today by the "Birchleg Race" over the same route - so called because the scouts wrapped their legs in birch bark to keep them warm and dry.

Another illustrative example is found in Sweden history. In 1521 the Danes overran Sweden and massacred all the Swedish nobles but one, Gustav Vasa, who was able to escape. The Swedes were left without a leader, so two desparate peasants set out on skis to find Gustav. He came back, drove the Danes out of Sweden, and set up the kingdom that survives to this day. During the 1700s, the people of Telemark, Southern Norway, developed skiing into a sport. They invented the Telemark and the Christiana (now known as the Christie) turns as methods of artfully controlling speeds on downhill descents. The ideas of these early pioneers helped pave the way for the disciplines of both downhill (Alpine) and cross-country (Nordic) skiing.

The first evolution of skiing came in 1868 for downhill skis. Sondre Nordheim from the Telemark region, an outstanding craftsman and skier, developed the first binding that went around the heel, stabilizing the boot on the ski. He also contouring his skis so that they were slightly waisted in the middle. The new binding and refinement of the ski shape gave the skier more control, allowing for sharper turns, faster speeds and the ability to negotiate steeper slopes. Sondre Norheim is often called the "father of modern skiing".

When Europeans became aware of their Norwegian neighbors amusement with skiing, the sport's popularity grew. By 1870, the skiing had spread to central Europe but soon became apparent that the techniques used by the Scandinavians were unsuitable for mountainous terrain, especially in the Alps of south central Europe. Nordic techniques were therefore adapted for the steeper slopes, and Alpine skiing was born. Alpine skiing became a popular European pastime in the 1930s, as ski lifts were invented and that eliminated the labor of climbing a mountain before experiencing an exhilarating descent. The invention of the ski lift is credited to a young German engineer, Gerhard Mueller, who used parts of a motorbike and some rope to create the world's first rope tow.

The ski industry emerged and began in earnest after the Second World War, when Austria and Switzerland came out with the first Alpine Ski Resorts. The rapid advance of materials and technology further popularized the sport all over the world. Ski manufacturers developed faster and safer equipment which combined with the improving skills of the skiers to make the sport of skiing more intense, and easier to learn.

Nowadays, skiing has about 45 million fans worldwide. There are over 6,000 ski resorts around the world in more than 70 different countries. Most of these are in Europe, with 1,000 or so each in North America and Asia (Russia and Japan). Great ski resorts also exist in Chile, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand; they are found in hot countries such as Iran, Morocco, Lebanon, Greece, Turkey, Spain and Portugal; and since the end of the Cold War, East European countries such as Bulgaria and Romania, with their upgraded winter resorts provide excellent opportunities for ski enthusiasts of all levels.

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